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Show An Orphan's Fortune. Steam Lion. Alniofit an advertiseWe were yesterday shown a model The appearance of recentOrleans of a new invention in the way of a papers ment in New life the of or information road steamer, and which bears the ly nsking in it, and significant title of the named the of person Lion." death that person herself, It is a recent invention of a man in it., answer by as vho is said to be a young lady of Illinois, and if it proves Kvansmlle, Ind., hitherto known effective as it promises, it is the most different name, are wonderful and powerful invention on there under a in a roman- the face of the earth. The incidents machine, among the last which the Journal complete and in full working trim, tic little narrative of the latter town now gives to the weighs about 1,500 pounds, or the weight of a good horse, is seven feet public. auin to this newspaper According length, runs on three wheels, and after battle the of will travel anywhere a common wawhen, just thority, Fort Suinpter between Anderson and gon can, it tracking the same width. Ueauregard certain Unionists of the It is iutended to take the place of iVescent City thought it advisable horses, to a great extent, in the way ODe-ha- higher up the Mississippi for a while, a young married pair and their little girl were of the number coming northward to escape the hostile excitement prevailing against their known scutinieuts at that critical time. Though for many years a resident of New Orleans, the husband was oe Northern birth and with the menaced national o move tsym-pathiz- ed His Southern wife (Joverunient. hiui therein through with one was domestic affections, and it was her their design to take a home with their child in one of the Western States until calmer days should permit their On return to the city in comfort. both their journey, however, parents were attacked suddenly by a disease which was probably yellow fever, mid died on the boat before reaching The confusion their destination. e and uncertainties of presuch a matter to attention the vented war-tim- it might otherwise have received; the bodies were taken ashore at some station by night and hurriedly interred, and the little orphan was carried onward by the boat, whose officers supposed that Northern friends were in waiting for the family. But no such friends existed. At the end uf the voyage the hapless situation of the child was revealed, and as a passenger going to Indiana offered to take her with him to his own home nd care fur her until her Southern relatives could be informed, no one opposed the Fur adoption opportune adoption. it was. The geutlcman t ook his bereaved, bewildered charge to Evansville, where his family and harbored her, letters to her family name in warmly welcomed and as New Orleans the war ou evoked no replies, and the Mississippi waxed hotter, the young exile was finally looked upon as a permanent additiou to the household, and even to the name of her new friends. How it lf of heavy hauling, plowing, and work of a similar nature. It is said to be capable of drawing fifteen tons or more at a single load up through Gold Hill and over the Divide, will plow tweuty acres a day with ease, or it can be used as a stationary engine to work on any kind of machinery. The secret of this immense power lies in the fact that a new principle or application of mechanical force is brought to bear completely, doing away with all cranks and attendant dead centres. A sort of double racket acting upon the circumference of a large spur or cogwheel in the centre of the axle of the driving wheels, forces the machine ahead, with a power that can be reg ulated to suit, as can also the rate of , fni t i . i . l speea. ' ane racKet is. anven Dy tne . a Duel. Strangely enongh, the murder of Mansfield, T. Walworth by his son recalls the story of Abraham Lincoln's duel. The mother of Frank Walworth is the daughter of Colonel John J Hardin, who saved Mr. Lincoln from the remorse which would have overshadowed his life if b had killed General Shields. Colonel Hardin was & prominent Whig politician, and was esteemed "the bravest man in Illinois." He was killed at the bat lie of Buena Vista, and in his death fairly earned the distinction which his admiring friends had given him while living. Mr. Lincoln was his intimate friend, and both men were gifted with a large sense of humor whieh they turned to good account. The hostile meeting between Mr. Lincoln and General Shields was brought about in this way : A witty young lady wrote a communication for one of the Springfield papers, in which there were several passages which the General was pleased to consider as personally offensive. He was a testy Irishman, who had a great deal of trouble, some dignity and expense. He forthwith went to the newspaper office and demanded the name of the correspondent, and this being refused, he gave the editor three day 8 in which to make up his mind, either to refer him to the writer or to take a whipping himself. The poor man was greatly distressed. He did not like to be guilty of the ungallant act of betraying his lady correspondent, a,od he did not care to have a fight with General Shields, who was a much stronger man. In thi dilemma he came to Mr. Lincoln and took him out of his trouble. The lawyer took the matter into consideration, but he could think of no stratagem for the relief of his friend. At last he said to him: "When Shields comes around with his club toll him that Ab direct ffxtion of the pistrn of atejEid: ,t.il. Mt.r , cylinder, the engine and boiler being acted upon the suggestion, and when light, strong, and very compact. The the irate politician appeared ready to -.