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Show P(eoil to th Oodiw Jcxcno fcy the Atlantic anJ I'acifto Telegraph Company. Battlo Between the Car-lisand Republicans in Spain! ts New Pension Order! The Walworth Murder Trial! Storms in the South! Daring Robbery in Brooklyn! Bowen After Vic. Wood-hull- . AMERICAN. 4. .!' I! to-da- y Des Moines, Iowa, 24. The Republican State Convention met here loday when all of tbe counties in the Stute but twelve, were fully 758 delegates being present, und absent. Governor C. nly (. Carpeuter was nominated by acclamation lor Jacob Djsurl, on tiie second ballot for Lieutenant-Governobeat D. . Adams, the farmers' candidate. Col. Alonzo Abernethy was nominated for Superintendent of Public Instruction. J. M. Beck was nominated as Supreme Judgo by acclamation. Resolutions were passed their devotion to, and confidence in the Republican principles and party, and expressing the bel.ef that all needed reform may be secured most speedily ib rough its agency. They declared Mgainat the oppression of monopolies,and ia favor of the State controlling all the franchises it creates. They denounced the Credit Mobilier and corruption generally, also the back salary Meal and all concerned wiih. it. They were in sympaihy with every movement to secure for agriculture and htor their due influenoe, interests and lights, and said the Republican party would be their ally in every just effort t attain that end. Washington, 25. The Commissioner of Tensions has j'rouiulgated the following new and important order : On and after the first of July the consideration of all invalid increase cases will be suspended by the Tension Office until the biennial n which takes place on tLe 4th of .September next. Medical examinations liow vver, will continue in such cases, so that no applicant may suffer loss as to t ie commencement of increase, by n of date of medical examinations. Meantime, all original cases upon the hies w ill be considered and disposed of, far as the evidence will warrant. Loj Angeles, 25. At a shooting affray at Ral.aua, near (his city, between Tedro Dominguei and 9 L andro Romeo, the latter was iustantly killed. Dominguii was badly wounded i the left thigh. He is in custody. The quarrel originated in a dispute over a Act of land. San Buenaventura, 25. Mr. McBarthy, while bathing in the mrf nt Hueneme, June 2Uth, was accidentally drowned. New York, 26. The Court of Oyer and Terminer was crowded to suffocation this a. m., with spectator anxious to bear the proceed-ithe Walworth trial. The case is opened for the prosecution by Rollins whftse ppeech was delivered' amid lrfjnud silence. He reviewed the facts .ia l graphically described the murder, a committed. lu conclusion, he the tragedy as one of the most cowardly and that ever mauled this commun iy. During the recitation of the details of the murder, tae prisoner and bis mother maintained m uh coolness. Several witnesses testi-ti- e 1 regarding the circumstances attending the fatal meeting between the father and sun, but no new facis were obtained. repre-eeute- forty-seve- d, n r, fr reaf-hrtuin- d t t ? i if g exam-i'vuio- rea-t"- . 1 n . char-ac:erii- cold-bloode- ei d Tittsburg, 2b Report received here from different points of tb States west and south of lieie, Plate that the country has been visited with one of the severest storms cf tlio eeasen. For the past three days raiu has fallen almost incessantly, ty heavy winds which have done considerable damage to properly. Telegraphic communication with ne.iriv h1! points has been seriously interrupted and miles ou miles of wires are rain has fallen in this section, but so far Las dono no great pros.ra-Considerab- le tumuge. The coal miners of Alleghany held a demonstration last night. Nearly 2,01)0 penans participated. Brooklyn, 26. The office of J. Z. and Abraham Lott, a'forneys in this uty, vms entered by roV.bers .Saturday nigU, and robbed of 0(K) worth cf bonds on tha Susque hanna shingle and lumber company, together with other valuable papera. The eafe waa opened with fids keys. Two men were arrested ca suspicion. Hartford, Coon., 20. The House Las the usury law previously passed hy the Senate, fiting the rale of interest at seven per tUy ont. , t salvation of Louisiana, her emancipation from disorder, debt and disgrace, her progress in material interest and restoration to former greatness, rests in the adoption of principles of equal rights and justice to all, regardless of color. He opposes the Beaureguard movement, and expresses the opinion that no new election will be ordered by Congress. Trivate letters received from New Orleans, represent that the recent new de parture by Gen. Beauregard and other leading Democrats, is not regarded as sinoere, but a trap to draw negroes into their party, and as antagonistic to the Republicans or Kellogg's btate administration. The movement is regarded as an utter failure. Robert Chew, Chief clerk of the State Department, is lying very ill from from a stroke of paralysis. The National Republican in a two column editorial this morning endorses Gen. Butler for Governor of Massachusetts. Advices received from