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Show HOT BPEtSO LEGAL NOTICE. Has no school, and in consequence of In the Probate Court in and for Box Elder counia full, Katy, tha trustees informal wy of doing ty. Territory of Utah, Hon. fc'amuel Smith. W heart with emotion one bliesful day, J udge. that of 1 think When they have forfeited the territorial V. I'laintifT. of love. Katy, and county appropriationSj which would Ovrra. Smrl. Vhenenchon V Summon. rsi we d.d lay. t heai tender have amounted to about oi.e hundred Jo met E. &arl. Defendant. Our own that day. Katy, hundred dol'tir?; an amount more than 7ileU it us remember The people of the United States in the Territor? strtam of tim" ruthcic-rto educ ite their children over of Uteu seud greeting to Jamoi K. Snarl, dc Ki we glide l"n tlv toward each other grow one term, free of You are heiehy required to answer the A,"l(4 01ir heart charges to Ihe people. fondant. of Overa V. Searl, iu sail coti t For the came reasons last years' appro-- t petition warm. kty. Hied Htjaiii .t yon. wilhia ten day, exclusive ol the cUsa. was forfeited. This is the onh lav of cerviee, after ih service in you of ;u view of that i if trv. d witi.in this couuty: or, it district iu Weber County that has no Ch 5UC3 : nerved out uf this eouoty but within thi disn ict school this summer. within twentv (lavs otherwise, within forty days, ad oy filled our i We 'ere yo'.rp, or judgment iy dfauit will be Uken npaiit yon v Lines lo 'Katy. busi-ues- s, th-al- tar '''" lllli t 1 ri.-uio- pwii . F.DBS heaits, Katy, led tho way, Acd the bright sta' of )io;ie li fiirewr g.vw bright, Katy, May oar put way day. Till the dawn of that eiern-i- Had no echool at the time of my visit, but has since organized one, and, from admirreports setms to be progre-einchildren in at ably, hav.ng thirty-foug iuir' KlJ Tbe K'S of" ,llHt coimtl'-- v He reigim in the hearts of tiio pure, Hid smile pve delight to the meek, Katy, And his love will forever ensure. r teudrtu.ee. I Sdd aenordiiig to the prayer of S;ti iU'.lion i in oiitjlit to obtain a .lef.ree dissolvuiji sai the bonds of matrimony exiatiu.' rouuds rot lant. uj.u ili Vlaintift' :tn i tSefi-lot th iu the petitiou on fl:e in this Cice. At 4 you are hereby uonnl that if you fail to the said "oiiiion as absvo atif.ear and Iiiintiif will tako deianltaga'HJt you and u)idy to the court for the relh--V j. rayed for. of Wrijiht, In'tt'siiniony wher.vt, I J. at eourf, do hereunto set my heisd and a!3x tht seal ol fcaid court this 6:h day o J una, 18"6 : :c:-.y- itcr; w nwmmm - s h. - n, Hi-- 'fp fl- mpki0MM mm mMim aiis-we- r riAix ciTr. erk In connectica with Mr. Parsons, and beautiful clime, Katy, a little bronco, which seemed to delight j;.,y we meet iu tLxt in showing its contempt for pedagogism Wbere the river of liie iuns o clear, J. C. WKIQ ilT, BKAl 1'robate Clerk. And the leaei of ihe tree nner ia.e.Katv, by making sundry unnecessary evolu And are yielding their fruits all tha yoar. tions, with my friend clinging to the t horn of tho saddle, we eet out for the We'll he young theu.etc. 'bova burg. After an heur's ride, we ff will bathe in that mer soclearKaty, drew up rein in front of ah elegant LEGAL NOTICE. n,i stroll on its banks 'uiiJ tho trees, alobe building, situated at the eorner of Yielding iruit every mouth in tho year, Katy, a public square. The trustees, Meem. In the Probate Court in and br Ecx Elder Counfor disease. bului aro ty, Territory of Utah, lion; Samul Siubh, leaves Whose l n Drainy, John Spiers and Charles Ju ge. Theie the flowers !n bloom never fads Katy, Neal, accompanied us to the slioolhous, ' John McEivarw, ffaintijt. And