Show OWEN WYOMING Reception to o Hon lioti Cling Clans Flour Ilour Mill Located Special 8 Correspondence Owen Wyoming March 11 On tho the evening of March n a grand recep reception Lion tion wan sva elvea the lion Hon Charles ar arman man our out returned legislator tIme the peo pea people pIe ie wishing to show their appreciation of Ut his hh labors itt Iii their behalf A com coin committee mItten was chosen to make arrange arrangements ments macate for tor a reception viz I iz Bishop S 0 SR Sn R n Brought Brough Joint John Guild Gull 1 Will Harvey Mrs Ada da Moiling Hollins Mrs Adeline Drough and Sirs Mrs Nat Goodman Dancing In lam with music songs recitations lOris tl and speech making continued till 12 when a n tempting lunch was served There Thero were present presen t people all over oer fifteen years of oC age alo At 3 all nil departed voting it tho the grandest social event of ot the season FLOUR ILOUR MILL ULL it ILL LOCATED Mr r James Robertson front from Beaver CIt CIl Utah Ulah was here this week looking up n it cite site for tor a hooting flouring mill A suitable place was las selected on the Fort Port Bridget canal and he tho most central for tor tho ho thoon convenience on of the tho farmers r Te Ie ex expressed pressed himself as much surprised nt at atthe the growth norm nna population of or the lie coun court country try 11 Time The day lie lit left Crt a ft man amman front Lake town ton came ame m iii hero here for the tile same caine lI lUe pur purpose p pose l un Irs will put In big crops crO tJ of ot wheat this Har wr EphraIm Marshall left this morning to tu attend the Priesthood conference at nt Woodruff On the Uth the Sunday school chool will wIH SJ an entertainment and on the tho the tho old will be feasted anti a 1 grand time tIne Is U anticipated The Owen watch ward ard has a n line choir which Is due to the thai untiring efforts of or the louder lender James Overy and anti or organist organist Mrs M iti II K E Stewart m WEDDING WilliAm Guild anti anil Miss lIss Nettle Helnor r of ot were married In Salt Ball Lake Loke Tempi on tho the last It began snowing this hula morning and an l looks like It Jt sM continue for some Rome sometime time Bad lIaLl cold anti croup seems to 10 be Je prevalent among the children but no deaths death have occurred Ten dayt dl ago lO n a 10 pound girl sill baby came to the hue homo home of oC Mr Ur arid and Mrs Henry Witts Witt |