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Show forth throughout alUhe land, and, this twiwepuv, Uut Is-of Svil cbilJrea account pr jht!exg-iMJ' certain from ib of thin manna, a collect pot to were scriptures written in ancient Hebrew, Inrl it was placed in the Tabernacle of discovered in the meunds that have been 'unH in stand of hprniM. opened in Ohio, ..I among which were the remains! it just as fresh ten commandments. The people of this inc museum., cs oo ihe luorning land were well acquainted with the n future generations, Scripiures. it wits eleaued up. "becoming ro. cc.'ia j Jt Ceriain rods were gathered op fo rep-m- t the Varon's rod budded and blossomed in was handed down one night,-anto generation. And fruiu geneiAiioa God diJ work mirathat' M we hrnce on the eastern conticles for Hi people tit that He nent. U it y J1"6 brass tlie from plates should preserve No. They exist, lime? dimmed by being niarvclouij own due time of the Lord, He will inspire a mighty sjer, and give him aQil in th (jie l'r 10 nU Ihummioi, and enable h'im brin ftfrih these sacred scriptures. Sow," to show you the value of the jeripture of the brass plates, over the Jewish records, translated by King James, let me refer you to the Book of Mormon. On the 24iu page, speaking of lie coming forth of these records, the book that thou ungel eaid to Sephi, the of record a is Jews, which fceboldest contains the covenants of the Lord, uliich He hath made unto the house of LsrHci; and it also contained, many of tie prophesies of the holy prophets; and it U a record like un'o the engravings which are upon the plates of brass, save there are not so many." That is, there re not so aiany prophrcies and revela-uon- s contained in the Jewish bible of our as there were upon the plates of day Nevertheless they contained the brass. corenants of tke Lord, whieh He has wade with the House of Israel; therefore they are of great worth unto the children of men.' if you will turn to the Book of Jacob in the Book of Mormon, page 122, you will find a lengthy prophecy, or parable gf the olive tree, quoted from the brass plates, by which the house of Israel' is represented a parable of their being planted in the Lord's vineyard; a parable of the great work of the Lord in the last days, when His servants should be culled to labor and gather these young branches and graft them into their own olive tree. This parable was revealed to the prophet Zenos, and gives great in itruction. We could also refer you to gome four or five other places where Zeaos and Zenock prophesied concerning the restoration of all the house of Israel in the latter days; and concerning the descendants of Joseph. And Lehi, being of the seed of Joseph, was interested iu relation to his future gtnera-- ' '.iocs, and therefore understood the whole history of these remnants of Joseph, and prophesied concerning them; a low quotations being given in the Hook of Mormon.' They understood concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus in the fiesh, His crucifixion and resurrection from the dead; and the signs shown fjrih to the remnants. offIsrae. scattered v tueloVr corners' of 'the earth 'arid the islands of the sea; and the grea-de-itruction which should come upon the because of their wickedness. ;, l will refer you to the prophecies of In order to show you Joseph in Egypt. whRtissaid concerning Mm, as a prophet. I will refer you to page C2, book of Mormon. "And now I Nephi speak eoncerniug the prophecies of which my lather hath spoken, concerning" Joseph, who was carried into Egypt. For behold he truly prophesied concerning all his seed, and the prophecies which he wrote, there are not many greater. And be prophesied concerning us, and our future generations ; and they are written upon the" plates of brass." .Search all the records you can find, aud you will find that Joseph has proph-w-e- d concerning as great things as any tlier prophet that ever lived. Now these plates of brass were handed down. We have au account of them by Alma tlie prophet. And concerning the Urim nJ Thunmum, they were also handed ;' pe-p- le . ........ down? But we now come down to the 'lavs ef Jesus. From the time that Lehi left Jerusalem to the days of Jesus, litre were a great many records kept bj.ihe remnant of Joseph, upon this "d. The book Mormon, does not will eonUin dne hundredth of these part of the rcc-rl- s prophets. Now did they fep all of them on plates, or did. they multiply them by'thousands of copies on tuis land ? Let me refer you to page. "'3, of the book of Mormon. "And now ehold all those engravings which were-iIlelaman, were writ-- . the children of among "teathroughout all - the,- - land, save it etbos3 part3 wbicb had by Alma should not go forth evertheless these things were to be kpt sacred, and handed down from one deration to another." What period of "me was this ? beOnly ar the ' birth of Christ. Fiffy-fo- r J Mrs before Christ as we find on page 0,. ibook of Mormon,) there wa a. "to company of meo, 5400 with their nt children, went out of the had ?ahemla.to';th6- land northward, in a few ySATB afterwards, as you tufind on Da '.via mu mi r i t ucj n(i olao sent , bythou8an(la' fonh the rossession of 3n and sent forth - -- d fiftv-two-yea- ' ,.. vl, -- colonies y lni!,i r.""": "ties anil tCZ , v nea, anatimoerto i . v.,;u mny ci,ie8 of ,imber- c&m v"y numerous. Now rCe .Y,,1Mcred mords in"one Z hi ?ard t0 their contents, would 8ri t Go to the City of Amonihah in tho South America. They had become wicked, yet they had the holy ecriptues; and they them foth and burued brought them with all that fire, and believed in them where burned in the fire. (See Book of Mormon, page 243.) Showing that the people had many copies of the scriptures. And, again we find that the Nephite missionaries who went among the Lamaniies, carried with them copies of the scriptures; and that by the means of these copies they convinced the Laraanites of the incorrectness of the traditions of their tribes of Israel, and northern twelv-- d 1 that they were written and sent of part fathers. When Jesus came to this continent He taught the people several days. And these things, were, written upon the plates of Nephi. L'ut Mormon made an abritlgerneut of these writings, and he states, on page 4P4: "Aud now there cannot be writteu in this book even a hundredth part of the thines which Jeaus did truly teach unto the people; but behold the plates of Nepln, do contain the more part of the things which h taught the people; and these things have I written, which are a lesser part of the things which he taught the people, and I have written them to the intent that they may be brought again unto this people, frem the Gentiles, according. to the words which Jesus hath spoken. And when they shall have received this. which is expedient that they should have firsUo try their faith, and if it so be that they shall believe these things, then shall the greater things be made manifest unto (hem. And if it so be that they wilt not believe these things then shall the great, er things be withheld from them, unto their condemnation. Behold I were about to write them all which were engraven upon the plates of Nephi, but the Lord i'orlid it, eayiug.I will try the faith of my people; therefore I ,Mormou do write the things which hare been com. manded me of the Lord. And now I, Mcrmon, make an end of my sayings, and proceed to write tho things that have been commanded me; therefore I would that ye should behold that the Lord did truly teach the people, for the space of three days; and after that, he did show himself unto them oft, and did break bread oft, and bless it, and give it unto them," ' , Thus we perceive that we have not the part of the teachings of the greatest of all prophets, even our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the words that He delivered to the ancient Nepkites, The Nephites understood all tuese marvelous things. No doubt (here were many instructions a vast amount of instructions in regard to their prophad fur all things common, they erty; both in North and South America, among the millions of this laaa,for one hundred n and years. After which, jn the year two hundred and one after tne birth of Christ, they, began to withdraw from this order, and began to be divided into different classes, &c. Now . if we had all the teachings of Jesus, we would find the order of things that preserved equality upon this continent during all that period of time; which would give us a vast amount of knowledge concerning the thiDgi which we muet enter into. But will these things be brought te light? Yes. The records, now slumbering in the hill Cutm.ru U, will be brought forth by the power of God, to fulfill the words of ourtext, that :,the knowledge of God