Show fit J iRISON HOME IN DEEP MOURNING Cements for the Funeral Progressing Distinguished Arrivals at In Mortons Tribute Tri ute 1 s March same at athas 1 that has of quIet sInce the death hOmo i lIari on today The Tho for the thC were numerous and rapidlY iT and hut bat for foria i ol at stIr or orden ia tL den W nit tho the thor me s r which arrived ra Of hours of ot ofus eight and the tho early consulted and ex ViUS us he 6 ai hir a wishes In egart to tn the ur tJ for tor thC und for tor the CI the tM who wiio en of t Si thi occasion She Bhe Shore re redo beo for tor except ono one do calle however jJ friends intimate to ber matt ii her friend from frome m t Eth Stroud Caroline U n Mrs e T Miller I Jo I O c Fester and ami S 0 D 13 Cha 1411 Ut Ight Hb the body bod of ot uh Till Thu afternoon on John B It took 1 a plaster th and head of the at III of 01 th features undertakers then took tarl the d tM the body for the tue c the Ibe coffin I 1 be re raj r the front par parlor taIr into Is taken to wilt will lie He until it lor kr J r t tat TUI It to lie In at III a noon tomorrow tM Ibe have bavo been re rewire sate W So S trany flows that ft II home hornu tl tt Harrison wire fired it St hold oid halt half of ot them will Ul not flOt etie roo ro tributes to the thu mi this thee an continue to como come of 01 the nUU an aM the nil air through limit qa odor ollor et the hou houte l I Is with lIh their tnt who 1111 arrive hta hy r morning will be Is the E guest e t of ot otA Gl A od iI Hrs Dai lT bin for the military die ply ho bavo been completed and Wire bItt daylight the troops troop of ot the tho th hod I IIa ia national notional guard all of at which have hav tea kis out OU will ihl 11 begin to t arrive arrhe All AU Kill Ui be lie here her at 10 cl ck and an nil l b ur r liter Iller m mort the body from the tho home to the hIre It with Ue Its In ha until Saturday I The funeral lun Sunday will be beI I I charre a of the ind soi will be Fairbanks F It is here and nd Sena Sona it tr r Near i IT y 1 all it 1 the Mill be b 1 bete and nd Ih A Aw AU w th country ate are to bu buIn buhe In 11 he e hou omes es In tM hi city are today t ay draped drape la tn All flags flag r t at half balf mast mist From Fra noon until i o clock c oct tomorrow Im alit be die continued d lohn John Fc I or r who hl 0 Ta secretory secretary of j n r g Jt I rom Calif that It i be b e Impossible tot lot him l to city eft In n time for forthe t e funeral It I hd 1 A t te hoped that he cluM be able ab 10 and n 0 officiate date as astor tnt cre or of Ih the hono a bearers Sen tor 8 5 Elkin J OMS secretary of oft th the hI I I n administration t nt t a on account 0 of line h ha he e mn may not be besho able bl to tolne oae for th e uncoil lie He sho aJro n to t e one ot of the honorary An Hant hon r family an rela Urn he for the funeral arrived wr t the hor e exception ot of Ilent tul Coin m Joh John n F anti tr who sho ar AI o from Call Calls and s city me time tomorrow or evening Wrt Mra Parker Is la a n l of ot Mrs Mra lIar Hur and an during their Uj lr stay In tho the city the be bo entertained at ot the Harrison homo Those now hero here are Col B D the generals ton ion Mrs Mm lIar Har Blon aIon and their eon lII William Henry Henl Har I rion Mrs Mary tary Harrison n tho the generale laughter r John ohn Scott Hani I IlIon lIon Hon tho general generals brother U 11 harrison the cond on brother Mrs Mr An All Anna Anna na Morris one ot of the generals slaters 1501 Mrs Betty Dett H U Eaton Enton another sin Bis Bister elster sinter ter The list Hat of ot honorary and active pall pallbearers bearers for Hie tle funeral of ot Oen horn Harri Harrison son non has bas ha not ben been b completed d ag as Iset yet und and until on accurate and complete list Hat can be l e made Secretary ribot ll bott will wiil not make any announcements In regard to the tho matter It la Is known that ali alj 01 of the tho mem member eu of bt hen Gen O II horn Hani sons s who wio w o can attend the funeral will be asked to officiate as os pallbearers and all nil who can be here her will viII the honor Gen BenJ 10 V F Tracy of br NeW Nw Ne cirk r rethy ta y of the navy nav of or Treasury Charley Ch l John of Ot Phil and t oid d of or the tho In Interior tenor Gen G n John W V Noble of lit fit Louis have sent ent word that thit they IMy wilt will ll be hero here for fOl tho funeral anti and they together with Gen W H n Miller of or this city will Ve he the honorary The active rs will all ull bu IndIanapolis men vho sho were Intimate hlen l of ot the tIle general NASH AND M AN PARTY PAnTY Columbus 0 March 15 Gov Nash NashRod Rod ami party will whit leave for tor Indianapolis at nt 9 to at attend total tend the tho tunes 1 al nl of ot Gen The Tho party win Iii Include In Atty Gen Sheets Supreme Court Judges Judg Shauck Spear and Davis State Stat School Commissioner and State Dairy Dal Dai and Food CommIssIoner Blackburn TALKS S TO SCHOOL CHILDREN Indianapolis March IE The first tiC fifteen teen minutes In the public schools to today today I day dllY were wore devoted to talks by bythe bythe the teachers on the tho lire life if nod public ser ner services vices nf of Gen Geli by recommendation dation dallon of or the tho tlc o l superintendent In jn Inmany Inmany many ninny of Qt the schools the address tWit that Jen ten Harrison made to the tho child children children ren ron of Terre T Haute when they visited the tho t February 1 3 was read rad readA radA A A letter lett r wa wait vas sent tilt by b tho the superintendent dent il d lIt nt to ta th end and teachers briefly callIng c at to those O Quail qualities ties tics ot of Gen Harrisons II life v which made mado him respected for honesty and Integ Integrity I rity Tho The flaps flags 11 on the schools as ns well ns liS liSon ason on other public nubile buildings will viii be bt at half mast the funeral LEVI LIdl P S Rome Borne March 15 Irl Former ormer Vice President dent L vl P I Morton In an nn Interview with the representative of ot the Associated nt d Press to the tha death of ot hen Oen Harrison sold Tho The country has sustained a n great crent loss In the death of ot Gen Con Harrison With his Intellectual and physical forces un unimpaired unImpaired unimpaired impaired there thero still remained many avenues In n which he might have con continued to render valuable service to tho the country which he served to no well weli My Mo official ad personal relations relation with Ion Gen harrison during his term terni as ns President were naturally of or an nn Intimate character I believed then ns as I do donow now nOlI that he was the peer Intellectually of at any one who has held the of or President of ot the United States |