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Show BY TELEGRAPH. badly injured that she died 000a after being taken to tbe hospital. It is reported that the overseer, named iiarr, AMERICAN. locked tbe dcrtr of the room in which the femnle "peratives were working. Cbryenne, 10 herder for Burr liiraeelf perished in the namea. The i ni.'hl Vr,. w entirely destroy!, aad tbe A. killed was FerrN. 1'ra't by Indians wr estimated at $200,009. n tv, K h irstnnt. Sidney cross- 1J Saunders' paper wuielmuse caught iiliix horse aud re on tte I'latfe v ..'e.-u holy arrived 'Jy.h and tbe interior bti ie were uk- -i wo all it contents. The ware d ov Mi ii.'-'nt;i. c ; .1 ey situated next to the burned 'i"llH' lipft'-e''ot Ifl on ijiookh wntirr, ar.t ltatP'i ' '"J' iOs '1 Ii in V:ei e A ' i.l ,h shouldering; renin. uts ot luuremmUrd catiie it ir.i; r'toux i.vi. 4!'.(liiiV1 ,1.,,.'. 1:... Mild A from CiMititunitnoiil?. flispa'CM the n..t'e. kiiiini no c'ock this morning, s'.ytt Chat ... ,.tl tbe mock".' ,J:'"'J !i v in iJiu i i.'t ru-- liit' ministers wer assembled in coiinc:'. iuMi riiirht nl the residence of Mtidhnt i h 1, o r f . IVsha, l'roeident cf the Couneil, bIkh Hi t!i he ii t tiii(i:i.t-an r who bud been reeently ii l'( t I'aaOiSCb. us from tbe servioe, e.itere i the i ilia .1.. !,-- !).. 1!.', 0'' tiie artued with a eoiiimil chamber a decision irn;' court. niy render-killed Iltie:n and hiiot and instantly i I'o'.ut t?i ; in the Lining Avoi Miaieler of Fortijrn Affniia rahhu, iSiiiro tl. vs. n:nnei company company If. 'lieih u 'tie failure of tbe do and Ketious'.y wounded K.daerh l'aha, i Mta.fter of Marine. He also kille! an f.'ti I'lii'.s to fulfil lifir obligatiotiH voidoi ie 'le ca'up of the Grand Viz cr, a ed tli ir duici to a lien on the mine, mid ib.: J ay meal of the loyalty of $2 per servant of Mudhat Tasha. The ansnssip The taotifJ for ibis uu. The deciniua implies ti itn o l.tr was arre.ttetl to at ieetige iar lis it of EupooBta lead a wiiica in number cri;e Mtni'ar suits diniTjia-fton Coicitock toe cniri;i4iiies ing Laining Ghent, IR. U nrc pi liiiiiili. The olcricil manifesta'ions were rel! in who the UuJi.lf.li newed last night, and some cvfiiotn benoioriooji in V.'aaii-owinter of 187-- w tween the police and people occurred. from a "1'iii.njiid" ll'.u.uiuterg, Seft-raarrotts were made. The gens was of !.h oxTavuL-adisplay gein.s, charged ou tb crowd without tt officer :imt'3 here by a United State diswarrant i fro u WasUitt.'' on, caarging previously culling on tha cinwd to Alcanbian of the The wicdowa Lim with oh niuitii; SiSO.U'K) of tbe perse. ..tkU of the li?nict of ColuuiLia on hotel were broken, n.J sovend privnte Nuuierous bands of He ha1 been kept in house damaged. ilci )irctejib'8afterwards rioters paraded tbe uirteis, two ofllceru for rfate cuto.ly by the bu.i tbe police preventshou., Lin uttering fixed at btil being iHy.j, ed