Mexico, by Dr. Linderman, director of the Mint, state that a letter written by a Washington Correspondent, relating to advantages in the trade of the new American trade dollar was deemed of such importance that it was printed by Mexican papers, both inlhe Spanish and English languages. Great excitement exists at the prospect of the American trade dollar in China and Japan. On June 3d the Mexican Congress passed a law repealing the act of 18G7, establishing the new dollar and providing for its in stead of the old eagle. This course was taken to offset the circulation of our new trade dollar in China and Japan. Boston, 26. The trial of Roncoe, the forger, com. menccd to day. Gen. Butlei, bis senior counsel, at ouce moved te qua?h the indictment, objected to all set lorth on account of their failuro to specify the character of alleged fraudulent proceedings. In the judgment of the court the objections were vet aside, antique empanelling of the jury was at ence proceeded with. New York; 2. Henry C. Bowen, and Clattin.the well known dry goods merchant, viaiied Victoria A. Woodhull at her residence yesterday, their object being to obtain what evidence he possessed against Rev. Henry Ward Beecher and Tbeo. Tilton, in reference to what is known as the Beecher scandal. Mrs. Woodhull said after what she had suffered, ahe knew not whom to trust. All Tlytnouth church was leagued against her, and it was a duty she owed to herself not to put them in possession of wbutshe knew of the scandal until she was convinced they were acting in good faiih. A long conversation followed, but ahe persibtenilj refused to yield up any documentary evidence that she possessed. Waskington, 26. Senator West, of Louisiana, m writ ra-iss- FOREIGN. Madrid, 25. placo between the Carlists and Republicans at Estellu, on the 21st. The Republicans, under Tartilla, occupied a good position iu the mountuius above Olagaza and the a and Nounllas column was leaving for the Serra and Ria. The Carlists, under Olio, while retreating in the direction of Tart ilia's position, were received by Tartilla with a warm fire. Killed, UUO, wounded SOU. The Republicans lost four killed and sixty wounded. Olio's command separated from Darregarry, and were flying in all di rections. Tartilla, Castauon and the General-in-Chiaro in hoi pursuit Rome, 25. Another ministerial crisis is threatened. The Chamber of Deputies by a vote of 80 to 157 rejected a resolution supported by the Government, to proceed with the discussion of the finn. cial bills. When the vote was announced Hignor Lausa, president of tbe ministry, said he wanted to communicate with the King and would iulorm the House to. morrow wtiat course would be taken. Signor Lausa teregmphed tj the King in Turiu advising him to summon Ming, hetti and Deputies for consultation, with regard to the formation of a new An engagement took Gar-rug- ef to-da- JOHH Correspondence. ten a letter on the political situation in that State, in which he says the future JiY TELEG11APII. Looan, June 19, 1873. Editor Oudix Junction BOlTZalS : Dear Sir At half past eight this a.m. four hundred and three passengers, inabout cluding the Logan Brass Band, school Sabbath five adults, seventy teachers, and the balance of the compato sixny children, from the ages of four North-eUtah a on started trip per teen, Railroad to Corinne and Brigham cities. We were provided wit two pasnicesenger and five flat cars, the latter with seats, and arranged comfortably ly to awnings, etc., and all were crowded the guards. The ride across the Logan and Mendon bottoms was very pleasant, a gentle breexe from the north blew off the smoke and cinders, ns the train was going west, and kept us all nice and m cool. Passing the flourishing little town of Mendon, on the left some ten miles from Logun, we began to ascend the divide between Cache and Malad counties. This is a gradual rise of rolling hills covered wiih splendid bunch grass, making excellent pasturage for the animals that belong to the many ranchers and dairymen whese houses dot the hills at almost every curve of the road We made the ascent easily and comfortably, although the grade at some points is ninety feet or over to the mile. From this summit we have a beautful viow of Cache Valley. Eight towns can be seen in thedist.nce, toward the south, east and north, with their fertile fields. Slopping at Hampton's a few minutes, we sped on through fields of grain, which are rather in advance of those of Cache county, and reached Corinne about noon. A large C. T. freight train was just passing out as wc entered, making a very pleasant sight for our little folks This being our first ride over this portion of the road, we could not help noticing the amount of work that had been done in bridging these bottoms, covered with rushing water lrom one to ten feet deep besides the cost of spanning Bear River. Tulling alongside the depot, the fulks, little and big, poured out of the cars, all anxious to see Corinne. No sooner had we lauded than we were kindly invited to the Opera House, the Band leading the way and playing. The to company followed with their e the place, where we found corafor:ail