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Show SLVSBB85! Ci.tiB Mestinc. The, Ogden Union Eloping Mania. Social Club will meet this evening at the usual place,' for thj transaction of imThero were three elopements from Panta business. attendportant Cruz, Cal., in one week lately. A, punctual Fitch bas One is was ance a tame affair, and ended in earnestly requested. where LOCAL ITEMS. R. R. Mike Hannegan, a rough and des- RADWAY'S READY RELIEF! perate prisoner in Winona, MinnesoTHE WORST TUi;s a fire on the floor' of hw Iu from One to Twrnty Minutes. ta, kindled ruid to the chance of a trusted Thomas cell, CKTTi.ED.Hon. NOTthisONE HOUR after need advertisement one reading any hole beiug burned through before he n,lv settled in Oman, WITH PAIN. marriage, and forgiveness of parents RADWAY'S SL'FKKR The latter result HEADY RKUKK IS A CURE FOR was burned up. and ah that sort of thing. Miss ' JCVKKY VAIN. Editor "Skedaddle." A bet Junction: h.aU wheu so va had been accomplished nearly themselves upon It was io first and is Anne Seroy the daughter of a made been has and and the and submitted discovered to keepers quenched you Tlie Only I?ain llcmcdy to the profeM.onal r.cqui-i-- i manufacturer left 1 cial circles .rjand that comiouny. Lena Farr, who left here yer-tcrJa- y Lake City, morning for Salt the House, ami in seats present in their Rifled as members. Wer were duly for decision. Is there any such word as "skedaddle" and what does it mean? II. & T. The word, we believe, was coined at the beginning of the late civil war, and was first applied in describing the rout to Mauassas. It was so generally used to express a disorderly retreat that it four- home wealthy clandestinely and met a young man who was waiting for her somewhere with a license in his pocket. Ho had also several drinks in him, and the two wended their way to a minister. The good man noticing the condition of the bridegroom, refused to exercise his function of making that twain one flesh. They went to another, and he also objected to mat'mg beauty with beastliness. The persevering girl walked the young man around until he came to his sober senses, and the couple tried again and succeeded. The young man then wanted to drive out of town and see the world around Santa Cruz during the honeymoon, but the young lady had the reins now and took her husband straight to her father's house like a good girl. It turned out all right. The other elopements were of a different kind. Martha and Angeliue Marshall, aged respectfully 1G and 14, got into a rockaway with two young men, and two horses whirled them rapidly out of town. They drove to a railroad sta'ion, took cars for San Francisco and sent the team back. So far as heard from there was no marriage in this case, and it may turn out very badly. That instantly stops the most excruciating pains, liirhiuiMations and cures Congestion!, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, ltowels, or other or glands organs, by out application, in fioin one to twen.y minutes, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain, the Rheumatic, Iutirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated witn disease mav sutler1 allays , - G. ill aflurd instant eive. Inflammation of the Kidneys. Inflammation ot the ltladder, Inflammation of th) liowoN. Congestion of the Lungs. Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysteris, Croup, Diptheria. Catarrh, Influenza. Headache, Cold Toothache. Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Chilis, Ague Chills. The application of the READY RKLIKP to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exist will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a fow monienls cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Ilcar'jmrn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and all Internal Pains. Travelers should alwavs carry a bottle of READY KKUKf with them. A few drops on water will prevent sickness or pains from ihange of water. It is better than French Brandy cr Kitten, as a stimulant. FEY Kit AMI AUl'F. cured for fifty conts. There is not a remedial agent iu this world that will cure Fever anj Ague, and all other Malarious, Ililious, Scarlet, Tvphoid, Yellow and other Fevers (aided ly Radwavrs Pills) so quick as RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Fifty cento per bottle. Sold by Druggists. RAD-WAY- 'S Health! Beauty! AEocce Arrested Bi.ooD-norjsn- s. The Westward bound train yesterday evening took away from Ogden a notorious character by the name of William Wilson, who was concerned in the robbery of Wells, Fargo & Co's., Stage, in 1871, when about five thousand were taken from them. He was a companion of Charley Clark, who was arrested here some time since under a requisition of the Governor of Nevada, and returned to the penitentirry at Carson City, from Mr. Hume, a dewhich he escaped. tective in the service of Wells, Fargo & Co., obtained an order from Governor Weods yesterday for the extradition of Wilson to California, where he will be tried for the offence. This man, Wilson, was arrested a few days ago in Granite, under the alias of