the bna never ceM-- to fchine, where we found thirty eight children Summons. There'll bo noue ti.ere ti mate u nfraiu busily coDning their lessons. Mrs. Craw- .Vitiy XeEhana, DiftitiUnt. Katy, ford, the teacher, e ms to give general The i eoiite of the United States In the Terri and vine. In the slivlo of tho satisfaction to the people. We were much tory of litah, send giee'itiic to !ay Mc.Elvano We'lt be young, then, etc. pi used with her method of conduciiug tielendant. You are hereby required to an.wer the McKlvano, in said court filod the several classes, aud the good order petition of John ASMSW DiUtVi'LC. airainst you, within teu days, exclusive of the day The of service, af:e the service on you of this enm- and harmony which prevailed. Oatreville, June 15th. lt:7'S. trustees are also making an effort to seat mocs. ii terveu vvtihin this county: or, it served hut within this district, within the house with Andrews' patent "Tium out of this county twentv davs; otheiwio wrh.u forty da; or when this is accomplished, judgment liy iefatiit will t e taken a?ainst you U'ber County School lie- - pet" Plain City may boast of having one of according to trie prayer ot said petmou. paid dUsolriuic the the in cth t elegant and best furnished action ii brottRbt to obtain a decree bonds of matrimony existing between raid plainmen Those siiooSInuses in this TWO. SUMMER county. tiff and defendant, upon the grounds set forth in . the pietitiou o.i tile in thi- deserve praise. I notiiied An are that if you faii ti oieby UINTAH joa (lUDE.N CtTT, JUCO 12th, 1876 appaiir and answer the siid petitiuu as above re Is to it e school neit Monday. More quired, t unit. will tke deiault a airst yon and Kditok Josction: apply to t'co court foT the relief prayed lor. ft cm it ancn. Please short me a Sir: Dear grant in testimony w iiereot, J, ,i. n right, t iers ol RIYERDAI.E, faid concourt, d hereanto set my band ami fTix tile the valuable for in paper your tpare of said cm t, this Cth day of June, lb'd. seal of tue school report oar Although a very giiiail settlement, ranks tinuance of County. auioug tha most enterprising school disJ. C. YYTJIfiHT, SH.il, V ia presenting these few items, how- trict i our county. Out of the sever ty Pi- obate Clerk j dis1 the rea.ue ihit ever, following chi'dren of regular school age about nfiy tricts appe.-- r to some disadvantage, iu are enrolled on the daily register. This cinsequence of being vired in h time of h peaks well for the teacher, Miss Jessie your when children's srvioes aro rePenrose, who.je judicious management LEGAL NOTICE. quired upon tits farms nr.'! at borne, of her little ones by keeping tkea conechooU. tend tho few a; 7.1 ti conn leaving but stantly employed, has won for her the In the ProVtte Conrt lo tnd for Eix of Viah, Hon. Sainoei Stnuk, visits. however, love of fcer students, and a well reguty. Territory Mya&ain object ia the-'. J t Lie teachers in has been, to lated nnd orderly school. Cleanliness TTaeit L. Tina;ar, pla'CF, a good sys'eni of primary imSurtmmi. evidently forms part of the teacher's rt. rvhicu tr.tm cooiaienee with was room The instructions UjirtliaA. Vinegar Dtf u portant the little one?; to nesit ia distribu ;&g ft decorated with The people of tho Uuied States inthnTcni-- , picture3, star spangled c'.oas ef teachers, throughout the county banners send tr etir.jr to .Ma' la A. Inepar aud cedar boughs. Richard toivcf ttih, Yon are i.eieby requii cJ to answer the who have the lose o!' leaching implanted offand Cole William File Dye, Joseph c.nrt tiled petiibu of kViettli. Yineisar, in ia their bosoms, us we 1 as the proper iciate as '"U, withiu t n d