Show Im lili o oThe The Evans bill from the tho first was op ov opposed opposed posed ed by agitators It won WOM falsely called The Time Poly Pol Polygamy gamy Hill BIll Misrepresentation of Its ItH provisions wan accompanied by abuse cf ot lt lI author n ond threats of or dire con consequences sequences If It It became a ft law Jaw Dis Dispatches II Is patches were sent over the wires east and went rent announcing that The Mor Mormons mons of or Utah are preparing to resume re ume the practice of ot polygamy In defiance of oC the thC public sentiment of tho the whole what pee peo people V o Ille ie And All further that Time The Utah Legislature I hao pa In fj sd d a n law permitting polygamy Tho The morn morning mornin log ing in papers perri In III this city every tiny day n called the measure Tho The Polygamy mil lull In staring headlines Tho The most notorious In tho the State were the time bitterest t denouncers of or the bill Jill and tho the preachers of the various sects IJ CtR who have combined at different times to promote excitement throughout the country against the Mormon people united In efforts to do feat this his measure In iii nil all the dehate debates In tho the Legislature tho the newspaper er articles reports tho the nIi of politicians the treat corner the predictions prediction of ot ca cn and nIl the tho th threats of ot ex cx excl x cl d 1 disturbers there thero lies has not been brought forward one solitary argument ar against the tho measure Itself ItsaK It elt or any of o Us Ita J provisions It stands stand lI on Its merits merit 1 The whole tenor of oC the tho uproar against It lt Is that It may bring a storm ot Qt pub pUh public i lie lic II Indignation that hat will vIll culminate In Inthe inthe the tho adoption of at an amendment to th tM Constitution of the he United States ai for tor forbidding bidding polygamy anti and 1 polygamous practices Why this tempest lemp st should bo be 1 from no so slight a n cause has not been blen made clear It Is gratifying to know I now that neither the time author of ot tho the bill nor item It II supporters In either cither house have been frightened by b the tho he phantom evoked by tho the prophets of oC evil yil It tt should hould bo be particularly noticed 1 that the th very Individuals and papers that have labored so hard but as all yet et In vain to obtain an amendment to tho the Constitution Con of time the United States spec specially laity laUy filmed almA against Utah Litah have havo been th most niost vehement opponents of the tho bill lull on tho time ground 1 that It would bring about the very timing thing thin which they most ardently nr l nUy desired This Is a paradox that can only be bt understood by those who vho are not blinded by b the sophistry and hypocrisy of clerical and press de tie deceivers If Jt they really believed time the passage of that bill would ouId bring brine about the end they the have havo had bad ha for some time lime In view anti and which they are now how nc so endeavoring to achieve they the would either cither have encouraged Its pas sago or laid hail low and said saM nothing The Saints ore are not lot the th people who have havo occasion most to lead dread 1 this bugaboo bU of oC a 1 Constitutional amendment nm Dy fly the time It could bo be made mat effective err In thIs but very ery few r w of or them would be In III a n position to tobe tobe tobe be greatly affected by It However there Ih re arp it others oth who might be In III a condition to be bo terrified by the ot of federal courts and o charged with the discovery and pros prosecution of or certain t offences Utah it Is true does docs not with wish lAh to be put under a needless needles stigma but hut the time Mormons have no nCI need to dread either cither tho the tu Lu tumult nuit n roused ed against them theta every very now and I nl or tho jho actual adoption of ot the threatened amendment which their propose but which It Is very unlikely b they will obtain The opponents opponents eats ot of the time bill have havo had noth nothing ing log to offer against It but a scare |