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Show LOCAL ITEMS. f June Ttoy'J3 Madame Auna New Brewkrt. The new Brewerv at Jones' Grove is to be opened next Friday, and called the Gbovb Buewbrt. r. Thos. Hunt, who is associated with crold & Co. in the proprietorship of the concern, is an old English brewer, ho gained a great reputation in Farm- the gton in production of genuine malt quor, and will doubtless make a big ime for the firm of which he is now a partner. Mr. Herold is pretty well nown in this vicinity as an excellent brewer, and the ale, porter and lager Inch the Grove Brewery will supply may be depended upon as No. 1. A grand pic nic will take place at the G rove next to celebrate Friday theopen- of the ng business, Purdy's brass and st ring band is engaged, and it is expect ed that the affair will be first class and Success to the Grove. ighly enjoyable. See advts. 2-- Ffoi Songster.". Tiik 3 Bish- here last Salt at the Theatre will appear Lake. Tliey nrrived op and ber troupe Kust and weut on to ; hi from the o;i Wednesday evening. Atlantic ond Pa- Links Down. The East of Omaha. cific lines are down, to be prevailing said are Heavy storms We are, therefore, that direction. i file of dispatches. without our usual Next Friday even-jnball in an be will there which will be Jones' beautiful grove, illuminated for the occasion. Purdy's celebrated band will supply the music, and the dancers the fun. Refreshments EvEStxo Dame. ir out-do- on the or Vom Wednesday' t Daily of June 23. Nastt Fall. Yesterday Mr. David was Garner, coming from North Ogden vith a load of hay and fell to the ground spraiuing his wrist and bruising his face severely. He was abie to return homo without assistance, and no serious results are anticipated. the arrivals from the East yesterday, was Mr. John Kelly, a distinguished London banker. He is on a visit to San Irancisco, where he has a branch house. At the Union Depot Hotel this morn ing were S. S. Parker, of Chicago; M. Morrison, lteno, Nev., and C. W. Reno, Vermont. J. B. Wright' Esq., of Connecticut, is visiting his relatives in this city. He is en route for California. PKRSO.AL.-Amo- ng grounds. School Juvkmlk Instructor. Ilase Hall. Pjcmc Next Friday the the direction of feave a grand will p,ev. J. Gillogly, is expicnic in Farr's Greve;wheu it pected that the little folks and their teachers will have a gay time. We hope their anticipation will be fully realized. Episcopal school, under The following games of Base Ball were played between the "Plain City Stars" and "Ogden City" Club and "West We ber" Club, at Ogden City, June 14,1873: Oonts Citt Clit.s. Puis City Stab Clcis. L. No. 13, Vol. 8, of this excellent Magazine, is as usual interesting, instructive, and adapted to Fire at South ' Cotton wood. FOURTH 0FJtJLYvl873. Elder G. Stevenson writes to the Des. Eve. Xm t : as follows gl'ECIAL JtiMt Kccelveu, 'While I was preaching at South Cot tonwood Ward, yesterday, an alarm of fire, close to the meeting, caused an ad journment of the latter until the names were subdued, when it was again resumed. The cause ef the fire was the care- ess handling of matches by children, t originated in a straw stack of Bro. Chas. Wilkins, and had it not been for the timely aid of the people at uieetiug aud a reverse wind, the results of the toil and labor of years of a poor but in- tustnous citizen would have been laid in ashes, and the family rendered home less. Although the stables were close by the houses and nearly adjoining the burned stack, which made a powerful blaze, but little damage was done except the destruction of the stack and the loss of a few bushels of potatoes, which were covered with straw adjoining the stack. "A new brick store is in course of erection, close to the