iys, exclusive ot the day trustees, arid are worthy of the against ot service eiter the service ou j on of this sunisjiiolastic trailing; ta uulle (be educa position. moa, if serv. d witiiiu this county; or, if nerved tors in thtir labors, by organizing a WEST WEBER out of thU comity, lot wauiu this district, witiiteachers' association, whore the b?st iUen forty d.ys. or iu twenty :ays; therwi chilHas an attendaoce of deiauit w II be tak' uw.inl yon, nvstetcs might be preheated through 'he Mr. jad;;meiit tby the The summer. dren this teacher, mid accordmjc petiiijti. ta:d praur of most able tu'.ors, thus introducing a uni-Tuoiuas Wadsworth, is laboring faith- action is brought to obtaiu a decree irai system in all our school-- ; and. tiomls said the of n.a'ri.nnny existlnc for his patrons and children, and in esiublisbiue; fully utiir and deliBdr.nt, npon the yrouaus set ia.sily, to aid the pla sivus promise of a useful member in his forth in tha petition on file ia this oflice. sjirrntr schooh in all the districts. 1 A ul you itre hereby imlited lLat if you fisil to The building is of adobe, a si pleased to Mate that my labors hare priea.iion. will be one of the appeBr an abawer in suirt petition as above and when completed, been aiteuded with a great deil tf wiH taliM CelUnlt ngailit you and in the county. The trustees are. apidy to the court fir the rliot prayil for. and that Weber !et phajureaud auct-ss- , Wm.. MoFarland, Jr., Elijah K. whereof. I, J. V. Wnjht. clerk ot la Mesrg. dm of the County rany justly feel proud efficient of- eaii cn:n t riu hereuto ret my hand and aifix the bitieus laborers iu this profession. fuller and Tiiomas Hardy, moI of said court, tins S'.ii (ifcj of Jeue 1STC Those attending the association re the ficer; J. U. WKJUHT, Very respectfully, i S2.t t lie and wide &2vke member of the Prolate Clerk. t L F. AJOSCH, county, who ore determined to pace of Schools. District Supt. wnn the progress of education. ti4t ; i I shall attenirt !o a fuller report give ui me loiiuwmg fcuotiis, id a more javor LEGAL KOTICE. able season, and therefore shall make LEGAL NOTICE. Court in aad f Box Elder CounProla.fs the Iu but few comment?: , ty Territory cf Utah, Uon. Samuel tfmi:h ia the rrojatt Court iu and for Box Eldor Coun- fp, .o - .) K 'iT--- . ; I si 1 .'v-- s - UiJl- WE AWE NOW HECEIVING OUil GOODS s47-4- Direct from Eastern and Western Markets rt J! s DRY Cg-tre- e dtjr-k- ; i And are therefore able to compete in pricoiind quality wit'u auy buuae in Utah. Our .stock consists of STAPLE and FANCY GOODS AMD GROCERIES, and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Queenstvare, Glassware, J'aints, Oils, Hardware, Putty, Glass, Tinware,etc. Boots Flowss etc., JUST AHIIIVED. oCb-o- t FIRST A 11 . 'r ud-e- estab-liilin- GE.Ii' OF CL0III1.G ! Selected specially for this market, and now selling at Bed R.ock Prices. The best variety to choose from in all this section of the Territory. . - CL.ISS. ASSOSTSEST is lu'.l in U I's brnnvaei. IEIAKT.KXT offered trade. to the inducttaenta Special The merchants of Northern Utah will find at this house all they need frr supplies. One very important advantage to storekeepers in toying at the Lojtao Dranch should not bs overlooked. Small quantities can be obtained and soli, OUR WIZOLESAlii: and new purchases made und dispesed of and the process be several limes from Ogden or ?a'l in the same time it would take to make one Lake Thus vi;h small prcfi's. qu ck retarns end frequent ea!es. Diercanttlo prosperity can be assured. Wool, Hides, Grain, Butter, Eggs etc, taken ia ' eschat:ge. repe-a-e- J. Atl Orders whlrcsscd io THA TCHEIt, Manager "IT" 2S. TIFT iT Ait - Will receive prompt attention fifty-sev- 1 betw-.H-- iru--ttje- B07-t- f , II. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. s 1 pltnt-.iif- f PEEBLES' DRUG-- STORE ! -- 1 ! ke-a- t , ty, Territory ot Utau. lion. Sai;iul Judie, lUs a good frame Bchao!house seated HltKor Cicrclani, riaintijf, ) wiih forms; the tra-toeSummon t. vi however, are J. 27mat Cltviltmd, &fcndt.) making au effort lo furnish fir!t cd-The peop'e of the Cnited State in the Territory farniture. Hiss Eliibeth Retaii prc-iiii- e t'tati, tJMid irreftiiiz to Ihocuie J. Cleveland; as teicher, and teems to succeed of uelva'liOt. Vou are hereby rut:red to antwt-, in aia court adaiirnLly with her fcahool, especially in loe butit;on of witiiiu tiO dyi(, (exclusive vou, btsa a;aiiiBt n d order Ihore arc thiny-80Te- t.f the lecurinj go iay f service) alter the orvis eu children earol!i. The ru.-tec-s ol thu summons, if served within tliiccnnty, aro JchQ Mnnning, Jances UutcLius aud you cr if out of this county, but in th;s dis- ictw;ihtn tweuty dayt; otherwiss within forty l!etjaiuin, Cltadwioit. days or ju'ipnicui by default v ill be taknn againat vau accoia.nz lo the o aver ot aal'l ottt:on. kovxd iort S.ud action is brought to obuin acecive di- tculvins the bonds ot inatrimnny exintiiie between Hsi a good ftibstantial rock buiiding, uiaintifl' and defeudaut, n the grounds net el and convoniently seated with home fa.d rib hi me ixituioii on nle in tins vvno-- . made desks. Miss Alice Porter And yon are herebv notified lhat if you fnil to officiates, ad has thirty-tw- o petitiou as above re- children on record. af:pi,r and answorwillthe.ia- said oviaun afrainxc you iua Tie trustees are Mystillo Shawk Betsja-mi- a qu;rul p.aintin for. anniv to iho L'curt tor the relief T. Garr 4 Wra. Parker. Xn"tet;inrDy wheieot, I, J. C. Wright, l leik of t my nana aod arar iue a i i Court, do hereunto e, r litleuo-Cleveland- prd uml HAF.r.IBVILLE f is supplied with two gchoola. in the care of M 'S tha anattendaaae'of fl Vl ,1 kn,iLU forty-nia- e i . nA..Lis - WINES DRUGS, Ihe first children. ' jiiiyit'imj largs to acccminodtteall the chiWren from this i i salt Court, this lotb fui.e (t&y ol J, c. w.uuur, uio. Judga. Sarah A. Dunbir, riaintijj'. rs. si7-4t- AN DM TOILETS r LIQUORS, MiMk kcl kife ci Aiis. TOllACCb?-- , T c i'ti lacry. . JL. Summons. Jame F. Dunbur. Dtftndt ) Tho Peop e of the United Ptates, in the Territory of Utah send greeting to James P. Dunbar, delendant. Y u are hereby rquireu to answor the petition tf aruh A linnbar, in aid court filed against you, within bn days, exclusive of the dsy of service, alter the avrv ce on you of this tfumiiioiiS, if served within this County: or, if served out of this t eunty but within this district within twenty days; otherwise within forty days, or jtitlpnett by oefault r ill be taken aa.nst you according t the prayer of said petition. 8aid action ia brought to obtain a decree the bonds of m.,tiiuiouy exiatins; between said pUintiff and defendant, npon the grounds sot forth in the petition ou file in this office. Aud yon are hereby untitled thai if you fail to appetr and answer tbe sold pctitien ai above required, plaintiff will take default against you and apidy to tbe court for tiie relie' praved for. In testimony whereof, I.J C. Wripht, Clerk of said Court, do hereunto set my hand an i afriix the seal ol saic X'urt,this tith day of June, lb76. J.C. WKIUH'f, frcbate Clerk. hvhi irobaU Clerk. Mnii) NOTIONS. Kuv IE31LES, Prescription DrizggisJ. FIFTH STREET GrJEl.'SZijOL'Ja JOHXST - 49 fcn. O.ilErs', UTAH. ;X25rXXJC?22TltJ32M!370, BCJYLE'. IMain. & Co., Street. Ogdeii. . r sEOit. I ' LEGAL