further eicesa. Li.iiv. he ha nut beta able to obtain. Conptsn'.inople, 10. Cincinnati, la. official aoccuot of is The an following Tl" non.initi.ia of Hye appears thi? moi ning: A ivAHasainatton be.e the to the Biipor.ers t;i lly named Haasni), who 1H the an thj t.liiir c.i.n.J dites. Among then Circassian school four ull up u tioi;o could tbe chq.ice have miliary jears aga, with thet and of wat appoime rank lieutenant, ( let't. oo :v of lrt!e 1i!!n hei;ri buruiug of Bagdad, ti !e iiliive l. All roncur in ackt.ow to a Captaincy in the army was retained at for certain reasons, c ; n e iu-ex'tjutue ahiltiy, i)0it3i.s be was various wbera t'on.Uantinonl, and iNit-gunqualified pvritit-ny n Viliiie nmitt will iiot ch f,n ib. tue ly employed. He reoeii'ly received of to the AJju'.nnt. gra'ie o't! a n' vt 'iii hiii,9Pj whioi) tlu tn ipp'iitt?nt Mnjor, and was agsigued to duty with it is cn'Ci-delt'.aitio Bagdad. He nileged varit.iit the uominaitiiii thoroughly uui't'3 the army of for reuia;n:ng at Coi.atanti-napltua Ilepuld.cuj pany, mil challenge1 ous pretexts was and ti n consequently arretted t f toe 0 li'iiy nti supprl, iude;ei;d-enlie was released aud inipriaonnied, llla.ne' ate ftioadj reionneii, of his proceeding n on conditi. roti l of h'n fupport. in the lace of the yenterday to Ilagdad for (I'ridij). Yesterday '.&cept rp.'eui jiT:'i,iMJi !m Called upon the War Minister, when w alarm ta vre tiiui' hi.'i ibos, minister was de!e;aiea wiih the idia of a defeniive hq waa tufrqaed atthat the Trimo Minister end the council aV wan wg hi; n'iroii clearly fanijiai"there, and from ibin. eause residence, fje proseedt-was larzer t.) day thun waa anticipated, th 0 gjiards believiug bio. an aido a perniittod him to ei.lr. to quiie tliirty vol on ot dele-(- j tninu'in;j fired blank Husftia at Avnil'adia, h n co ftnud point .if w'ui id cotivig4 ijaither Minis-teof War, with a revolver, an J t; ihoir 4; iiic U!tio:i tu run uuier fire forwaid were prcs.-in- ; tb while ti'hera l liouh s"i expreji.-iTithir fiih in lac-he- l l'ashri. i.t fino. It must b concede!, however, to seize the hesas-ina Minister of Foreign afliirs. and as rvint i.i.tt tl:.ii' v:.;Hkne.4 ajt in Boitte v rtut. cTj-cnsrne l by a strong de-- of Mu Jhul Pa ha, ntmed Ah.ed Agiia, of llepiiMiean prif ctple una a so'dier, were killed. And Ksi-ett.r mi t.ar'T't'te eoinmeni it eiruea, y I'l'ha, !vlmiter of Maiine, and auotber were wcunded t.u- l id Ta il N'.w Ymk tt'm.don'd Cftk- I'.inama. 