Fugit, for the larceny of $'jO, and bound over for trial. Wells Fargo & Co., are determined to bring to justice, all the robbers engaged iu the attack upon their line, and to spare no pains to obtain their conviction. It is said that this Company has imported s to track thieves who hereafter shall attempt to commit depredations on their property. blood-hound- A Tale of SoerowI Two families, consisting of four men and women and seven children, arrived in Omaha last Friday on their way loathe West, from New England, They brought wiili them about three thousand dollars, and when they arrived in Omaha the women and children were left there, whiie the men took passage on a Union Paqifio train for some point, to which they had been eummoncd by a telegram purporting to come from some friends. The idea of being imposed upon was not for a moment entertained, and they directed their wives to follow them as soon as notified. WThen they reached the place designated, they were accosted by some ycisons wno represented that they were also from New England, and tried to prevail upon the unsuspecting immigrants to locate in their neighborhood. The latter were then induced to drink until they became' senseless, from the effects of liquor, w hich was probably drugged. Upon recovering from their e'upor, they discovered that they had been robbed of every dollar they possessed. In despair and' remorse they informed their wives of the circumstances in which they were placed, and ashamed to look their wives and little ones in the face, disappeared altogether. The unfortunate ones are left in Omaha.without the bare necessaries of life. A. M. Lewis was arrested' yesterday and committed to Camp Douglas, for stealing Indian goods.' Failing to get his pay from the Agents for whom ho was working, there being a balance of $150 due him, he helped himself to goods to the amount, of $000 Frpm yesterday's Xews: Several saloons have suspended, on account of their credit "giving out." The little son of W. T. AylanJ, who lms been affected with the small pox, is State, contain some 10,000 or 15,000 of square miles, or about the State, and include about twenty counties. Large quantities of Australian pears have appeared for sale in the lintrhhh market. There is a boy in North Adams, who smokes tobacco, aud the stronger the pipe the better he hkes it. two-ycnr-o- had left him a fortune of 33,000,000 But his in the Phillippine Islands. and owner Mrs. Giroud, daughter, stern-whea of peanut engineer stand in New Orleans, is now reaching for the money. If we had an immensely opulent brother, or UHele, or aunt, or grandmother, on the other side of the ocean we would a thousand times lather he or she would bequeath U3 a five hundred dollar bull pup than a fortune of $33,000,000, for, while they make it a point over there never to deliver one of those big fortunes until the Greek colends, the chances are ten to one that the dog would arrive by the very next steamer. el discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the lite principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days' use will prove to any porsou using it for either of these forms ef disease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy Wood and this the SARSAPARILL1AN will ami does secure. Not only does the Sartanarlllian Resolvent ex' eel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chro nic, Scrofulous, Constitutional and Skin diseases, but it is the only positive cure for KIDNEY and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinary and Womb disease, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppoge ot Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bl ight's Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brivkdust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white ot au egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dedark, bilious appearance, and white bene-dnposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and paiu in the small of the back and aloug the loins. Price, $1.00 The only known and sure Remedy WORMS. for W enns Pm, lape, etc. ld !!ap& Mi-Me- n RAILWAY. it i The direct route from Omaha to Chicago and tbe East, WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. Two Dr. HAJLTVA.Y'S European Fortunes. From this morning's Tribune: A fracas took place at one of the hotels yesterday between two guests. Blood was drawn and furniture smashed up, and that was all. Wells, Fargo .& Co.,' have received thirteen bars of silver bullion from the Raymond and Ely mite in Pioche, of the average value of $1,400. There is no difficulty in getting any amount of smelting ore in the Star district. Greenbacks are demanded how. ever, to open up new bodies of ore. The Blue Grass regions of Kentucky, lying across the middle of the one-thir- d RADWAY'S READY RELIEF has been adopted by the best writers. Law.