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Show Urn LOCAL ITEMS. Ihilof Caw. Ix.' Have you seen Bov1 Wl O'lfarnett'g splendid ' bureaus, chairs. June X)th.y .,t': i Died, ; 4 FOURTH OF JULY1873, Change of Base. At ITooperville, June 14tb, 187V 0.VJ. Honi3terVlSq!,'r.'8. Collector FECIAL NOTICE TO THE COUNTRY TRADE, feber Hayhoe, aged 18 years, 4 months of Internal Revenue, has turned his back & ' ' WnPHoto Goons. Flygare Child and 20 days. ' Tusat , ,;, upon Corinne and removed his office to for sale, w lot of furniture his city. Under the new regulation Mr ne fine STOK OF COMPLETE A Stolen Houses. Sheriff Brown re hve a PEBSosAt. Among the arrivals at Holllster is required to perform the duit. 3ad. aud go for ceived notice sometime of several the Union Depot Hotel, this morning. ties of Assessor as well as Collector, the ' i abolished by act of horses stolen from the West Jordan were C. Parous, Germany; E, B. Shaw, former having been " " A , is TORPEDOES'. lively Congress. He has Range. Cl.STLK.0gdea succeeded ia tracing Salt Lake City; Randall Webster, New To facilitate business the Territory BALLOON-the country and out and finding in different una came - ETC.; ETC., ETC. parts of this Orleans; G. W. Long, Louisville; ' John has 'been' divided into three collection ' ' minutes if not longer.' districts : ' county nine of the missing horses, but Whiss, Washington, D. C. gued several H. WALLACE, " .i The iirst embraces Salt Lake. Davis, has not yet laid his hands on the thieves. First South St., Salt Lake City. counand Wasatch ATbibutk of Respect The employ Tooele, Juab,' Utah He thinks that people who animals buy Furniture." . Cheap sheds and freight re ties, with Edwin Taggart,' deputy collecof salo a lurRf. utork of of ,, should see that the brands ees the Lincoln R!r Cliilil offr r strangers tor, office in this city. The second, Mor beat quality, very cheap. furniture of the shops, this morning presented Mr. gan, Weber, Box Elder. Cache, Rich and "Ki.Mef. IntUe. Live. Store next to are prcperly vented.' No suspicion rests pair I. A. Goodman, their foreman, on the oc Summit counties, Thos. J. Black, deputy upon the parties who had the horses, HAVE IN MY POSSESSION," OBTAINED casion of his leaving here for other collector, office at Corinne. The third, i mm an Indian, on lny lwv. liraudml I), n. they all had regular bills of sale for their Tooof all the 60uth and Joab on left hip, white fwe and white hind ff. auj Territory scenes of usefulness, with a handsome in town. We " is ' money ele counties, deputy collector, John W. nwl to belong in tteiwr bounty.- The ownor purchases. Q0iS.Thcrc oane, and a purse of $125. Messrs. R. we heard a man jingle requested to make claim liimimliutly. whose office is at Beaver; is, there Christian, j.n0w SANl KIj m mii. k . V. Brinkley, W. J. Bowen, C. Hess, and Persons who are engaged in the man Cache Co, June 18th, 1873. t Millvillc, pieces t,vo Salt Lake Itims. We learn from the about fifty others .signed an address to ufacture or sale of spirituous or malt Herald of this morning that which the fallowing reply was made by liquors, tobacco, snuff or cigars, or in the compounding ot patent medicines or Ignatz Nugbauni, the man who shot Mr. Goodman: PtusosAi" Among the guests at (he other articles requiring stamps,' must Union Depot Hotel, this morning, were the late Mr. Oreeuwalcl at Corinne, is in Gentlemen : I accept this token ef apply to the deputy of their district for Math- the hands of the Territorial Marshal, T T. Tioha, San Francisco; John friendship with profound gratitude. My their supply. labors have been arduous, but devoted A. E. Mr Holii8er of- -a Is in the Matthi and stands Llraore, committed to