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Show - .i". - pWH?4: ggU dOO SxfvKAK. So. 6- - - OCJDE1V, 7.50 a.m. - Lt, ThrougU T t,,ri lur K..n 6.30 p.m! An Editor Clubbed. C.'JC p.m. 8.40 o.m. iiv a i.Y, f itc Inauguration of Gov. Satur- - Wednesday and il'iiutsville, Allen of Ohio. ' In the Senate petitions were presented, including one from Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan 15. Anthony and others, asking that women be allowed to rote, nnd that the same rights be extended to 7.CQa.m. IVnu'Vlain City and Platsrsville, 3.3Q p.m. and Thursday 3.00 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays lioi'lrviUo and Vlma, Wednesday. 11.30 a.m. hiiJ Saturdays OFFICE HOURS. 6.15 p.m. fleuoral Delivery, Minnav, .i y.ru. i" UEUISTKV WSI'AKTMICNT Ot" i'rom 0 a.m- - to 8 p.m. M0NKY OFFICE DEPARTMENT. to 3 p.m. Open from 9 Outside Door open from 0 a.m. to 8 p.m. JOSEPH HALL, Postmaster K')iidavs P'vf rdali Trains - - train arrives " P. " U. C. P. P. U. U. C. 7.40 a.m. 5 40 p.m. G.20 p.m. " " " leaves " " train arrives - and leaves and .i ' a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. G.30 p.m. 8.50 7.50 5.45 8.40 " ' -- - rail-way- Services Religion 11 a.m., anil Every Simd.iv, in tlinTaliermule, at School-buiis- e tu th Second Ward Sihoulhoino Farloy'. at 6 p.m. ami Third Wa d School-hous- e 7 Kpisc,wl Clmr. h at 11 a.m. aud 7 p.m. a.m. and p.m. MctUwlirt Chnnli Lecture (Child'. Hall), at 7.o0 p.m. atll SpiritualUt Ogden City Library Xewa Depot, At Joliu 0. ChamlK!rli, very day, Sunday. excepted. pen - 6. WHITEHEAD, FOURTH STREET, Four Doors from Z. 3f. J., C. GENERAL DEALER IS boots LEATHER siioi:$, and & SHOE F1XD1XCS, At the Lowest Prices. Taken. Produce CASH PAID for n HIDES. rtLTAIUS NEATLY a . EXECUTED. My J. S. LEWIS, WATCHMAKER tide-wat- AMD JEWELER, ClocUs. Jewelrv, Silver and IVnler in Wati:!ics, Plaied Ware, MAIN STREET. CUD EN. Repairing neatly done aud all work warranted, 11-l- y REMOVED. IF YOU WANT A TII0MS0XIAX DOCTOR OR TUoiiiHiuion Medicine, CALL Oli DU. FJJURPHY, Office-OPPO- SITE Conscltatios Fes, T09T OFFICE, MAIN ST., OtiDEN. $1.iki. .l-3- XOUTUERX SALOOX, SIX DOORS WEST OF Z. C. M. I. LOGAN. M INES AND LIQUOliS, ALES AND rORTER, of the very best quality. By Measure or at 25 cts. per Drink. Cigars and Tnbacco Finest Brands. of the Butter, Eyps, Chickens and all kinds of G rain taken in cxchaujie. D. IVELSOjX, firS. M. Ai Pettengill ' 37 rark them as to colored men. Cameron presented a memorial from the Russian Mennonites, setting forth that they desired to become citizens, and asking that they be allowed to oc cupy public land. Terry objected to the reception of the petition, as It was irom ioreign citizens. Ingalls introduced a bill to equalize the rates of freight and passengers od the different branches of the Lniou Pacific Railroad. It provides that all freight, and the freight and passenger traffic between Kansas City and Leaven worth, or any point on the line of the Kansas Pacific aud Denver Pacific via Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, to Ogden, or any point ou the line of the Union Pacific Railroad, or points beyond its terminus, shall be carried by said companies jointly, at the same rates as are charged on similar traffic between Omaha and like points; but the Union Pacific Company shall not be required to receive upon said traffic a less sum than would be entitled to receive upon similar traffic over its own road, when pro raid to and from Omaha. Suits may be brought- and sustained in any of the United States courts in which any portion of either of said roads is situated, for treble the amount of the damages and the loss occasioned by a refusal to comply with the foregoing prprjsions. Conkling then offered a substitute for the House bill, which repeals the act of March 3d. '73, except so tar as it relates to the salary of the President.and judges of the Supreme Court, aud places the salaries back where they were before the passing of that net. It provides further that no mileage shall be allowed for the first session of the 43d Congress, and that all undrawn or returned back pay shall be covered into the treasury. and the rejection After some discu-sioof a number ef amendments by decisive votes, the substitute was adopted; and the bill passed; yeas, 50; nays, 8. In the House, Ilurlbut introduced a bill chartering a double track railway on the