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Show ti n iimiwJ3mmwLmuuiMivi ...m. ,, ,,, llllt The suggestion is a grsod one, and I On Railroads F. D. Richards, J. recommend that such Board be created, P B. and L. Farr. Taylor, Mf'1 Young, jr., firmly ,hftt it will be and ask that you appropriate a sum of to On sufficient enable them to "' mke Municipal Corporations and Tovvn-ite- s Wbile I do not wish money as such will reflect credit done hi J. F. Smith, A. P. Rockwood and preparation detail, Ike oiny 10 '.'Lrsl.ould be contained ia the upon the people of the Territory. L. Farr. " " . relation .bou - "-'-- , . v. ,.w.rlv, defined jj od GRAIN WANTED. SPECIAL NOTICE. JjyjJ' 11 . If S THE BOTTOM FOR DllY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE CONCLUSION. ?i permit M to gBe.. On Private Incorporations and Tele license a carriage ; j It is impossible for me at this time to before 1,1 graph Companies J. C. Wright, J. 11. Ijuods and Groceries has unquestion "tV Quired of all Given, present t you, in detail, all the legisla- Murdock ehouid aud B. Young, jr. n wJdlock, which tion which is needed in the IN CASH AND THE Territory; the County but it is able been touched, and a sharp ad- OKE FOURTH On Public Domain and School Lands to extend a helping duty your i.1'?; REST IN FURNITURE, "o 'if i hand. And, in conclusion, permit me J. Rowberry, J. It. M univ in which the part.es NcbeJ. unlock, a to to moment vance at isliablo Clerk keep ch any to express the hope that a of harAT -- w X r-r- lu V k.m. uda licenses issued by uL require all persons uuititg IWH in wedlock .o furnish the Count; mar-- . a certificate of such a recorded by him in book in tSit purpose. nd it would be for for crime any person a it tel .onmke "unite parlies in marriage who have therefor. lot procured a license 1 rtd K U RIGHTS OF MAURI IS PERSONS. spirit mony and good will, may preside over all your delibcratious: that prudence and sound judgement may characleriie your legislation; and that in the end, much good may be done. Geo. L. Woods, Governor of Utah. The Utah Legislature. of an Act, entitled An Act UiBh- - of The two Houses assembled in joint Mrm:ller. convention yesterday and received the !ms approved February lb. 18,i. shall Governor's Message. Upon its dissolu that ' The right of dower I approved tion the Council resumed regular pronot exist in this Territory. I am .reflection due after but ceedings, when Mr. Jennings, by pertbat Bill; e 1 a made so doing that in mission, presented a bill for "An Act Audi recommend that that porreferred to be repealed amending An Act regulating elections, tion of the Act approved January 3d, 1833, and for at this session. SKCnETARY'K KKKS. other purposes," which wa3 read and s laid Act of of the on the table to come up in its Section Second The makes this Territory, order. organizing to "commisit the duty of the Governor Section one provides the manner of be appointed sion all officers whe shall of (lie Territory." voting as in the old law, omitting the to office under the laws the labor connected numbering of the ballots. Inasmuch as most of is performed by the Secretary therewith Section two provides that every of the Territory, without compensation. voted for at any election shall be that a reasonable fee be person 1 recommend allowed such olficer, to be paid by the privileged by himself, agent or attorsuch commission. ney, to be present at the oounting of the person receiviug ' ATE JUDGES. ballots. PROD Section three makes it a misdemeanor Section 23 of an Act entitled "An Act in relation to the Judiciary," approved for obstructing or hindering any such Jan. 13th, 18o5, provides that "Judges agent or attorney in being bo of Probate for the several counties shall person, e Leg'u-lativthe of the present; and provides punishment therejoint vole be elected by reI the recommend for. Assembly." and ask that such peal of that section, Section four provides that no ballot o Many officers be elected by the people. used at any election shall have any vote arguments could be advanced in favor of the change, but I deem it unnecessary. number, mark, sign or character on it, The genius of our Government, go well whereby it might be designattd, or the understood by every citizen, requires known who used the seme and that the right to select their own officers person of any be exercised by the people, who ore the provides for the punishment I and all election or of sonrca of other immediate person so authority; judge would have it so in Utah, so far