seats and a kind reception. iNor was taw all, for in a very short space cf time, gentlemen were busy serving the company with lemonade, which we all enjoyed hugely, and I rather think they thought so from the amount that was imbibed. The ladies and gentlemen were very kind to us and regretted that we had not informed them of our intention to visit them, that thev might have been prepared with ample provision and better accommodations. We sincerely believed them, and were quite willing to accept the Will for the deed with hearty thanks. The juveniles then sang a few pieces ana miss A. Lewis favored us with i solo entitled, "Meet Me at the Old Gar den Gate,", which seemed to be arpreci ated by the ladies and gentlemen who were present. Mr. Card, the superintendent ct the excursion, then thanked the citizens for their kind entertainment and courteous treatment, and invited them to pay us visit. And bidding them farewell, we were soon tearing awav for Briffham. Wc reached Brigham between 2 and 3 o'clock, and went up with the band to iuc uuy uuoui one nan nine, ne were escorted into the Court House, and Lere we went tor the Tic Nic with a will, get ting some strawberries and cream, etc. Returning to the train we rolled out for Logau about four o'clock, arriving homo about 8 p. m. All seem to have enjoyed the trip very much, and, thanks oe to our Heavenly Father, we had re turned safe without any accident, which is truly to be wondered at considering we had so many little folks. Our conductor, Mr. D, Roberts, and his brakesman, deserve our thanks for the:r unceasing efforts to add to our enjoyment and comfort, and their care to preserve us from accident. Yours, J. pie-ni- o above-nam- COt Dealers in Imported Furniture of all Kinds, MAIN STREET, OGKESSr. CHAIRS, TA11L.K.S, LOUAUra, WASH STANDS BUREAUS, BEDSTEAD " Spring anil Hair Mattrasses. Bookcases Made to Order Cupboards and Cabinet Work and lienairW Wood Tuniiiag in all its Branches. iwm JUST RECEIVED, 100 BOZ. CHAIR Please gWe ns a call before purchasing elsewhere. J. m.. THOMAS, Coal & Lime Office AND MUSIC STORE, Main Street, .. . Ogden. THE CHEAPEST COAL AND LIME , KI1S ALL la the ! Market, always on hand. OF MUSICAL From a Jewsharp to a Cbaroh Organ, as Cheap, or Cheaper than anywhere else in Utah. Violin Strings .and other Fittings, SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. One door South of Osrden House. 827-1.- The "Victor Sewing Machine! Xeedle need no setting, Shuttle needs no lacing. Makes no noise. child can work it. Xo cogs, uo springs. Uses all attachments. Takes the First Prize at every Fair. A THE LADIES NEVER BUY ANY OTHER AFTER -- SEKLV& The Victor ! Reference in Ogdcn,jMra. M. Eowring, Dressmaker. C1IAS. W. STAYNEB, General Agent,. - Salt Lake Xo. 5 Main Street, Citj. d36 s89-a- lt cabi-net- The French and Austrian Governments have addressed friendly observations to Italy in reference to the law abolishing the religious corporations. The Opinion denies the truth of the rumor that Austria nnd France have formed an alliance against Italy, and deek" alliances clare that Italy will should tbt-- become necessary for the defence of tier national independence. Western Items. (Special dlptch( to th S. F. Chroicl.j Marysville, 23. About 1 o'clock this at'tcmnnn th stage from iVownieville to this city, was eioppe'i about a mile and a half from tue Uregon House, by three men anne with shot-emnnd ihi.i persons fully disguised. The amount taken from the treasure-bowas nearly $3,000. They did not try to molest the passengers. Los Angeles, 23. The Atlantic and Tncifie Rail roa Company has twenty men, under cnn neer Blickensderfer. at work i Sni,!! the object being to hold the right of way mrougu u.e pss ogamst the .Southern double-barrele- Sewing IViachines. -- 00- MlJY. HAVE THE AGENCY AND ARE SELLING ON FAVORABLEtlie Teru?, justly celebrated d x ( AT THE CENTRAL DEPOT, And at our In ioe-eilii- m. Laughter. - Singep Sewing Blaelxine, St. Louis jury acequittcd a man on trial for murder on the ground of insau-ty- . He was set ot liberty, nod within hours after he chopped his twenty-fou- r wife's head off with an axe. The jury ought to bo tried for the murder of this woman; but with the insanity plea to racinc uailroad. fall back upon, they would Lave no diffIlalleck, Net.. 23. iculty whatever iu clearing themselves. The commanding officer oimrur. at Camp Halleck were entirely destroyed A clergyman in Davenport, Iowa, exihii morning. Loss no oj r;re at. changed pulpits wiih ascertained. distant city a IV w Sabbaths age, and v.. m ma rnuronu rurclmjers in the North crossing they had a brief chat Mrs. L0WR1XQ, Ogden. Th.v ried satchel iust alike. leople never plot real umchief ranjj. each caught up one and Full lines of started for the train, to find on reach- when they arc bappy. Laughter is Cotton, their destination an of that they hid x ing malice, a foe to scandal, supplied. enemy changed satchels and raio&. and a trund to mankind. A FOR, In SALT LAKE, BRANCH STORES LOQAJNT and OGJDttjS. -- oo- aa hare INSTRUCTIONS at th Sure f oo car-be- ll Silk, Needles ii Attachments H. B. CLAWSON, caa be 5uperiatedcS- - |