Wis.; Wis., before East Troy, appear er, to with of the the interests faithfulness esen Block, East Te'iiS'pleSttlSlt'tftrth the Third District Court next September. and James Mairs, San Francisco. of the Walker House. & L. Herald, Company with which I am connected Mr. Greenwald has nearly recovered. Between myself and the employees in 20th int. ' S.T-1860--X V5 ... .. ., ,, Great exeitement I I over believe can miner i that my say department, prevails Gossip. From private but reliable al discoveries up City Creek Kanyon, the happiest relations have always ex Somnambulism, issources we understand that an extra 1 receive this present as an evi and squads of men and boys are scat isted. dence of your good will and friendship, On Tuesday night last, between eleven sue of eix million dollars in bonds is tered up and down the kanyon pros and slmll hold in remembrance the many and twelve o'clock, a young girl, be the Directors of the by contemplated acts of kindness which have been shown tween twelve and thirteen years of aie, , pecting! Pacific , Union Company. The conductors on the Utah Southern to me by you and all with whom I' have a niece of James Dinwoody, one of the been associated. proprietors of the Arcade Chop House, have great difficulty with bummers who became frightened in her Bleep proba ' from New York, Sick. A diepalcli want to travel without pay. One man An Man Commits bly from a dream and jumped out of states that Hon. Horace was dated the second-stor- y window of one of the arrested yesterday, who, when Suicide. in houses Standish's F, Clark, President of the Union Pacific asked for his fare drew a revolver on row, in. the rear of ' ... A On wednestlay last nn insane man Boukofsky &Co.'s liquor store. The cir R. E., has been seriously ill since his re the conductor. He should have a ticket named Henry Hampton was taken to the cumstances, as related to us, are as fol turn from the West, from an attack of to the city insane asylum, where at about lors : The young girl had previously county jail. ; fever contracted during his late tour. Mr. John Booth, proprieter, and Mr twenty minutes past nine o'clock Thurs been suspected of having labored under he committed suicide by hang somnambulistic influence?, and had been H. N. Maguire, late editor of the Pioche day night himself, l esterday, coroner ueorg several times detected walking In her We understand that 1'eeord, were in Salt Salt Lake yester- ing Look int. Up. H. Taylor held nn inquest over the body sleep, but on this occasion, Mr. Din CELEBRATED woody asserts, she was in her senses, as perry and Pritchett intend to move their day. The former is now en. route for when the following whs elicited: Messrs George and Rudolph Peterson and lien she rushed from the room in which she valuable stock of wines and liquors to Pioche, the other for Montana. of the asy slept and dashed through the room oe Brooks, who have At a trotting race on Faust's ground ry testified that the charge Eingbam Kanyon shortly. Bingham is deceased had been cupied by Mr. Dinwoody and hie wife lum, looking up. A Doctor has already gone yesterday, the Salt Lake horse, "Honest very wild during the day, and seemed in screaming, "Oh, uncle, help me I and some-onwould kill him immediately jumped through the front AND there, and next Sunday it will have a Chnrley" badly beat the Corinne horse great fear that him watched window. Mr. Dinwoody, on realizing the had' closely, very They them Dr. will Tibbitts "Mountain 2.49: heat give parson. Sheep." First and had left the room but a few moments situation, which was more like a dream second heat 2.56. ; physic, Mr. Pierce will give them Methowhen Mr. Brooks returned and' found than a reality, sprang from