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Show A. The importations of the country tontinuo to be in excess of the exNotwithstanding the high ports. rotcctive duties ioposed upon for-ign goods, ilmots every ship that route into bur ports is the carrier of fabrics manufactured in Europe. At this time of year the silks s.nd satins of Lyons are in demand, snd Valenciennes laces, velvets and rambric? iare in requisition. Why eo? classes The wealthy f our great cities are preparing for the summer resorts of Saratoga, Newport, and the innumerable places dissipation which are the fair and the tleUi of fortune-huntejjolfl of the heiresses fishing for a pulace or an "establishment." The dainty people who sip their Champagne and Burgundy, enjoy the mselves at the expense of the la borers toiling from mom to night, receiving only a miserable pittance V LOCAL ITEMS. SIiiHhroom Aristocracy. f rs compensation. 13 ut, they can afford to revel amid the ravishing l autics of the scenes where they while away their leisure hours. Yet who in the end pays for their extravagance ? Wc answer, tho laboring-man and woman, l who keep their vigils-tilmorning breaks, to earn a few shillings to keep themselves from starving: While the rich bankers and the lords of Wall Street and Fifth Ave-tn- e are parading their grandeur, and making exhibition of their vast importance, on the Strength of their purses, the fact cannot be that ignored they afe supporting and s.8 hard-workin- g From Thursday' a Daily of June 26fA. to-da- y. Jones. Arrival or Emiohants. Humu with D,,1'lwr It flame. Tli Only l?uin ltov dred abd forty emigrants from England, Scotland, Wales and Holland, under the charge of Elder C. II. Wileken, arrived here last evening, having left Liverpool on the 4th inst. They were in good health and spirits, and had stood the journey exceedingly well, having had no deaths or accidents by the way. A few were received by friends here, and the rest went to Salt Lake at 11 o'clock this morning. r , That Instantly .top. the most L? allays lurtammutious and curaT whether of the Lung,, Stomach, Bawib ' glands or orKMis. bv one ni,i,i!,...;.. Iloiur.n. to twenty rniimtos, ne niuttr l... rucinting the pain, the Kheumntir JT! I ntlrm, Crippled, Scrvotw. . 6 ' with disuse may sntTer' ,rwltM tlCft,. K,"' RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Wilt afford i,,juint Inflammation of the Kidnevn. Intlamm..: - is Tbe B KYP.KY PAIN wm the first and it l tho Bladder, Inflammation of gostion of Die LWiii. $oro Throat liim.'? Breathing. Palpitation of tho Heart ' t Croup, P.ptheriu. Catarrh, Influent. iW-Toothache- . I Neuralgia, Rheumatism Chill, AgueChilU. The application of the READY RELIEF to tv, part or parts whore the pain or difficulty x", will afford t.tse and comfort. Twenty drop, in alfatuniMerofwaterwiBi. a few moment cure Cramps, Spawn., Sonr St"m! ach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Uiarrha VvT tory, Colic, Wind in tho Bowels, and all lnterBrf" Pains. Travelers .hould always carry a WAY S READY KKUEf with Umu. Afclrd on water will prevent eickno or pain, ihansre of water. It is better than French Bra, cr Bit tors as a .timulant. FEVEll AMI AGUE cured for fifty c Ther ia not a remedial aent ia this world that will cure Fever and Afue, and all other Mularioi. Billons, tsarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other Kwm (aided by Uadwuy'a Pills) mi ouick an KADWY KKADY KKL1KF. Fifty cents per bottle. &! hy Druggists. lyl' T f t Health! Beauty! Strongiind Pure Rich Biood Increase oFlJi and Weight Clear Skiu aad Beautiful Couj. ploxion secured to all. nearly completed, bridge h Utah na rough, rugged, fit traffic. for be will and Boon ture, and cultivated into a perfect little EJon. Fruit trees and bushes of all harsaparilliiiii insolvent kinds grown in this part of the world, Arizona 3fews. nas made the moxt avtouUhing cure., so quick, m abound in rich luxuriance; clover, lu rapid are tho change, the body undergoes, oc'iitr A. T., 1C. the influence of this truly wonderful Medicine.ttnt Preseott, ana cerne other tame grasses crow VRY DAY AN IXCKEAhK IN PI,MU a.NU Judge Ilayden and party are safe SKLN AND FELT. thick as the hair on a dog's back, and They went up Salt river, a distance of THE VKIGHT IS Itl.OOU PCKIFIER. (iltDll Kvery drop of the 8AKSAPARILL1AN E INSOhigh as a horse's knees; gooseberries about 200 miles and visited a camp of LVENT communicates the Bluod, iswut, met the many Indians Urine and other fluid.through Ihey and juice, of the system weigh tho bushes, not tied to stakes, who Apaches. tried to scare them by howhrg the ripor of life, for it repairs tbe wastes of down to the ground; currants, just turnThe crops on the river are 15 body with new and sound material. Scrofula. $tmerely. Consumption, 01miular dUf&se, Ulcere in ing ripe, blush from behind broad green per cent heavier than last year. Lieut philitf, the throat. Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the (ilaui. men Thomas' on the from their are way leaves, and red, ripe, juicy strawberries thu nyMein, Sore Kvos, Strumand other part- thous Colorado river Indian reservation to ous Discharges from the Ears, and the wont forma strive to hide themselves sage-brus- Two hun Dr. EADWAT8 - I vainly ands. by Skin Diwa."es, Kruptions, Fever Sores, ScaW etirap Verde, with Tumaspie and his In- - of King Wonts, Salt IUicum, Erysipelas, Aim, Iiaus who have surrendered. They are Head, worms in the Flobh, Tumors, Just fancy a dinner of turkey, after a he Indians who recently ran away from Blackiu Spots, tho Womb, and all weakening aud painfull fourteen mile ride in the sand and wind camp Date Crtek. discharge, Night Swents, Loss of Sperm, au air wastes ol the lne principle, are within tho ctirativ and dust, and then, not a small saucer range of this wouder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days' ue will prove t any person using it for but a di.-- several dishes, of tbe scarlet-face- d either of those form of diseuse its potent power Ut A Sacramento editor received an invi cure them. beauties with lots of white sugar tation to a fashionable If the patient, daily becoming redutedbrfh party, having on and oceans of pure cream ; no stint, but the bottom of the card the customary wastes and decomposition that is continually pre- succeeds in arresting thos wasteland just as many and as much as you had R. S. V. P. (Rexpondez i'U vout plait.) gressing, repairs the same with new materia marie front this the SA113AFAKILUAX face enough, stomach enough or cheek lie sent back bis card with the initials, healthy blood-- nd D. S. C. C, chuckling to himself, "I am will and dous secure. Not only does the Sarsaparillian Resolreat ex enough to put "where it would do the not educated, but when it comes to tone cel all know n remedial agents in the cure of Chro most good. Then music on the cabinet I am there." The recipient of his note me, Scrofulous, Constitutional and Bk.n dieeairt, it is tbe only positive cure for KIDNEY and organ, and sweet glees well sung, with was horrified to learn that the initials bm of regret, translated, were, "D d sorry BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinary and Wombdiseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of pleasant chat at intervals, a visit to the can't come." Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright'. DisuM, honey-hous- e and strawberry grapery, Albuminuria, and in all cases where Uierenre brickriut deposits, or the water is thick, cloud v, patch, making everybody sweet and mixed with substauces like the white of an etrs, or threads like viite silk, or there is a morbid, smiling, and nothing to hurt or dedark, bilious appearance, and white bsaeluit destroy except the pesky mosquitoes, The following are from the TTorW of posits, and when there u a pricking, burning when pasxing water, and pain is the small which butted and bit to let Cab-ce- h, , - at ogas. mis morning Prests. B. Young and G. A. Smith, Elders J Taylor, W. Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon, Joseph A. Young, John W. Young, A. M Musscr, and a number of others, came up from Salt Lake by U. C. train. Thev were joined by Brest. F. D. Richards, and proceeded per C. P. and Utah Northern to Logan, whre a Three Day's Meeting is to be held, commencing to morrow, Friday, Jnne 28th. J1RKTIKG3 " Personal. Among the arrivals at the Union Depot Hotel this morning were: J. C'rosley Brown and wife, Mrs. and Miss Egglcston, Miss Delano, of New York, and Mr. Tenfield, a distinguished banker of Oswego, N. Y., with a party of ladies and gentlemen, C. K. Coleman, St. Lottif, and F. II. Austin, Rockford, Ilia. This party arrived from the West this morning, after spending several days along the coast. They are now returning to their Eastern homes. Cm Itfms. night in town. Three or four fcgllls last No one hurt. e The given ycstcrdy( wns at F&rr's Grove, and not as erroneously reported, at Jone's Grove. Several herds of cattle belonging ttt W. J. Walker, of