Atlantic to the from Missouri river, aud to limit freights thereof; referred. It provides that the route shall be as near an air line as possible from Council Bluffs, or the vicinity, to some convenient point on the Hudson river or bay of Nw York; to be commenced within one year from the passage of the act, and be completed in three years: the capital stock to be limited to $1,000,000 in $100 shares; the road to be built of the best.mateiial.with steel rails, branches to be built to Chicago and St. Louis, and such other places as the directors may think necessary, but not over two branches on the same side of the line in any one State. Ilolman moved to suspend the rules and adopt a resolution declaring that in the judgement of the House, there is no necessity to increase taxation or increase the public debt by further loans. If there shall be economy in public expenditures and that in view of the con-- d tion of the National finances, the House will reduce the appropriations aud public expenditures to the lowest adpoint consistent with the proper affairs. Thernles ministration of public were suspended, and the resolution was adopted; yeas, 221; nays, 3. Woodworth, of Ohio, introduced a bill which was referred to the committee on railways and canals, providing for the establishment of a bureau of transportation to be attached to the interior department, and to control and regulate rai roa ls aud transportation companies comme ce. It employed in inter-Statprovides for a commissioner and four assistants, at like falanes as oluer sucu. officials; to fix the rates of freight; to prevent discrimination and xci'ssi.e charges, and to exercise a "general supervision over railways of the character mentioned. ' a., C. T. Trop'r. Co., 10 State Rew New York, & and ,01 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, are our Agert8 for procuring ndveitise-a-.e?ti?for Boston tJhe,GDES rhiladeldhia, and authoriied to for adverticing at eur Uwesi ratts. M Jction coa-"a- AMERICAN. Washington, 12. , ' New York, 12. Pandorn, editor of the Jersey City Evening Journal, was knocked down and badly injured, with a club, this evening, in that qity, by one John Daly, an Internationalist, whom Pandorn ordered out of his Louse, last week. Two men, who attempted to protect Pandorn, were stabbed. Daly was arrested. He was organizing a number of men to join in the parade of the "Unemployed," in this city, to morrow. Tde committee of safety having invoked the official aid of Gov. Dix, before the inarch ot the "Unemployed" to the City he replies that he canUallr not interfere with any arrangement that the municipal authorities have made. The workirigmc'n's central council held a meeting in reference to the parade; the following is the substauee of the resolution adopted : That the woriunginen's central council is in no manner, responsible tor the action of the men getting up the parade, nor do we approve of the insane attempts to excite the passions of the people to commit acts of violence. Ve regard such meli as the worst enemies of trade aud labor organizations, only landing to bring workingruen into disrepute. We condemn the action of the Police Com missioners in denying the right of to parade in any part of the city, and believe they are actuated by fear, as they could keep peace at the City c con Hall as well as at Canal street. demn the manner in which the Mayor has treated the demands of the labor or ganizations. Columbus, 0., 12. Gov. W. A. Allen was inaugurated to day in the presence of the Gvneral Assembly and a large concourse of spectators from all- parts of the State. The oath of office was administered by Chief Justice bite. Noyes, in a few graceful sentences, introduced his successor to the assemblage, and Gov. Allen delivered ' his inaugural address, which was comparatively brief, containing no recommendations beyond an earnest exhortation to the Legislature to reduce expenditures and taxes. A bril liant inaugural ball was given to night in the city building. Pottsville, Pa., 12. from all districts of Dispatches the Schuylkill region, represent that at Lehigh the miners all had decided to strike, the rejection of $2.25 being the basis, they demanding a minimum basis of $2.50 on contract work, and $2.75. instances for day work; and The rates. they demanding higher men are very determined, the basis of the question having been thoroughly