his bed and A fellow named James Smith beat Hampton hnnging from the transom at once secured the services of a doctor dism, Mr. Pritchett will supply spirit7 " ' On his (the doctor's) arrival the young bar above the door, to which a sheet was ual consolation. Mr. Cooper across the shoulders with ' tied and toiiia neck.' He was immcdi lady was found to have sustained serious TSITltELTATEOETAELr.PItErAEATTON cane, on Main Street, yesterday, asking ately cut down and restoratives applied injuries about the limbs, body and head of wi R 0 OT S , composfid him how he liked it. He was to be up but life was extinct. It was a narrow escape from death, and HERBS ""I ttmply Lab ami k Excitement 'Abo b'kd coinUnel with othor FRUITS, Dr. Anderson made a post mortem ex almost a miracle, as a high picket fence and we which In their nature aro Catb&rtlc, From travelers we learii that considera-bl- e before Justice Clinton animation and found that ' death hail was immediately in front of the court Iropcrtle, XatritlouB, Dlurrtic, 'Alterative and he liked it. wonder how Apertnnt, interest and excitement prevail been caused by'strangulation.none of th into which she leaped. are pleased The whole 1 prewfvi-- lu a bones of the neck being broken. Th to learn that at a late hour last night she ever recent discoveries of extensive plaqnantity of spirit from the SCO ATI coroner's jury S. L Sprague, Henry B was resting easy, and no. serious conse C'AXE to From Saturday' t Daily of June 20th. cer gold mines about (he head waters of kcej thca In any climate, whlcb. Skiumore, and bamucl 11. bkidmore, re quences are apprehended. ?. L. Tribune the Lig Laramie lliver and its tributari Oxe Mobe. Another Stinger has arri. turned a verdict according to the above 20A tn.it. ' " ies. Experienced and reliable men ved. ' " facts. It is neither a bee nor a wasp, nor who have been : Henry Hampton, was a native of th prospecting in that re- a hornet, there is dangerous nothing of Man, and lately came to this Ter of gion lately, report the discovery about it, but it is as innocent aj it is ritory?' He worked in one of the Cotton forty or fifty miles of gulches, which beautiful, and submits to caresses, which wood mines for a short time, was taken they are satisfied will pay ten dollars sick, and about two weeks since was reare lavished upon it without stint. For moved to St. Mark's Hospital. The Bame lnirablfl Tonlod nm. V- $Parties are daily per day to the hand. MAIN i.STHEE T ,M 0 Cj DE N, oiioofthe mont further particulars see birth notice. ran became he worhl. ' Ihoy ftrb ItisaZcl insane, In the escaped, evening arriving at the mines, 'which are about and "'-fr the CANDIES AT 'it k streets, Ayas .i.v,J ni finally through strictly forty miles from Laramie. ? Dashed to Pieces. -- Last Monday, as caught and put in jail, an ' account of 1)CRE or Retail, 7er-alItUE.il, IMES, CAKEMH , Thomas Brown was on his way to Evan-sto- n which occurrence appeared in the ' d and lMSTIt it' V of F.Vf ry ltHrritl9a at the time. The insa'ne man got 0 and load two with a of cattle ' yoke DtooPED Stock. ' We are in receipt OKOCERIK3 Hnd Canned Oorxls. better, and was taken to a friend's 32tr ' of flour, pork, household goods, etc., he hoRsre,' where on Monday last he tried to ). lLSXlNUt:R,Prtjprietor., of the only to be ttacd m a tncdicl&e, and always following telegram from Omaha, ,: ,,, , Since himself with that Kancording to directlonii came in near Weber his life destroy poison. losing dated 19th inst., which will answer the . ' , worse time been until he has getting of the fochlp and On reaching the vicinity of Devil's Thf y ara the questions of some of our subscribers yon. he when' an Wednesday evening, 'put debilltatod. Ttiey M npw l dlneacea liver , en.f the cattle being thirsty, turned to end who are to' his sufferings in the tragic man looking for the arrival of the Gate, tlinulate to auch a degree tnat a hnalthy action. 