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Show HkjoHsiMstf Casting a Liiic. Danlierrles. t Ublifh'ed every WKDXESDAY end ' "t-- the 6aVr I'fuusHisa A 8AIURIUY Cokpasit. Parallel to thiT Hondcr I5utehcrios in South Cur and Courier. J , watch- - lady f has got almost A Great Plains: A vounnnan. stood listlessly . I IT. enough material for a kitchen carpet of some anglers on a oriage, ne pantaloon stun, anu uieir uug is uuijr WAV iwir'nrul dpieeted. At hist he three years old. well filled with For the'li!?t six weeks a notice, approached a basket he sighed : fish, ocketbook Found," has luing up in wholesome lookiug those I would be the post office, and since that time over , if I had cave cioimeu u, different for a fair persons, them I could sell hlty but none as yet' have described it. One happy.and theu and food lodgbuy me lady 'said': "Tell me what was in it, aud price I'll let you know if it was mine." ing." A industry is the ,"I will give you just as many and made after as who manufacture of good fish," said the owner, but chanced the Dattern of tmteat clothes-pins- , Iih to overhear words, very highly .finished.; They are design favar." do me a will trifling ed for young people who are keeping you "And what is that;'"' asked the company with each other, and will probably have quite a run through the other, eagerly. young onion season. "Only to tend this line till I come A Stony Hill mother fondly believed back ; 1 wish to go on a short erher eldest from town could carve a pieee of roast beef at dinner, and directed him rand." That proposal was gladly accepted. to do so, just to show the company how nature had endowed him. So he took The old man was gone so long that hold pf it with. a vim, and inside of thirty-f- the young man began to be impa seconds had the pieces across the ive Meanwhile, the uungry nsn table and into the laps of two elderly tient. baited hook, ladies ' from Sherman, and, besides snapped greedily at the debreaking four dollars worth of crockery, and the young' man lost all his liad soalded both of his father's legs pression iu the excitement of pulling with the gravy until the skin peeled off. them in; aud when the owner or the . The largest cactus iu this town be' line returned, he had caught a large longs to the Merrills,' on rine street. ' out as many as Saturday, Mrs. Merrill had set it out in number. Counting the yard, and that night a cat got up on was iu the hket, ana presenting the back roof to sing or die, or something them to. the young mau, the old fish of that sort, and Mr. Merrill stepped out erman said : . .. to kick it on the roof in, a i night-shir- t fish tho from fulfil "I my promise off, but kicked nhbut eight feet too high, to teach you that have" a awful nnd the caught you miscalculation, though disappointment threw him off his feet, wucnever you see oiners earning and eventually oft' the roof and into the what you need, to waste no time in yard, to the intense regret of Mrs. Mer- fruitless. wishing, but cast a line for rill, who valued that cactus above all herbs of the .field, and who had sat up yourself. three evenings to make that night-shir- 'l ,''.'" newly-develope- d Wholesale Department: 2.000 PIECES SPR CloJIi,; Merinos ; Ei.ipre.ss noae-pinehe- rati-roa- d e inn-keep- er Iciiiiis, i Cotlonadcs, Jeans, Etc., Etc. Gonts' cixic3Lv Boys' READY-MAD- E J CLOTHING ais and Caps, B O O T S A ID ; SI O E S ! Of Every Variety, OF. EASTERN and CALIFORNIA M AXUFACTURE, A General Assortment of , Dil IXCLUDIXG , . , Cutlery, Loeks, Carpenters' and other Tools. A LARGE STOCK OF t. long-letr.'re- Cassiiiscres ; . Bec-fi5- ; ArmurC5. Alpacas etc. Doiiaetfies, ...... " -- I., -- 'vOgdea' City, 1 r)ifoo J'w The itcint revelations in regard! to tbe ntrocious murders committed by the Bender family in Kansas will probably call to the minds of some of tbe older citizens similar series of .murders (.!' Charleston that occurred near Llii 9 city more thuii La.'