shall covet; the earth, as the wa; ters cover the great deep." to the visit on the last Jesus, Again, Nephites, called up his twelve disciples and pronounced a certuiu blessing upon them, and especially upon three ofjthem. Mormon says, concerning these three that were to tarry, that great works Bhall be wrought by them before the great day of tho Lord shall come. Then he says, that if you had all the Scriptures you would know that these things would be fulfilled. We would1 know a great many things if we only had these Scripiures and revelations. They are to be revealed to fill our earth with the knowledge of God, as the waters cover the great deep. , Jiot enly the records of the ancient inhabitants of ' this land tre ; to come forth, but the records of those who slept on the eastern hemisphere. The records of John, him who baptized the Lanib'of God," are yet !o be revealed.. We are informed , in the book of Doctrine and Covenant, page 215, that the fullness of the record of John, is to be Saints. revealed to (he Latter-da- y But shall we stop with these records? No. Let me repeat to you the words of the Lord. The Lord said to Nephi, latter days, that the speaking the words of the Vhftll have Nephites have the words Jtws, and the Jews shall tribi-of of the Nephites; and " the Israel shall ' have be words f of the Nephites and the, Jews; and I will gather the people from the four quarters of the earth; and roy words shall be gathered in 'one, (See Book of Mormon, page the records of the Nephites 10?!.) upon this land. And the numerous peobeea. planted on the is ple tbathT lands of the. sea,, are to be gathered iu one; lor they were righteous in some of and that their earlier- - generations; be is forth; to brought yet knowledge and when 'fnee sla'nd.HhkU deliver up their people, their records shall be gathered to- one. .i hm: ' And again, concerning what the people nay, "wc have got a Bible, and we 'Know ye not need no more Bible." that I am the same God, yesterday and forever; and it shall come to pass, that 1 shall speak to the Jews, and they shall wriie it. I shall ?peak t the lost tribes of Israel, and tbey shall write it. I w ill spenk to all the nations of the earth, aud they f hall write it. And by roy words that are spoken, shall the child ren of men be judged according t their deeds. All theee things shall come forth to fill the earth with the knowledge of God. We go to the book of Doctrine and Covenants, where we find that the Lord is to reveal many of His great and mar- Branch IjO gan ! t WHOLESALE RETAIL AND Dry i!ool4. Groceries, Hardware, Hoot and Shoes, Huts and Caps Crockery, . velous purpose, that have been kept hid from the foundation of the world; and things that have not been revealed to any iormer generation. It is uot different these records that enwgh to skeuld be revealed, and that the islands rf the sea should deliver up their kuowledge, but it is necessary that the heaveus should give the knowledge which was before our earth was created. And you are students in this great university, which God has established, to study concerning God, and get a knowledge ofthiugs in the heavens and things that arc pust and present, and things that are to come a knowledge that comes through the power and inspiration of the Holy Ghost. But this is not all; God has said that He "will pour out His spirit upon all fleth; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young wen shall see visions, and your old men fchull dream dreams; and on my servants and on my handmaidens 1 will pour out in those days of my spirit; and they shall Yo ng men and old men prophesy." shall receive knowledge from the heavens. Again, it is written in Isaiah: "All thy children shall be taught of the Lord." It will not be necessary for one man to say to his neighbor, know ye the Lord, for all shall know him. Then it will not be necessary for us to preach so much, because the Lord our God will teach them from on high. Old and young, male and female will receive knowledge; and our little children will utter fortn their voices, and speak forth that which is not now lawful to otter, All Kinds but it will be uttered to the human famiAll ly by the mouths of babes and sucklings. re-fer- ed Gliwsuare, XotioiiN. Ac., Ac Stoves and Tinunre, Drugs &Hedicliie Guilts' and Boy's Heady Made Clothing. IN GREAT VAItlET.Y. OBLBBRATBD i SINGER SEWING MACHINES, ! i Wood's Champion and Excelsior Mowers and Reapers, Bain, Whitewater and Stndebaker Wagons, ' ! ' t, f -A- LSO, Winchester and Democrat Ught Nprlng Wagons AND EVERY DESCRIPTION Farming Vuli J OF Implements. Buggies to Order on Short Kotlce. California and Concord Harness and Harness Trimmings. !LMithei nntl Shoo ITindinM. Amen. - LOCAL ITEMS- . ' From Monday't Daily of June 2&f. ' .' . , of Produce Forwarded to Any Point on tho Shortcut Notice. Onttrs Sent to M. THATCHER, Logan, will Rcceitx Prompt Attention II. i i . 