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Show C.BS..I. Si. Published every WEDNESDAY an I SATURDAY by the OfiDK.V Pl'BLISUINQ COMPA.NT. a There is no doubt that Morris' & CROCKERY; pa- is a good thing. tent Its virtues have beeu tested. It is 'Ogdon.CUfy, Wholesale Department. GROCERIES, HARDWARE Piiient Ei I.,. egg-nog- g WW 2.000 PIECES FBIBi for pleasantness, cheapness and harmlessncss. It was inTOOLS, IMPLEMENTS & ST0TE3; Cloths, Merinos, Alpacas, Arnnsres. vented last Christmas, and is submitWool Delaines, ted for universal adoption, next. 'Tirecdt ' Bcnams, UonicsticM, ete. Morris had a friend call him Jones DRY GOODS, STAPLE and FANCY NOTIONS, JKle., ottoiaac!es, who had got tipsy on at CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Morris' house for twenty Christmases Junes could not help it, aud Morris UPHOLSTERY GOODS, could not help setting out It was a family custom. Joues was CLOTIIIXG, a family connection aud could not be BOOTS SHOES; excluded from that yearly social ' gathering. He came earliest and stayed latest. In fact, he was often utit able to get away until next day after these festivities. Morns' famihospitally customs and flowing-bow- l Medicines; Chemicals, were Jones. He ity ruining poor OF was not a bad man, but he had a very EASTERN MANUFACTURE, strong, and a very weak point. His AXjE WIXES, LIQUORS, strong one was thirst, aud his weak A General Assortment of one was his head. The two were in perpetual war with each other, and the vj'ictory was , always with the Sewing Machines, strong. There was a dire necessity, BCr. BTra and it called Morris' invention into ca La w a action. He had egg noggaud Jones ft CJ.UDING Shoe Boot was there as usual last Christinas Cntlery, Loeks, Carpenters' and otlier Tools. day. And Jones drank Leather, Findings, Beltings, &c; and enjoyed it. He had never tasted A LARGE STOCK OF better, and he never tasted oftencr. The more he drank the better he PRODUCE, GI A IX, EGGS, liked it. 15ut the result was astoundSCOCTTLEB WAGOXS, BOB SLEDS; ing to hinsdf and ererybody else but ETC., KTC. Morris. It would, not aiaku drunk, tnd Jones walked to his bachelor MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, &C, &C. apartments that night a perfectly HAENESS AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. sober and yet a thoroughly bewildered man. lie was frightened at himA Full Lbo of self and found it impossible to deep. Such an accident had never happened TO tu him before. He did not regret ! his sobriety, but he seemed to have lost his identity. It troubled his Of All Descriptions. mind, and gave him the horrible sus- Will find the Largest. Assortment of Merchandise ia the several Departments of All orders addressed to II. 1EEIIY,' Ogden City, U. T., Z. C. M. I.f as above, that can be seen in the West, and all at fuir prices. picion that something unhealthy was w dl reeive prompt attention. the matter with him. He was actusS-tW. and II. was about to sl.tf f HOOPER, Superintendent ally becoming ill, W. II. HOOPER, Supcrihtendcnt send for a doctor, when an announce meht in a public print attracted and riveted his eye. Ilia friend, Morris, had proclaimed to the world an important discovery. It was ''egg-nog- g Empress egg-nog- Ginghams, Ticking, Cashmeres, Ete. Jeans, g HAIS, and SHOES! AIB Of Every Variety, BOOTS Patent and CAEIFOIfiIA ami rORTKK in Variety Singers' and Bespoke III CLOT Mats and Caps, Wall Paper, Bordering, Decorations; Drugs, AD EADY egg-notr- g mm w Mm tfei Departnent; egg-nog- g ic; KITTEll, Wholesale Purchasers and Visitors LAKE CITT Plows, Hoes, Rakes, Scythes, Forks 'CHOICES RCER3EES i. with the teeth drawn." Thereccipe was : Eggs and milk and sugar and epices in the usual way, but instead of any liquor of any kind in the mixture, flavor highly with some strong The inventor had fruit extract tried it with the best results. The illusion of eggnogg was perfect without delusion. And Jones began to understand U complaint anl did not 6end for the doctor. The llev. T. K. Beecher delivered a lecture at Goshen recently, and after its conclusion ordered, among other articles for refreshment, a glass of ale sent to his room. The landlord refused, informing him of ,the ordinauco forbidding its sale after 9 a. m., whereat, the reverend gentlemen indignantly declared he had never "heard of such fanatical fools as they had in Indiana. A plantation of 900 acres in Randolph county, Ga., with two good houses, sold for 300. SIMMONS & CL0UGH ORGAN CO.'S uiritovEi) CABINET OEGAIS COIiraOI AND DEPARTMENT. IN CHARGE OF , H.'W. XAISBITT. o Vill purchase any kind H - o '1"'t,"T7ii""'-T"-- ' ii i- n- - : i " ''?f' f A of Merchandise not usually kept in stock, including Engines, Saw Mills, ' Circular Sans, Bolting Cloth. JUlTcl Water Wheels, Cheese Factory or Threshing Ilnehines, Machine Extras, Force or other Pumps, Belting, u a o &orghiiita Mills, Evaporators, &c., &e., &e. Or any artich from any State, that may be needed in an A"riculturul or Mechanical population. Send in pur orders and we will do the best to fill them at Manufacturers prices with freight added, or on a slight percentage. o We are expecting an immediate n and shipment of the I Cleveland has 1,018 saloons, of one to every 130 inhabitants. . well-know- Great Central Route. Grand Combination Organs, FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED MICHIGAN CENTRAL 111 SEIAXXjIAOAID EASTERN CONNECTIONS. IIB HBKCT Tlironsu Passenger anl Freiht Ruute NIAGARA FALLS to SCRIBXEU'S PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, An invention having a most important bearing on the future reputation of Reed Instruments, by means of which the quantity or Volume of tone is very lareflv in creased, and quality of tone rendered EQUAL. TO THAT OF THE BEST PIPE ORGAXS OF THE SAME CAPACITY. Our celebrated "Vox Celeste," "Louis Intent," "Vox Humana," "Wilcox Patent," "Octave Coupler," the charming "Cello" or "Clarionet" Stops, and AND ALL POINTS EAST. rOI CMJtBIUTED All the Late Improvements Can be Obtained Only in these For the upeerfy transportation of all kinds of freight t, without rung excluvire orer tbe Great Central Bontc Urgans. Differrnt five Styles, Thirty For the Parlor and the Church, The Best Material and Workmanship, Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. -- The only fcnsterh Line from Chicago ruuniug tie Magnificent Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars Oa Its Passenger Train. , H. E. SAKfieXT. fien'l fcij't, Chicago. II. C. WENT WORTH, Gen'l Paw. Agt., Chicago. TUUi. 110JV&, 1'reiglit Act;, Chicago. in'l FACTOR! E8TAB PRICES, SOto uOO Dollars. & IS ISoO. Address, Simmons & s03-l- Clough Oroak Cos, "Sfudebakexv Wafion,". GrREAT 3PIt33! CI-IICAC-O - mm G-ZE3-T H. I100PEK, Superintendent. "SOTJ3EL JOB PRINTING ! DONE AT THE AND WAREROOMS. CORGth CONGRESS STS., DETROIT, MICHIGAN. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. I3HF-- d The Factory having just got fairly running since the NEW YORK, BOSTON "BLUB LINE" justly-celebrate- y Detroit, Michigan. "Ogden Jnaotiosi" MAIN STREET, OGDEN. Sice, |