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Show J. trending Ibe irmu. B Y TELEGRAPH. writlen W,l0P"tber (rTe ftr,iclehadwasrecently KCW sc who styles hi intention our It i not re J Utdisbcd the stale " i Withdrawn. to ap- - whleU J; nolice to-da- and ,crved loTof Sr pl-- y the 6brundoubtedly Welsli newspaper in the best Unit-3s,at- e. mnducted and has the widest ??bile its columns remain open for all ti e ies to defend themselves against to fail canuot it Lucks of calumniators, lire general satisfaction, and to sustain ftB present high reputation. The Welsh btrrdd, (bards,) prydyddwn Uanddio'i (literati.) (poem) of all Jeligiousia Utah, furnish companion, of the Mirror. Ihe to adorn the columns and other indusagricultural, mining, and well are Utah represented, tries of our Welsh brethrep occasional are diligent in attack?. anti-Mcrmo- u Success. srL City. Sambo's Tax Receipt. (Ga) Journal. in a neighboring A negro living fortunate enough county, having been of this considerable accumulate to world's goods, desired, its all loyal tax on the subjects (should, to pay business to new a It being same. was a there him, he did not know the tax, proper officer for receiving was all. eluded necessary that, and coi was to find a man with a white skiu. Consequently he hailed the first man he met with, "Say, boss, I want to pay my tax; urns' I gib it to you?' Ou being told it would be received white by the comprehending the negro gave him $25, and asked if that was enough. "I sup-ps- e it is," said the white man, "Uoss giai me showin' for dat," said the negro. Again the wits of the white man were at work, and he soon handed the negro a slip of paper with the inscription: "As Moses lifted the serpent out of the wilderness, likewise have I lifted ?2i out of this d d negro's pocket." Not long after this the negro met "Done the tax collet-toproper, paid it, bos, an' here's dc 'ceipt,' a the same time handing the piece of paper to the officer, lie read: "As Moses lifted the serpent out of the wilderness, likewise have 1 luted 25 out of this d n uegro's pocket." "Hold on, boss, you read um wrong," ejaculated the. astonished darkey, as he snatched the paper and carried it to another man. who becran to read. "As Moses lifted " Here he was interrupted by the negro, who "Look-a-yajest gim me dat paper, I'm gwine to lift dat white man out of his boots, 'for God I is." With this he left, and, not having been heard from since, it is supposed he is still looking for the mau to Whom he paid his tax. From Hie Dawson geu-tlema- r; LOOK HERE. be-i- Cyclopiotlitt. EDITION, CYCLOPAEDIA. Will be taneil beginning VuiiipUte iu 10 vols., of 800 page each. SOLO ONLY BY July, 1873. SUBSCRIPTION. A clmnce for tho million to buy n complete library wlthourfeling the cost. A laving of ten tenia it day buys tlit, complete sot. ov U the tune to Mibmrito. Immense Stock Glassware, fcc, &c NotN, Stoves and Tinware, FUMITTJEE ! Drugs & Jlcdicinca For He is Determined to Sell Gents' and Boy's Beady Made Clothing, Cheap. IN GREAT VARIETY. OBLBBBATED East Temple Street, 31 7o lurst South Street. Kleg-anrand Combined. Cheapness) r SINGER SEWING- ni-t- MACHINES, - JAMES SLATER, Wood's Champion and Excelsior Mowers and Eeapers, GENERAL STORE, Bain, and "Whitewater Wagons, ALSO- ,- PRODUCE, FURS, Etc.. Wincliester and Democrat &Jglit Spring Wagons, RICHMOND, - CACHE CO., UTAH. Farming Implements. Buggies to Order on Short Notice. I HAVE IN MY POSSESSION THE FOLLOW- - California and Concord Harness and Harness 111 111 II 'J Tll X AllllUHig," rible bidder at the llietrict Stray l'ound, Logan. Cache County, Saturday Jan. ,191874, at 10 o'clock 1 A crop In both ears. old, Htar in t'af t, swallow fork and bole in rigbt, under bit in lclt ear, U on lett, M on richt bit.. One red ycarline neirer. crop and under bit in ritrlit ear. One red belter, two yean old, white In tlie , under ilo(io in right, uudor half crop in left er. One two year old red heifer, crop In left, uudor brand ou left tiae illegible. slope in the right One small red calf, hind legt and lmih of tail white crop in lett, hall crop in right eari. One red heller calf, uuder bit in lett tax. Olio white itevr calf, slit and hole in right, nn- der bit in lett eari. One