11. CLAWSON, Superintendent. th sixty-seve- -- of-th- e lst s On a Visit. We had the pleasure of HOWE SEWING JACHINE. meeting this morning Bishop Edward Hunter of Salt Lake City. He stopped in Ozdcn a few moments and then left for Morgan oo a visit to .his $ou.' ,1'he BtiWlV TfOl 'Vt'OBLD; PE1FRTTF.D 51 turbine, bv th Inventor of' the in hale and as is Bishop vigorous, hearty ALUS HOWE, Juu. appearance as,a young man . ofthrrtyl VEST A CII I VT. d We hope that upon his return 'he' will A u - not tfubjcci to F1TH. make a longer sojourn in our city. ft-wln- s lib I an , Emigration, We learn from the Star of the 3d icst. that the eecond company is to start from Liverpool per steamship "Manhattan," on .Wednesday, July 2d; and the third company per steamship "Montana,", on Wednesday, July' 9th. Also that Elders Chas. H. Wilcken and James O. Bleak were released to return home with the first com. pany which sailed on the 4th insi. Ml-leni- - POINTS OF SUPERIORITY: al mid Perfection Simplicity ; ; . -- of Mechanism JJurabU'Ciywlfl last a " Lifetime. v llanflc of Workwithout a Parallel, Perfection of StUchjind' Tension, Past of Operation and Self Adjusting Management, Take-u- ' p. f MHK MONITOR HAS O AIN'EP A 1- rcpntatiou. .No higlwr rwiuluiu cu U Cooking r'tove thAu to m tht ujvo rrrry houvifo who ujm It jiki in It pftiuw, nd r.tnmfrid it to br botirhhory kixi frWatiii. tut wonomy, r.luuuiJu unit rtdinMilty in nil Ui 0Vrti(mn. FAK-PA-USI- ; 31,314 MONITORS now " in USK, H Ittt CKJra.lTB Adjustable Head. Poo Tray. A fancy billiard player at SAMA CLAUS COOKLXfi STOVE, Call nl Kxiunin our BUir unci Prion tt Whalcn's saloon, while trying to exhibit T. W. JOKES', Tailor, ' his great skill, last Saturday, and show Por Coal ant Wmk1. Third door from . C. M. I., OfiVn. Wblfh fcM Mich a Pcmnnd thronjth th TrTitory, his wonderful dexterity, at carom, made SAMUEL MILLER, JUN., and suddenly drew his cue a vruiM(t Agent. All our fctovn are k pt anxl for ' back; striking an innocent and loving Sale Rooms, a few Also, at tb puppy on the head, killing it instantly. doors west of Z. C. M. I., Salt Lak ltt-rkbo y k.1 tbt ta 1h The physical strength of the player, and City. t'JSlj j , Ooaui i Turntorj. the slreugth of his weapon may be imagined, when it is said that the butt of the 'cue entered the canine head the ; it is detth'of two inches." In too late for sausage meat. AWO, : I: . mis-cu- i: , p . M. D. t dog-da- y ' iiMMOND, Slain St., Ogden, and Main St., Logan, Cache Co. Ass a Bishop. Madame Anna Bikhop i AGEKT OR THE the renowned songstress, accompanied 'by Messrs. Alfred Wilkie, L." Gottschalk ! ;and F. Gilder, are expected in this city 'from the East this afternoon. ...They will leave for Salt Lake City where a JUSTLY CKLEI5 RATED WAO'OS IS MADK OF TIIK BEST MATERIAL grand local aud "instrumental concert millS ' I" ; , , threughout actl ia warranted. F will be given by them on Wednesday. A FULL SIJVPJLY ALWAYS OS , Madame Bishop's name is a household Also Dealer ia .. .. word in this country. 'She, hag entranc, , ed a thousand audiences by, the magic power of her voice, and wherever she appeared never failed to attract appro, Corn- v ciative audiences. Whether jo Italian JIHIm French, German, Opera, or in the bal Floww, she ha always 1 lads of her native-isl- e ALL P ' F A KM M A C H I N K It V; excelled, and hasfjuitiy(earne.d the title ; : .,-. - ' r ' r. ; of "(juecn of" Song." ... 4 ,'t ' ' A-'Anna Bishop, will receive; a cordial ' V.v i Complete Assortment of welcome in Salt Lake City. chuttler Wasron . IIA.I. , . , L.iht Spring Jlachines. Wagons,' Nvrcepstahe' Threshing Buckeye Mowers and lioairN, Sulky Stakes, Shelter, Feed Cutters, Fanning. Kmcry OrinderH, Ntubble k Shovel i'lons, Cnltivatorti, . KINDS 0 it .J ' i- S&r See G, Whitehead's AdvcrtUeincnt. 2-l- y . - WAfiOX MATERIA L, HARDWOOD, IRON ASD STEL,: ETC, i 11 '1 i ' |