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Show Widt ii :tiid Xorlliem Ulah. clip the following N,w IUvmi Couiivr i,l the . 'J',11 frr.in the iwrtial (Cum!.) it)t. tiMuitl.o pen of J. B. nd . ., , ane aruciu Car-ricgton- , of the piper, an old published a morn' having ? if h.r lorty-on- c yearn, lie in" i.;nMi' was uue of the party, of capitalists r.ho rerun tly visited our city and .'k t over the I'tah Northern i Kj., pubii-he- r - 1 - June 2d, ).! u an : ( ... XriirMnn 10 i.- te .. .1,1:.. naninu, started m .1... n itory Idaho, ever th 1,'uli X ,i hum u lia'lroad. Koyal M. bas-- i is 1'iesi- !v-' t. i., of Birmingham, i 'lit, ot Ins loud, and Joseph Itieh-rJ.- , "f Bridgeport, a director and ar.'e owilt of its bonds and h!,o':k. h is ruiistractfd with narrow guage, '(..it we i'.Miu l a smooth track, in good ird'T, and callable of rajiid transit. Its s uiliern irriuinus s at 04.'den, in present hortheru terminus is !U miles ia t i'rai'Llit:, length, but ji ii c inteiiiplated to extend it to MotHniia, where, it will be the recipient of the immense freight train e 'reaied by the working of the rich nines in Virginia City. Its business now consists principally in the transportation of passengers, lumber .Mid produce. Leaving fc'alt Lake in the lioruing, we ti.uk 'ity rarly the Ltah Central to Ogden, a city r,f)U0 inhabitants, aim vmitniniiig i(S"ined to become the principal city ia t 'tah. It is the western terminus of the I'n'.on Pacific, the eastern of the central I'acitie, and the Miuthern terminus of the Ltah X irtliern. The latter has already hil miles completed, passing through Weber, lox Llder and L'ache counties, and, as 1 have before said, penetrating into Idaho. Those interested in the road fire pushiug its cxteution within five miles of k as to S,ida Springs, nd connecting with them by a branch through Malad These spring, located iu rouuty. Oneidj county, Idaho, are claimed to possess lemarkablc medicinal qualities and to rank among the linest cn A hotel and quite a he continent. little town have already been erected .it the springs in anticipation of its future railroad connections. It was originally intended to construct the main lino of the Utah Northern t through Soda Springs, but the as was finally being adopted plan on the whole the um.st advantageous. The valley of Northern Utah, ihrough which w first passed, possesses peculiar advantages for stock raising, as it has large ranges of pasture land, Interspersed with bunch ;vr.r., which is g.od food for stock. It is also Well supplied with Alfalfa, a similar to what we call clover, which grow? so vigorously that the fani ers cut four orps tu u year. Cattle snd horses are very fond of thii, it makes g'W milk, and even pLs or hens will eat it, dry or green. Three wiiles from Ogden H au immense deposit of slate, and ten miles farther on is a Ktill larger deposit of very rich iron ore, varying lrom GO to 80 per cent, iu richness, both of which are accessible to this road Several thous'iud tons of the latter ar" en the damp, ready for transportation over this road as soon as the works am completed for smelting it ipf 'I i I 1. i ; ter-jiiin- ro-'w- ! pro-sen- un-.s- s miles farther, and reuch the town of Franklin, ira Idaho, where we tke dinner. Accompanyins; us "cuwion we Bishop J of the Mormon church, his Judjre A. F. Fair, Mr. Penrose, editor of the (Wen Junction, and other representative men ot the toniiCD We f,jn?-- tll(;m P';0P15siJid of mark- telligeot, well edcfMtt-di ;ed ability. Jude l'arr atd ins crother anj n.lt; 7M r yenw,ul. The Jude camo here in 1849, and was the first white man who eroded the mountains from the Hast, ilis wife, whose maiden name was Thorn, orii:- jnaiy C;im(! .lm Xurtk Haven, in your Mate. ihe Ltth Xorthern railroad, iit its northern terminus, connects with lines of statin to Montana, and if ex tended to that Territ or will com- irttnd a large freighting busuie;s now trtnorior'ed by wagon trains a dis- t;inee 0f GOU mi led to the Missouri Hirer. Having completed our last excur sron, we returned t) Ogden, in time to sleep in iur bote on wheel, and on Saturday morning, June 3d, after waiting for the pissing of Jar-ret- t it Palmer's Centennial train to California, we are agaiu en route, homeward bound. J. I). C. Yours, etc., ley thirty-si- x j j - J , j i An Ill-Iatc- Typo. d those who are not initiated in mysteries ol the printing oftiee, it must be understood that there are several sizes of type, among which are minion, brevier, etc. Now, our intelligent bat unfortunate compositor s.'tting up an article contributed, when he caine the following passage: aerof-"Elvira," he cried, in a passionate voice 'Jjlvira, fly with me!" 