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Show BY TELEGRAPH. A Congressional. Iu the Senate, Frelinghnyseri argued against inflation and a return to specie payments, declaring the time had come when an earnest effort ohould be rrnde to keep the solemn pledge of the nation. If the system of paper expansion was on, the day of government bankruptcy would be sure to come. In conclusion, he presented a bill to secure the resumption of specie payments without, contracting the currency; referred to the committee on finance. It authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to issue $22.1,000,000 in six per cent, y bonds, to be disposed of from time to time for the purpose of purchasing of gold coin with which to redeem legal tenders. It shall be the instruction of the Secretary of the Treasury, as soon as ho shall deem it expedi-eu- t with such an amount of gold as for the time being he may have procured, to commence and continue the redemption of legal tenders; and when redeemed except in they are not to be titicates for at par; cei gold exchange and when so they shall be redeemable in gold coin; but the total amount of legal tenders outstanding and redeemed, shall, at no time, exceed $350,000,000. The bill further provides that if after commencing said redemption, goYernment shall be unable to redeem part of said legal tenders in gold, the Secretary may redeem them by exchanging said bonds at par for them. Now York, 13 At 11 this forenoon, about five thousand persons had assembled iu Torukina' While driving them out. Serfcquare. geant Dcrghold was assaulted with a hummer by one Myer, who, with others, was promptly arrested. He stated that he was ordered by the Tenth Ward to assault any policeman who molested him. The crowd had banners As of the Workingrnen's Organization. Boon as Myer assaulted the ofliccr, the police began a vigorous clubbing, clear- ing the Square. Tho most intense ex- -, citement prevailed, and storekeepers made haste to put up shutters and close doors. One man clubbed is said to be dying Mounted policemen have taken " of the square. Graham, defaulting prsi-deof Wulkill National bank, was today sentenced to ten yrars imprisonment in Albany penitentiary. llcuben M. Murdoch, a special policeman, shot his wife dead to night. She had been out and entered at the' back door, and her; husband thinking her a burglar, fired. He is arrested. $2,-000,0- d, nt . A ' Jlrowned on Loch Lomond. SCIENTIFIC AND ROMANTIC Judo J- Miser's Fate. That was a sad fate which befell Margaret Fitzsimmons, aged 62, a lew days r.jjo in the city of New York. A policeman discovered what he supposed was a heap of raps lying upon the r.teps of a house. A closei Grover, Uintah,, Utah. Oil the afternoon of December 18 Sir James Colquhoun, of Luss, and four attendants wero drowned in Loch Lomond. Sir James and his AGENT FOR brother, Mr. Win. Colquhoun, ac- lic pntronagc: companied by several had early in the day gone to the Island of Inchlonaid, where deer are The intention of Sir preserved. James was to shoot some for the purpose of distributing them, as his custom was at this season of the year, among the poor people on his extensive estates. The party killed nine deer, and it was when returning with the bodies that the sad accident happened. Mr. Wm. Colquhoun regame-keeper- tf. BELIGIOUS, From the London Times. Washington, 13. ten-fort- Baronet and Four Others s, turned in a punt. Sir James occupied a seat in a - THOMAS, EH. Coal & Lime Office OF AND MUSIC ST0EE, THE FOLLOWING POPULAR, and reliable books, soiicits, pub- A magnificent pictorial Polyglot Family Bible for the price. tba F. Cbamberlniu's Commercial Law and Form Book, ndupted to the wants ef all. Dr. George II. Naphey's Law of Lifo aud Healtb, for males aud females. Dio Lewis on digestion, a Scientific work. Pilgrim's Progress, illustra.ed by John Bunyon. The Life and Adventures of ltubinsun Crusoe. lot Terms Liberal. Look at Sample. Main Street, ! MUSICAL OP KINDS ! From a Jewsharp to a Church Organ, as Cheap, or MACHINE Cheaper than anywhere else in Utah. ! and other Fittings. Violin Strings better tver made. Xone Ogden. In the Market, always on hand. THE WEED SEWING . THE CHEAPEST COAL AND LIME ALL s62-3- . fishing boat, strong, SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. garded as one of the Eafest used on IMPROYELL TIIK LATKST ACTUAL s27-l.