1 "1 Saxes with their blooded stock: get a drink and struck right into the ner above described. S. L. Herald, 21f General Vrod a ce ir" U at once brought about. A a remedy to which, ' river. Mr. Brown had just time to jump The Saxe Brothers are expected to arrWomen arei especially niibjccf It hi npr- - '. A a Spring''" ive here Imwhole outfit the eilng every other stimuliiLL when out the of with another wagon, Excubsion Fuoii IioGAN Without a i ( hAve'bo eqnal. J Tonic Summer and they portation of .Durham stock, all pedia moment's was carried away by the, rapid current warning, yesterday morning, greed and bought of well known breedThey are a mild and genrtornrgafiva well as' 1 of about four hundred excursion' The party and the went down stream.' roaring ers. Tonic tliey aie them' with half-pas"They purify one t 1 eleven ists arrived here at Theylso bring on the to "dashed1 make the Wf all atrongi was hundred choice thorongh-brewagon pieces ' They Appetizer. splendid over was the 1, one No o'clock. at Spanish : ,.. depot ' 0.. It ij .Merino Sheep, and an assortment of boulders,' and the cattle torn to shreds. to bid them welcome, or to escort them and Headache. "They act ' domestic fow,'U fof sale at moderate The whole load was lost,'; also a coat around the city, but it was "because no Fifth Stftct, South SMo V. C II. It. pepsia, Consfipation ' as a epecifio In all pecieg or diBorrtcrs wuica; prices. They will stay three days in with some ' " i valuable papers. one knew anything at all about their and money utidcruilnc the bo'ally t trength and breol don jT i uiaha, one day each at North' Platte, . As soon as the train came to a coming. - iheauhnal epirfta. . Cheyenne, Laramie and Green lliver, Mr. Brown 'was' fortunate in being able stand-stil- l, however, the little fellows r a" ud ten , f days at Ogden, then proceed to to jump clear of the" wagon in' time to alighted, and immediately began t rocon-- 1 110x NewsYori.- i . i O. 24. 53 Park Place, Depot, " '"" California. n one from the ; city, rushing noitering , save himself. .' street to another, stopping at every can ):. and soda fountain, and gazing Tiik Glorious Fourth. We sco shop dy by DURHAM ! ! Misconception It must not be un- with wonder at all the fino sights which THOROUGH-BRE- D ' our exchanges that the celebration of derstood A sue only.' ' frpm a local item in yesterday's can be seen in cities of this " '' ' our National birthdny is likely to' cause Junction that Messrs. Perry & Pritch- fine brass band was along, and at" noon V; Kcd more fighting than fua in several places, ett intend to remove 'ff .7 their large stock the excursionits fell into line behind the 'Hun,and music paraded' the streets, being nvni tactions seeking to control affairs of wines and liquors to Bingham. What conducted by a couple of oar citizens. OE IIARIlISb!X'.?. n a day when all creeds, parties and would Ogden do,, under such circum- The procession1 drew up at' the Opera divisions should be y ignored and Ameri stances? . The proprietors of the P. D. House, where the children belonging' to PKIIIfJUKK an cuizens should unite to do honor wore drawn up in a line,' and, ' party to Store have too much AVIfO VOIl READY' THE THOSE U?E TS i)t regard for their led by' their, teacher,1 sung X i yiK8TCLAtS 8TOCK, glorious day. . t Jf to them reNo beautiful numerous several dry pongs. patrons leavey very We do not hear of It r'roifore th e CROWTH, PRFEItVrS ' any authorized cel- times. Mr. Per- freshments wero tendered 'them except TKKMN, these scorching during theCOLOn,ndInerfat!ll! Vlo V oration of the Fourth There something in the way of cool' beverages,eudUEAUTYof ibe KklR f inpgden. ' for to will remain drng9 compound At jO. lo FERRELL'?, . 