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Show S4r.OO unae(i f enoiBa9li I T"4 wife PUUs!i Kit YEAH. PUBLISHED Y find SATUIUDA ( WEDXIHSDA Y.) ocuex, utaii, Saturday, juxe BY TELEGRAP1I. OCDEN DIRECTORY. uuice: n?lcii Post MAILS CLOSING c lt Uke 7.50 a.m. City, double daily, XL Through .. w r ' Throo-- h ft.45 p.m. a.m. 5.40 p.m. 7.4(1 daily Mail djiHy .m. 6.30 p.m. 6.J0 p.m. MO a.m, Mail daily CUtSINO. Luke and the 7.00 a.m. - lint S.H p.m. Mt Uk aud the Wert I - Ki. ti auut V, mail po via Kvwmton, W joiu-in- and leave the latter place for itich County, 2 p.m. at Wednesdays aud Saturday, CollUl.V, IBTOJI "j (Vlie 5.00 p.m. Sundays laily t L.J?an1 5.00 - a ,, Political Important Movement! p.m. 2.30 p.m. Uursday. andHiurwlays V.rth Ojrden. Mondays ilurwville, Wednesdays and fcatur- 7.30 a.m. ... City and Slatersville, Mondays and Tliurda.ys and Saturday Riverdale, Wedwwdav iTnnl'lain 3.30 p.m. 3.00 p.m. jlwperville and Alma, Wednesday aud Saturdays nouns. office 8.15 a.m. Central Delivery, 11.30 a.m. - Saa Francisco, 23. 7.40 5.40 6.20 8.50 7.50 5.45 8.40 0. P. " leaves U. C. train arrives and " " leaves i and u'.r. " i " - - - -- - report is current that L. J. Win- ship, Jr., assistant engineer at Shubrick, A a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. C.30 p.m. Las committed suicide. He wrote a lct-tt- r to a lager beer waiter girl, saying that he intended killing himself, and has not been seen since. A portion of his clothing was found on Broadway wharf covered with blood. II is friends, how ever, believe it only a ruse to make his wife believe he has committed suicide. Richmond, Va., 23. One car of the night express train to Cincinnati, of the Chesapeake and Ohio was thrown from the track Bcligtou at 11 a.m., and Railroad, Every Sunday, in th Tabernacle, . last night, soon after leaving Richmond, is the Second Ward Sckoolhouso Farley'a at 5 p.m. and turned bottom up, badly wrecked. and Third Wa-7 p.iu. Eniwropal Church at 11 a.m. aud A number of persons were injured, but Methodist Church atll a.m. and 7 p.m. none very seriously. Among the injured 7.30 p.m. at Lecture Hall), (Child' Spiritualist are Georga ArtingsUU, of England; Mrs and Miss Waller, of ChicagoOgdcn City News Depot. r Waller At John U. Cliamlxrs' Mrs. Waller had her shoulder blade tvtry day, Sundays excepted. broken. New York, 24. will consultations Important political be held here during the present week G. Notices have been sent to all the leading Liberal Republicans throughout the State, declaring that it is deemed advis able to recommend an informal meeting in view of the approaching election, by Four Doors from Z. C. 3f. I., those Republicans whose sense of duty and consistency led them to support Horace Greeley. The meeting will be at the St. Nicholas Hotel,. Thursday held BOOTS & SHOES, The call is signed by about three noon. LEATHER men. The proceedings hundred SHOE 1TXOIXGS, will be leading and confidential. They private At the Lowest V rices, reduce clnim that wisely and unitedly acting by 'Taken. at the coining State election, they cannot fail to impose their just and patriotic views forcibly and usefully on the political future. Whether the consultation will result in declaring in favor of KEPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. a separate State ticket or not it is im possible to conjecture. The verdict ot murder in ttne nrsi . ae- -Ol gree, was passeu on ouamey, j tsiciWHOLESALE NOTION'S. dy- , He has relapsed into a mooay Eiience And Hoot ens. nnd that cheerfulness and confidence in Largest Stock West of New York. his nmnner which characterized him Monroe aud FranMia Sts., CHICAGO throughout, have now deserted him. He 61 1y was sentenced Stokes on rearing of the verdict be S. considerable emotion, and raised trayed WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, in dismay. bauds both frwiler in Watchen, Clocks. Jewelry, Silver aud to the Herald from Long A dispatch flaifd Ware, MAIN S1KEET. OUUEX. Branch says President Grant ii serious Kcpairiug neatly doue aud all work warranted. atly indisposed and suflenng Irom an tack of diarrhea. The rapid increase of Cholera in the attention A TII0MS0XIAN DOCTOR OR South we6t is attracting serious IF YOU WANT in write the ThiiiAsonioH Hediciae, press Newspaper here, CALL ON DR. MURPHY, urging the board of health to prompt action for preventing the approach of the VOST 0K11CE, MAIN ST., CHI DEN. calamity to this city. TLe employment 0Nsn.nTio Ff.k, fl.tKi. of disinfectants is recommenaea immeCfr i.