line back heifer calf, crop In right, uuder bit in lelt.Oon Kit hiu. One red iteer calf, crop and tlit in risiit, mit lu left ears. One light brindle, six year old ox, crop in left ear, bruud on loft hip illegible. One brindle yearling tteer, crop in left, two 1I1U iu rik'bt ears. One red two year old steer, white on left snom- dor. crop and uuder bit in both ears. One red cow, y or 10 years old, rlglit car cut on, brand J ou lett side. A. IKUliK&i, DUtrict Pouudkeeper. sa 2t Logan Cache Co., Jan Oth, H74. One whito yearling One red ox, five OF AND EVERY DESCRIPTION Estray Notice. lull, Leather antl Slioo yar JTiucliiigrH. All Kinds of Produce Forwarded to Any Point on the Shortest Notioo. Til A TCIIER, Logan, trill Jiective AU Orders Sent to Jlf. fla-.k- Attention. Prompt ef IF. JT. IIOGPEIt, Superintendent. Z. C. M. I. -- oo- TTTE IIAVE OPENED IN LOGAN & OUDLN, URANCI1JS3 Ut OUR W and MACHINE DEPARTMENT, so that the people of the Northtru Cowntiea can purchase without coming to Salt Lake City. WE GUARANTEE WAGONS & MACHINERY Bunnried to point a being the best, after much studyand experience, aud know that Purchtwcr can rely on this lecoinuiendation. the ESTIIAY NOTICE. THE FOLLOW- if not claimed, and taken away within ten days from present late, will be sold at Ogden Estray 1'oiind, baturat 2 ociock, r.m. dnv. Jannarr 17tH. Oue red i year old bull, white under belly, small white stripe ou rump. Uiegiiiie brand on leu uip. T HAVB IN 1IY POSSESSION I in r dejVribed animal, which WAGONS, lfi. NOTICE. CHAMPION, WOODS, EXCELSIOR and WOULD HO WERS, Droppers or Self itakcrs. TIIRESIIING MACHINES aud SULKY RAKES. HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by hit wiio. feuuind. uuaiej. ir.i. im. uw n baring separated. nT, The Celebrated THOMAS SMOOTIIIXG HARROW, warranted to make the best Swd Bed and to le the best cultivator for graas, grain, corn or potatoes, jet invented. Our best Fanuere Ogden,, Jan. n,n.District nil., Poundkeaper. . 8, 1ST4. t-- 1 Willard.City, Jan. 6th, c 1TY nr.istu 1ST 4. IT. UlJOAIL, CB Thete'ltepartmentit will also iriTe Information and receive orders for TURBINE WHEELS, MACHINES, WRIST and SAW MILLS, or other articles not usually kept lu stock. 3-- URUC OTORE. 9IAIX ST., OGDEN. MOSES THATCHER, AGENT, LOQAN. HIRKARD WHITE. AGENJOGDEN. SMUT W. H. HOOPER Superintendent. 80tf Win. DRIVER, Prop, Dealer in DRUGS, Patent Medicines ! TURE WINES. WHISKIES, GINS, GROESBECIi BLOCK, SALT LAKE CITY, FINE COGNAC BRANDY, Case Goods, The obituary column of the Lon Paints. Oils, A. . AND GR0CJE1UES. Fine Stock of Perfumery and Toilet Articles HE SELLING OUT THEIR LARGE STOCK OF BEST SELECTED Turps, Varnishes, G R O. G PREPARATORY CONSTANTLY ON HAND. s E E I CHEAP FOR CASH ! TO A CHANGE IN BUSINESS. -- 00- . I Jobbing a Specialty. 0 Prescriptions Accurately Prepared. line-bac- S 7. OF for all Information, Address ROBT. II. VAN RENSSELAER, Estvray ISTotice. RETAIL AND n Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery, DINWOODEY'S nr don Times of December 10, contained the death of thirteen septuagenarians and nine octogenarians six ladies O'gden, and three gentlemen whose united Agent for Northern Utah. ages amounted to 70J years, giving years and an average of eighty-thr-ee The each. to oTar.tlir sir months ' VsAUVWJ oldest lady had reached the age o eiVhtv-fiix- . the vounjjest eighty. 0 HATE IX MY POSSESSION THE FOLLOW. tlomr.n. the oldest was also 'S described animal, which, if not claimed ud taken away, will be sold to the highest re- eiehtv-wx- . aud the youngest eighty sponsible Udder at the District Strav i'onud, at united The one. .'an. 24th, 1874, at 2 p.m. ages of the thirteen one light brindlo about oyear old seven Iadica and ofnnpnnrlnns off, left car i.uai c crop, brand- ,r'Kl't to 7 amouBted six irentlemen Iert W1S au d 1 on left horn. an average of seventy vcavs, A. 1IAPS0N", more thau five months and four years City, .Uth, KU, each. . I. C. EX. WHOLESALE TO CALL AND EXAMINE n ts the best Entirely MAN fu APPLETOfi'S AMERICAN SEW REVISED d m r COULD NOT DO BETTER y cup-pose- n. 2. VISITING SALT LAKK CITT, AMERICAN. Washington, 14. The following particulars of the caucus of Republican Senators have been learned : Sargent opposed Calling's confirmation and severely reviewed his'political life. Pending ft vote, the caucus took a recess, and in the meantime Sargent went, to the War Department and found in the hands of Belknap a letter which was damaging to Cushing. A copy of the letter was, by the direction of the President, given to Sargent, who, after Boutwell and others had made speeches in favor of Cushing, read it with some comments. There-sui- t was to close the debate and end the caucus. The letter which proved so fatal to Cushing was written March 21. 