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Show telegraph jf Y CEHESM.IL Ogden Branch CELEBRATION! A meeting of the various committees AMERICAN. the above in charge was held in having 17. Washington, f the the Episcopal Schcoluouse, Mr. .Stanford unperiu'endeui the B!&ir u, in the chair. It was unanimously reHpu.tcom.ii.SSmJ bythe solved that the following programme al.egH n commerce inveg-umbe carried out should to such declined he but subject combinations, 1.r0", : sfrtrmtioii as to what ar- - alterations in the order of procession as K to Uv Leen made with ship- - may be fouud necessary. Some changes lDgeB' ion rates of freight than having been made in the various com if, fii-- d public uriff,. Tue coo,. mittets the meeting decided to request under advisement the ,iee ha' tikeo on the this insist will newspapers of the city to publish siion whether it the comuiiitees names attached' to the SonnHUOi. beiog given and will Si Are now receiving their SpHrig Stock of STAPalaZS'AKD FAlEffClT' programme. A cummittee of two, Messrs. W. X KfBnoiHen Peralto, in a match ngainst this Fife aud Jas. Allen, were appointed to for 55,000. at Beacon Prk, Lnoon. rode 110 miles iu four hours. wait Mpou citizvns and request their co and forty five seconds, usfifty minute', in making the diiy one br,g to He was allowed operation ing twenty inuHUiigs. be remembered. w hours match a'so cmue off between Tarker Order Profession. distance ten miles; each .mi o u iotie thren uinstng8. rurser five minutes in hair, a and twenty length -d- fif,y0neBCCOUdSreb.o,Col.,17. Tie Denver and Rio Grande railroad and running trams to is completed from twenty five miles southeast itcl'iaids aiid (seventy four tniles from the Fort ,he Sun Juan puid region, by Le-v;- Garland Marshal of the day. Aides to the Mai shal. Fort Bridger Military Bund. of the Representation Columbus.'' tf Ia rotit. Augusta, tji., 17. Rains have been general throughout this section for seven days past, and the sides of the Savannah have crops on both There is a total de been submerged. on the bottjm lauds. of etructioa crops The river rose thirty feet. 3an Francisco, 17. The anniversary of the battle of Bunby ker Hill was celebrated here y Goddess of (Tableau ) l.ibe'ty mrroundeJ thirteen original Statts. by (Tableau ) AU the States und Territories of Groceries aoci Fancy taple Leather and Findings, Hardware, Horse and Mule Shoes, Tire Iron. Hoes and Rakes Plows, Gook Representation of "Signing Deelara'ion of Independence." NIIOFX HATS, CAPS and CXOTII2XO Which together with a large and varied slock of of V RftTS. XOTIOXS, DR7 GOOBS Kails, Shovels, Spades, Garden Wheelbarrows Ranges oves an the Union. They Offer at Orator of the Pay. Iuvited guests. Oficers of the County Court. Mayor of the Cny. City Council. Ogden Brass Band. EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES. Masons Odd Fellows. salute from the fortificatiou, at noon, and a general displ.iy of bunting iu the city aud on the shipping in the harbor, Fire Brigade. Band reunions by members representation of the various Tradea 100 School Children. A heavy wiud to day blew down u Little Old Folks. three etery frame partly completed (Tableau.) building, killing one woman au injur Citixeusin ctirriHgep. ing several men, one probably fatally. Country B&nds It nppeiirs that "Diamond" Blumen-luCitizens on horseback. as run to em th by Henry Birch, Committee on Procession Meters. Jos. who is ' visiting thi of Washington, Ftaulord, L F. Monch, James Allen. A. The contest in the F Fair. W A Wale. A. J. coast for his health. Pbelps, fourt here over the will of the late J. II. Thos. Wallace. R M. Ballantjne, re Blumeuburfir attracted his attention, J J. Clayton. tulle i in the dincvery that J. H. and Committee to represent Oodaess of "Diamond" were brothers, au the latLiberty and Thirteen Colonies, also all Bireb traced him. the States and Territories of the Union ter was in the city. nnd then communicated with parties in Messrs. L. F. Mouca, Thos. Wallace Washington, and when the papers arrand A. C. Brown. ived, went with the oSEcer uud made Committee to provide Children's Chdir the arrest. Messrs. A. J. Phelps, C. C. Goodwin and Wm. Pugh. Committee to repment signing of the FOREIGN Declaration of Independence Messrs. London, 17. The Times' account of the fire iu the Winslvnv Farr, Barnard White and H. B. woolen works of James Templeton, at Scoville. Committee to provide One Hundred Ayr, by which twenty tour women lost School Children, not under 12 yea's of ilml their lives, fiiys: II is stated Karr, Messrs. II. Ballantyne, A. F. Farr the overseer, who was himself burned to age and T. D Dee death, locked the door of theioooi in Committee to represent the Landing which the female operatives were at of Columbus J G. Chambers, Samuel work, thiuking the alarm of fire fale aud J. J. Murphy. The girl who jumped f;ora the window Eggleston states that she firt endeavored to escape COMMITTEES TO RKPUESENT VARIOUS by the door, but the man pushed her TRADES A.ND INDl'STKIKS: hack. Committee to represent Shoemakers, Constantinople, 17. Painters, Ulacksmitbs, CarpenTailors, Hassan, the assassin of the cabinet on ters, Harncssmakers, Tanners and Curthe night of the this was banged loth, riers Messrs. A. F. Farr, M. Buchinil morning. and T. alluee ler Safuet Paha lias been appointed Minito represent Committee Merchants, ster of Foreign Affairs, Abdul Kerini Jewel. ers, Butchers, Sewing Nadir Pasha. Minister of War, aud Printers, Machines and Tinners Messrs. Jarnes Halil Chief Minister of Juetice. A. WaJeaud S. S. Schram. Alien, Paris, 17. Woolen Factories. Farmers, Broom The Senate elected BuSet Senator for maker?, Masons, Millers II. B. Scoville, life. The election occasioned mucn exIt. Baliantyne, J. J. Clayton. citement, aud was brought about by Committee on Music K D. Brown, coalition of the Bonapartists and legitiA Bruckman, Jas. Allen, A. S. Ccudon, mists with the right centre. S. S Sob ram. Beljrade, 17. Committee on Fireworks Jas. Allen, The Uourpanian government has arr- F A. Shielle, C. L Peeoles. ested several Servians. 8ervia has FIFE. Marshal tr ms Day, WM. mt an energteio protest against this A meeting of the various committees proceeding to Bucharest. will be held next Tuegdny evening, at the City Hall, at 8 o'clock, sharp, w ben the members are requested to report to Little buy, Willie by the Chairman of Committee on Procesme, enjoyed the luxury of sleeping sion. The attendance is requested of ail ffith his who may desire to aid in makcititen short a mother during Alter his entire recovery his ing this a truly grand Territorial Celetoother told him one niht that he bration. By order of Central Committee: w to u'o acain to his own little WARNER- YOUNG, room. ; made no objections, but K. A. STREET, titer being undressed paid to his O S. EKB, H. H BEARDS LEV. "'other, -- Mother, Iwmt to say my JAS ALLKN. prayers alone M BUCHMILLER, "Hut why do you want to, Willie?" 