meetinghouse, under the direction of Bishop Rollins. "Little and Big Cottonwood Creeks are much nigner than usual, and vt is with much difficulty that parts of farms are saved. On Saturday Bro. Butler had a span of horses drowned in Big Cottonwood and entirely lost his wagon. FLAGS, TORPEDOES, BALLOON, ETC., ETC., ETC. H.WALLACE, First South tit., Salt Lake City. WIIOSETONY? IIAYE IN MY POSSESSION, OBTAINED troni an Indian, one bay lony, lirundvd I. H. on left hip, white favo and white hind IWt, to belong In WeW Couuy. The owner i requested to make claim iiiuriP.lmielv. nAMtfcii nniiMcr, Mill villP, Cadie Co., June 18th, IS73. tiuj-)o(- --Oil-It -- Among the arrivals at the Union Depot Hotel this morning, were B. Vale, Cleveland; 0. 0. Osford, t'hicago; J. M. Straubridger and family, Oregon. Mrs. Halleck, widow of the late Gen. J. B. Halleck, arrived this morning from San Francisco, and left for the East, after tarrying a short time at the depot. -- lt Beautiful Flowers. Mr. Robt. Ilel- licker has our thanks for a splendid bju- quet of choice flowers, which sweet perfume and are valuable i day-brea- K k, 11.,- -- - Total, - 76 41 Total, night the hunters expect to have loveliness. a fire built on the loftiest peak of the Mr. Sawyer, the Venetian blind makSalt Lake Items. Yesterday a bug mountains around this city, that will be er, is also entitled to our gratitude for a gy, driven by Mr. Brigaze, of the Great visible to all who are not in their "truu similar floral present. Thanks. Western Hotel, was capsized and rolled . To into City Creek, killing the horse, de molishing the vehicle and slightly injur ing the driver. Mrs. Alice Clawson, with her son Wil lie, was driving along East Temple Street yesterday, and while trying to avoid a heavy dray, the vehicle tipped over and Mrs. Clawson and her son were thrown to the ground. Fortunately they From the Salt Lake this morning, we learn of the capture, by Sheriff Brown, of Ogden, as sisted by officers Hampton and Phillips, of three men McCabe, Crawford and in Creek Jones, City Kanyon, who had stolen twenty head of cattle from Mr. James Anderson, of Bear Iliver. Mc- Cabe drew his pistol on the officers, but escaped unhurt. was disarmed. The cattle were found, Last Sunday night Mrs. Minnie liar and the thieves are in Good for jail. rison, who resides in Little's Row, awak our Sheriff! ened from her sleep and found her lamp, which she had left burning, extinguish Y. M. L. A. The Young men's Liter ed. On relighting it, it was blown out, ary Association met last Thursday even discovered sho a ruffian in her room, and ing, when the following younjr ladies were admitted honorary members of the who, with a pistol pointed at her head, Association, Miss Sarah M. Farr, Hattie dared her to move or speak. She scream C. Brown, Ellen Crawford, Isabelle Bur when the scoundrel de ton. Itaunnh Burton, Dora Lane, Mary ed violently, a. Durnupp. camped, leaving behind him a pipe and Said Association adjourned their meet a pocket knife with "Tabcr" stamped inS ie and subject to the President. upon it. F. S. FvICUARDS, Pkesidkkt. The known gambling houses have al AC. Bhown, Vicr.. If the ladies above named have not been visited by the police, and the changed their eex, we would suggest a "sports" notified to quit business by the hange iu the name of the Society. Miss first of July. Col- Wall is under $2,000 bail to ap so and go as a member of the Young before Justice Clinton next Thurs Hen 8 L. A. has rather a peculiar ap pear day, on a charge of peijury, alleged to Pearance in print. Ed. have been committed during his exam case. School Meeting at Willard. 