- y the Loch, which was manned by Outdoor South of Ogden House. MKNXS, noiseless, light running, shuttle throa keepers aud a kennel boy. Iu action. the same boat were five deer. The MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAKEN. the was weather gamestormy, PERSONAL INSTRUCTION GIVEN. keepers were inexperienced boatmen, and it is supposed that one of them J. W. HESS, Agent, had what is technically called caught Main Main St., Ogdcn, Logan, Cache Co. AT WOODMANSKKS STORE OGDFX. a "crab," and that this led to the AGENT FOR THE overturning of the boat. Mr. Wm. of a Colquhoun and the occupants third boat, which was also laden with 2?BOESSEL. ! deer, reached the shore in safety, FANCT AND JKWELRY WATCHES, and it was only then that Mr. Colqu- J71INH ) houn discovered that an accident had befallen his brother and those accom- Repairing done in Good Style. ImiS JUSTLY CELEBRATED WAGON IS MADE OP THE BEST MATERIAL throughout and is warranted. MAIN STREET, EVANSTON, panying him. A FULL SUITI.Y ALWAYS OX HAND. Wyoming Territory, Searching parties were at once OGDEX.UTAII and Also Dealer in MAIN STREET, yesterday morning A' organized, si ly. had beeu which the boat, capsized, Wagons, TJiresEjiisg was found bottom upward at Mala-rach- y Mowers Machines, Bay, which is distant about Feed Makes, Corn two miles from the scene of the disJOHN BENCH, Emery aster. Near the same place two oars Shovel Plows, Flows, GLAZIER, which also James Sir the hat and PAINTER, GRAINER, AND ALL KINDS OF FARM MACHINERY. wore were picked up. The bodies PAPER HANGER, Etc., have not yet been recovered. Arrangements have been made for A Complete Assortment cf dragging the Loch As a specimen of his work he refers to in born Sir James Colquhoun was Z. C. M. I., LOGAN. 1804, and was thus seventy years of AND STEEL, ETC. WAfiOX MATERIAL, HARDWOOD, IR0. in his .succeeded He father age. was done under bis 183G. lie was Lord Lieutenant of The painting of which direction. Dumbartonshire, and Chief of the Colquhouns of Luss, and he had the OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. patronage of several, livings in the RELIEF FOR YOLNU MEN FROM Church of Scotland. The deceased theHAPPY effects of Errors nnd Abuses in early life. was a stanch .Whig, and he rcpre-seutc- d Manhood Restored. Impediments to Marriage FOR YOUR Now method of treatment. New and rethe County of Dumbarton in markable remedies, Jlowks und Circulars lsent Address, HOWARD Parliament from 1837 to 1841. He free, iu scaled eiirolopes. , ASSOCIATION, No. 2 Sonth Ninth St., will be succeeded by his son, Sir Pa., au Institution having a hiiih reputation James Colquhoun, who lias been in lor honorable conduct aud professional skill. delicate health for some time, and AND OTHER who is at present traveling in Egypt. The Colquhoun family is one of the YES!! oldest in Scotland. well-bui- re- lt M. D. HAMMOND, and St., sW-l- chottler PARPE agon Uglit Spring Sweepstakes' and Reapers, lluekeyc Shelters, Sulky Cullers, Grinders, Stubbie Fanning Hills Cultivators, , Logrm, Caclio County. to-da- y. s31-At- n -tf STAYHER'S TO GO OR A BIS, Phimlel-phin- slOl-ti- examination disclosed a pale, trembling, emaciated old woman, whose thin apparel was far from sufficient cither to hide her nakedness or to preserve warmth. Tho officer took tho woman to the station, and from The "Misses Smith, who own a thence to tho hospital, for it was evifarm in Glastonbury, Connecticut, dent that she was the victim of conare insurrectionary. They refuse to sumption, aud that she had but little their taxes because they cannot longer to live. Food was offered her pay and dare the. authorities to seize vote; aud she devoured it a3 would a raventheir property. Glastonbury is the ous animal. She stated that she had which has a boundary line fight town not eaten anything for several days, in the courts over a hundred aud that she was starving. She was running or law is sinn-Onrtoo weak to endure a bath, and her ijjT3ars. if the process slow in the case of the Misses clothes were removed and she was Smith they may retain their farm as placed in a bed. Her dress was tat long as they have any personal use tered, black with dirt, and fiiled with 3Vr it. , vermin; and when it was carelessly thrown aside by an attendant, the llabbi Jose, one of the heroes of old creature sprang out of bed and the Talmud, was the most seized and chuckled over it as though fellow that ever lived. He brought it' wero