Wyoming, passed through this city this morning, on the way to Montana and Idaho. Altogether there were twelve thousand head. the thermometer marked eighty-fou- r at nooa by John J. Ma degrees hoh's infallible mercury. Pic-hi- tb-d- ay CoMifca ToOotiKS. are exceeding to learn d that the ly gratified We songstress, Madame Anna Dish-o- p will pay a visit to Ogdvn and appear in cur Theatre after the close of her engagement at Salt Lake. Madame liishop has sung bfoi more people than any Other lady in the world; her fame is universal and her vocal powers unsurpassed. She ha a talented troupe with her, and Ogden way anticipate a rare On Wednesday evening, June2oth, to musical treat. Due notice of the contbe wife ef Mr. Wm. Driver, ef this cilj, cert will appear in the Junction, Meanw See eon. while let everybody prepare to attend. Birth. NOT ONE HOUR,utf' after reading thi adverti..m.7'..r k world-renowne- The last twe gentlemen who trid to ret up a sensaiion by capsizing a buggy aud spilling themselves into City Creek, are Marshal McAllister and Captain Burt. This thing is becoming monotonous. The gentlemen received a good duckings hut were otherwise uninjured. The vehicle was slightly demoralited. Next ! RADWAY'S READY" RFiirri In from One to Twentv rVNl first-clas- jrreat William Studer and Jbhft Schucltier lad some high words on Second 8outh Street, yesterday when the latter drew a pistol and struck Studer over the head, inflicting a severe wound. During the ecutSe the pistol was accidentally dis charged, but, fortunately, ne one was bujt. The parties were arrested and taken before the Doctor who fined Sehmelticr $25, but Studer was dis charged. Schmeltier then charted Studer with trying U break into his house on Mon day sight, and also with drawing a derringer on him yesterday, for each of which offences Studer was fined $6. By telegraph from PrOVo we hate these items : The widow of Judge E. L. Brown, of Sacramento, was buried lie was in the Mormon battalion. The bo iy of a man was found in Frovo river this afternoon. He had been dead several days, was about twcnty.five years old, of medium height, and light complexion. lie has not yet been identified. An inquest was held by Ccroner n, 1 ritf-ra- ff Pcisiors.- - We clip the following from the Salt Lake Herald bf this morning : tend a strawberry liked it, did you? FikiontheU C. R. R. Yesterday, Did you ever at festival? And you about 11 a.m. as Mr. John Stubbs and on the Well, that is not a his section hands were working Og-de- well-fille- d -- Perfect Treat. circumstance compared to Utah Central Railroad a little distance Job Wagoners, Bkwabs! Another shadow of a of friends, from Kaysville, tbey saw smoke arising a Driver has come to town. He weighs the treat enjoyed by party residence of Ambrous on the track southward, and at first eleven pounds avoirdupois. Kor further yesterday, at the train was coraiog up. Greenwell, Esq., of the firm of Green- thought a special particulars see Birth notice, or enquire well & Wright. Mr. Greenwell lives at In a short time however a boy rode up at the City Drug Store. on a horse and informed thein that the West Weber, about seven miles from acro-- s Ilaight's Creek was direct, and about lourteen round by R. R. bridge a pocketMoket Lest. Wbo found across Riverdale, the route travellers are com on fire. This is the largest bridge book containing money last Saturday feet in over sixty length pelled to take when the roaring old Weber, being twentv above eTening? Bring it to tbe Junction Office Weber is at its feet about A and standing high present height. and feel "good" and get paid for trouble. wind blew sand and dust in the eyes of the creek. They hastened to the burnIf you keep it you'll feel mean and the where they found some men strawberry hunters a3 they made the ing bridge, little. and assisted them to .t long deteur iu quest of the luscious already0 at work, the remove blazing planks and prevent Jcst Arrived. Mr. W. T. Baker has fruit. On arriving at their destination In a were amply repaid by the view the etiread of the conflagration. jnst received a new supply of groceries they James Assistant Hhort time that berries Sharp Supt. and canned goods from the East; also a that met their eyes and the took and locomotive on a arrived charge went their lips. through splendid quality of cheese. From the Mr. Greenwell has a snug, handsome of the repairs. West he is now receiving a large stock Bat little delay was caused to the aftera boots and shoes, all to be