discussed, and they are better prepared for a strike now than ever before. There is much difference of opinion among the leading coal operators, as to the probable length of the strike, many believing it will continue until the middle cf April. ct A Z. R. work-ingme- n - :Lx-Go- pik'Si. VOX,. Y. ISaker's lotigh. Godfrey Kuhule, a baker in Phila delphia's suburbs, two mouths ago took a green German boy to teach him to bake, and make himself gen erally useful about th6 house. The new boy, luitz lleidenbbnd, was nineteen years old. He did not get along very well, and it appears Mrs. Kuhule did not like him at all. He proved that he did not like her the other night by going into her room iu the absence of her husband and jumping on her, and biting off her ear and a piece of one of her fingers, and choking her till he supposed she was dead. He then went to the bureau drawer aud took fiftv-fiv- c dollars aud left the house. Some hours after the woman revived, and called to her husband. She supposdown ed he was ia- the bake-houstairs. He. did not answer. She dragged herself down stairs aud found Mr. Kuhule dead murdered. Mrs. Kuhule alarmed the neighbors. The police found Fritz iu a drinking saloon near by, enjoying himself. They asked him why he had killed Mr. Kuhule? He replied that Mrs. Kuhule was all the time scolding, and he was going to be discharged anyhow. He also said that he had shot Kuhule and then struck him on the head with a shovel. His clothes were bloody, and the money he had taken was found in his pockets. se v. to-d- ay e FOREIGN. er e M SATURDAY.) d 7.00 a.m. 5.00 p.ni: Kvannton. T yom- fnr- Hili flomitr.' itic ana , . i n. .m. S,.tiirdav. at . and TUnrsday Tmdayi, Couutv, r u he p.m. V 6.00 Suiidavs Daily to Lupin . 5.00 p.m. T urge ay. an, Tuesdays Couniy, Rich 2.o0 audTliui-mla. p.m. Monday ,rtli OpU-n- V."" , Spanish Affairs. mmIU . - 5.45 p.m. 7.40 a.m. 6.40 p.m. 8.40 a.m. ike Citv, double daily Mail daily West Tl.nii c ,n M ' " UTAH, SAT UK DAY, JAaTUAUY 17. 1874. Congressional. AIUUVAL - " SEMI-WEEKL- T, - Post Office: Ogden AND CLOSING OF MAILS. " - ;PTOLISHED (WEDXESDAYand B Y TELE Gil APU. OCDEN DIRECTORY. daily, bu Luke City, doiiLta MuH daily wit. Through Mail Uii.ly -- Madrid, 12. The official Gazctl this morning con tains the following intelligence from Cartagena: On Sunday evening a committee of the Red Cross society and three Cartagenian officers arrived at General Dominequez head quarters and brought a letter from the President of the insurgents' Junta, asking a suspension of hostilities, and appointing a joint commission of government and Cartagenian officers to consider the conditions of General Dominequez rejected this proposal and gave the insurgents to make an uncondiuntil noon tional surrender. He, however promised to pardon all who, before the expiration of that time, gave themselves up with their arms, except members of the Junta and ordinary criminals, who are to be dealt with by a tribuual; liberated convicts, who will be compelled to serve out the terms of their sentences; and deserters from the armies, whose cases will be disposed of by the Minister of war. With his reply the committee returned to the city. Government is confident a eurrender will be effected today. to-da- y, A California farmer has just completed a fence around his 45,000-acr- c farm. It isn't painted yet. Society at Davenport needs lifting up a peg. There are eleven scan, mag. cases, three elopements, two church trials, aud a case of embczzle-meu- t for the gossips to grow fat over. Had Name. A A S. Louis Fugitive Arrested lor Shoot iug his Rival Head. Yesterday moruins Detective Jas. Duckworth, of the St. Louis (Mo.) police force, arrived on the Oregou steamer from "Walla Walla, having in charge John W. Prudom, who is charged with murder, for having, on the 5th of last July, shot and killed jJenjauun Scott, at Kipley, Bently County, Mo. Prudom was enamored of a young lady, and Scott was also paying attention to the same person, aud a jealous feeling existed between them. Ou the day of the killing the two met ou one of the couuty roads, ou horseback, when Prudom charged Scott- with speaking in disparaging terms ot the young lady alluded to. Scott gave him the lie, and after an exchange of augry words, Prudom, who is reported to be an excellent shot with a rifle or revolver, drew a revolver and fired at Scott. He shot him through