1 1) GILES, "Because I want to, mamma." S. S SCH 11 AM, Mother humored hi'u, and stand-ln- r A. 8. CONDON, the doo.r, heard WilKe J J. CLAYTON, aud excursions and f civic societies. 1 rj the Family Trade of Ojden and vicinity. To CkU and sea ui. FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS All oners addressed to JLS. WATS OK OF THE C8TY. teiU receive prompt attention. Buct.-(uiiia- r, H. B. Clawson 1 VV four-year-o- ld SUIT E4-t- f. THE LITTLE GIAST! STOEE. IVE All kind of General Merchandise, j I " ; AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Hides, Wool, Grain, Butter, Eggs, and all kiuds oi' produce taken. W. C. PARKINSON, e Prjv as fallows: WELLS, D. ALEXANDER. R, A. ' '0 lord, n;ake biqi b ' . Willie sick; make real sick; nuke him woiumit; hut dead him" W much that boy S'P with Whet a wanted to his nwther: wutorma woman a lion in a defeat-- J A bold rascal ou an Illinois railroad train pretended to be the coniu ductor, collected all the cash fares two cars, and jumped of with the money. hann to hand cwmbat, 'Havo you anything to Juds:e wc'fl greatly astouish-J- ; but her husband sentence is quietly remark'. offer to the court before pasped on you?" .that' nothin or that wnmnn Prisoner "No, Jud?;e; I had 310, ci Jick tue devil." but my lawyers tock that." inn JS.' K.IVETSD Supt -- W & M.MN STREETS, and OVERALLS. GISTS XI TJ No Farmer, Mechanic or Railroad Mn can afford to be without tbfia. None genuine uulcss branded Levi Strauss & Co., on a Buckskin Ticket. Ogden, Utah. 1 OF SACQUE COATS, VKSTN, & Co. CORNER FIFTH OODS n CONSISTIXG IIUXTIXG AXD And Dealers In Inre WineM arid (Importe Liquora FOR SALE, and Domestic). PAINTS, OILS AMD WHOLESALE: AND AT RETAIL, Ogilen and Salt Lake. ALSO WALKER BROS COLORS. Prescriptions carefully compoundeJ, at all Lours of the day or night. oRl-t- f AGENT FOR To J1 wio ar suifurUig tri'3i the errors und in dii:retim8 cf youtU, nervnus weaknofc, 6.irly de-- ; flmt cay, Iiwh of manhood, .to , I w it! "eud a will rur y.m. FliKK Ot CHAUttK. TIiih lEi wt I 'ith rvuii'Uy wai ihinxvud y a niiiMionary iu AMknr. Send a fiivclxpe to t!.e I.MKA.N. Hf.v. Josr.en T. ikaUv I), liiUU. lltUit r'!i Aisui York t ity. e W I'm . out-sid- are Sole Agents for Utah for the Celebrated California We WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ili-i'-s- s. - 9 S5 to S20 I'or'Uud, duv jw Worth 1 nt bMjiB. fvmiplns true. Sunso.i & Va. All ArnW wanted. Outfit A CO., Aupimu, The Simplest and most durable raachino ever offered to Utah Farmers, full Hue of repairs always iu stock. TEH f'JO-l- y OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. HAPPY RELIEF FOR YOONO MEN from the eflects uf Krrors and Aliuxfi in early lit. to marriaR tritoTed. Jnjpdini-nU- i New methud of irmtnient Nw und rnintrkaM. rtiilHi. Book and Circular tit AddreM. UtlWAKll frm, in sealed en AX:iAT10Nf 4)9 N. Nin'h St, PhiUdelpuiii, l a., ai luMitutioti b.viuK atiigh rpuuti(ui fur , Uunor .We cuudui.t profivi"i!Aj th'll. Mun-Loo- d vIoj. A AID HARVESTER Ahead of all Competitors :;i trials. Agricultural The Leading Harvester in the market. TUCK )Vtu:u. ICopt on Hand. Buckeye Eeapers and Mowers. JUaiuo. adyth.w S1Q uid terms trra. Kiz;& The Sweepstakes Thresher! CANNOT BE EXCELLED. ' - All Kinds of Farming Implements, Iron Steely Wagon TinibeVy Etc. ; OFFICES: Salt Lake, Coricna and Maia Street,1 Ogden. ft K J Vila |