villa, situated on a slight elevation overof and this morning's trains, as the noon sold off, cheap. looking a email lake fed by a perpetual were transferred. There is spring, rich meadows fringed with passengers little doubt that the fire originated from willows, and tbe expanse of field Lakb and Chick ex g If the pastoral waving from eiiher the and range, river and city, away up to the sparks or cinders falling we ad lost her has little t or the pas lamb," "Mary old mountains which form the freight train from Sal Luke, grand Mr. vise her to enquire immediately of tra in from OgUen. The timbers background to a magnificent picture. senger trestle-worwere aa dry as powthe of Joseph Wright, of this city. And in this Adjoining, he has a farm of abont sixty connection we would ask Mr. Greenwell wind was blowing at acres and a garden of two and a half der; and, as a high whether he lost any Brahma chickens was work for smouldit the short, time, acres, which he and his industrious fam to to a roaring yesterday? fanned be embers ily have redeemed from a state of natu. e ering Os The Heights. A signal was riven at ten o'clock last night, by a flre on the loftiest peak of the mountains, of tbe safe arrival of the bear hunters. We uriehing foreign manufaeturers,from yesterday gave notice of their intended whom they obtain the broadcloth tour on a hunt for the grizilies in their and and the silks satins wear, they dens amid the summits of the Wahsatch their daughters display. Of course range. An addition to the menagerie of this they can pay the heavy duties and prices exacted of them. The city, may be looked for in a few days. cannot compete with foreign hrtisans. Let the workman toil, what cafe they if thoso who follow honest trades have to wear their fingers out in supporting their families ? A great aristocracy is springing up in the Uuited States, and gradually growing in strength, power and in f uence an aristocracy of money, the outgrowth of a false system of political economy that gives unwonted privileges to the wealthy ,and imposes heavy burdens upon, those who live ty "the sweat of their brow' A Idaho Items. on just the l'Jlh inst: folks know that this world is not all musis, strawberries and cream, but a life of opposiles, where mirth and misery, pleasure and pa'n are mingled to gether, and ull Lave to partake of one as well as the other ; though, alas! some have to take much ef the ether and little of the one. The party returned early in thi even tag, fee ingfull of thanks to their kind host and his family, and also of straw berries, &c. Mr. Greenwell is descrv ing of his pleasant home, for he has made it what it is by hard labor and sound judgment in the midst of great difficulties. On reaching Ogden they had to halt at Mr. Joseph Wright's new and handsome residence on the State road, partake of his hospitality and wind up with more music, voca! and organi- cnl. Mr. Wright's residence is worthy of description, but we will reserve this for an occasion when more time and space is at our disposal. Our strawberry festival was iu every way a success. ISEAYta CofcNTT WoOLES MtLLS. A geutleman who lately returned from a visit to the south informs ua that those mills cost $30,000. The reason the cost was So Small was that the brethren who assisted to put up the building volunU rily reduced their bills 20 per cent, below bash price. The building contains 800 spindl'cS, with capacity fa double that number. If run to their fullest extent the mills could turn out 800 yards of Cloth per day. The building is two storeys high, with a loft abovo, which is utmost equal to another storey. About hands are employed there. twenty-threro. Jebn Ashworth is the Btipcriutend ent. The goods manufactured are of eood quality, and consist of light and heavy nitnneis, aerseya, hiankeis, tweeds, doe hkins, etc. Ikt. Ev. Xetct e EST Sec G. Whltcliciid's AdfcrUsektU'iiti 2 if Ou Tueslay morning last, a Chinaman employed in the mining claims of Willis & i riscoll, near this city, met with a very severe accident, which will probably prove fatal. The facts, as related to us by Mr. Willis, are about these : At about three o clock of that morning a cave came in, filling up their race. This all hands went to work to remove, and just as the race was cleaned and the day bands were about relieving the night sbttt, the uutuituuute Chinaman, by some singular perversity of fate not easily accounted for, got into the flume and was swept through, pitching head long on the dump-pilfalling perhaps