5s ry i ' ,0 be a grand i which ware swallowed by them with the p !(" ' '" and Crtl at ball Cache picnic 'flit Farr'g the afflicted. Neither' must it be Logan, KiTErnnr TnraTT Ovr.n . Yab . Hfter at ', j j through avidity treinpin j .! greatest Grove, and there will th mrKt r ' fn HAIB lirnt wu FOrt Tint plawt be, doubtless, 'as Mr!. adto i: alluded the 3'. Tierce the hot and duuty streets. At'tr an ;. Toiw K. TbfmMLjori.(ftiiiuntel many other reel(. (Villej.',. Tim nmo it derived from. th jollifications.; We would re- going to Bingham Iq preach to sinners dress by our worthy Mayori welcomiug :KATimO,"ienifnn torlwi,.r'.A,rK popu., t excursion that ever' visispectfully suggest that a" r,r rrnr. Tu lavor it rciv8l, anlamthei'lrrrt W.. -l.' general holiday was any person in Ogden. We thought this, the first, from laH.V jl lin umuuiD ni.i. nnn,.f.ntunlAil e settleMormon the ted this city claimed on the. Fourth of, v.. i ii w mrnMMNI uir well too was July Rev.' Mr. Tierce's name daliKhtfvU drwing. li enustcJ HaIB. It i ments, and extending to thcra a cordial tD'U all Rrnr- s'.ores and business houses be It prstonU the Hair frotO tarninir Un(!rufT. , T ths liir a riea.l known to be. confounded with any other. invitation to return often, 4ha delighted it u'MM.i t hnjiead ool, nd 1U f in It i a 8ame clsed;. that the National color's be rlossy up.ttnce. wns filed out of the building, and to FLAGS! audience ' a made with was names of JJrs it tKATr,4 The connection yPAi-rr- , 1TJBV AOO, and l nolj fiy ail IJruvmtw an i .ujthe tune of "Tramp,: Tramp," marched wnerever practicable, and that TO ANY PART Haul FOUWAKDEI) no intentional disrespect td either party, try Storot at u !y fifty .... vui ver n slowly back to the cars, which were in ""yoocly have . the privilege of cele but STATES OF Tllli UNITED; stimand were soon and that flyphysic, gospel readiness for them, seeing nrntin .L iae afty i inr ,. .their own ' fashion. ulants were all going ; to(J Bingham, , it ing over the rails to Brigham City.' ' We omatfs Glcryii Her Hair.:- A their . the are woy,'tlwt coming told, by appeared to us that Bingham was mak was s litife known there m' 'here, and ; 2 , a Tmn Kat Temple1 St.,' " X" blazing sun, or sit in progress, that's all.'i had to been made popular ing no that preporations "'eu.gcomfort of a crowded and heated ILal Oorimf. lleportrr, 2&A lYuf, receive them ' X. of All U UtlHUS , with Mirth. sonmWng "Cities of this size' is tkh.' Logan ..7 wL- k lt arc a familiar as ,'"Novr I Mhih to Onlcr. ,: Mr wife of CorJ. could all and take the'lOth Ou has four wards, inst., to the Shaqy 1 , V, ' u me aown ta one them.: of of corcer a in inne sleep.' , SekL IL Stinger,, of this city; a daughter, rndayU Deasteaus, lonnges, organs, etc? call in.. If , S not Reecivod, ,' s FIRE flags; to-da- "WORKS, .." , ' . . WIIOSETONY? - ) ' to-da- fifty-cen- . . , : r or What? . ' y, Insane , ; ii a - . TO NIG e APPETIZER ..... , to-da- te Bttfll-cic- Anti-Dillo- ..... " LOXDOS? I.-l-e nt i iLAWmiOE'-- BAKERY FITTERS CONFECTIONERY, Ih.-trtlr- n . HOME-MAD- E ! 5 . '' Tciiipcrancc Siltci t. : , . , .. 1 1 . sheet-anch- . 'cwijiissiof iEiiciim v' Shipping- a Specialty ' d - a-- -- - - A , ociii:x I "' .' UTAH. . Ii2-t- , ; iy? Dnrliam The 1'urc. 3 " '- i PKItrrXT! -- 1 . $3.00 FOR TIIK - 224-l- at ... , af -- ! tv'i ,t flags! ? "." a-- ' under-stood'th- mmm NATIONAL Vnv-etna- . ( - ,1)1 , or - . ..,, 1111 LlJllS ""r , , " " . v mJ ;;;;,. ; . . ;;T ) Salt ... B.H1 City, ;T. ;:.:f.;y.om?s |