'C. ination in the Ilaskins M." writes: "On The above are gleaned from the Herald. June 20th a meeting The Ncu-- publishes a telegram to Prest as held in District No. 2 for the pur pose of electing School Trustees. Wm Young, from C. H. Wilckcn at Elk Horn, owe was called to the chair and Chas. 21st inst., stating that the emigrants bright elected Secretary. On motion of were seventeen days from Liverpool, al well. They will probably reach Ogden Jos. Dudley, George Harding was noin mated and elected. On motion of Moses Wednesday evaning. ""dley, Shadracb. Jones was nominated n.. u t of the Union elected. On motion of Alexander Pay Car. The pay-ca- r l'crry, Abraham Zundle was nominated Pacific railroad arrived yesterday after off the men employed by "id elected. Thus proving that those noon, and paid "no honor an office oftrust.and are wor the Company. The sum of $15,000 was landlord and of the same, (which the above named disbursed, and many a made gentlemen have done), must still, serve creditor was happy by the ap tQe . people." , pearance of Uncle Sam's Some of the recipients of the greenbacks fwxd Dead. Last Sunday night, as given outjby that popular and punctua the C. P. train from the west pulled up paymaster, Mr. Josselyn, are suffering the water tank near Mont ello, about this rooming from a sick headache, and 18 miles this side of Toano, the body of soda water was in great demand during n unknown man was discovered lying the day. The eick men lament that they ose by the tank. The man was seen will not be able to observe the Fourth of alive by some men on the freight train July appropriately, as they are about west Cmg about four hours previously. "strapped," and on that day they can't An'inqiest wm j,eU at Montcllo. An expect to go by "tick." layer's card, a and a t wen Pio-ki- c c at Jones' Grove cent piece was all that was found The 0n Person. It was evident that dis- - given under the auspices of Dr. Strong 'pation and was a happy occa exposure had led t his and assistants eath' ana e jury returned a verdict sion for all who participated in the de accordingly. lights of a summer's day recreation. Clever Capture. Herald, of - -- t 1 shin-plaste- jack-knif- e, HEXIC&Q IUSTAM LI . ,T-fi- pic-ni- to-da- y, rs die beds." Travel. lea train of eigtheen cars passed yesterday afternoon from the West. The goods were consigned to Chicago merchants. Every train for the last few days from the West brings in a number of China men and Japanese, the greater part go ing East, although many are going to the mines at Bingham Canon. A Pioche News. BUT firt knoTrn In Amrrlon. It merits nm well known IUroii(U-o- ut the habitable world. It hits theolrteat and beat recortl of any Liniment In the world. From the million upon millions of bottlrs sold no roiitilatiit has ever reached uii, and as a healing and W'tt PAIN SUBDUING well-coverin- g. shed n for their OF FIEE WOEKS, i rr.Rso.v'Ai. STOK A COMPLETE he understanding of old and young. In addition to a large quantity of valuable reading matter, among which is an ex Kuns. ltuui. cellent editorial on the liquor question, IU Pavis, P., 0 G.Poulter, P, it contains well executed illustrations of Accidentally Drowned. ti . Sharp, C, It. Paine, C, 5 J. Uoodnlu, 1st B., Sea Lions, and Mount Vesuvius. Pub (J. Carver, H., . Last Friday afternoon a three year - 2 5 T. Poulter, 2d ., w. New art, 2d 1)., 1 lished at Drseret Xevs office, Salt Lake M. Thomas, 3d 1)., 4 J. Hurapool, 3d 11., old son of A. G. Stormburg was drown M. Sket.ii, S. S., 4 A. .lackson, 8. S., 4 ed, at Grantsville, by falling into a ity, at .