the heart, killing him instautly. After the shooting he made his escape from Bendy, an! found his way to Walla Walla, where he settled down last November. Detective Duckworth, who was instructed to hunt up the escaped murderer, came in possession of letters which divulged the whereabouts of Prudom, and obtaining the necessary papers from the Governor of Missouri, has now arrested him. The officer will return to St. Louis with his prisoner & F. Call, 9th inst. - to-da- Some time ago we made a notice of two young men. D' Antignac and Marriage by ..Lottery. Hack, who shot each other in AuThey are having great fun in the gusta, Georgia,- Christmas eve. At in known was time town of Holland, Wis. There is a that nothing public of the cause of the difficulty. benevolent society there, as there villa1)' Antignac has had an inquest since. should be in all It now appears that the trouble was ges, and iu looking about for objects about "Jim Fisk." That morning of charity, the keeu vision of the Hack had called out to an acquain- society o'erlcaped the ordinary spectance, Thayer, "Hello, Jim Fisk." tacles of suffering and saw the lonely Thayer didn't like the style of ad- hearts, as well as the empty stomIt discovdress and construed it into an insult. achs, of its parishioners. He told Hack so, and Hack told him ered that there were in the town to help himself. But Hack was a eleven lonely widows and twelve disd man, and Ihay-e- r consolate widowers. What should big was a little narrow fellow. He rbe done? Should the task of uniting did not help himself. D'Antignac these wanderers be left to time, so was a friend of lhayer, and he had full of delays and disappointments? size to back him. He hunted up The Holland people are made of Hack that evening, and told him he better metal. The matter was subunderstood that some big cowardly mitted to a committee, and the combuffer had ben calling a little fellow mittee reported in favor of a lottery. "Jim Fisk."- Hack replied "that's The day and the hour were announcme' D'Antiprnac then said, "How ed, and the principal edifice of the are you Jim Fisk?" and landed one town was crowded. The names of on the side of Hack's head. The all the widows and all the widowers two young men then pulled out their were placed in a hat and drawn by a pistols and shot each other. That's disinterested party. These were all all that was the matter between mated except one. This one was Dr. them. Jim Fisk seems to have been Pettermau, who may be fitly termed regarded as a bad word, like scoun- - the "superfluous man." He was the drcl, thief, liar or other inflammatory twelfth widower, and the eleven terms, which never fiy between two widowers had all been drawn befors i his name issued from the hat. Mr. geutiemeu. Petterman was discouraged; but not so the committee. Having attemptHere is another awful example ed . a good thing, they determined to At Colum for the anti tobacco-raenbus, Ohio, a bank robber had sue go through with it. They, therefore, cessfully broken aud entered, when advertise for a respectable widow lady he couldn't resist the temptation of who would like to marry a doctor. taking a pinch of snuff. His sn.eze Who wants Petterman? Don't all betrayed his presence; and they don't speak 'at once; and yet you must allow snuff in the penitentiary, either, speak quick or the chance will be lost. Proposals should be addressed The marriage of Miss Milwaukee to Peter Kersten, President BenevoII. Smith is recorded. She was the lent Society, Ilollandtown, Wis. first white child born in the village of Milwaukee, that event occurring A terrific accident has happened in October, 183d. If she had been Stockholm A fire broke out ia at else would have she born anywhere the third been married twenty years ago. story of a house occupied ballet corps of the Royal theaby the allow Ike tre. Sixteen unfortunate girls were Mrs. Partington will not to play the guitar. She says he had burned alive; three were killed by it once when he was a child and it jumping from windows, and five dan,,, nearly killed him. gerously hurt. - well-regulat- ed broad-shouldere- - . . . Iu Nevada a skull has been ex homicides New York had fifty-si- x Mrs. Talcott, of Hound Lake, humed from a depth of 500 feet, which is completely crusted with sil- Iowa, committed suicide because her and only two judicial hangings List ver ore. 'omptins soured. year. |