- -. CQfV rer day. A gontg wanted! All diately in the most thickly populated cIufhm 00 LU working of the city. The Herald says the "'either nex,yvU yotina; op old, make more money at parts orlt ft.r us in their upare liiuincntu, or all tlio streets are in a worse condition than was "ie, tiian at anything eluo. rartieulara free, ever before knewn in the history of New ScttIccs School-fca- d School-hous- e Library WHITEHEAD, FOURTH STREET, GENERAL DEALER ami r cash"paid for I-ITD-ES. 1 v'NO.V-FARVELL&C- - O., -- to-da- J. LEWIS, U-l- y SITE il-S- t" Ad-re- 0. Stitison & ., l'ortlimd, Maine. S0.1y , Sacarapha, Mo., 24. This morning the house of B. S. Roberts, was set on fire. The bouse was Dealkr w occupied by Roberts and his family, Mr. Roberts grand mother and others. own family, had just time to save bis Mints or Produce. when the only stair case in the house was cut off by the flames, prevented an old ,n lady and Miss Body, from escaping. Every Variety the They attempted a rush through back. driven They were but A Fall Assortment of 41 R ASH SEEDS con- - flame3, then threw themselves from a window to on naud. "iuv SHIPPING A SPECIALTT. the ground a distance of thirty feet. Mrs. Roberts was picked up insensible the skull. OllSf ileitis tfn having sustained a fracture of Boo ly Miss time. short a in fnr Yountr Men from the nects of She died pIJPy a"u,ei ' wly life. ManhivxJ rrntorrd. was not injured by the jump, but was ImnlTr 10 m"riae re uoed. New method badly burned. Her condition is now of i!!m,!nt had been mortgaged In sealed envelope. critical. The house A1!D ,Ci7'Ul,, 0,,t about a year ago and times lately many ahil-- V? ""'""'Phi. I'a , an instittltiwn having sold under execution and th title was for honorable t and pw was about becoming absolute in tu? pur CEO. W. TURNER, FIFTH STREET. OUDEX, 1 l ruit, Vegetables, s Kuttcr, Eggs, gardeFseeds Bl2-3- fl- j. - con-iuo- d, iron-clad- s. iron-clad- s. Piochc Items. From the i?ck"Ooffi. ftfius-M. T. Burgess and party of engineers of the Salt Lake, Sevier Valley and Pioche Railroad, arrived here yesterday, having explored the country between Suit Lake City and this piace, w ith a view to a railroad route between those points. They traveled through Tooele, Rush, Tintic, Sevier, Beaver and Hot Spring Valleys, and report upon that route as having much in its favor. The ranges east and west of these valleys are remarkably rich in minerals, including gold, silver, copper, iron and lead. Mr. Burgess believes the building of a road through that region will stimulate old and induce new industries beyond the hopes of the most sanguine. The trip was made without an accident. Messrs. Bird and Dudley, of the Bella Bird Dramatic Troupe.arrivcd yesterday morning by the Salt Lake "stage. J hey represent the roads as in an almost impassable coudition, owing to the recent heavy rains. Great difficulty was experienced in getting through at all. The mud was simply terrific, being so d.eep that the horses could scarcely worry their way through it. These difficulties may well be borne philosophically, as the extension of the I'ah Southern this way will soon give us the advantage of railroad communication with the City of the Saints. Miss Carrie Carter, who will l;e re mcmbcredly I he theater goers of Pioche, arrived yesterday morniDg per Salt Lake night stage. She will appear at Armory Hall. A Black List. In the County Jail at the present time there are nine prisoners confined on the charge of murder. The following is the who was convicted list: Charles of the murder of James Crotty. and is sentenced to be banged July 20th. Hugh McMenomy, charged with the murder of James Hagan; he has had one trial, on which the jury disagreed. John Ken nedy, for the murder of James Reynolds William J. Bryan, for killing Ah Wing; lie had one trial, but the jury failed to ngrte. Jehn Tuers, for killing James Dowllns. Desire Chalafere, for killing Robert Manning, for Mottu Ramon. killing Wong Long Tuck. Mary Mont gomsry, for killiug lleurj Sanchei. Ru-sel- l, Hutler on (Jrnut. Kentucky Tragedy. June 20th.J On Sunday afternoon a large crowd of colored people met at Eldorado Meeting- London, 23. The Shah in a conversation with Schenck, the American Minister, last week, regretted that distance and the want of time prevented him from visiting the U. S. A., a country he had heard so much of, aud desired that his compliments be sent to President Grant. One of the grandest naval displays ever held in British waters was made in honor of the Shah of Persia, at Portsmouth. The town was ornamented with streamers and triumphal arches. The harbor was filled