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Show LOCAL ITEMS. SCHOOL IJOOKS. uhen pertain school books lAofvd for the Territory. In i. 12--- 4 n Institution purchasers would do well to visit and were learn Walker Dr's Wholesale prices. . s29tf view Merchants and ake of establishing uniformity. It would be, undoubtedly, a good A Fact for Far users. thing to have the same kind of books The Buckeye is the most durable iu ue in all the schools iu Utah. Reaper and Mower, and ha the lightest But there need be no great haute iu draft of s niaohine. It has any is when it and the You changej can Making no get it at Gao. A. the first-clas- superior. change for Lowb's, Main St., Ogdcn. lnade, it ought to be u th'i bett'T. r'ouio of our school trustees and teachers aro under the impression that unlet they accept the books adopted by the Convention, they will we their proportion of the legUla-tiv- o appropriation for school pur pose. A careful examination of the d22l The grand ..oratorio of feather will be performed wi'h appropriate costumes at the Theatre ou lues day, the 27th inst. Elaborate prepara tions are in progress, aud levers of good musio in this ciiy will have a genuine treat. C. W. Ilalleok, Esq., is Director, will himself take the part of nchool law, Which Was published in and the Junction', will show this to be Oratorio 1 Mor-deca- The law eays the decision Convention ehall be manda i. W.lntcd. error. pounds of Wool, at the New York Cheap Dry tory, but no penalty is provided for Goods Store, two doors south of Driver's disoSed'f'nce to the mandate, Main Street, Ogden. Highest Ve think it Unadvisable for the drugstore, 48 4t prices paid. Oatf Hundred Thousand authorities to take any action in this matter, until they receive fur Thk Best Mr. V. Poulson, of Tlain fher advice from competent persons City, treated the office to a dish of who are locking into the subject in strawberries to day. They were the nit its dstuils.' finest we bare seen this .season. They The Morgan County teachers have Were iu various ways "simply immense." luscious, juicy and toothsome, apparently made a decision iu regard Large, e.voh big tnough for two bitesi I'Mn t) wrtrin books. But a county con City is ahead in strawberry raisiug.arid veution h not legally authorized to Poulson's are the best we have seen. ym.i upon the matter. The school hooks for !the Teiritorv must be Mcch Jot. We congratulate our wife on by a Territorial Convention friend Lew. Shuvtliff and his Of course every county and every in- the arrival f their first child. This is illustration of the results of dividual has a right to express a another aud perseveranco. 8ee birth notli. 'ice. ISut wo hope this important tice. nutfer will be handled according to Stbawberrt Festival. We are relaw, and that the" true interests of the commitwhole pecplo will be consulted when quested by the chairman of the tee, to notify our readers that the straw a decision is arrived at. berry festival heretofore announced to The settlement of this subject in take place at the City Hall, on WednesVoIvm tho outlay of a largo amount day evening, the 21st inst, is necessaof tiioney and the proper instruction rily postponed until Friday evening, the of our youth. On both accounts it 23d in?t., at which lima it will come off in the City Hall at 6 p.m. sdioiild be treated with careful pa-tien- n, to the exelciiou of all Lost. A dark brown cow, branded interests personal prejudices or pre- C.W.P. joined on left hip. and figure 2 dilections. on left ribs. Has a red calf with her, to continue all the functions that the Government makes, it is my duty to call your attention to the embarrassments that must ensue if the year is allowed to close without remedial action The President then on your part. certain provisions of the laws of quotes the constitution, saying their effect is to prohibit any outlay of public money toward detrsyiog even the current and necessary expenditures of the Govern nient, after ibe expiratiou of the year which appropriated, excepting for when