- Steam Lion is just being introduced upon the Pacific coast, and one of the agents, Mr. Tales, is now in Gold Hill. Two or three of the machines are being constructed at San Jose, California, and he will have one of them over here in about a month, when he proposes giving a public practical working test of its powers and capabilities. We shall await the advent of the Steam Lion with Gold Hill interest and impatience. Ntics. "D. D." and "C. 31." Colfax. The following is from the Sun : The Hon. Schuyler Colfox has just received the degree of LL. D. lrom Otterheim University, an institution of learning at Westerville, Franklin couuty, Ohio. According to the statistics of the census office, this University has two instructors, one hundred and twelve students, and a library of eight hundred volumes. On the occasion of receiving this degree happened that her Southern relations were not traced alter the advent of Mr. Colfax delivered an oration upon The story a moral Bubjcct. His acquisition of peace, is not explained. as her of simply speaks growing to the doctorate of law, however, is of womanhood In young iq iiaua, and far less consequence than the previbeing regarded as a member of her ous degree of C. M. conferred upon teuefactor's family there mntil a him by the University of Oakes fortnight ago, when a loeal journal Ames. mentioned the appearance in New We have received a letter from a (Kleins papers of an advertisement cousin now coins: to school at female for information respecting a calling Vassar College, and as the epistle person of her former name. Never information of a startling contains having forgotten tho latter, she wrote socrctly to the address given in the character it is thought best to pubodl, avowiug herself its proper bear- lish a part of it. After a request to er, and relating the circumstances of send her down a box of soft s to eat, she and hr Western domestication, and is now able to announce herself to her says : ''We do have such fuu here. Kvansville friend as heiress to a All the girls are made to participate exercises, and wo row on l"gaey of 50,000, which has been in out-doturn handbequeathed to her parents or herself the lake, ride horse-bacs and have a lately departed sister of her springs, run Belle mother iu the Crescent fun. of Hastings can City. Her heaps smooth t thirty-fooadopted parents arc taking measures climb a pole in t' secure the inheritance for her by two minutes. Nell Vivian (you rethe proper means of identification, member her) can turn a handspring and a marriage in which a son of and not make a wrinkle in her dress. irs will be the bridegroom, is I put a beautiful head on that Mary to hkely crown the romance with Dodgo yesterday in the boxing-room- . St. Louis Democrat. poetic justice. X. Y. Worll. slate-penci- ls gum-drop- or k, carry his threat into execution, he was Branch, Logan 2k. c. m.. i. WHOLESALE RETAIL AND Dry Goods Groceries, Hardware, Hoots mid Shoos. Hats and Caps, Crockery, Glassware, XoUons, iVc, Ac, Stoves and Tinware, Drugs fc Medicine Gents9 and Boy'sJXmltJkulfCfotlimg, IN GREAT VARIETY. CELEBBATED SINGER SEWING MACHINES, Wood's Champion and Excelsior Mowers and Reapers, Bain, Whitewater and Studebaker AYagons -A- LSO, Winchester and Democrat Uglit Spring Wagons, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OY Farming Bujjries Implements. Order ou Short Xotlce. politely requested to call upon Abraham Lincoln for satisfaction. This put a new face on the matter. General Shields knew better than to come fooling about Mr. Lincoln with his cane. He was at that time a great,long-arinemuscular fellow, but resolute, and when the occasion de- All Kinds of Produce Forwarded to Any Point on the Shortest Notloe. manded he could deal such blows with his fists as made his antagonists think Alt Ordert Sent to M. TUA TC11ER, Logan, xciU Receive was his that If uU he had been attacked by General Shields, Prompt Attention. and had supposed that it would add anything to the humor of the fight, he would have bent his assailant over bis knee and administered punishment after the manner of conscientious mothers. But, after all his threatening and bluster, General Shields could not back out with out, subjecting himself to the ridicule of his townsmen, so he concluded to challenge Mr. Lincoln. The challenge was PERFECTED BEST IX THE WORLD; accepted, but to the great dismay of the the Inventor of the bowing Machine, challenger Abraham named long swords ELLAS HOWE, Jim. as the weapons. He had no skill in the use of