with skipping of all kinds, decorated with flagg of all nations. The shores on both sides were covered with masses of spectators, thousands of whom came from London. The tieet, drawn up at consisted of forty-fou- r vessels, the finest and largest in the British navy, comprisiug the entire Channel squadron, with numerous additions, and nearly all The Shah arrived the great in Portsmouth at noon, and was received with cheers by the immense assembly in and around the depot. The royal yacht, "Victoria and Albert, wa9 waiting, and the Shah immediately embarked, accompanied by the Prince of Wales, Prince Alfred and the Czarowitch. The yacht steamed slowly out of the harbor, and arriving in front of the fleet, was greeted with salutes from the The Shah took a conspicuous position on the yacht, surrounded by the Princes and proceeded to inspect the fleet, passing up and down in front and between the lines. The yards were manned and salutes fired as the ryal yacht passed. When the inspection was completed the "Victoria and Albert" steamed to the front again, und tho display terminated in a grand salute, fired simultaneously by all the vessels. The royal party then steamed to Portsmouth, where a banquet and other festivities are now in progress. A special from Taris says Prince Je rome Napoleon, now in that city, has had an interview with Eruile Olliver and a number of other Republican leaders. Spit-hea- AMERICAN. JOSEl'lt HALL, Postmaster. Trains - - Grand Naval Display in British Waters ! G.46 p.m. MIUUHV. o p.m. ii imi DEl'AUTHKNT . KWJISTRY Oiieii from 9 a.m- - to 3 p.m. M0XKY 0FFICK DEl'AKTMKMT. Open from y a.m. to 3 p.m. to " Pm- " e Outside Door wun C.T. train arrives c. r. The Shah and Minister Schenck ! VOL. IV. From the Loiiieville to-d- -- Tuesday, and Rich County, A FOREIGN. Reported Suicide Accident on the Chesapeake and O. R. R! $1.00 jsts. 2s, chaser 0. H. Brackett. A Sheriffs Jury has been empanelled to investigate the cause of the fire. It is hinted that Arson has been committed. ! . 8.40 fc.it UkP Citv, double fciily .. Special to the Oflnrx Junction by the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Compauy.J OK ARttDTAL AND CSSf. SEMI-WEEKL- Y, Courier-Journa- l, Washington Correspondent A'. 1'. World. An accident occurred in the Suhouse, in Merced county, Ky., about ten miles east of Harrodsburg, to attcud a preme Court last week, which, a basket-meetin- g. Among them was one Addison Mack, who ran away with a colored girl named Sarah Nelson, about three months aco, and married her. At the meeting the girl's brothers met Mack, and one of thtim, John Nelson, begun to abuse him. Mack pulled out one of revolvers and shot Nelson through the bowels, inflicting a wound of w hich the man died in a few minutes. Henry Kirk interfered in behalf of Nelson, and received a bullet through the chest, which iuilicted a mortal wound. John Mack, a brother of Iho murderer, rushed into the melee to take his brother's part, and received atlas hands a shot through the head and another through the chest. He died almost instantly. Mack seemed to be too much infuriated to know friend or foe, for the next man to receive deadly wounds at hi? hands was a iismed Milton d Cissell, who was endeavoring to aid Mack. Cissell was sliot through the fleshy part of the thigh, the bullet severing the femoral arUry. John Wallace rushed in to aid the Neltons, when Mack emptied the remaining loads of his second pistol into the body of Wallace, again inflicting fatal wouuds. Having emptied Ins pistols, Mack surrendered, aud was taken to jail f4i-u- at Harrodsburg. Of course the congregation left the church, aud most of them mounted horses and road oil as fust as possible. There was some talk of lvnching both Mac'x and his wife among the young ne groes, but the influence of their elders was used to dissuade them, and Mack win prooaoiy oe spared to undergo a legal trial. i Child Chained fur Three Mouths. A case of unusual to barbarity has come light in Savannah. On rridny the Mayor proceeded to the house ol W. G. Yorke, a keeper of a beer saloon, to in vestigate an account that had reached his ears of the close and protracted Im prisonment of a son of Yorke, aged some ten ye at." Tl)esiitttc-&H,cr- Vf whose name is Willie was found confin-e- d by a chain attached to his right ankle by an iron shackle, the chain being about a yard in length, and fastened to a table leg. He was nearly bare of clothing and in a most uncleanly plight, having been kept in this position in the kitchen of the establishment, by his own statement, since two weeks