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Show LOCAL ITEMS. The Vert opened her Bbst. Mre. Moore has saloon at the ice-crea- Desperate Suicide. Aiiuiferaary. Brioham Citt, June 14, 1874. St. Louis Globe Demoorat. Stephens' House, Fifth Street, opposite Editor Junction : the Junction office. There is no e after 7 o'clek last night Dear Sir : The seventh anniversary an Shortly cream In this city than Mrs. Moore's, was- run over aud unknowmnuc of the Three Mile Creek Sabbch school And her paatry cannot be excelled. If killed a southward bouixi train by was celebrated yesterday. hadnice plate of cooling sweetyou want some eehulho'tse of said place ws skill on the iron Mountain Raiirsadv at ness, call at the Stephens' House, where fully and elegantly decorated far the oc the foot bf Arsenal Straea. The jnrain casion flowers, pictures, was ruDfliug within.ulimits r erytbiug is neat and pleasant, and ete , by th-- leading' ladies of tbe scfceol. hud its headlight everything served up is genuine. Vie The choir, under the leadership of Jas. quired by law, and in prope? repair, but the ecgine? wish Mrs. Moore Buccess in her Hew Young, did eieellent service during the Deceased day; the ejection of songs, recitations did not discover the man. tud dialogue were very good, and the was an Iritshuiau evidently anything tyiesiione solved by the school on doc but "luck struck," aui during the The house Deatu on tub Hail. Mr. JMin El- trinal points- were raatJo had himself acquainted was crowded to excess by parents, visi- day liott, of Indianola, Iowa, accompanied tors and scholars, and all were highly with the soldiers at the old Arserfal, by his wife, has been absent in Califoremertained during the day's exercises, who had provided him with food. Ho nia since last fall,, the forrader to recover which closed by a pleasant dancing party iad given no uame, but had related his health-- , having been afflictol with in the forepart of the evening. Supt. such incidents as to cuuvey the imJxhn I) Peters is highly respected by bronchitis- for aome tirae. Finding his school and all tbe people. Alonzo pression to his listeners that he was that he could' not recover, a few day ago Perry is the President of the settlement. a tramp. With the cubing of night the pair started from San Jose for their Thrift, economy and progress are visi- he had gone outside the Arsenal enhonw la Lowa. This morning' as the ble among the1 people ef Three Mile closure, aud laid himself down io the Creek. long grass near by. From the Central Pacific passenger arrived in this A, C. Very respeatftilly,. in which the body was found city, Mr. iHiott died', leaving Lis weepthere is little doubt ot the man havami afflicted resume to the widw ing committed liall-Itates lonely journey with his corpse, which suicide, fo? the evi for Ike ing iluse sh will do dence- is such as to show that he de- morning. Ii;U. iberately placed his neck across the Call's Foau, June 12, 1875. the rail, and met death premeditated- Abmy Wohms. Immense numbers of Editor Junction: ly. The head was severed complete small caterpillars, o?, &8 some call them, 10th n a the inst.. Saturday ly from the body, and when found their appear- friendly game of base ball was played was some distance irom it. The en army worms, have ma-ance in the eastern part of this city, at this place, between' the lirigham City gineer discovered the accident at B. B club and the Call's Fort B. B. as was the Bel but tram the hanging thickly en lucerne and clover, chb, on the ground of the latter. The once, and riddling thele&ves of fruit trees. and would be in the mont the of the shows score result following express, Mr. John Hooper, of Hooper, siys the game: Brighain City, 20 ruus; Call's way ci all other trams if broaght to Fort, 61 runs. a stop, he kept on- until reaching worms have through" with the luThe crops here look promising' for a Carocxiulet, where the police were cerne aad clover at Hooper and West bountiful harvest. A dispatch was sent to In your issue of Saturday last, gwing notified. Weber, and are now feasting en the the excurs-iorates to Ogden for the Capt. Hercules, of the Second Disgaideu. Strawberry and gooseberry Centennial celebration, on the U N K. trict, who sent two officers and a leaves are disappearing like magi, but R., how ia it that Call's Fort people have wagor to take charge of the body. the; have not yet attacked tbe grain. to puy the same fare as Logau people, Shortly after miduight it was re They brre beea on the march about a two dollars, and Brigham City people June 16. from Friday'tDuikt of aiue From. (fFnr?, Field' and bet-ic- Jt -- we a K9 10 Pre83 we - Deowskd news thai a three, team the melancholy Adam Gladhill Mr. of ear olJ daughter . .ho water ditch near his rettdea-d- . was d when taken out deace, ReuStibkbd. On