Show TI t AND ANI Sf PUBLIC lUmIO Western Wc tern Union Ico President Tea Tes Testified tOI Concerning Their lr Washington Marcia March 15 Thomas F Clark vice president pre of tIme the Western Union Tel Tel Co testified before the tho In Industrial Industrial commission concerning the re me rela lations la of the telegraph to the tho public He lie lons devoted much of his time to 10 tire the con le of ot the time wi wisdom dom of government ownership ot of the telegraph Those who b cd their advocacy nd ene of at the Ire tie system upon Its II working In Great glum Ium and Switzerland Ignored vital differences between bete n the Ilme conditions of ot the countries and the United States In this tins country Mr fr Clark ll there rare nrc only C CT people to each Inch mile mie of ot wire there are arc In Great Britain ISO 10 people to the mile mie In Switzerland 20 0 and rant In Belgium 31 3 In th the United Iatt there ther are ar miles nalles mils of oC wire r and armil In nil all miles nil a aMI All MI 1 told tOl he ire said there are lre O places In the United States rca hed by b the tIme telegraph companies s In Great Britain there are fro only onh 1156 1 sa place thus reached In this timis roundy almost to 0 per cent of oC the s a have telegraph connections while in Great Oren Britain only about of them are ure titus thus thul equipped While Shile ad admitting that rates on un local loell me m messages 8 ages In Ie Europe are lover lorer than In the States Mr Ir Clark contended that rn nn n through messages they the are Ire COm fia tI higher |