'CI, to JeflVrson Davis, recommending Archi bald Roane as a man thoroughly in sympathy with, and likely tube useful to Confederacy, and alluding to disunion as a fixed fact. The President knew before the nomination of Cushing that previous to the beginning of the late war he was a States-right- s man, but when Sumpter was fired upon Cushing made a patriotic speech and tendered his services in a military capacity to assist in suppressing the rebellion, as did many others holding similar political views; but the letter above alluded to decided the President to withdraw the nomination. After fhe reception of Cushing's letter asking the withdrawal of his name, the President added a P. S. to the letter of withdrawal, stating the fact of Cushing's request, deeming it only an act of justice to him to do it. It is in official quarters that Cushing will soon leave for Madrid. The letter of Caleb Cushing to the President, requesting the withdrawal of his nomination for Chief Justice, indignantly denies all aspersions upon his loyalty to the Union at any time in his life. He declares that lie opposed Secession always, and when it became a fact he stood firmly by the Union, and tendered his services in any capacity to uphold its integrity. He asserts that he is and always has been in accord with the constitutional amendments made necessary by the changed condition of (he country, and has the same respect for them as for other portions of the constitution; and concludes by saying "It belongs to my sense of public duty, that I have and it is my right to never in a long and not inactive life, done an net, uttered a word, or conceived a thought of disloyalty to the Constitution or the Union." Schuri said the issue no w seemed to be between resumption and inflation. He thought the doctrine of procrastination in redeeming the legal tenders was an alarming and dangerous one. He opposed the reissue of any portion of the 844,000,000 reserve, and argued at length against the policy of expanding the currency in any way; as it not only was not calculated to relieve the people, but rather to add to the present results. Every consideration of cood faith and sound policy, he declared urges the U. S. to put an end to this iriquitious system. He especially criticized the plan for resumption proposed by Ferry, and that of Boutwell, which lie characterized as a "Know nothing policy, of which the country had too much already. A return to specie payment must be proceeded by severe retrenchment in public and private expenditures, lie argueu that the west and south had never been nnd never would be benefitted by the resumption of specie payment; the present was the time to begin theresumption as the shrinkage of prices was now less than ever before. He announced his in tention of voting for the resolution of the minority, offered by Bayard, and if for that of the maiority as (bat the next best. In the House the report of the com' mitteeonthe revision of laws was re ccived. It is a ponderous document, ibi-otlmuFftnd nrintcd paces, and it was ngreed to hold.two evening sessions each week until it wa9 disposed of. New York, 14. denied the mo has Blatchford Judge tion for the discharge of Joab Lawrence, who is held on a warrant, charged with Michswindling a number of persons in worthless of means mining by igan, stock. He is in the custody of the Sher iff, waiting the action of Got. Dix in he United hTh llie, 55. Itinerant scribbler, but gf. f ffi?edJe credit lo the frankness and which character!... the ; Logan Branch, . FKOM THE NORTH Cushing's Nomination r byu able artice, written PEOPLE Congressional.' 5f Call at "a j THE CITY DRUG STORE! ' d3ii7-t- f Window and Plate LOWER G-Ias- s EVER J t I S3 tf |