as it can marking any ballot. be done, under the Act of Congress orSection the provides that all municiganizing the Territory. elections of incorporated cities, Permit, me, also, to suggest that there pal heldV'shall be conducted in hereafter is great need of a I'robato Practice Act, in probate conformity with this act. jiysienmtizing the practice business. We also need a statute on deSection six makes the act take effect scent, and distribution of the estates of and be in force from and afier its pasdeceased Stile s mis-ta't- gti-fie- d Con-em- persons. I1RAXCII MIST. establishment of a Branch Mint by the General Government at some central point in this Territory, lias beAnd I come an absolute necessity. urge you'to uiemeralize Congress upou tbat subject, and to use all proper menus at your command to secure that which is so much needed. The GKOMGICAL G. Peacock! take place we advise Country Mer LOCAL ITEMS. From WtJnedsay's Daily of Jan. BOYLE chants who intend replenishing their 14 along their orders, Union Social Cluii. A meeting of the Ogdon, Union Social Club was held yesterday evening at the Union Depot waiting room. Mr. Graham, the efficient secretary of the Club, tendered his resignation, but it was not accepted. Preparations for a grand party were made for, some day, about the end of this month. The twcnty-seionof February also be celebrated by the Club. will or inspect market for themselves Thftiest and cheapest stock of FTJItKITCKS north of Salt Lake. the the suriuin ESTEY" ORGAJf as early as possible. Having availed ourselves of the TI1K LARGEST FACTORY IN THE WORLD! BY FAR recent depression in the Blanket and Flunuel market by making large pur- d O'HARNETT'S. Main Street, Ogden. stocks for late "Winter sales, to send A fit Ths ct JXCOKPOUATIONS. Com-uierci.- il, two-thir- Manufacturing, und other purposes; and in the organization of companies, under the law as it now stands, they are compelled to select a majority of their directors from persons, residents here, who have no personal interest whatever in the enterprise over which they are to exorcise control. The efl'eut of such a law is to prevent capital from coming to the Territory. I hope that it may be repealed, liefore dismissing this subject I would al o suggest that all incorporations organized in this Territory be required to file their articles of incorporation in the oftce of the Secretary of the Territory. FIXAXCK. I am happy to communicate to you hat the financial condition of the Territory is ull that can be desired. The Territory is free frcfli all indebtedness, aud now has a balance in the Treasury of S35.Go").47. For a mare detailed statement I refer you to the reports of the Treasurer and Auditor of Pulvh Accounts, of which are herewith transmitted.copies' CELKB3ATI0U. The United States Centennial a circular" issued November -- . 1873, invited each State and Territory to appoint a Board of Managers (o act in conjunction with the Centennial Commissioners of the several States and territories, in making preparation for a proper representation at the Centennial of American Independence, o be hoklen in the city af Philadelphia, in the year 1876. .' Cora-i"!3- b-- r - , 1" lcr Annum! SALES 10,800 chases for cash, vrc are prepared to a it'. STAYXi:i:,jffent, offer extraordinary bargain.-- . Klaiii St.. Suit Luke City, Near tiav Mr. Cauficld's horses and f P. 0. Address. Box 5S7. , wagon were hitched this morning to a he while the near depot, telegraph pole Mer was waiting for the mail, when the Zion's switch engine "Swift-surepassed by nnd its whistle was blown. The horses became frightened, and breaking the lines by which they were tied, (hey If. II. Hooper, Supt. started at a furious speed up fifth street, of them ihe behind fragments leaving the spring wagon, which Mr. Caufield for the Manufacture of Is used for carrying Ihe mail from the deis pot. The animals were stopped on NiclitC School, now open in 3d Ward School room, from p.m., till 9 p. in., Terr niitht except Main Street, but the wagon was comBKOWMNU 4 IRWIN. wrecked. pletely Smashed. s7(-t- Co-operati- ve Cloth for Wool' cantile Institution. " EXCELSIOIt MILLS, sC-t- f 0IE3aT a Iteiuembcr that there Tliuii-dayjb- y d'JJ-li- t. ! Karlej'! Karloy! Karley to $1,00 pit bushel in will buy from '" ft., 1 cash for Rood bright barley. Jl. HAMMOND, Main Street, Ogdcn. si-t- f l. POSTPONEMENT. Ktc, Etc. : Woo' at Once AND RECEIVE IU THE BE.NENTOr CITY, Superior Clolli, Blank cts, Yarn, Hutting, 4th Grand Gift Concert! Bring on ''Your TOR