- -A boy, nged 4 BMfiiiAX ou Sunday The etymology of the word is was teen years, from his and can only be traced to the first aorist a evening in driving a and rm. pitchfork, of the Greek verb eskedalaio scatter, which father's stackyard, his baai. into the ani- occurs in a passage in Homer referring which he held in it instantly. The to the parting of Hector and Andrommal's side, killing of Wm. Parker, ache. horse was the property t It is sa.d that the and was valuable. From this morning's Condessatioxs. the time. at drank was Herald: boy The Salt Lakers, or a considerable man JcsTicn'fl Court. A "young portion of them, were entertained by the who has figured becountry," the from moral spectacle of a dog fight yesterday, was this fore the courts several times, and the prowess of the thorough-bre- d befci Justice C. F. bulls is morning brought accordingly chanted. Middletoa, charged with drunkenness, A dialogue in foul mouthed bellings-gat- e the peace. He between a drunken woman and a profanity and disturbing Strongand Pure Rich Blood Increase of Flesh in the County jail, affl and Weight Clear Skin and Beautiful Comlast night of was number spent loafers, degraded good plexion secured to all. costs. and fined $10 was this moraing the notable diversions of the city be made public. among Jsext time lis name will in the environs of Ogden yesterday. relatives withholds ii Siirsaparillian Resolvent to the Respect for his A complimentary invitation Has made the most astonishing cures, so quick, so w. rapid are the changes the body undergoes, under Legislative Assembly was extended by influence of this truly wonderful Medicine. that the lato C. Bates, the management of the Theatre, to atEVERY DAY AN INCREASE IN FLUSH AND Personal Hon. WEIGHT IS SEEN AND FELT. artend the performance this evening. The U. S. District Attorney for Utah, WKEAT IIMOI I I'll I ITER. THE Every drop of the 8ARSAPAR1LL1AN RESOLrived in Ogden this morning on his way to invitation was accepted. VENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, He purpose to invite capi"Bullet Neck," a celebrated California Urine and, other fluids and juices of the system Micbisr&n. the vigor of life, for it rvpairs the wastes of the in to Lake to Salt come to invest Kast liberally talists f the flyer, will shortly bodv with new and sound material. Scrofula, " Consumption, Glandular disease, Ulcers in advancing the mining interests of tbis run a dash with "Walking John the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands naitive Alfonzo Barrano, a of and other parts ol the system, Sore Eyes, Strumto their The sec saw horse race between Territory; and to submit ous Discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms at died a reDayton, which and "Mark pauper Spain, Moore,'' the many advantages Fever Sores, ScaM "Walking John" of Skin Diseases, week without know- Head, Kiug Worm, Eruptions, other the Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Ohio, themof in "Moore." favor in time this sulted would identifying enjoy they worms ia the Flush, Tumors, CanBlack ing that a deceased brother of his cers in Spots, the Womb, and all weakening and paiuful It's "John's" chance the next time. selves with its material progress. eng-ige- the flames. Datlt Through Traiki leave the MiBsotnu Rivme, opposite Omaha, npoo the arrival i of Trains from the Weet over tha UNION PACIFIC EAILWAT. lel ng the direct route, anJ IIS lilies shorter than tho lowor line, have 6 Hour in time, Tliis and insures connections with all H.ist-er- n Southern Huilways, paae- engert having choice ef Routes Kuat of t MGGA.GE ' Chicago. CHECKED THBOUOU EASTEEX CITIES. TO ILL Pullman's Palace Sleeping Coaches run through to Chicago without change. B. F. PATRICK, C-- n. Vosa. CEO. L. DUNLAP, Ga. Bupt. Agt Chicago. S.T1860-- X 12 Years' Growth Cured ItoHolveut. by KhUwhj'h Mass., IS, 1869, Tumor of The good people of Laramie have had a little sensation. One day last week a lady drove into towa, got out of the buggy, stepped July Beverly, Dr. Radwat: I have had Ovarian Turner ia the ovaries aud bowels. All the doctors said "there os no help for it." I tried everything that was recommended: but nothing helped me. 1 saw yeur Resolvent and thought I would try It; set had ua faith in it, because 1 had suffered for twelve years. I took six bottles of the Resolvent, and one box ol Radway's Pills, aud two bottles of your Ready Relief; and there is not a sign of tumor to be seen or frit, and I leel better, smarter, and happier than I hava lor twelve year. The worst tumor was iu the left side of tho bowels, over the groin. I wrte this to you for tho beueht ot outers, lou can pub HANNAH P. K.J AFP. lish it if you choose. up to a young man holding a ten months old boy in her arms, anc told him to take it, that it was his, at the same time presenting a pistol recovering rapidly. were tried drunkenness of at his head. The young man coolly Six cases consented to do so, but when she before Justice Clinton yesterday. lowered the pistol he wrenched it PILLS befrom her hand and took her to the PFRFk'CT PURGATIVE Pkjeon Match. A grand match tasteless, elegantly eoatud with sweet Penectly to over her delivered tie and office tween certain Ogden celebrities came off gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse aud strengthen. Uadwav's Pills, for the cure of all disorders marshal. town the east of