'Antonio," she sobbed, smiling through her tears, "I will I will! Blame ibc if I don't." At that moment a tall figure stepped between them, and the sullen Voice of Hugh de Grubbs was heard: "Avaunt, slight girl ! And as for " thee, base minion Tho intelligent compositor had jiist got as far as this, when aa illegitimate idea was born to him, and with the remark: ' The howling ignoramus! Why, minion wasn't invented until 16.) I, and this story is of the Middle Ages," he changed the passage so that it read: "Avauut, slight girl! And as for " thee, base brevier The foreman shot him with a sdiootiog stick. The sad cveut has cast a gloom over the community Jollv Joker. ly the wj-- Scarlet Intcr-Oeea- n t! e .just rigiit a goods are spoiled. recipe which is simph' and never fails, and IV which inquiry was made in your issue of Aug. 12. 1S75. Take one pound japouica and two spooulu s alum, dissolve in four gallons suit water, take live pounds goods, hist rinso in warm suds, then put them in dye; let them stand two hours nt scalding heat; set av.da until next, f pourd moruingjthcu dissolve potash in four gallons soft, water, wriiiL' the iroods from the iarKmica water, and put them i this new dye, allow them to remain one hour at scaldim? heat, air them and rinse in warm suds and let them dry. This makes a beautiful and permanent color. Drab Two ounces nutg.ill, on;) ounce madder, and one ounce cop- ihe ly, as k staled, s Double-Thre- Lock-Stit- ad ch Machine. i? I have s o immm tl-- s s i Sfl'Awm ss one-hal- peras Take four Scarlet Permanent gallons soft water, bring to a boiling heat in a brass kettle, then add three and a half ounces cream tartar, boil a minute or two, then add two ami a half ounces cochineal, and hall pint madder compound, boil five minutes. Now wet three pounds white cotton goods iu warm water, wring them aud put into the dye. Boil the whole nearly an hour, take out and rinse thoroughly in clean, cold, soft water. a. ;' V.i. I THE 5. VI ' ,,'. LIGHTEST-RUNNIN- itu IW. CAl'..' at Atnw Vft IN THE WORLD. MACHINE G . W! With our printed directions, nr instruction or mechanical skill is required to operate it The construction of the nuuiiae is bweil upon a principle of unique an.1 unequalled simplicity, comprising simple levers working upon tentiei. The bearings are lew, and they are hardened and polished. The machines are made a our i:cv wo'ks in the city of Newark, N'. J., with new special (patented) machinery and tools, constructed expics.siy to accomplish what we now offer. .Ewry luuchine fully f ''itV. "DOMESTIC" SEWtG 5V5ACHIME CO., ISc w "'ovli: :nnl Oliiji-o. writes Lucy Hooper re occasionally seen in Paris, but a queerer sight than that which I witnessed t h i 3 morning on the Kue da la Pais it has rarelv, if ever becu my lot to behold. In taking my morning walk I met a large white poodle, shaved and clipped lion fashion, which wore a rouud black velvet cap coiiuettishly placed on the side of his curley head. In his mouth he carried a basket, to the handle cf which a small ecrue silk parasol had beeu adroitly attached in such a manner that in carrying the basket, the dog held the parasol over his head, and so shaded himself from the rays of the sun. It is imdescribe the gravity and possible of his dogship, or the imaplomb mense amusement of the street boys of this spectacle. and passers-b- Queer things Rv iitintr the "Domestic" Pa-jmost stylish and perfect-fittin- g ost mics can he produced, sit a lare saving ia .MONEY" tii those vih choose to make. or sunerin- tend the making of, their own garments. With the highest talent and the best facilities ia all departments, and the best ideas of the most skillful modistes, both at home and abroad, we are tnahled to attain results far above the reach of the r. Our styles are always the latest and best. Our elegantly-illustrate- d average aUlogue mailed to any lady sending five cents with her address. Agents w anted everywhere. SAV1XOS. mt Fiistiinis the dress-make- "DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE CO., New Yoi'lc Jiiiil Cliicagro. WHY 1)0 YOU GO j WATCHMAKER Jr Or Scud to Salt Lak e J. S. LEWIS, 4 j 'iRL-- in Worrhp. Clucks. Jewtlrv, Silver acI W.re, MAIN? 