Kctiirn at Our C.oods In The Methodist Erisco-pa- l PUBLIC LIBRARY OF XY. Sun-adChurch will be dedicated next Advantageous ISatcK. ' at eleven o'clock. Rev. L. B. W. 62-A.RANDALl.SON&CO. EN BANK!! Long has been indefatigable in his ex- OVER A ertions to hasten its completion. His conUS- S- Sec G. gregation can justly boast of having a 1M7 Advertisement. house of worship which is neat, comA FULL DRAWING CERTAIN fortable and attractive in appearance. GEORGE W. TURNER, Mr. Wm. A. Daly, the architect of the On Tuesday, 31st March, Next. for much is to entitled praise building, (Late C. B. UcQ regor k Co.), sage. the skill he has exhibited in finishing an HOUSE OF BEPRESENTATIVRS. In order to meet thp Renprnl wish and expecta- - - Ogden. , for the nnd thi The following standing committee elegant edifice that will be an ornament tion of the public announced of the (fifta, infn'(k'eiit fl! payment fur the' Fourth Grand Gift toucsi t of the Pubto the city. were appointed. Maglic Library of Kentucky, the management have Lorin Farr. F. D. On Judiciary determined to postpone tho Concert und Drawing Richards, S. A. Mann, J. C. Wright and Personal Hon. F. D. Richards ar- until the 31st of March,' 1874. &c. A. K. Thurber. rived this morning from Salt Lake, and Tuesday, have already realizad They Silas will return this evening to the scene of On Claims and Appropriations CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ' OVER A MILLION DOLLARS, S. Smith, A. P. Rockwood, L. Farr and his legislative labors. Wall Papers of the Best Patterns. And have a reat many tgunU yet to hear from. E. Partridge. le of eVery 'nl'srriptiona taken for all the Papers of the day No doubt in entertained of the On Petitions and Memorials John brfor the drawing, but whether nil are bt.'um Local, Juutern and The Message. We have surrendered ticket old or not the Concert and drawing will positiveTaylor, F. D. Richards, J. C. Wright, much of our space to the Goovernor's ly and uneiuivocally take place ou the day now fixed, nnd if any renuiiu unaold they w ill be canJ. F. Smith and A. Hatch. the in to and the proceedings Message celled and the prizer will be reduced in proportion On Revenue A. K, Thurber, S. A. The importance of lhat to the unsold tickets. Legislature. Only CO 00 tickets hnve beu Usued and Mann, W. R. Smith M. W. Merrill. instrument, and its value to our readers On Counties Pace, B. Young, geuerally, as well as the interest that all W. Roundy. Jr., A. Hatch and L. must feel in tho action of the General S. A. Mann, A. P. On Elections Assembly, will, we are sure, bo acceptRockwood, W. II. Smith and J. R. Mur- ed as a sufficient excuse for excluding will he distributed among the dock. ticktH are printed in coupons, of tenth', nnd our usual amount of reading IIThe fractional parts will be rpreeuted iu the On Roads, Bridges, Ferries and Can- matter. drawing just na whole tickets are. yons J. "Howberry, W. W. Cluff, G. OF GIFTS. Peacock, J. Nebeksr, and L. W. Roundy Pizarro. Next Saturday evening the ONE GRAND CASH GIFT S25o,ono On Engrossing and Enrolling J. F. splendid and attractive tragedy of CXKGKANH CASH GIFT CASH GIFT 60,000 will be presented at the Ogaen ONKGKAND Smith, W. W. Cluff and B. Young, Jr. M,tm ONE GUANO CAHI GIFT 17.C09 J. Taylor, F. D. Rich-ard- s, Theatre, with all the brilliant eiFects 0NKG1UND CASH GIFT On Education 100,000 10 Cash Gifts, $10,000 each, in B. and 150,000 30 Cash Gifts, J. F. Smith, Young, Jj., ft,niu each, that belong to one of the finest efforts 6M,IHHJ 50 Cash Gifts, l,(fK each, the W. W. Cluff. This dramatio literature. 500 each, 40,oov grand piece, 0 Cash Gifts, MONITOR TIAS GAINED A 4lJ,00: . 4Hi each, Cusli GifM, On Printing Silas S. Smith, J. R. finest emanation from the pen of Sncri-da- n 100 I BOO 45,0(tO reputation. No higher encomium can be dp. . 150 Cash Gifts, each, stowed upon a Cooking gtove than to suy that 6(MK.K) 200 each, Murdock, Joel Groverand W. Morrison. Knowles, has for many years been 250 Own Girts, t who ure it speaks in its pi aire, 32.MKI every IW 325 ('null Gifts, MiO.OOo nnd recommends it to her neighbors and liwudi, On Library W. B, Pace, E. Partridge, produced with never failing success on 11,000 C'asn Gifts, CO each, for economy, cleanliness and reliability iu all its G. Ilailiday and W. B. Smith. the stage, wherever the English lan- Tptul,12,000Gift,MlCa6h,an;ouut;ngtol,500,0lKt operatioue. On Agriculture, trade and manufac- guage is spoken. It3 scenic properties The chances for a gift ai as one to fivo. 31,314 MONITOliSuowin