the sword, but with his treraend An HONEST MACHINE ous reach of aim and great muscular subject to I strength, he would have cut off General Shields' head before he got himself into POINTS OF SUPERIORITY: position for one of his scientific thrusts luc time and place ot meeting were agreed upon. Mr. Lincoln went to the Simplicity and rerfection. of Mechanism, ground early with his second, and there last a being some bushes in the plat selected Lifetime. for the fight, he set to work to clear them rrtllE MONITOR HAS GAINED A FAEFAMI away with a hatchet While he was en Jiangeof Work without X reputation. No hlgbr etwominru can be l'arallel. gaged at this other gentlemen came on that upon a Cooking Kovo than k the field, and they were so struck with who it ipbki iu it raie. every Stitch and rerfection of the ludicrous scene that they could not ant rucnroineniie it to her neighbor aiid fritiiK. Tension. for economy, clfaulinen and reliability la ail iu refrain lrom laughter. Just then Colo orationi. nel Hardin appeared, and, appreciating Ease of Operatien and Management. 31,3U MONITORS now in SK. the humorous situation, he appealed to both parties not tt make fools of tbero Self Adjusting Take-u- p alj, tn crusaTr selves, with such effect that they went Adjustable Head. home without fighting. Mr. Lincoln SANTA CLALS C00K1XG S10VE. Call and Examine our Style and IVicei at often said afterward that his participa T. W. JONES', TaiUr, For C'oul ud Wood, tion in this affair was the meanest act of Third door from 'L. C. M. I., Ogden. Which ha mwh ft Dfwand through tfce Ttrritvrj, his life. Colonel Hardin, although fur Beauty and ihcelleixe, Mht SAMUEL MILLER, JUN., on this occasion, was a man peace-makurfMil. of great courage and most chivalrous Agent. anrt lor Sub-UAll our Wtovo are few L. C. U. I. nd all it llrioxh Also, at tba Sales Rooms, bearing. At the breaking out of the Ntorc. Mexican war he was put in command of doors west of Z. C. M. I., Ss.lt Lake Alw by all the f urea in it sl!8-lthe First Illinois Volunteers, and died City. Territory. iCe fi Id of Buena Vista, as al on the battle Baltimore American. stated. ready d, California and Concord Harness and Harness Trimmings. Lentliei uutl Shoe Ximliuti. good-nature- rail-splitti- past-tim- e. H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. HOWE SEWING MACHINE. rE and I IS. not Durabilitywill a iiouo-wif- e ui I e er kpt y y . foot-race- M. D. HAMMOND, . An cdiisVite has been made by a prominent official at Washington of the co?t of abolishing the franking privilege. He claims that between nine hundred thouA GOT FOR THE , sand and one million dollars will be exofficials in Federal pended supplying with scales on which to weigh tht.r mail matter, and for printing circulars of in. Rtruction, and engraving, printing and postage stamps, etc., to offc In speaking of the appointment of forwarding at distant icers points, and estimates that A. Bingham to Japan, the Ak- at most tho abuse JUSTLY John CELKBRATED WAGON IS MADE OP THE tL'ifT MATtl.lAK of the franking privil- rPHIS A Good ron (O.) Beacon says: "The Re- ege involved an expenditure by the Gov- X throughout and is warranted. A FULL SUPPLY ALWAYS OX HAXIj. publicans will not thank Grant for ernment of not exceeding three hundred Lizzie and Lydia Taylor, five years this thousand dollars poryear, and that after Butler to Next appointment. entei-eAlso Dealer In tho office of the CharlFedis especially re- supplying the wants of the various himself, otte (Mich.) Bingham and such individuals eral Departments Republican as composS$iririK Wajcoiw, for all the iniquity of the as may TUre&Miifc itors be entitled to postage stamps at They afterwards went into sponsible ie time the not K salary-graand'this Government expense, it will be found lle Battle Creek Jonmnl nffi nn.1 Govbe no to will Corai with the there that to reward his unfaithfulness saving "oe that time they have earned ernment by the abolishment of the priv,rui eight to twenty dollars per promotion." ilege. On the other hand, there will Le , From their earnings A story is current that, unless & loss, epppcially during the firt yea-they AND ALL of from four to seven hundred thousand OF FAUM ",'MAOUINKIiV... house-per- s Grant assists Butler to the Governorjupportcd their mother, dollars. they hare lived well, bought ship of Massachusetts, he (Butler) piano, taken music, given one hun- - will obtain a repeal ot the advanced A young city lady, just out of town A Complete AworUDent .br3 t0warJ the kuildinff of 21 salary measure, and thus "do" the for the summer, is sure that thoce horBaptist Church at Battle Creek, President out of $100,000. Grant rid cows are even more dungerous than could never withstaud an appeal like a mud bull, because tho ball would only WAGO.V MATERIAL, HARDWOOD, IfiOX AM STEEL, ETC, give & butt while the caws give butter. that. Main St., Ogden, and Main St., Logan, Cache Co. chuttler Wagon Exuuipie. d Ught b, J Wuecpstuli, V Jlowcr aiirt carers jint' nines, isucKcyc Sulky Italic. Shelter, Feed Cutters Fuiiiiiug Emery Grlm.cr, Stubble PIown, Nhovel I'Ioun. KINDS i uHivator, ! |