'i'i'.KKT. UCIUKN. one aud all work warranted, Kfrpairiu;; Ufutly FOR ASM JEWELER, illy DRUGS y MILLINERY! AT LOG AX CITY, UTAH JUST OF E Pi ED, beautiful assortment uf fashionably trimmed gravity. llfttn hiiiI !imcts. lints. NuiiiloH'cis. Iliblx.iiH. l'loHcrs Cleveland Leader. r'Utii'rs Ac. A great variety of Fancy Notions, also "Me alio go same Centennial?" Ruff Tien iwul Veile, La lies' Wrappers; said Hop Wan as he slammed the Linen Suits, Chiltirens' cloaks and capes basket of laundried ctothes down on etc , etc., Ht Mm. W II WIf.KITSSOX Wait Lee's floor. 0(')(pit I'Unt "rsyh UuDery. "You alle same damme' foole,'' said Wau, seutentiously, as he pre pared to Mil his mouth with sprinkao o "Whatee you goes him ling water. c "Jo:mM on American A THE NEW A lady writing the resays: I have been grading the tested cipes, printed in rtir's, I have theui all, imd found them all that. could be desiied, exec ot the brown for unless that is not a good ret s AND Scwinir Machine. MEDICINES! A WHKN mm THE Very best Articles la the Market can be obtained at the &3!)-l- CITY DRUG STORE O Cr DEN? z for? "Mclicau man alle go. Hop Wau likee be alle same as a M eliean mau." "Hop Wau alle same as Mclicau man?" sniffed Wau. "Hop Wau no in Ogden. S:i!l neurer the city of Ogdcn is an workee me, then." "No workee fol you? No cally clo' entire mountain of iron ore, inex h iustihle in its eupplvi containing Wau Lee? Why hiui so? Why him i prr cut. of irou, which will also so?" Wau opened his mouth, sent the turiiiflh business fortius rcad. Pass miles of our prisoned jet of Rater over the shirt ing through fourteen trip, liti'd on each fide of us by in baud, squatted ou a stool, and do fruitful orchards, we come to Hrig-ha- liberately responded; "Hop Wau City, containing a population of want bo likee Melican man, eh? 2,0U(i, which is organized and worked Then Hop Wau cut off pig tail, plan. A leltee whiskel glow on face, ihew entirely on the few mites further on we come in sight bacco, bweal at stleet cal dliver, and of' C irinne, a little town on the Central Facile raitroad, cross Saleratus same as Melican Melican man. ch3r Luke, whoM crystal waters beauti- ineu nop n au go out to saioon, spend money wily loose, get dlunk, fully reflect iu reversion th? mountains by its side and the say 'Whoip?' on stleet, gette in poMiver cloud? tioitirig in the blue con-- c lice house! Tolmollow go lound alle soon pay ten doilee and costs. Not ive above it. miles from Ogderi We muchee same cs Melican man here; Forty-fou- r Crossed the Wasatch mountains and not mucbee drttnuie fool here!" and entered Cache Valley, one of the Wau Leo ucarly suixshed a fancy in his exfinest in Utah, contaiuing in abun Joss and a counting-boardance the great element of farming citement. And that is the reason wood, water and grass, and a deep, that Cleaveland's Chinese population not represented at the Centennial tieh coil. Wc hasten on up the vul-ji- s P3 S i i . i PRESCRIPTIONS carefully com-- I pounded at all k ours of tho night and day, 3 2 3 O so p Liquors, uim-Iv- a Ale, o Porter, A. W. BSOWN & Cc. Ueiiera! raj PQ GO &c. All of the finest quality. in Oils, o r. o -- i D 4) Tarnishes, Brushes, Ac. H K h trie lowest prices. "t! 3 r" w -- a I gen!- nud denlerB in mus Musical Merchandise, AND STATIONERY. Ogtlcii. lHali. a CO EH n BOOK & SHEET Faints, HI t feed. All wmriiis: jHint are nuiflo of eteel, con qni'Wtlv if diiiiiliillty is ureiit. llavi'iiK the feue.it juirt.t of any Shuttle M.v tli chine in the market it in esf ir.--t running. Kaeh liiiiehilie Fold makus SiileS fer Otfceri. n to all who efe tlie they reccnuiii ild Om iw (iiot ntien. vanteil In every twn in (J'l.vrt lively win in a good couinnebion will Nortliei u I ml'; he puid. rite tl rousc-fjiieiitl- , c ? - under. It linn the l!:tel rinfent Wines, t5 0 ITS LATE IMrKOTFMKNTS teceth-with tln l ojt prinriplfs of ohWr tii chines, is now t('i;il tu if nut tnperior to anj oilier n ivliiiii' iu ill'; imirkct. It iii the (.illy iiiachiue Imvin a li' p()l It 1ms tlu- latest ImprcTi Shuttle whirh ur no h ilrs tu- jriui;s to thread through pv d d VICTOB! if ) snow-Covere- .n! Srb Uj vs. ISrown, sC2-l- j. rrotori'tfof's riorencB, TThwIer Bewmg machioo ol t WiUon, U noru. ttuflto .n4 kin .. clwoed M1 rej |