Show j j it J LOCAL BRIEFS The two young y ung ladies Indie who were taken talen 1 front from Rowland hall ball to Ht St Marks Ima hM 1 sufferIng with scarlet fever uro are o iti lii the IsolatIon ward urd and not In the thu main building which Is U removed from 1 U It Nome MinI I That Third South Routh Sou tit street will wilt be bl b paved It between Kant East Temple Templo State streets I this title seems to be b a certainty Thu Thuit it f Methodist church the Auerbuch e S state tate who have tho the lArgest hugest blocks of or land abutting on the tho have sinned signed I f 1 the tue th petition which hits circulated S the tho put past week I Land and Water Vater Commissioner West Went f has hns received lvell reports concerning tiri the depth of or the snow In Parleys s can cun cunyon Cl yon on The report was waH very vcr n nil as It that the th snow Is l at nt least leant ten feet deep dl cP and anI hard parked Packed This q will Insure Sn ure a II good goo supply of ot water III In t thin valley during July Jul and August The rIse Ion pon of itt W V V II 11 Mike nell lieU of ot 1 west ivest est Second 1 South yester yesterday esler day slay afternoon hunt had the tho misfortune fortune to toi i fall fail down on 01 the sidewalk while playing 1 i find and fractured his arm Drill In two places t Tho The little fellow tellow Was wan promptly given medical attendance anti nn Is now 1101 pro muslin an as d well vell n ii could rould be bl expected under the OI Wells Welle him hiis sent tho the follow tollow followS S in log appointments to the Senate fur tor thin Ihl 1 3 n A 1 M 11 socIety John Johl C e Culler Cutler of ot Halt Hult Lake to succeed John n R Winder resigned George Georee to 10 succeed 8 a W Sears Scars resigned Huth M Fox to succeed Mr Mrs lrI Margaret li IL Salisbury re resigned resign signed sign Moses MORes W Taylor to succeed Hal Ital W Taylor J a Cl McDonald to tl suc sue succeed cecIl E K J 3 f Conrail Conrad |