Wednesday nigbi M near Emmeti S. stabbed ben Gardner Utah. Both were the heart, at Hebron, of wine. The wound intiuenoe BaJer m been fataL have lUnted, er it wwld - readers will learn that Mr. G. A. from an ad. elsewhere, tin shop to the Oh'son has removed his on- Main Street, 0ld postoffice building Our Pehotal. caa be promptly served to s in his line. Olilsou is a joy thisg workman, is ahvaps courteous and accommodating, and his prices are If you want tiu ware of any kind, ordinary or extraordinary, call T. on Ohlson and he'll suit you to a first-clas- Mr. C. S luive rn We pos-nessi- Sir:--O- d Lancaster is the discoverer new ledge, which he has named The sample is good, and Grey Eagle Mr. L. s ys iW the ledge is well de fined with both fool and hanging walls; the vein is a seven footer. Mr Lan-ciBt- er On y - - ex-jud- r fire-bric- k Jurors. Albers Allen,. J Wk. McKat, Joshua Williams,. Coroner. V Strawbrrrt Festival. The young liiies of the Ogden Relief Society gave 'festival last evening in the City Hall, ia aid of the Society's store, oa Fifth Street. The sapper was elegant and the strawberries and cream A No. 1. The speeches were to match, aud the eongs and recitations- ditto. They netted a handsome sum for the store and "ill repeat the entertainment next Wednesday evening, in the same place. The 5air did them great credit. - I'ot90KED.Tht8 morning a favorite g belonging to Mr. Richard Hayes, of this city was poisoned by some The dog is no snariperson. ng, noisy cur, but ia quiet and kindly disposed to friends and stranger. Mr. Kajes puts a high 'lu9 on , and should he discover who perpetrated the anton, m&an and dastardly act, he do his almost to jus-i- f bring.thera-tthero .is law ia Ogden. The hand at adinini8iers poison to an inoffensive fcnrt brute, would ,d worse if chance MeiiWelf. d the-dog- o H'o Had just checked! the lass cargo item-- when the orijS ing futr of a ftjaadruped cant with sneakiogr dic?n live his tail between hb legs. ''Drat itr if there ai's that yaller dog," say Noah, aitnwg a vicioaa-kicat the brute. Bat with a faciiity born of bitter and long experience, the thig dodged' and ejaculated1 ' ki yi," is Syriae for ''declined-witor thank," "ut for Joe," and while Noah, who hud4 disappeared, sea legs on, was unable to recover h'w equilibrium, and sat down onof his head. Noah arose, and with the style prevalent among the patriarchs, he proceeded- to' soothe his affronted digu'r-tby pronouncing a variegated anathema upo the yaller dg, whicH had characteristically sneaked unobserved on board in the coufusion of putting to sea, andi eapsiitjd the captain1 at the first port. He cursed that dog in body, limb,- scent, bark, hide, hair, tail aud wag, and all his generations, relations and kindred, consanguinity and affinity, and his heirs and assigns. He cursed him with endless hunger, with fear, with perennial ladne3, with incessant fleas-anredness, from the demoralizing: effect of which jailer- dog has never re covered. With this curse sticking to him- wnl moved where it like a revenue stamp, the yaller. do;;, Morgue, be viewed the coroner. by can't bxlp, being cussed Deceased was about icrly years old, had long hair, thin, liht colored OfUtie Utmost whiskers, and was dressed in dark outside clothes, striped calico shirt, In connection with my other businessaud boots. There was nothing about 1 hive accepted the agency tor- the fol- the persou calculated to give a clue lowiag machinery: to the name. , gang-plan- k - wh-iHf- the-bac- - y - has temporarily laid aside the awl and is "pegging" away with tie Success to him aad pick and shovel. all others engaged in developing the week. He tried quicklime, and supposed of Uih. he had got the drop oa them. But when he saw them eating the lime as a season ing to the leaves, he gave it up When z res s la n aS. became away, they were looking raven-ouslIn the Sonate yesterday, the chair at a grindstone, and he doesn't kid before t he Senate a message from know whether there mil be any to look tbe House, announcing- the non concurrence of that body in the Senaie at when he returns Tobacco water is th best application amendment to lite legislative, judicial we have heard of. They can't stand that and executive appropriation bill. Mr. Morrrll moved that the Senate in- at all sist epon the amendments, and agree to tbe oooferecee asked for by the House; The Sad Casi or Dftowsmo. An inagreed to. quest was held by Coroner Williams this Morrill, Wiodom and Vither9 wers morning- on the body of Mr. Gltdhill's appointed members of the committee on the part of tbe Senate. The Senate at little daughter, two years and three 12:10 adjourned till months old, who was drowned in the water ditch yesterday afternoon. Mr. D. E Browning testified that he picked From Saturday Daily of June VI the child cut the waste water ditch on Good btb. The Clack Eighth Street at 4 p.m. yesterday. She and the were wa- - quite dead. For three months in there was water enough in the both for Elaine yesterday. To day tkey the year are both fur oblivion. Exit the ditch to endanger the life of even an adult who might fall into it. The banks last vestiges of the Utah "ring." were so steep that a large child falling in would have great difficulty in Ai'pcalkd Again. The Supreme getting oat again. Court of the Territory has Swafirmed the VERDICT. decision of the lower court in the Wig.