thoe expenses are provided for by some permanent appropriation aud ex cepting in the War and Navy Departments. The number of permanent ap propriations are very limited, and cover but a few of the aeC'Ssary expenditures of the Government. They are nearly all. if not quite all. embraced in fections 3(387, 368H and 3C89 of the Revised! statutes. That cnuined in Sec 3U87 is applicable to the expenses of collecting revenue from customs; that in evo Hon 3.C83 to the payment of interest op the public debt; and that in section 8C79 to various subjects too numerous1 to detail. It will be observed that while section 8G7D provides that no depart ment sball in any one fiscal year involve the Government to any contract lor the future payment of money in excess of tho appropriation for that year, section 2732 confers, by clear implication, upon the heads of the War anJ Navy Depart roents full authority, even ia tu absence of any appropriation, to piirchnse or contract lor alothing. subsistence, forage, fuel, quarters and transportation, not exceeding the necessities of the cur rent yiar The la'ter provision is specially excepticnb e in its chancier, and is regarded to be excluded from the operation f the former, which is more But if any of Hie appropri moo bills above enumerated should fail to be mutured b foro the expiration of the current fisiJiU year, ttie Government would be greatly embarrassed for want of the necessary funis to carry on ihe service. Precluded from spending mosey not appropriated, the departments would A careful ex serviceU4ve to amitiaiion of this subject will demonstrate the embarrassed c ndition ot all the branches of the tiovemmrnt, will be in, aod especially th Executive, if there should be a fa. lure to pss necessary Hp propriatioa bills before the first of July, or othirwiae provide , I commend this subjeot most earnestly to your consideration, and urge that some measure be speedily adopted t avert the evils which would result from non action by Congress. I will venture a suggestion by way of remedy, that a resolution properly guarded, might be passed through the two . Houses of Congress extending the provision f alt the appropriations for the present fiscal year to t tie next. In all cases when ti ere is a fiilure on the first of July, to supp y sucti appropriations, each appropriation so extended to hold good until Congress shall have passed a corresponding appropriation year, when applicable to the new all moneys expended under the law en acted for this fiscal year shall be deducted from the corresponding appropriation for the next. To make my ideas on this subject more clear, I have caused to be dran up a joint resolution embodying them more fully. gen-em- 1::J!(M UV1 HIIIAIUIOXY. 'The indicutiuns of harmony iniot) the leiuocrary are multiplying. The fruits of free discussion tire everywhere seen. Even tho Albany Arjrua ha? ceased attacking the fotnls andjudire. and calls npou all I.VoK-cnt"to reaon together." l'niftical sense is assert in g itself at l;.sr." The ubjvo U froai.the Xew Vork Voild, and wo' are glad to see that there is a probability of harmonious action amoaj Democrat. In this way only can they expect to achieve success. If tha spirit of harmony bhall Louif , as we hopo it prevail at will, wo anticipate a chaugo in the utatintniont of geveruioiit .'dTuirs, mi radical that the j ublic weal will be coiitultel in preference to the needs tf a corrupt ring of political coimor if, . . , A woman in Westfield ?Ias., loufcht with he." liusbaud until the noise aroused tLe neighborhood, because be would not let her go to the thnrch and tc confirmed. -- onealoftail Information forwarded to the Jc notion Office will be suitably rewarded. ; Last evening a little e months old, son of Mr. child, twenty-onJohn Savaga, of this ci:y, got hold of a cau ef concentrated lye, and before the mother could prevent it, swallowed considerable of the contents Dr. P. L. was immediately sent for, who alleviated the sufferings of the little one, which were intense, and he has hopes of