precious beyond compare. the rich Eliezer to dinner with him ' Tho exertion was too much for her, one day, aud the old wonian made 'cm and soon after she died." Upon ex- eat black beans, while she had roast amining tho dress it was found to be chicken for herself. And there wa?n't absolutely quilted with money. It any kerosene in those days, cither. contained nineteen pockets, each of which wa3 filled with money, from There w no record of Satan's pennies up to dollars. About 4300 marriage, which makes us blnsh to were found, including $8 in pennies. mention that he's the father of The bank bills, of which there were Lies. many, were absolutely rotten and A San Francisco church having crumbling to pieces.' The unfortunlost the goblet used in the communa was miser one of woman old ate ion whom not even service, the sexton applied to those queer persons of the neighbors for the loan of a one the pangs of hunger could induce to beakwv. After the service, a church spend sufficient to buy food. She had no home, and had evidently member looking closely at tho vessel been begging and starving herself for fiTAtid that it had been awarded at a best stallion." years, just in order to scrape together county fair for ''the the 300 which was found iu her worm-eatc- a dress. Buckingham called Milton's wife a rose. l,Ycs," said the poet sadly, Well, this was aggravating ! A "and you can't pet your nose in behappy Hartford 'couple had a silver tween tho thorns!7' vreddiug, and among the gifts receivHooker's wife was too many for ed was a fine silver tea set. Alas! him she made him rock the cradle they had to give it up the next day. whenever there was company in the It was loft by a mistake of the room. ly hen-peck- OYES!! 0 MUSICAL INSTETJMENTS ROCK SPRING AND ... COAL! COALVBLLE Rock Spring, Delivered, Coalville, Delivered, - - $ 9.50. - - - - 10.00 7.50. 8.00. AND Sarc Twenty Cents on the Dollar. Keep Warm by Getting Good Clean Coal. AT U. YARD P. FREIGHT DEPOT. ' Orders left at Douglas ' Meat Market will be promptly filled. 8l04-Sm- JOHN UNCOCK. . PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, MAIN STRFET, NEAR SAVAGE'S CARD ON BROS., LOGAN, ed S"x doors west of Meeting Hall. WATCHES, CLOCKS, MBS. E. N. BALCOM, ' , AND JEWELRY, Manufactured and Repaired. Albums, IMrltarc FramcH Mouldings. Pictures Copied. . and Tlioto graphs, or Ambrotypcs accurately taken. Cm and Medium Trai:co Magnetic Clairvoyant, AND F. A. LOGAN, and Healer Lecturer, TAKEN ROOMS FOR A SHORT TIME, homo of Samnel Oiijow, opposite the Tnheniiifle. Whore they will receive calls lrom those Reeking HEALTH, or desiring to tost tho facts of HAVK the SPIRIT C03DIUM0N. IS HEREBY GIVEX THAT THERE a meeting of the Miner of tho Ogden .liinrtion Mining District, in the City Hull, iu n o City, on tho 19lh inct. at 7 p. m., for tho of electing A Recorder, an Inspector of Claim A punctual and a Standing Committee of Three. attendance is requested. C. F. MIDDLETON, Recorder. d3sl Qjfict Hours, from 9 Or-de- Notice. HAVE IN MY POSSESSION THE FOLLOW-INUescriled nniumN, which, if not claimed and taken away, will he sold to the highest bidder at the District Stray Pound at Oden City, Weber Co., Tuosduy, Jan. 20, 1S74, at 2 p.m. One white 3 year old hoifer, roauish sides, rod ears, no marks of brand visiblti. Wm. N. FIFE, District Ponndkeeper. U93-- 1 Ojden City, Jan. 10th, 1S74. I For Medical Examination, Treatment, Magnetic Privuto sittings during olBce An MOXESTMACII1TXI3 and not fciabjcct lo FITS. FOiNTS GFsyPER!ORlTY. Simplicity und OF ADMITTANCE FEE 2J Call on us. 1 OgcUi), O Not. 11th, 1.00. Call aud JUH., Agent the Sales Rooms, a few doors wesKof Z. C. M. I., Salt Lake ct.H. 8 Examine our Styles nncl Prices at T. V.JONES', Tailor, Third door from Z. C. M. I., Og.Krn. SAMUEL MILLER, MEDIA. Also, nt Consultation Free. 18T3. lei fiction Tension. apart DEVELOPMENT Jan. p. Wcdncsduy Evenings will be set for Public Seances AND UOWB, Rase of Operation and Management. Self Adjusting Take-uAdjustable Head. $1.00. hours for Reading the History or Churacttr of Individuals, and describing friends in Spirit Life, tl.IAS 1.C0. TERMS: pnr-poc- fTUIE BEST IX THE WORLD; PERFECTED JL by the Inventor of tho Sewiuir Matliiue. of Mechanism. Durability will last a Lifetime. Range of Work without a 1'arallel. Perfection of Stifcli and a.m., and from 2 to 9 jp.m, NOTICE Ill stray to 12 HOWE SEWING JACHINE. ln fit j. 828-- 1 |