NOTICE. . prt of the district, and is partly seated In toe ProbatA Court, in and for tha Couaty of i'h Andrews' patent deks. Kox tlder, in the Torntory iUa.. Hon. Samuel "Triumph" The Hecond is under the Smith Judge. management of Mr. Stephen V.'iUon, who teaches an Mary Jane UM, riuiniif,, 1 Sumnumt. Vs. orderly nd intcseating school. There ) are Iwch ifendant. Ilayt, children enrolled. The de awake acd efficient ptople of tho TJuited State', in the Territory trustees of cfThttsb, nend gnetiun to inooa Hoyt, defend-nntai iitrict, art Messrs Tho. Brown, Yon are hereby requited to answer the teter Later, and Noah Shurtliffe. V,e:ition of Mary Jane Ho t, iu aid court filed of the LEGAL NOTICE. In tbe Probata Court, in and for tbe County of iiox .iuer, in me lerriiury ui vian. Edicard CurtiU, Plaintiff, SltmraAsi. vt. Eupftemia Carvill, Difendaxt The people of tho United Ptatei in theTerritorv of Utah seud greeting to Knpboinia. Carviii, fifty-eigdefendaut i ou are herooy required to answer tbe court filled poti t ion of .Edward Carviii, t. against you, witbln teu days, exclusive of tbe day of service, after th service on you. ef this Suu- rccciv'fcJ their .priu of all kinds of Have aious. if served within Ibis Cuuuty; or, if served out of this County butwuhla this JJIsv.-ic-t. within acaiiiat yon, within tsn days, (exclu-iv1TNNE otherwise, within forty days; orA uvof servitnl. alter tb" service on jou cf thw twenty days; defanit Ha rather an will be taken Afaintt imV iudeeiuant hv Mimuioni, if served within tan couniy, or inferior school house, y Said iwrved out of this county but latiiis ois iriti wuom according M iho prayer of sa'd petition. ftf th vi or . aeltle-tn"tnaction is brougbt to obtain a decree disso vine the enterprising littla twenty daya; otherwise within forty day, The largest 'and most Taried assortment cl On bonds of matt imony existingbiiween said plain yon be takn entering, howerer, we were judgn'u nt by defanit will tiff tbe said and of set in forth to the defentiant, npon grounds petition. praver wiih Vrpn.rd the neatness and helthy the petition in this otile. Said uctiou ia brought tu ttUain a decree The children And yon are, liereby notified that if you fail to the bonds f matt noony existing between ' Jb aeemed to emulate each ,ther in ind iiiaintin" aud def. ndant,on the gronnda tet appear end answer said petition as above required otflce. fl will e default on this in take thn j etition plaintiff against you and apply and good order. Th wal!a forlb invon are hereby notified that if you fail to to tbecaurt&r the relief preyed for. Act Bvackct. and it Also WiDtTow Cornices, Clock. Starve nicely whitewwhed. and tke floor aptwar 'and answer In testimony. whereof I, J.C. Wright, clerk of the said pelitioa m above xh.bued the healthful effects of and sot aid hand do hereunto aftix Jefault yon court, will suitaWe mite the my 'for against stock Chromos;: Pictures S'undiiy Sohool plintiflf scrub seal of said coart, this 6th da of Juo,lSr t for the lebef prayed for. ? msh and, brvjotu, Mu Liaiie ai.olj to the Comwhereof, PictureFracws'.. Carriages, and' large variety of I, J. V. Wnght, Cerx of Ia testimony aer otSciates.uad seems . Ji C. WRIQHT. set mj ban'Und W Ue ,Us- - said Court, do Probate Clrk quli;ice cf a goo,, teacher. The of ld Cout thi 19tU day of Jane, ltCO.. s3ck just e CAB I HE T. W A EE nn-rth- a;int fiai'Ior ou-tsj- e ' ad Dialing Jioojii, Kitt'licu, TLiJnavj anH Chamber uriiit'tv cf oompletdt IJ'rm'o'; Ibby - ht 'to Livva' Mrrs Winiftm ciiir,4, J.C.WKIUIIT, is v ?r.btClsrkt al KArEiTllElLATtaEST STOCK IN OGDEX. ael Lowtttit )lrl:eiii, Cvuntry licalevs ivill j)ml iff tteir- at the |