1. wiilii.it f.ii'ioailv wnhdrawiiu? Lis ' A f,r( in tha fAn vorl;s i s'ah'iisliner.t "ti. .,.;.i! r ot tiie tiici'v Ji i iiit.3 t.ie t.'4tiner ' thut C.nMtng Ud couskuI at Curji, reT;ii, on the 'Jill h of Apu!, wi'.'iit awal under any circum- cnusid t'.o death of fix percent nn.l the i wounding of a iaigs number. The fire lUiCf.i lasted ftfitn eaily inorning till la!" tu I'.iUiiriore. M.I., Id the Ciiri-t'iK;ii-17, evening, and ws caused by a 1'ght nr? vei"r isy e huudied n irdeie i .trs:e:. need also 17, ed rocket landing in a . cf f i AUgi.teil;i e.i pilfer. fid.ti; I5j.r pound jdlo gun pawdcr Clenvont Mills t,' on To in. his crime. ' b ilie'i t a ken to a neihb tree JXov, Site Il;u2ifd Hint. ao l up, but bfing cut dowtj he fee a puu to fhoot hiinsc'f It v,i Oa tlia Ilar!t.m rc.d the othtr si.pi'Miid that he might as well 1. ui.g hiiu.4oifs when lie immediately oiimbed day tnih have loe?i st;tu an old "I believe I will!" he replied. "Here, you want to pay for this?" to fbridi!" was the into angwir. - ''You can as we town on three wheels" a3 'Youo Wi-liifr- . - -- ,u, . -- ...n h-- . ( , in a l 1 - i l de-en- Ua-a- r j. , e 1 ti 1 - 1 nt ;. - l- ni rft-- n company mini it S ia , iiiil' bye. a.t.d irop- - j wl,i'p jvthend jia ! . Salt Lake City, Utah 820 ! lv THE CELBBBATBD MTORMICK HARVESTING MACHINES! r ,1- M c 1 - tii:f-AV'- ; st v.' vVi-- : m 1 J f-- d j i i . Wil'Lin lleuiy, that wa than and ta fljl.t. religious (any d;g just j ui-jc- "3 a j ! j'i;tCi uii:eii;jg. ' ihe Lord seems ba.on ournide ail idoiig." replied the old man; but J. I'd have ?:iit wollorvd it" gU'iti.-hrtdu't cotao with the butter. Tin my coat tail oa again and let ute git vu . a rid uuier this axletree." ttrf&s; r a-i- re '''rs?'- Tele- ' - a-j- s -, k,-- , I ii 'i- - ; i,-- v f 3 i needs only to be tried. - .hn ;i TIIE DKOPPER has no Superior for Light Braft and Convenience, THE IMrKV32 FIISZ. MOWKIi oaunot be leaf, gram. iiiio lU city Pblin IIOTAR1T PUBLIC, Tashioued old aa tf hprir:; vu- Kiolwnond, nolio. Co,, arw iler EMPGEI11I MMMlxm -- I I oc and 10 wi j.an.i npnIo tLe county court thistvening. oul1;'Caid-'ot the .euiion of Mr. Edward, brother j,;,t his.flu hut i'.dl cf ir;..' latitat premtf aitcwUU to. by Apt (! '. niiifiiril Va.duw, Ciii'i?fl G,i.f, Kir- Mis Lmcoln the jury w,s hur.Hled, j b cavos an .j C )Vt a:K jJor illet :nd fiavin;; hend hd wards st.it sment j aYm'd ,Wllh titetrz-ctthstMrs1mc.dn ws.no !hr'.' n";'1 waa VUlCh Mter the tu Styb fO-iu a condition to manage l.tr elate pr-- ' DAVS re,,y, and of Mr. 8wett, on heha'f of c'iO f lb Mcxica:i av. A New i .i,;i.iri i.inrc;n. to sit 14m ni caeui ivrKcT. WHS OXt rciMIitr I'.id UOToG a . ,'.jtd be r,.j!y :oo glad to hate the do bit, aud through at:n mish-itin Tinurs-- yJh.tVirter A R!,tn X'lttor. ere of the court revcreied. it I Ite tJ.li-s- wheel to Mitci.e!! . jHHier.) of is "hkch.'tott" beernae in gi'Qa naiisfied Ihe jury Taare teilocked with a bin J w heel of thivpon the jury give a verdict that the W ! t,.i J Mary Lincoln is reterKl.lo reason, Oia IJUIU r iv nr.d Mttinis kort in :.a. Hose tom-- . and capatiirt tj tiiantje and cotjtvol her passion, and ruade matters wore. I'ipo i tv.'n :s A.ent nm'a x.:d 5. M ! i:mp. l'linifs ro- estrtte. yvtl Throa sjokoM were brckon from hi.s hlu. I'lliJ. Ht.l..gf CU liKl ll. wheel, and ou came