- We, the undersigned jurors, whose Wiggins-mus- t gins eaee. either die-onames are hereto affixed, do declare on appeul agiio, and we understand that he our oaths that the deceased, Annie from being. vfill chtiosa the latter. The Supreme Gledhill, came to her death drowned in the waste water ditch on Court of the United State will next Eighth Street, Ogden.. And we here take a hand in the affair. take this opportunity to place before the Mayor and city au honties the unsafe condition of said ditch, una we rccoru EsroRTs. Morris &, Evans, tbeeuter-prisiu- g mend that the water how allowed to run stone cttttera, makers, there, be divided through several ditches or otherwise directed, were there is less marble dealers, etc., are shipping fireliability of accidant, as at present, there clay to California. Good. Exports art is every probability of similar accidents Heeded to bring mere cash into the eocurriug. Thos. Parkinss,,1 Territory. Success tc Morris & Evans. " s. the-pie- r - of the "whiie-souled:- he had hardly touched when he proceeded to tally pos-i-tio- out a sample of galena ore taken from a la'e discovery, ia the vicinity of within ths lust month. Ogien, made Oalkna. first-cla.-i- - where tbey Mc-b- e When Arar-at1,- . farm. foah disembarked on MtU - as Thf Sailer Io(rj Where ' OgdeH,.Juue 17, 187G. one dollar and a quarter, when the distance to Brigham Citjr from here is only six miles, and from here to Logan Will the gentleabout thirty miles? manly ticket agent of the U. N. R. R. rise and explain? YOUJS, etc., ScBSCRIZitR. to-th- to-da- in London. Thfr London papers announce a further extension oF rapid transLt in An Eje Witness' 5connt of CornwnllU' Surrender. that city by the completion and openFrom the Fredericksburg Xewi. ing for public traffic, on April 5th, Not lone 6iace, being at York- of the East London Railway, which 1 fell into a discussion is another of thoso' gijanti- under- town, Va., a with very old- negro man, who was ground enterprises for which the meAs nearly as communicative. tropolis of England is so distinguish- quite recall' can tbe words, his narrative ed. The' most remarkable feature of I follows: was as this new vork is the fact that a con4,I see Gen. Washington? yes. siderable portion of the line i built sab.! Why,. I was here all de time. under water. The commerce of the world may be said to float and nat- - See de British See Uornwalusr lo be sho': wasn't 1 here right here igate directly over a part of the roof de time? Suttenly I see 'em all. all y of the tunoel, which extends from the Liverpool Street Nw, I tell you, massa! 1 eeo uenl on station o?the Great Eastern railway, Washington, and he vraa asottm and a of a and his boss, catin, peash; passing directly under the a slippm come Cornwallis he out, London ot basin the and water aud he start out around to get away, docks, thence' under ths embankhe start de and down toward creek, ment, acroe3 and nndef the Thames he Gen'l but to Washington, run, river, to the New Cross station of the arter started him he d au see rectly, Southeastern Railway, thus connectand Gen'l "Washington he him; also and the all roids the named, ing London and Brighton and South didu't want to take no advantage of him, bo he run well an' pretty soon London lines. ne catcii The Shadwell and Whitechapcl sta- he catch Cornwallis, an damn 'Yeu him by de neck, and say: tions, each four hundred aud fifty And Corfeet in length, have been erected. Bcoundrd, I got you!' handed an' he turn round, nwall, The total cost of this new line, which an his Gea'l Mr. sword, Washington is a little less than six miles long, an' took it he Gen'l Washington, jess has been 3,200,000, or $16,000,-00be sho' To it? I oil'! See his head Of the the advantageous nature eui de all here was time, right of this line to the public, the London sea it. I see it? how I massa help gwine is doubt. no That papers say there Jess as 1 tell you. Gen'l Washingportion ef the line under the Thames eettia' on his boss, an' ton was-passes through the ola 1 names tun eatin' of a peach " nel, built by the celebrated engineer But it i not necessary for mo to M. I. Drunel. as often as This wort was commenced in repoat the old man's story to Suffice it did. say that be 1824, and opened for foot