$2,00 per annum. '1 A. Peterson, I,. i L. arr, I,. K, It. Kobm, V. F., (1. Uullewell, I . neighbor's well, at that place. A square V. 8. lieddes, K. 1'., hole had been cut in the planking which 0. Fowers, H. P., Itkms. has Birch fine covered the well, and the boarding which a Robert Citt . - 30 18 Total, Total, was designed to cover this aperture cow milch Look for sale. the ad. at Played June 21st, in Plain City: to have been slightly out of supposed 1 J. Cary with a companion ft Ogden West Weber Cu b Tlais Cut Stabs. and the unfortunate little one place, Huns. this IIudh. on an stepped upon the corner of the board morning before 7 M. Sharp, P., A. Knrdy, P., - 6 inspecting tour of the mountains. - 11 J. Hoee, C, They and overturned it, falling through the J.Gdde,C, 13., II. Hardy, 1st 0. Clrver, He was not. discovered for - 0 T.Williaiim,2d li., - '1 intend to camp on the highest peak of opening. II , I(.Ud.8on,-.'some time after the accident. The sad 8 W. 8. Gcddef., 3d 15., W. KIIewortu,3d 11., the range around Ogden, and to seek the D M. Thomas, 8. 8., A. Klixwortli, S. B., truth burst upon those who were search7 C. Huge, L. F., It. Kaine, I.. V., bears in their dens. They were wel ing for him, by their finding the little L. Hadly, C. F., (S. Itruiuwell, C. F, - 8 armed with Sharp rifles, and provided fellow's hat on the Des. K. Davis, It. i J.GibMju, It. F., with provisions sufficient for four days. L've. Xewt, 23rd inst. lt NOTICKTO THE COUNTRY TRADE, LINIMENT IT IIA8 NO EQUAL. It U recommended with unbwmdftd aoimr-ne-e in 1) esses ofCuts.liruittHi.DuniB. Hpraius, Kbeiiiuntism, Hard SwelllUKS, Hitort. Joint, i roen I'eet, r, &c, fcc. among all parsons, nd for Hpriluii. l, Kcrstcnes. Wind-Gall- s. Founders, Ringbone Hoof-ale- . Bivina, Spriuglislt, SsdcHe.Coi-lu- r and Harness Usus; sJso diseases of Uie fcys and Cur in I'oU-Kvl- From the Tioche Record, June 22d: Successful Opesixq. The Bella Bird Dramatic Troupe gave their first entertainment in Pioche Jast evening at Han-ly'- s New Theater. The house was filled to its utmost capacity, and it is a source of gratification to us to say that the large audience in attendance were more than pleased with the evening's entertainment. We regret that an unusual pressure of business prevented us from witnessing the entire entertainment. Monday evening will be presented the laughable comedy of the "Serious Family," to be followed by the farce of "Our Horses, Mules or Cattle. Mb n T DMT JLVJI ii Gal." WILL ALSO Accidf.xtto the Railboad. A slight Cnro NeursTcSs. Ithenmatlsm, flcnt, Lsme From Items. Salt Lake our Salt Khcum, oiwmot'.B Hit.. Ksternat Lake exchanges of this morning we col accident occurred yesterday to the en- 1'iM.k, Salt Mum-lACfHtioiiH, Soro Nipples, &c, Colonel Carter on the Nevada Cen- Houesnd gine late the following: tral Railroad. The pin came out of the and m&7 be j ustly tcriaed tbo itact;a for mi 1 Messrs. George W. Bean, Indian In ; the piston then became loose EXTERNAL WOUNDS. and run through tire cylinder, knocking terpreter, aud Gens. W. Pace and A. K S3" Remember, (his Liniment dll out both heads. This will prevent the not uprinu: up in a ilnrnru yen r. pro. Thurber, were met by a gentleman from MOST ABSURD AKDCKJUTtBAI, CUIUS putting on of the passenger train for a dUClnRTHE A.NU JIllKHUOOM the South States, who reports that they few CLAIM ID BX Lci- In time mean the ore cars days. we have thu exposure of over Hut mkntn. were on the way to the Fish Lake Coun- will run as usual. w.tu tlio tucxitsub thirty years oflytrial, a luulatudu of w.uieuwj. staiitAlrtoulU.aud a for of the like a we having friendly purpose try, Something fortnight ago If the Liniment is not as recommenced, tfca interview with the Indians and inducing were called upon to chronicle the death, of Edwin Olds, not far from accident, by them to maintain peaceful relations with this city. His death was caused by his the whites. It is believed that the visit falling from his wagon and being run will have a salutary effect, although a over. This was a sad event, but, singuIo not ! tmppswl t:ron by m.iajr sny cthep small class of Indians may be found hos- lar to relate, a short time after news was Liniment claiming tne saiuu propi rtic or ro a fraud. Lo sura received here that his former partner, suits. They are cbeut tile and difficult to control. bat and 1 e cross-head- REW-liO- Ii IIoncywilll;cEfiiii(Ic(l. s-- - The Clear Creek Road, running from the South end of Sevier Valley to the Cove Creek Fort, is now completed. Hon. Jos. A. Young, is the projector of the enterprise that will open the best route for the contemplated railroad to Pioche. Mr. Y'oung was liberally sustained by the people of the Upper Sevier settlements. A man named John Selly was arrested on Monday last at Bingham Canon, on the charge of attempting to commit rape upon a girl five years of age, while she was gathering flowers. Alter an examination before the Justice of the Peace, he was committed to the Probate Court for trial. Charles Burgess, who was arrested on the night of the ICth for assaulting and beating a man named Coon, was discharged after a close examination. Burgess, who is a night watchman, discovered Coon lurking in a building now in process of construction, and ordered the intruder out. The offender drew a pistol upon the watchman, who knocked him on the head.' Burgess is generally a quiet and peaceable citizen. James Edwards was brought yesterday before Justice Clinton, to answer the charge of, burglary. He was some time since found concealed under the bed of Mr. Reed, who occupies a room at the Salt Lake House. Skeleton keys were found on his person. The prisoner entered a plea of guilty to the charge of entering the room, but denied any felonious intent, alleging that he was without money and sought this place for rest. He was placed under bonds to the amount of $500 to appear before the next regular term of the Probate Court, in default of which be was sent to jail. James Logan, of Treasure City, met with an accident which, though not resulting fatally, leaves him in a most deplorable condition. He was engaged in blasting with giant powder, when the blast went off unexpectedly, destroying his eyesight and blowing one arm from his body. This is quite a singular and at the same time a most melancholy coincidence. Mr. Logan has many warm friends here, all of whom feel the deepest sympathy for him in view of his great misfortune. iJ get nothing M Mci:n Md&i Lib:i, st all Dacaa:i awb Cccxtbt ts 8l ax 25c, 50c end CI per Tottlc' Bxvi.k. 2iOIlCU ZlZZ or LYON Ic. MFG. CO. EfYLE, HAGAN'S - Clover Valley. This is an old Mormon settlement, about 40 miles from Pioche. There are eome dozen or more families in the valley, which is well adapted to grazing and stock raising. The valley is quite small, being only about three miles long and from one to s of a mile. Deputy Surveyor Henry made a survey of the entire land recently, and from that gentleman we learn these particulars. Sherwood's original saw mills are ten miles beyond, and the lumber from that mill is brought through Clover Valley to Pioche. The valley is well watered, and has the ad-- i vantage of a very delightful climate. 'A ifitfl . three-quarter- E. IP. BROW General Produce Magnolia Balm AND COHlIISSIOniERCIIAXT S Shipping a Specialty Fifth SirtH, S4ith Ride IV lHt, OGDEX i -- O. Box 24. C. ! It. R.' UTAH. 12-- tf Pure Blooming Complexion, Itl Purely Vegetable, and lta rratlon la om and felt at once. It does away with the Hushed Apparnco canned by Het, Fatigue and Excitement. Healsaud removes all Blotchea and Pimples, dlispeUlnif dark and tmsighUy San. spots. UriTes wsy Xan, frecklef and, turn, and by it gentle bnt powerful iafiuoaoa XQMiUea ' the laded cheek wlth TOCTIIFn BLOOM AM) BEAUTY-- lold Vy Pll r.niwi8 snd Fsecy Vork M J'w VUw, iw Store, ' |