th' wheel t f the ancient ta:cwt. The farmer ?af IdJUElON, t li't! Oy?ji!.rp lin'ilc to otrior. there with his mouth open, too London, Id. ; fruit and txlMiii'.t., 8lf be.wildered Aud to in ih.'f. eto:i. JO,i.sj Sir Thiin Henry, (hiuf Magistrate, iuiazed to fipaak C?" ihe anl The wife. wa.t also a Oidrti fr.s;.i t:.o ceuntry r.vai'ii'j' reet police, was taken do anything. jrfoa i hi' uttendiag to little .slow (. wn!i.! mi idttuly ill u ikiy up, baA when V...l.c.. uj V.'ork'hnji,, Wert Te t;.1a St., t'.e noes ct Ascot. Ho was reino?ed to dnOifed out ahead of .VM.-J.AXii: '1TY, (wenty'pouadi L"r.dou and died CiM iwits City Mt Market. sh of oui. butter, yciieel good It is oltieially announced, that the r.O. H.u, ,Vv, airth "VVilliim of Trade awarded dipt Gilford, llenry, v'jy of the American wha er Young Fhanix. dun't you sass that mn?'' i riler cup, in acknowledgment Qt bid. CARDING gutKi. I will!" hp. calwly re Kiadness to the hurmors of the English i lowly robbing his leet. plied, f.hip rtrstintiirp .. i.i ik. frc u,au ...i.iU' i auJ of f.d ",B Havinii ?vrrrr.PTtiJ!i services A hrv bvke out to day h.thp extan-- : JiltcK l,K V, a avtir f lung I dorm t tho on woole s and Macuino gr'iiid onr Carding cuc, th jie cif'i-- majvufatvojy works at Ayr, Tielonghig to James rem-.- t purveying Ins brukef. eposes, and, he H EXCELLENT RUNNING QBDER, the fric ileton. The fire, ra oausid-balwaj out; to He i iflr ilea of inacbiueiy, and spread. It) etery v'Huch old sleepy heuvi have no at The of ike building. j operative yrt ork i t the tiwe believe tlwt all tb busipoci driving an old blmd horse Of I -a tnl ig.a, uud f t!i. (lurronnrtin).ru except, ou iacU. their escape. A oa. the b'ghways! If you had turned iwuern uuuuuos. iavnTber ot wQtrn, rafhi, oyt, faying out tJi.iiikW.ouJd not. luvc happened." OX Y037U WOOL idler wer others, icaide unable. t,o get t why lleury, n the aftexwards. roof fell, cut. 8on Aqd,G,et Good ltolla. do't,you saiw. hita back?" exi laimed "jweoty four ten mere buried in tbe thft the butter crock wife, tipri.-i- j am I rrii-K-l. One wotnsn,' who y,r.,fi?ixf ton & Co. - - 1 a i man aiiy outer nouso xn uto.ii, There- fore persons wishing- to purchase Koods will iia it to their interest to call and examine pr;ces and quality 02 goons Peiore pnrciiasins else- where. DG2TT FOI1GET THE I A j j a - V1Cis the stransri paw, by the collar and a tussle, ('omnii-need- . ne WhS old "tuy. tod the old bottle holder. l.iiy uiado an After a uiiuuie the twa uoute.Hants weiit down, the fanner ttpperitiost. Th( New Verier new b.gatt to put in is work, and wjuld doubtless have detj.dated a faiiirv lieai thtune ... , cue saw how ht;i lor tue wile. things were goin, and seiaittj; u r of butter she it down on the New York?r's f'aeo, filling his eyes uud overloading Lit m mto. 1 he old ou hiai, aud mail got a neek-hoiit wau't lotiCibidViri: he wa. a licked jmaa. Wheu, let up he hadn't a word to fuy, but unhitched and j irovts ,',:T. "'1 d"i.'t know what our church would h.iv," naited the old lady, buk- inr alter ht.".i, "lint tweeu you u iue, s ttu u , H-.