distance of tbe Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, yesterday, a little Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation. Costive-nesii. It. Engine House, with the following Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Key West don't wish to be con- Fever, Inflammation ot tbe bowels, rues, ana all result: Internal Viscera. Warranted sidered a dull place. The Dhpatch Derangements of tbe cure. 11 1 to elici t a uositive Purely vegetable, con Greenwell, four rink the at OOO taining no mercury, minerals er deleterious drugs. says there is skatiDg Clayton, Mi" Observe the following symptoms resulting 0 1 1 evenings in the week, three balls, a frm Disorders of the Digestive Organs Constipa Pratt, Fullness of the Blood in the variety show, a menagerie, a learned tion, Inward Piles, 1 1 0 Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, vesthree theatrical Wright, a company, pig, Disgust of Food, Fnllnoss or Weight in the Stom 1 0 I Chapman, jmtnenng ai sels repairing damages, the harbor ach, Sour Eructations, emsmgor of 1 the Head, 00 the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming Tomer, more coming Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the full of war vessels and Choking or Suffocating Sensation when in to say nothing of two courts in aHeart, The result being a tie, the repeat Lving Posture. Dimness or Vision, Dots or Wei before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the match will take place' on Friday next, session. Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness ol the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Chest, Limbs, when it is to be hoped all hands will be In the riesn, The skunk is no respecter of per- and sudden Flushes of Heat, liarning A few doses of Railway's Pill) will free the sye steady and every eye keen. the to as is sons. He fricudly disorders. Price tern from ail the just It will no doubt be a matter of surwnts ner box. Sold 'ov Druggists. of clothes as to the '2& RVAD suit one of owner o remarka-bl"False nud Trm." Send one let prise, that the returns of this owner of a dozen, and, if anything, a ter stanw to Radway & Co., No. 87 Maiden Lane the into their find way match should New York. Information worth thousands will be trifle more so. iS5"lir sent yeu. effort the after Junction, particularly dr. radway;s . THE CELEBRATED TO II O AVD APPETIZER I S PURELY k VEGETABLE PrtEl'ARATION, R O OT S ( compoesd simply ef HERBS aud FRUITS, combined witb other , properties, which Ui their nature oso wull-knqw- n Cath-u-tic- Aperient, Xutritou, Diuretic, AlfcoraUva act! Tao vrbolo ia preserved ki a suSU eient quantity of spirit from tho SVG AH CANE to keep tliem lu nay eliiaato, which-EiakatAatt-15ilio- u. . , above-name- made to destroy all evi lences of the Spain has got a little difficulty to skill of the shooters. But there is a settle with England now. The Spanlittle bird, friendly to the JrscTiox, ish dealers have got to doctoring which flutters around and whispers in their sherry too much to suit the our ears, things that some folks wish to average Briton. be eecret. For instauce, it told us that Mr. Wright would have scored three, but Corn is selling in Nodaway eounty, cents a bushel, one' stricken, pigeon flew outside the Mo., for twenty-fivthe tor wnite com sponge," cents it "threw bounds before up or twenty-sevewhen and cherupped out "Not for Joe," A better price tban it nas brought of a torn up record. How's for two years. it e sang that for a pigoonthat, wasn't hit at the "He was a good man, snys an grand match Iowa paper of a deceased citizen, sometimes bet on the A hog that weighed 900 pounds "but then he the same as the rest of was slaughtered at Muscatine a few wron" horse, us. days age. 'railage d ' , MilTATlI Master Coville,' of Danbury, once received a prize, rriday aiternoon for a composition, on reverence, and further distinguished himself in the evening, on the occasion of his pas tor's visit, by shutting the tails o the dominie's coat in the parlor door and impelling him to leave them thero by introducing a pin iu his chair. The pastor returned home with a cloud on his brow and one o Colville's coats on his back, leaving Master Colville executing a hornpipe in the woodshed under the auspices of his father. one of the meet desimble tlia. world. Tonic and Tey tru Intend Btrlctlyaaa Tciiipcraiicc. Bitters only to bo used aa a meuickia, aud always cordis to directions. ao of the feeble and They are tha eheet-anchdebilitated. They act tipen a dloeosed liver, and stimulate to such & degree that a healthy action a at once brought about As a remedy to which Women are cupccladly subjeet It is superr Aa a Spring seding every othr-- stimibat no equal. have and Summer Tonic they as well aa and a mild are Purgative gentle They Tonic. They purify the blood. They ave a splendid Appetizer. They make the weak strong. They purify and invijorato. TUcy enre Dysact pepsia, Constipation and Headache. They as a specific in all species of disorders whioa undermine the bodily strength and break dowa the animal spirits. " Depot; 53 Park Place , New York. |