saving it. The child is doiug well today, although it is very badly burned. Lye Poisoning. An-ders- Charles StewFinei voa StraMsofellow has been in a who art, young town for absnt a menth, was brought before Alderman Brown charged with stealing a V.anket belonging to Mr. Collins, and a pocket bock, knife, and a buiutt of keys, bloaeing to one of Mr. He plead guilty. Collins' boarders. Hit ti.ie and costs amount to $37.60, which he will haTe U work out under the tun and the street supervisor. Suspicion points tery strongly to Stewart as the burglar who robbed the premises of.Tsylor, Bros , as Mr. Tay. lor had given him a job of work, and he was seen the morning after the robHe itreuuously bery with a bundle. denies all kuowkJge of the burglary. - to-da- y, . !. - su-pe- al (Signed ) U. S. I with white spot in forehead and white auts. Missionary Appointments. Knowing. Hundred! of the any books and have the same universally our various districts, that the recomCounty Superintendent shall used in Tb .f thte doubts we would tdvise our Throe liioM'ls throughout the Territory uot Three hundred Buckeye Reapers and t be ia a hurry about making Mowers told in Utah in 1875. The farmers know which is the best niaohine any change in text books. market. Soli by Oko. A. Lowe, Ve do not want inferior books for in the d2-Main St., Ogden. 4 2t e47 2w an . The Home Missionaries of WeK. Washington, 17. to mend. sent was County are requested to fill the i following message j appint. books were recommendThe to following President day: the by Congress menis herein named, on Sunday JUE. Worth on unanimously, viz.: voted and ed A Reaper and Mower is of little use To the Senate and House of Repretada25tb, 1876 Harvey's Grammar. tives: B irnef Brief HiMory of U. S. unless you eao get repair for it. Thej Hooper City Lorin Farr and L J The near approach of the new fiscal & Scribner's penmanDiinton Hcrrick. at for tha Buckeye Payson, are always read year, and the failure of Congress up to ship, sluie cards and sheet tablets. North Ogden Walter Thomson. Geo. A. Lowb's, Maio 8t.t Ogden. this time to provide (be necessary means Monieith's Geographies (Independent from Monday' i Daily of June 19. In another coluran will be found a Morrepon of a, school meeting ia regan County; also a letter, which cently nppcuredia the Dsscret News, frurti Hon. John Taylor.' It wil! be seen from both of these c.)fniiittQications that there are grave uuubis as to the legality of tha held at &alt Lake last April, Don-volitio- of Ihe President. Meaisage . Grant. . Slorgau County School vention. Morgan Editor Con- Co., Utah. June 15th, 1876. Cnr, Morgan JcNCTiott Dear Sir: Permit mfi the use of your columns for the publication ot the following: On Saturday, the 10th instant, the school trustees and resident teachars of this county met peruant 'o a call of the County Superintendent to coosider s the best method to bc'adopted for the introduction of the contemplated new series of text books to be used in our D:strict schools. Nino districts out of ten were represented omi pnparou to report the various series cf books in use iu their schools also the number and grads of each series. After thoroughly considering tho matter in question the following resolution wos nanitnously adopted: Be it resolved by 'this meeting composed of the school officers of this coun ty, Tuat we. having gsiod reasons to doubt the legality of the acts of (be convention held iu Salt Luke City, on the subject of text books, aud knowing that in some cases tho bonks then adopted arn much interior ia every respect to the ones now in onr schools, do hereby positively refuse in any raannor to the action of said convention, until the legality of their action is determined, and, Whereas, For the benefit of our schools it is advisable to introduce some books not generally in ase therein. Therefore. We agree, as school officers, to use our iudueoce to introduce Series ) Krusi's Drawing. Meeting adjourned subject to the call of the Superintendent. Yours very reopecifully, U Tims Co. Plain City Supt. of Morgan Cc. School iiook police. 