USE, full is W. R. the J. Smith, tures A. P. Rockwood, are uuusually rich, and plot OF TICKETS: ALfO, TIU CELEBRATES G rover, W. Morrison and E. Partridge. of the deepest interest, that is calculat ed or Tenths, $25; Y1tolo tickets, $:0; naive.", COOHW STOVE, On Militia B. Young jr.,. F. D Rich- to rivet the unabated attention of the each coupon, J5; Woven hole Tickets for $500; 113 Whole Tickets for for Tickets $1,000; 22'4 will Jrot lain and Tl'owl, ards, A. K. Thurber and W. B. Pace spectators, The Tabernacle choir $5,W), 227 Whole Tickt for 10,000. ho tiiscouut Which has such a Demand through the Territory worth of Tickoti. On Penitentiary W. B. Face, A, P. contribute to the interests of the occa- on lots thnu $500 lor Lcitnty and Jixi elleuce, (.annul t The Fourth Gift Concert will be conducted, in sion during the sacrifice which forms nil redacts, like tho three that las already been .' Rockwood and A Hatch. RKi'passetl. learned be 'rem Ifiven, nnd full particulars mv AH arc Stovon our nnd for fnl.e On Indian Affairs S. S. Smith, M. V. one of the principal features, of the circulars to fretthis from oll'tpe which wi:l be sent Z. V.M. 1. nnd nil its Urnucli by them.' Tor who all apply and W. Morrison Mo piay- Merrill, John Ncbeker, . Orders for tickets and applications for agencies Fturea in the Also by all the will be attended to in the order they are received, L. W Roundy. ; Territory. ' will be sent in promptly that is it nnd who was C. F. hoped they Thomas, Pardons. On Irrigation and Canals A. Hatch, there nifty be no disappointment or delay in filliuf: to serve a term of three months all. Libera! terms gift U to those who buy ami sentenced J. P. Smith, G. Ilallilay, J. Rowberry, The wr.rld is foil of sell a?a:n. All apents arc peremptorily retired Children crying for at hard l&Uor for disturbing the peace at to nettle, up their accouuts ami retarn all unnoid and J. Grover. McLAl.VS (be fracas, was pardon- tickets by the 2uth day ol Match. On Tostal Affairs J. C. Wright, W. the time of Mingo Candled Castor some weeks three He had TJLOS. KKAMLETTE, G. Smith, G. Peacock," J, Ncbeker and ed this morning. Oil." 7 still to serve. Marshall Sprague, who It is'(k'l:cioi). effective ApsntPBblie. Library Kentucky, end Manaper G. Ilailiday. . ?a.'an harmless. Tho Louisville, LtnlnUiiC, Public Gift Library Concur!, time the some for Bince On Revision L. Farr, W. G. Smith was sentenced Kentucky. of the Caxtr.rOil is ox- same period for selling liquor to on Inand G. Teacock. Its tiiely overcome. a reprieve.,. Dur-i- n nTTT"T?TrFC! KJIPLOTMENT AT TOUR oariraw.urK, AMCC are also power was granted W. W. dian, Cluff, Business Unfinished On , cents. rnco The Jb work home or traveling. notimpaireo. their term of service, the conduct of J JJ S. S. Smith, W. G. Smith and M. W. congenial,' honorable, nnd Mcl&n's Vermifuge Bonbonsever pava the best of nnythinjf both men was so commendable, that Ihe Are eleirat aad effective. Tliey resemble Orenu Merrill. ,.m , .. . helore offered. Chu wages, lani-TCD T?T confectioners' shops. Chihtre deemed them Rent Bonbons kept in utlitt authorities proper A. pl S. compl' city Mann, On Mineral Resources and cry for thoia. Prico 26 ct. tr boa.' them love K. GKO. at once, the privilege ITODOB A CO., tree:andAnntftss J. For Sale by Z. C. M, eiV7W Ule fct , Charge. J. Taylor, J. Rowberry and A, K. Thur- subjects for the exercise of ' And all ether druggM. ' to them. V 1014 extended of clemency ber. ' Dedication. y, mum 8 Whitekeurn Fifth Street, ticket-h'lder- Books, Periodicals, azines, Pictures, Albums, Stationery, 1 - Wi-teru-. 1S.OOO Casli W-.- Seelion 1, of an Act entitled "An Act providing for Incorporating Associations, for Mining, Manufacturing, an I other Industrial pursuits," approved February lSth, 1870, requires that of the whole number of directors of .all corporations organized within the Territory shall be residents of the Territory. Capitalists, from all parts of the Hcpublic, are making investments in our mi-st- , lor Mining, Instrument In tut. Most Pojtnlur . BCRYKT. Of Utah, so rich ia mineral wealth and so full of promise.but little is known in a scientific sense, und I recommend that a Gcobgical Survey of the Territory be authorized, and that an appropriation of money bo made by you sufli-eieto meet the expenses of the same. CENTENNIAL ker nnd Gift, $1,500,000 ticket-holJei- to-da- y, UST "Pi-larr- -- -- qrj -- -- FAR-FAME- -- houso-wif- ea--!- i, -- PRICE am saxta - k?t - ro. S0-6- r. mmsi AXllO ' .is X illjiji - V r- |