paesongers he - - souta-easterl- wars-hous- es 0. proper to make Black, of the counsel for the accused, read a lengthy paper, declining to plead further, on the ground that the respondent had already been substantially asacquitted, as the order of the Senate not was a, by. passed serting jurisdiction Counsel for defense two thirds vt asked that the paper be filed, but an oband also jection was made by Edmunds cf the the on part by. the managers House. Pending discussion, Mr. mauds said it had been suggested that no a count quorum was present, and upon of the Senate, only twebty nine Senator a quorum. tesponded-no- t . theu Senate adjourned untiLto-The morrow. . The House went into committee onse whole on the army appropriate Bla ckburn in th cltair.. ja-.bil- l, varied it in any particular, in 1843, but never proved or muc: nc?er value to the.public until brought into thus furnishing one of the best.iV use several years sgo as a. railway dkia of veracity and accuracy. tunnel. The masonry comprising this- re markable work is 38 feet wid and 22 J feet high, and was carried across underneath the bed of tb.3' river by means-oa great shield, within which the cmsonry heading was erected, and tbsj shield then pushed ahead step by step, by jack, screws, the ma sonry being built up as faet as the shield: advanced.: llyraulic Engi neer. - f . The Cayuga Chief end Wheeler Com bined Reaper and Mowers, tbe best in the market. Having had ten years ex perience in- the machine- trade, and handled every kind of mahiu that has been sold in this Territory, I; m well as every iuau who has bought' toem; pro nounce them tbe best ia tbe u. 3. A full line of repairs always on hand. I also sell the Mitchell Wagon, which is equal to any in the market. Every; wagon guaranteed for one year. The Coates Lock Lever Sulky Rake; the Invincible Threshing Masbiues, with the Carey Mounted and Down Horse Power. Their past success has made ' them the leading machine, because they do not waste grain, thos saving enough' over other maohiBes to roore than pay ' the cost of threshing. Tbey run light, having no endless apron, so large number of belts, pulleys, roller, e.,..aiid they are 60 eiaiple and compact, that i any one cm understand and A Cockle Screen attaohed,successfully-Sals Send ia your orders early; Jut-c5th Ogden, Street, opposite' yard - J - ', , . run-the- - - tion fffioe. At my stare on Main Street I offer- a of general mer- full supply of all kinds k chandise of the best quality at do no can better lot) anywhere. prices A full line Stoves a specialty. bed-roc- d225 3 s47-l- W. G CHILD. Wanted 50,0001 POUNDS: WOOL! : , a . lb the Senate yesterday, legislative business was suspended at 12:20 and til consideratiea of the articles of imrepeachment against Belknap were sumed, this beicg the day fixed to hear any further answer to the articles of deem impeachment thareepondent might . y Important;. a Congressional. l - Opening or a Remarkable I&ailway pr-petu- al OOI.KN LKA6BI) THX OGDEN rettttad aud arraugtl tlia ihiu with New- Mkchinury, ot tbe uiu.t aiiprin! am prepared now to furninb tlie w .e ptttrn,I of tliin and narroumliug TerritorioH aul fri.vn with Je&ne!,l.inya, Oleaveland l'oeiiki Funcjr Wool ioehkin, KopellHiita, HhdikN, aiiJ Siockiug Yarn, of the very levt iimkt. fn m No, 1 stock, warranted to ie natisUctiuu, tu all who may favor me with tlioir pattoime. The above dewribe t cloth will be kept caastuntly on hand fur Exchange for Wool, Grain, Product-an- HAVING . - - d Cah. The elephant in Montgomery piiitt fcr Wj.v;' iff tt Queen's circus, San Francisco, dis The nifthe-ithe varuBkiiid of good thaug(or covered a pocket in the back part of rtaaufHutared at the Mill. nain.MdTWi:LVK YFAKS' KXPEUTENCB a girls dress, as 6ho.'Wa8 leaning In themanuiacturr of the ahovs Inthii against the, rope and' looking the tiwned Territory, rtUIs. I expect to innnnfuctar a rk)J- ' nthpr wav. Ho reached in with his poods an an he made iu the Territory, or iiufrom any country. trunk and brought-aapple, which porttd Those .who hava w ol to exchange for gocl, will do well. he ate. Another trial yielded apnek-tr- a of cum drops, and a third some ' an& got TO sr.E ME .'JVKFOTlE" M KKl ti peanuts. Again ho essayed SALE Of? THEIlt WOOL. hold of a bottle of ammonia, the conAU Orders Promptly Attended tents of which went the way of the apple, .the candy and. the peanuts. Instantly the resentful'Elephanfc obliterated the cirl's bustle, filling, the OO PEN OR SALT LAKE CITT; CTAI1. air with bits of 1 hey covered Jier,wUri whalebone. W. CtTMMIIVfS,- LtHAKSil. ahawl and took. her home t Market-Vrlo- -- : It wau a New wife Jersey, vrfco said, ."My dear, if can't really , drink bad coffee without abusing me,' how is it that you can alwayj-drinbad the. without abusing:, whisky k ' uzfeiwooLiaj miles;, J. e4S-3n.- .. |