1, 1876. 1 have been informed beeu have certain parties proposing to introduce certain new school books, said to biive bf en adopted at the laie school convention, 1 would advise all interested to bo cau'ious how they receive or adopt any such at the present, as there is no lime specified by law tortne intro1 am also induction ef said boi'ks formed that, the convention allowed twelve months for their introduction. And furthermore, it is the oidnion of a grant mauy intelligent men that the acts of the convention are void and cannot I propose to give bo sustained by law statimioal and otlier information in a short time ifi relation to this matter, wherein I am prepared to prove that books can b purchased and delivered at from 35 to 38 per ceht cheaper than the published prices of si.id convention. Sat : lAYt-OU- . Congressional In the Senate, ou Saturday, the chair laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a protest of the leading men of thf Osage Indian naiim almost the estnblishnient of a Territorial form of eovernment for the Indian country. The chair also laid before ibe Senate a messapH from the President. Ordered printed and lie on the fabie. ! The Senate tbn resume convidera. tion of the snides of impeachment against Belknap, and judge Black, uf counsel for the accused, stated that there were any reasons why the tr al could not goon a July, as ordered. He therefore moved that it be postponed until about the middle of November next, and appealed to the managers not to oppose the motion. He stated that (he managers understood the reasons for not going on with the trial, and he therefore hoped tbey would agree to a postponement. Lord, on behalf of the board of managers, asked leave for the managers to consult with the Uoue upon the question ef postponement, which was granted. Adjourned. In the House, the President sent a message, which was referred to the appropriation committee. The Senate bill granting the right cf way for a railroad and telegraph line to the Walla Walla and Columbia rivers, across the Walla Walla military reservation, was passed. Lord, on behalf of the impeachment managers, informed the House that the counsel of Pelknap hail made applica tion to the Senate for an adjournment until November. The managers had therefore instructed him to submit resolution auihoriziog the managers to consent to a continuance of tho trial until the 16th or "Oth of November. Opposition to this plan of postpone ment was made by several members, and without commg lo a decision the House went into committee of the whole on the army bill. The ilritlli .lliion. f p. w Farr. WinNlnw Lynn P.iverdale Moroni Brown. F. D. Rioiiaris. Ah Joijn L Slaterville C W. Tenrose. Marriotts Elijah Freeman. Mound Fort F. S. Kichardi, 4 South Webr Joseph Stanford. Eiet Weber Edwin Stratford. Eden James Tajlor. ih Wei.c. Sa't Lake City, June Nkws : Dbskbrt Ehjtor It Ballantyne and Monch. LIST OP MlTTEItS fKCkAIMKF, IN Tilt! pcT Trtrrit.M-.j f m--.'IU. i. " 111 I, ' 17tli of Jiin, 1ST 6, which, il out cullod tor iti.,a out month will be eut to ti. t L .i RKMAINIXO aw ' Letter Otiice: LADIES' LIST. Mrs Ma Jlartunson Maria .I'ea-.Mr lirowu Mm A Ion 3 j Kin lirowu Mrs Ury fnwa Maw Anniel Chamber Mis. Franc&i funlierif armtiua Hnrbert Mr got ta:- Wing Mrs JJ J John sou lire A U AtWly Jn e - GESTS' LIST. Burton C W Br.. n J M ltootu t J Cloiimquist F Alfred 2 lliirthuluinea J S Coinst"ck C U Crtnwni C&rtdale J Aurur. B S: Itkoq .loha R"h (J Wm Stewart N L Mar Alouzu Pmito 0 0 t tar hep H D A liar H R IS Ftul K Sni'th Lrri W tmithliW rut'ii O n ilulve-Ho- t V(wt M K Denmr A birt 2 li ray den Wis raloii K 8 Kstns Krtoman ''lijub Olaucy K M tenliirh Chu Ohl-ii- n Lrtrfn- - PmitU Kphrittin : f rfj-a.II Knlo'-- llowar' Wilkt J lleunmg Carl Heirs llwi Ilartb.fonn Harrw J Altirt Hayes lly um Jei.k. W 8 Krilv It Frank Kcoti Praikl.n Sunia Amliro-- e Ti'urutun C W fbumpniit 1 limimau Win 3 tioirt.i Txylor John William I) M 2 Wilder lien J X K Uiihtin LcweilJWlCo Lfirore L U WiEKiu, A William J'lhu Willi Jamh W.kiHij.ii lVtcr II W MitcbhU J CdwarJ Mmr.v Wm Mill- -r t Hlioi'lor Mclimirril KgbKt Mad. ton tlans M ttson Mowt-- r Bros otitaioaoy rt t!pe I tters, the applicant aak for "advert My4 lettera," give date of tb paper and pay nte oent for advertitinKIf not called lor withia cnr month, they be tent to the Dead Letter Office. 