Show I I I I I jo IU ri Transcript The result of Dt tho the Senates notion action should bo Lothe the subject sU of ot regret to all nil people of or tie the United States Massachusetts HettI hais hiet especial cause for tor regret that ono one of her senators should have hae been so 80 conspicuous In bringing Secretory Hays Hns labor to o 0 naught It has s appeared to us that Senator e made a n great mistake all the more moro not notable notable able aLle In a n man Z his ability and expert ence antI we are lire confident that he was va not In harmony harmon with the thee sentiment ot Massachusetts rn which Is distinctly this posed pos ll to cultivating friendly relations with At t one otto time he lee Is understood to have been Jean heartily In favor of ot the tho treaty ns as originally submitted If It such was us his hi position Undoubtedly cars can give gle his hitS reasons rea ons for tor his lii change of mind as due ue to altered views of public policy cogo The Th Salisbury ri ministry in tn delaying Its ls reply until ratter rafter the adjournment Qt the tue Senate has hs action until next winter By fly that time It Is to tobe be hoped rend and expected he tho Semi Sen nto ate will be able to approach the problem problem lem hem with new light In the thea negotiations negotiation meantime It ought not to be impossible for the at Washington and tho the British ministers t to arrive at nt some POme satisfactory understanding by which Orent BritaIn could coul consent to the tho abro gallon gatlon of tho the treaty without appealing to cede too much B Ji that time too It U may bo be teen seen to be hi wise vise for tor this country the principIa ot of neutralization bo be kept Intact St Louis Lottie Although there has hils been no formal expression from flom the British ministry ou om 01 the tho treaty treat It Is known that that gov goy government government disliked It In the thee form torm in which the Senate te put It The Thc treaty cx plied hued itt t uM WI rl l h 4 I uy So 5 that hat even ever everan nn an agreement by b England would not re rt revive reviva vive viva hc It It or some pome other otheS treaty will VIII have heave to be framed over again and agaIn run tho the gauntlet of or the time Senate Senat 1 It If another attempt is h to le te made to get England to consent to th tise lIol of the CI ton convention The leading British papers were decidedly hostile to the tho treaty In thee the form torm It had when It was sent to te England and probably In this lar nr case caso the press pres voiced tho the feelings of ot the British government Boston Herald The Tue announcement from Washington that n it 1 reply lens hns been re rl ccle from the thee dinIng to entertain the changes chang s made by 11 the States Senate in the Hay treaty Is merely the tb Ih author confirmation of n a previous known fact We Wo have never for or n a moment from the time Urns that tho the amended treaty left teft the tho Senate that tho thee result would be In any nn way differ different ent eat from tram what It U now Is or that Ii h acting as It u did dill the Senate did othel than Invite the rejection ot of the treat and the thee postponement for tor at least a year and perhaps paha s for tor a good jool deal longer of Isthmian canal construction This conclusion of or ours was due to no nil special consideration pt pf the facts In the case Milwaukee Wisconsin We think It would Gull have been much murl more of future good Rood will be ba between between tween the tho two great branches of the th rare race If It England had ar ac accepted the thee amended treaty but she he did till not because she Is the thee most tenacious of ot nations when she Is asked to con concede conI concede cede cellI what theat she Phe deems to bo tie a 1 right The States had bend a good cl to o th territory north of tho par parallel parallel of ot latitude but Cal Col Hentan Bellton Ilk hID Ilka a n wise statesman Insisted It WS was bet IQ Q compromise on he tho pat PilI aile I west of ot the Hock Mountains Out OUI nation conceded con l considerably but it gained 1 vastly in the years ot ci peato assured o to us ii by that th t compromise ise tin the parallel of ot lati latitude tude i 0 1 Baltimore Sun There Thoro Is nothing In the British lion tion of the Senate amendments to the tote treaty to excite any an American ordinary common sen sense sene e and a II knowledge ot of the d deviou ways of diplomacy Nor need there bi b ban bany any an hurry about the construction of or orthe the canal If It It Is IA i essential eU tb t thee the corn com mercial ot at the he d States Stat as U some Bome of or lie Its It advocates represent nt It t tl be lit 1 It will vilh l Ie e constructed In nod sea season r a ason son Mn It will be he hi an nn enormously costly res e and It U Is I the peo po people a pIe lIp of ot the thee V at sh ban time to con he the Immense expendi expenditure ture tore that lent with will be Involved In the project before the thee mooney money mon Is ii appropriated fron front the nation treasury who nho have hae Investigated the cost cott of ot con tj the he outlay at et JUO 14 eoe Ott The Tho United States would be bt f fortunati It f ft a much greater expenditure w ware re not required before the project was completed I |