Show On nH ii 1 tim rii lmH Will Vl I II Indianapolis Ind March tho limo members of ot time the Immediate ale family of ot Gen on Harrison leave lea the city cl a n meeting will wi bo be hold at nt which the ito generals last Insl will wi amid nl testament will wil be he read before It In probated TIle The will wi of ot the now ness n lies Ics In 1 a ii safety etI deposit box ox nt at ft the Fletcher t Notional NatIonal bank along with outer other private papers and Ind securities belonging to the estate W V II 11 I H n Miller the Ih legal lelal ad adviser of or the family will wi probably file fe the will within the time next few tew days Jen Geum Harrison wl wrote tho the will wl In II hl h his own oln I handwriting shortly before eCore he hu left III for fir Purls Paris In the time spring of ot IS The Th signa AIna signature tune lure was wap witnessed by hy hawaii Gale dale Harry ln anti W V H If H If Miller No one knows knowl the tho provisions of cf It time the thelast last Instrument Those who knew time the tie general Intimately believe that the will vili wi was very vcr carefully drawn and anti the estate IH is equitably apportioned those Iho who were entitled to be lie bl named nam d n IS pa It I Is also surmised th t tIme the bulk of ot the Is left In itt trust for or his his imis imi grandchildren little daughter Elizabeth and anti for |