4STo ntUHt - N. J. Sharp, Post master. ESTRAY NOTICE. HAVE TN MT POSSESSION THK FOLLOW INU deer.ribcd animals wbicb if not Claiuitcf within ten d i from Uafe, will be sold, Ti:ediiy June Mm IS76, a( 2 o'clock p.m., aithefetray Vound, Opdau City. Ono Mark uia e 9 or 10 years old, white ipot ia forehead, whit between nostril, left aide of ri'bt hind toot whito, branded with a suiall diamond, etc., on lefi bip. One bay hurc, S years old, giral' white spot in forehead, riiiu.II nwnjhnu on right ide, braodud Ml) on left sbouliJer. Oue bay mate 4 ear old, illegible onuid on I lftOuethigh. yellow borne, IS years old, illegible brands on left ehoQi!er aud rt&ht. One cow betwevn 4 au'l S year old. white under wh:te in eat, white on rnmp, wbite on flioabterM, ciop r.trandnlit tn left ear, busb of braud on lelt tJiil cl,I.H yoHug cli; fri illCfc-ibl- e Lip. W. N.?IFE, yU trict Ponndkecper. Ojdon City.Juue loth, 1876. CXX-M- i 'l LEGAL NOTICE. T0T1OHI9 HKKKBY GIVEN TO ALL PA KTIKS i i.nrpi iiM.i. that on the 12th day of June. A. U., lSid. it waa wrdered by the Hon. r. l. liichard-- , Frobat Jmipo uf Wober County, V. T.,tbitt Moufiay, Jb3 10th oay of July, 1S76, at teai 0. filock a.m. ofaaul day, at the Court H(Wf tho Ugileu Chty, be appointed tor the Inarm, of bet"; pttitiou of J.vapii U. Jewell, praying that Oi appoirtUd Specat AiiiainUtiator of tha Kutate -l The following ore from the Millcnial Star of May 29ih: ' 1. ewia Duubar Wilson, dec n '4And H" VATtifl Skcond Company. The second com- interested are hereby notified to appear at aid pany willleava Liverpool on June ilbtii, tune and place nnii ehow raine if any there b. and will include the Saints from the wtiy thti prayer of said petition anould not b Scandinavian, Swiss, German and Ital granted. F S. RICHARDS, ian Missions. It is expected that there ' Clerk Probate Court. will be about SCO or (500 persons in that Ogden, June 13th. lSTS. company from the Continent alone, and to prevent overcrowding, wo would sugContractors. NGtice gest that Presidents of British Conferences ascertain and forward to this 6R TUB NEST TUIRTlf DATS oEice, on or before June 10th, a list of all expecting to go with the second company. 11. Arrivals Elders 0. N. Li'jenqnist, 'Soren P. Neve, Henry Florence. Stephen To be lot by contract; to le delivered at PRdcn or at the (! 1'. Switch, eppoxite Bngtini . Corinne, Kichards, Tbemas Hall. Leopold -r which the hiislmH pnesa will be paw. John D.vkman, Extd Tullgreu, D tvid City, 'or further particular enquire at W. S. Ch;ld t W. Davis, William W. Galbraith, Jabei Bttire, Ogdoa. P. CCLLEN. W. Taylor, Olef Hansan, Rasmus Chris Contractor. tetisen, James KelKr, N.' J Oronlun, OKlen,Jaei:th,lS7i5. lUinhad Maeier, John F. Doriu, Soren N. B. Nat let's thuu 1000 lies cntracted to any Mm Jensen, Leujamin II. Tolman, James ou party. McFarland, Louis Howell, Ilenry Parker aa James Woolstenholme, tnisnonaries, JOHN THOMAS. R. XK1LS0S. srrived a; Liverpool on Saturday, May THOMAS & 7th. at 1 p.m., por Guiou steamship With Eider ibe of Wyoming. exception Tailors, Neve, wbo is afflicted with rhotttnatism. the brethren are enjoying cxcelleut -LOG AN, JVVtti Sik health and spirits 1'hry mostly left Gcnt's own materials made up to order, emSalt Lake Ciiy ou the 6th inst. and barked at New York ou the 16th. The in tha best style. voyage was exceedingly pleasant and CLOTH AL VA TS agreeable. William Spicer, Thomas C. rJlO VO FA CTORY OX HAS n. Origj and Siistct Neve scd Fowler accompanied tk rty, hciHg rtn a visit to Wo1 . friends ami kindred ia lLoir respeutiva Highest pries pi- - ct rwdurttikta. tatberUuda. - ! to 100,090 E. TIES erth-Ln- KEILSOS, Practical 638-lt- n. J" . |