. fa century ago. In that day travel- t ii did not enjoy the facilities of transportation and in consequence there were many little wayside inns scattered along the public tligliwayBi gone udj:went u the cities ami others more "remote.; rSuoU aa ina ?a.s .kept' a few niles from Chaileston." Being near the city, it was quite common for travelers, going or returning, to ttop for rest , and refreshments. It whs kept by two people, a man and bis wife, wUq were accounted to be honest, and 'withal Tery prosperous persons. Their hostelry was convenient to the traveling public, aud therefore popular. Occasionally a traveler would suddenly disappear in a very manner, mysterious and but no suspicions attached to the hospit-ubland his wife , Matters ,went on thus forsmue time, tfee nlyaterl: ous disappearances meanwhile becoming more and more, frequent,, Fathers, sons nnd brothers 'going to or from Charleston wuiuu buiiuemy uu missing, ana no clue to thtir whereabouts could be obtained. Public excitement, ps may be supposed, was wrought upvtw (lie highest pitch, until finally there came a sudden and horT :; rible solution to the mystery. One night so tradition saith a belated traveler, on his way to Charleston Tho Graphic is improving. topped it i lie inn," "Sitting at tb$ fire, We learn from its beautiful cuts that in tue bur, sipping his toddy, it suddenTri e Enough.' Hans "StofHo liishop Potter, in a singularly dignily occurred to him that tho actions ef his klctQ tried to uiako love to pretty fied attitude, attended by seven very host and hostess were somewhat peculiar. little Madame Floury tbe other day a Tue iaie of other travelers iu that gentlemen, said the cor his maU sensd ef. danger. As he approached her;'castiu? amorprobably e of the Incurables' Asylum, More than usually nciue.and he resolved ous glsnces at her, and addressing in the presence of two lobe sharply on the alert, "lie Was her in 'German, JIadanie Mas so d and one niiowu (o his room by his obliging host, reporters (one that frhe struck at him. A with a carhunclc on his neck.) three and when tbe steps of thtUlter hud died ' asked hef,' "Why did you u way on the stairs, he made a careful friend d gentlemen and four inspection of thr surroundings.. He dig- -' strike him?'' , "Because he insulted lueerlv-garbe- d women. For a superb covered, among other things, that the me," replied 3radaine. "How do the of gentleman whose bed upon which he was espected to know that?" asked (h.cr ,fricnd, portrait you slep was ingeniously fitted in its slides, ''you don't understand' German." "charges to the jury read like arguthe public have reason to be to it culd be lowered with ease to the "How stupid you are!" replied Mad- ments," ground floor beneath. Other circum- grateful , .The profije is perfect 'When a dog comes at you truly Htanccs convincing bim that he Was in a ame. Y. and the ''mora Ic absolute'--X- . trap of some kind, he Hew out his light to' bite1 you, you understand well Sun. t , and patiently awaited developments. A enough what he means, though you little after midnight he heard st?althy don't understand how to talk Greatness lies not in being strong, hut , dog Mtps.on the gtairs, aud ho "immediately in I the right use of strength. M I language." put himself in a position to defend, The steps drew nearer and nearer, and finally the door,which was guilt-ley- s i of cither lock or latch, was cautiously opened; and the hospitable host step-pe- d in. The traveler felled him with a ). IJir-itOVElhair And made his escape to the city, closely pursued by both man and wife ' who followed hitn nearly to the city lion its. Information waJ at ence conveyed AND to the authorities, and a guard was sent out to the inn and tbe wretches arrested. The investigation that followed revealed a pit below the room in which the traveler as td have rested. In this pit were found the remain of all who had so mysThe- spectacle teriously disappeared. M was a most ghastly one, and the revelar'T"' :'Q tion of jsuch atrocity created, in ' that H ,', ?" 