Show DISAPPROVES OF THE TilE EVANS Bill Exercises Ills Veto Prerogative on the Ground that the tile Men Meat Measure sure il rc Invites a Deluge of Discord and Disaster While Offering Only a n Phantom of Relief Governor Wells settled nil speculation lust hUlt as 1111 H to 10 what he lie would do With the tho Evans bill by return returning lag ing the th measure to the tho Senate last night unapproved Thu Tho veto message lu III couched co In the tho following language State of ot lIlah Salt SnIt Luko Lake City March H 14 1001 1901 To ru have the honor to tf return herewith without my lilY In approval Bonnie bill hili No An n Act Acl Amending Section of the tho Statutes of ot Utah ISIS l In relation reIn to tf the snaking making qt of complaint cud and commencing of or pros proa In III criminal Cases Nu No net act of lilY my life lite has han been b Il a ap 01 Preached by hy me with a n sense of ot responsibility sib lilt no JiO n as Is Itt Involved In Inthe the tho of this Isle Jill bill It Is ii 1 i of ot tho the Importance and asil nn In Its consequences for tilt good or III ill It easily any other oilier proposition Ibis tion that eves ever tame clime before this COOl com commonwealth for tor legislative executive determination It has been argued In both bolh brunches of tho the Assembly M with splendid force and ability while Its 1111 provisions have doubtless been eagerly discussed In the Ihl remotest hamlet of ot our State WIth AVIth hue due allowance for tor he ex cx that may be expected trout from those who Warmly support and front from those thosa who with equal warmth an antagonize antagonize the thu measure ure I accord to all nil of ot them thesis without any reservation what whatever ever eer full tull credit for tor absolute sincerity breadth of Qt sympathy und a it desire for forthe forth forthe the th public welfare which of lIt th lender It a mid auth unique piece of ot Proposed proponed legIslation Hut flut only serve to tomake tomake make the Jho responsibility of the the to snore more weighty and I 1 rould could wished to 10 Lobe bo be this St Never Neves Nevertheless of lIt my oath of ot the requirements f of ot my duty lul na ml 1 1 understand under It U anti the tile convictions of or ormy my soy own sn host bet Judgment on my soy con conscience conscience science unite In demanding of me toe that 1 I withhold approval from this bill If It ItI I know myself lt I can sincerely say that I am am anxious y that the very ery best beat and wl wisest est thing shall lie hue done In respect to nil matters that have vexed vex ell us so ao much In III times past pant And An knowing this whole people as nil n 1 I do It i Is l my firm lion tion that whatever the present feeling Inay he be they thoy will wil be sincerely grateful In isu the Ih days to come If It this measure Is not nol written upon the statute hooks books The patience loyalty And conserva conservatism lon of 0 our citizens are aro so RO widely rec recognized that only by hy b the of ot such Much fl a Ii bill as this can their reputation be b Injured The rite broadminded and anti In Intelligent everywhere accent the situa situation Hon tion herO here as ns It exists und and are content to let time complete the solution of ot this thu Ih problem Even Ev n the tho bigoted stud and the meddlesome have havo to admit lImit that with rare the conduct and In Integrity integrity of ot the people are above aboe re reproach In my opinion nothing can onn be clearer than this bill If It passed would be lie welcomed elt med nod employed as aa a n most weapon against tho the very veIl clauses whose whoso condition It Is intended to ameliorate mn Furthermore I have every reason on to tt Its lis enactment would bu ho the signal for t r tx d general generd demand upon the National Congress for tor 1 in constitutional constitutional amendment directed solely against certain social nodal conditions here MIe a 0 demand which under the tho stances would assuredly II bo to complied with wiLls While It may be urged hint In event ont only tim Ihl few tell could bo be made I to tl 1 suffer Hurter Is la It not an nn odious thought repulsive to 10 every good goal of at what whatsoever whatsoever creed or party that the tho whole should thus be put Iut under a ban banT Surely there Is U none folio so sn selfish and un unpatriotic unPatrIotic patriotic as to tl argue that la is pre pro preferable to 10 the endurance of ot a 1 few ft ll Iso 1110 Isolated instances of ot prosecution un backed M fU they ur aCi uru by Ly either re able moral support or sympathy AH All of ot us ran an readily recall tho the conditions of the hiatt ns as compared with those th e of ot today toda In tho the shortest memory still remain Incidents of ot that distressing pet period perlor led shortly before statehood fit teho ll during which so 80 much sorrow and ami bitterness stalked through our community Of Ot stIlt still more mom recent date no longer than two years ago another outburst was threatened and Ind to some ome extent Wits was manifested Hut lint as ns a n te of the tho first lr t came concession and amnesty and evidences of ot good goo faith and at It lengths length statehood In which everybody rejoiced and while ns as a result of ot thin the the Ihl stun nun of ot our prosperity was W va R for n a time tIm obscured l the clouds have rolled roiled away antI and Utah united hopeful and nOlI vigorous Is la marching bravely forward to tho the music of ot the Union S SI I J yield 1 to no ono one In affection for tor those ot of my soy people leople who from the highest mo niO motives tives and because they believed It n a divine silvine command entered Into the rein rela relation Lieu tion of ot plural marriage Horn hoist and reared In Utah myself n ii product of ot that marriage system taught from Infancy to regard my say lineage as approved of ot the Almighty and proud prou 1 today IS as I have ever been of at my heritage It will be granted I trust that every wery Instinct of ot my nature reaches out to 10 shield my friends from harm and to protect thorn thom front from unjust attack Their lr cause Is my m cause e and when whan they ore are hurt I am hurt for tor I am port hart of them But Dut In that heart henrt which Is OIled filled with sympathy t thy for them I find also the solemn feeling that this bill hili holds out only a false taille hope ot of protection that In offering n a of ot relief to n a few teW It In reality Invites a it deluge delu deluge e of ot discord und disaster dl alter upon all nil For these thea reasons briefly anti and Imper Imperfectly Imperfectly teeth stated alII tNt and for tor many others which might aught ba lie a given I t am nm unable to approve the tho bill now before me Very Yer respectfully M WELLS S Governor |