tweuty teet. Uue of his thighs was bro ken, and a number of severe external bruises sustained. What other injuries ne received we are not informed. A dispute arose on last Saturday night ai aoout ii o clock, between Matt Zapu and Con Donahue, which resulted in the firing of four or five shots at tho former by the latter, one of which took effect in the thigh of an unfortunate spectator named Nate West, inflicting a serious wound just abo.e the ktiee. The offen der was taken before Judge Moore the following day, when an examination into the facts of the case was had. and Dona hue placed under three thousand dollar bonds for his appearance before the Grand Jury at the next term of court. We are informed that Mr. West's wound is doing well under the skillful treat ment of Dr. Zipf. The Keystone mill started up again on inursuay last, and after crushing about six tons of ore, cleaned up 473 ounces of amalgum. This, after being retorted, was found to have contained a little over 160 ounces of the precious metais silver The value of largely predominating. the metal is said to be $2,25 per ounce; so that the actual yield of tbe six tons of ore may be summed up at about $3G2. This shows that the Keystone mill Hnd ledge are desirable property toowu, and there is no scarcity cf such lodes all around, if only the pluck and energy were hero to work and develope tbm. Judge McKan, of Utah, baa decided tbe city ordinance, of Salt Lake City, requiring retail liquor dealers to pay u licence of $1&0 a month for tbe privilege -of selling liquor in that city, illegal and void." 1'or the Judge to have otherwise, would have been to deprive himself of his uiinnte cocktail, a l degree of to which he is e, of the back and along the loins. Price, Sl.UU WORMS. The only known and aure Kemedj for Worms Pin, Tape, etc. Tuuiur or 12 Years' Growth Cart way's RcMoIveut. by KadHETKBLr, July 18, Ma., - DR. RADWAY'S FILLS. .' PERFECT PURGATIVE Penecliy tateles, elegantly coatd with gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen. Kadway's Pills, for the enre of all disorders ofte Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladoer, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Cwti-neIndigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Biheuill and Feer, Lflauimatiou ef tho Bowels, Piles, Derangement of the Internal Viscera. Warrant to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals r deleterious 4S-- Observe the following symptoms resuHmS frem Disorders of the Digestive Oaptus ConciliaII tion, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nansea, Heartburn, StomDisgust of Food, Fullness or Weight In the ach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or fluttccinM the Pit of the Sloniach, Swimming of the He'. Hurried and Ditlicult Breathing, Fluttering t tuin Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensation when a Lying Posture. Dimness of Vision, Bo" r Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pin m oi Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowae the Skin and Kves, Puin in the Side. Che. Lirow, and sudden Flushes of Heat, Durum? in the rleou. A few dose, of Radway'a Pill will free th sysdUorders. 'rK d tem from nil the 26 cent per box. Sold by Druggist. i. dr. above-name- kkad raiae ami True." Latis, ter tamp to Radway Co., No. 8T Maiden New York. luibraiation worth ttiM.nds wi ent you. fn" ef The world for Children crying Candied Caster' Oil. ItU deliclota, cffertits nharle. Tht util.iv toste and MneB of theCnstorOil ...,l Urlra McLaiii's Vermifuge . ' ovontMne. tirly oervuiMfniv .. w power i esnU. Bonbons ",,,"h!B Are elegant and eflective, They Bonbons kept In confection" rtinj". cW. love them and crv Jor them. Frwe For Sale by Zi C. M. 1 pr " Andalctl!ordrti(gijU. de-sid- ed slf-dsuia- 1S- Da. Radwat: 1 hare had Otariaa Tttuwr in the ovaries and bowels. All the doctors said "tbtm tas no help for it." 1 tried everything that recommended; bat nething helped uiB. I saw your Resolvent and thought I would try it; Wat bad faith in it, because 1 had suffered tor twelve var. I took six bottles or the Resolvent, and one hex of ReRadway'a Pills, and two bottles of yottr Kelj lief; and there is not a sign of twiaor o be seen or fel t, and I feel better, smarter, and happier than I have for twelve years. Tb worst tujiior wm u the left side of tho bowels, over the groin. I wrt this to vou for the benefit of others. You can pubHANNAH I. KNAl'P. lish it if von choone. COW WHO FOtt WANTS TOMBOY , A OOOD T0C |