'i" j y primitive day, a much more intense thrill of horror all through the country than the Bender butcheries; and justice was swift in overtaking the murdsrer ' i f and his accomplice. Frnjo the Ch Zf. C. EK. Plows, Hoes, Rakes, Scythes, Forks KTG, ETC. d ner-ston- awe-inspiri- HARNESS AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. ng pro-yoke- leit-hande- ; d' A Full Line of ; bald-heede- CHOSGS GRQCESRliSS ! ' Of AH Descriptions. . All orders addressed to I). II, FEEIlY, Off den City, U. T., ;. . will reeive prompt attention. '" ".'' sS-t- f '. H. . CLAWSOX, Superintendent s. him-uel- f. .? Go '.'.SIMMONS .& CLOUGII ORGAN CO.'S G COMMI SSIOM A'B I N E T O R G- A N S o o of (Jrcen Ten Adulteration HH ii.i ) .'.i ... DEPARTMENT. IN CHARGE OF . H. W. NAISBITT. IVill purchase any kind of Merchandise not usually kept in stock, including Engines, Saw Mills, I, ( I JL. Circular Saws, Cloth, BoltingJLellcl Water Wheels, Cheese Factory or Dairy C.oods, Threshing Machines, Mtichi nc Extras, .IV'.... ";.;; ,' Force or other Fniups, '. j Belting, ;!f;" V SoYghiim-HtiHs,'Evaporators, fce. n Dr. Letheby, London, the sanitary statist, has just reported as to the adulteration of green tea in that city. He discovered, it appears; t that sow tea 6n sale in ' Mincing lane J,!nn i , 9 required looking' after and he succeeded , ,. 4&c, in getting autheutic samples . from,; the Or from article that be any needed in an Agricultural or bonded warehouses in which the article any State, may Mechanical population. ,. On examination it was was stored. fcund that this tea contained Send in your orders and we will do the best to fill them at Manufactur1 from forty to forty-thre- e per cent, of ers prices with freight added, or on a slight percentage. iron filings and nineteen per cent of silica, in the form of lint .sand," which We are expecting an immediate and shipment of the had been cleverly mixed with and Added ' d to the leaves before curling, with a view to increase their weight md bulk. After the leaves were curled they had been rui&u nun iut4 L.n L 1VEMKU thickly covered with green pigjuent. SCKIBNrit'S PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, The Factory having just got fairly running since the When it was infused is boiling water it , e a produced very turbid, solution, to tbe smell aud nauseous to the An Invention having a most important bearing on the future reputation of Beed Instruments, by means of which the riimntity or Volume of tone id very largely intaEte. creased, and quality of tone rendered (. ; the bengal tiger, left behind by" the TO circus while they and OUOAXH Carson, says the Reno Cretcent, of .June 12, succeeded on Monday evening in Our celebrated "Vox Celeste," "Louis ratent "Vox Hunmna,"'"AVilcox ' capturing an Indian, aud after having " " "Octavo Coupler," the charming "Cello" or "Clarionet'' Stops, andratent," nearly scalped him was proceeding to All 0-H3the Laid Improvements Can be Obtained Only in these cat the aforesaid at his leisure, when one of the keepers interfered. Seiring a pole ho darted at the tiger And miss- Thirtu-iii- v XMfferen Sf ulcs. " ing him feU against the bars of the cage, Foi the To rl0r and the Church, whereupon the tiger showed lha) he had The Best Material and Workmanship, no prejudices of race by leaviug the In, , r , , Quality and J'olume of tone Unequalled, dian and going; for the white man, badly mangling his arm. The white man Dollai-st- . : is all r.ght, the Indian will probably reFACTORY AND WAREROOMS. & COECtii CONGRESS STS.. DETROIT. cover, and the tiger is still hungry. ' , 'M'ICIIIO AX AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. wl Established in 1850. s93-l- y j Why are gymnastics like the tide at I water? Feciuse raui" low( b'ey develop' t,yvMbV fclea (mussels): 'Address, Simmon? & CiibLi3ii'OMAV:Co''il)wRbirlMicnpAN.: well-know- M L, .2. IWiJJJA ny it . &c, a , well-know- Grand Combination n ! Organs, otfen-Biv- justly-celebrate- 'SCHUTTLER WAGON," GREAT CHICAGO 31332 EiUATi tisited-Virgini- II. B. CLAWSOX, Superintendent. THAT OF THE REST ril'E OF T1IF. S?IE CAPACITY, f YOXJ3FL T t JOB I'i,, ', irt ices, rOtt oOO ; NT1NG! ; . '' mhtm' '?nrrrr 'fOgdeiDi done at the Junction" MAIN STEEET, OGDEi , Office |