-nr- 1 Utu-.k'- - uDtfmv rai'don at ouce!" howled tho New Yorker, appearing to be groatly enraged. Wiiliatti reached cut a , Al-rtr- 1 swereu. 8ri-.i:n:to- to-d- ay .- laii-- h. t FR the ribs. "I believe I will!" he slowly ati Vi 1 ,mum to ch.'ke hiiu onoe, but I'lti a loatle afraid of the law!'' 3;du the old man. The htransre; hitched his horss, thuikiT; to have fotiie fun, and walk iii'j: u;; to the farmer, he shouted: 'I'ay me for thii damage!' 'Jjit'k hitrd hik him!" squalled the wife, uujging Wiiiiam Iletiry iu .4 e, moL-kin-j- IV i arlir-viV- ' , , - "I'd like n -j wheel- death!'' tiiat-aherf- i W for tli3 i - '(Joan lick him!" shouted the wife. "If I was a ct;iu I'd pound him to ). - .on- Wr- fu-s- ." ! ) n t killed ' i b- wt-re-.. 1 i i blind N'.w - d f L. 8 VJILXXAB JBKHTOS, SONS & 32ale Eraoriuin. Iz:iportors. Jobbers aid Merchandise. jesjfirrj in General. Have jest racei-jea 2Tew Sloe!: Gocvla of the Choicest Sanctions fro-- a x'hitrAt European Importations fra?a. t'leITotioas". an imTaaiseOtooli of Staple a.I ra ?IenV Boots ar.:l Goods, Shoos, Dry v . , atj. Department m tae i3S. f Ul nt' Zi finar8e Crroceries, Hardware, Crocksr?. locco, All of wliiCii they are selling as Cheap ii' am. t;vo,;nHOwan tlie u em to e hur waa n,t hu.band If awer. your un old man I'd drub hi.!" -irve hear that, William II,nrf- -1 d'v hVnr his cwsv Whv don't Vou lioMiiM out'n his bx.?" the reyW-"I waii't no husband, whilu thestrauer iudul-- j u,"-- ;,m d O-iw- ,' Wonder y.,u -- I'iiit-tiiiti- i fr two -I iffi-;- i it!" put iu the "Thut'e pretty Cite!" sneered th - ! ,1 d ! i 1 won'in. husband. v , th 'No; don't you I ...... S "Don't you talk that way to us!" wat ned - i 8 four." j - eui-phat- j j j Ail' the McCoraick Machines ma a afactured for the last thirty years hav been riott.d lor simplicity or ponstructiorv, superiority ui woi-i- -- (1,l.:i;tw . ,i ! EVE??V . JAMES, Ji. 1- -- Samples to be seen at Joshrta Williams, Ogden; Goodwin IJros., Kichardon A' Soiithfla'.d; who are a bo Agenda for the wt'l .CT-Jiknown. FISH KRQS. WAGONS. Lo-xK- OGDEN' ti-c- . j Ott!v,-ai- tr FULLY GUARANTEED. KIACHlPjS t...-- 1 PI iag and A XI) t LUMBER j :o:- - Vi k4i-l- 'I v miliif Doc rM,. I fthistetes, v MACHINE. "r1"' -- ujcfx-ri- - IVK US A CALL AND EXAMINE' OUK PRICKS. i,y;t . y fI'rd CAKDTIIE.WOOL j 'WUliaiB-r-VViJiiftn- iAC?.kf.lf Vdper wiMo, yytf Mills, awing YA II JK Re-- S BIIXG .fi. C3-IESOJS- SCCIjES and.rrankjin E. j Corner of Fourth i Sta ,. Ogden. ?.S-r-W- e ami EGTNLa .rt kit MAUHliN. W will receive orders for AMES? - Co.,. TrrrtZ r-- " SAW MILLS, SHINGLE and LATH MbftAlOU TNV1NCIBLK MIXLS. &c, &c. Alan. .he St. Wis iond to. URBUSUEWJ. MA.CIJLN15; w.ith CAREY POWER. ctrciiarg. - a ' a |