before St. Pat rick's day, which would make the time three months. At night he slept on a lounge. The iron anckles during tbi time had worn the flesh on his foot aud ankles, and the red and festering marks of the cruelty spoke their own tale. In conversation the boy said that his father bad frequently bound his hands behind him with a lightly-draw- n rope that cut the skin on his wrists, and kept him tied thus for periods of a month at a time since he had been living in Savan June'.Uh. nah. Charleston S. C.) relrcii At', Boiling Water Struck in Well. a John Boycr, formerly a resident of Unionville, arrived in town this week from White Plains, where, for some time past, he has been engaged in digging wells for a company who contemplate the manufacture of boFour wells have rax from been sunk by the company, in two of which cold brackish water was obtained at a depth of fifty feet from tho eurface. lu another, a short distance from those in which cold, water was found, at a depth of forty-fiv- e feet, it became so intolerably hot that the men engaged in sinking were compelled to desist. By the aid of machiuery, however, a depth of aeet was 'reached. I his eighty-tw- o immediately rose several feet in the well, and continues to boil incessant ly. This well, probably the only one in which i boiling water was ever found, is situated a few miles from White Plains .Station, on the ten tral Pacific ' railroad, between the Sink "pf. Humboldt aud Wadsworth Scvtuld SUccr SVac. thc-descr- t. ? revealing Jen Sutler's secret opinion of President Grant, ha? caused a scandal which has produced somo stir in and out of official circles here. At the time referred to Butler m in court arguing in behalf of tho claimants tf the prize money which is to go to the captors of the Con federate steamer "Florida." Opposed tohim in this case, and represent ing the Government, was Mr. II. M. n Cor wine, a lawyer of this had been retained who by the city, In the course ot Administration. the proceedings Mr. Corwiuc remarked that President Grant had instructWilliams to do ed Attorney-Genera- l certain things in connection with tho case, which 31 r. Corwina specified. The opportunity to say a malicious thing was eagerly seized by Butler, who, as everybody knows, has always concealed with a thin veneering of pretended regard for the President the malice which he entertains again.-- t that official for the famous "bottliug-up- " process by which Grant onci covered him with so much ridicule. Therefore, when Corwine thus referred to the President's instructions lo Mr. Williams, Butler rejoined, "L don't believe that the President ever gave any such instructions. But if he did, all I can say is, that he had better go to Long Branch or to a hotter place and stay there." It would seem from this bitter speech that Butler not only hates Grant, but that, knowing the President's habits, he eutcrtaius but few hopes for his future salvation. well-know- Owing to the careless changing of two labels by a Peoria clerk, .n old lsvdy, ?n Jtot"'fY 1"a bec: Mwsjut; a rheumatism liniment thrvo times a, day, and an old gentleman has rubbed himself with blue pills until ho can slide up and down the side of a house when the weather changes like a thermometer. The Hon. William Williams, of Indiana, has disposed of his ''back pay." He has been boarding with an excellent lady for some thirty years, and having been handsomely treated by her, and at cheap rates, he has turned over the whole sum to her. We congratulate both "Billy" and the lady on this occasion, which must be mutually highly satisfactory. The lady s name is Mrs. Av illiani ill lams. Poor Boston ! She ha3 not only suficred tremendously from the "Fire Fiend," but there is absolutely no reason why the aforesaid F. V. should not wreak its malice upon the Hub, at any and at all convenient moments.- The Fire Department is small and worthless, and universal incompetency has had its own sweet will. lusuraucc Companies are naturally anxious to iucrease their lines iu the Modern Athens, but it is doubtful if they will be found to be cast iu pleasant places. - . The usual order of things ha been reversed in San Francisco, where a Mrs. Bella Brown has been sent to the Insane Asylum. She labors under the impression that it is her special duty to combat ''Spiritualism." There seems to be a fatality about this same "Spiritualism." It crazes those who believe in it ; and uow it appears that it crazes those who don't. St. Louis ladies on entering a street ear manage to get their feet through the dovrway by slklin: iu .cfldwlsc. |