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Show to be held alternately at Cincinati-a- d Detroit, the first in Cincinnati. A4th DistrictIllinois, Missouri, Minnesota, Iowa, Kansan, Nebraska, Nevada California end Oregon, '.also, all Territories except New Meiico and the District cf Columbia; examination to be held in St. Loui. 6th District South Carolina, Georgia, Florida Alabama, Misissippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Tennessee, together with the Territory of New Meiico; enminntions to bet held alternately at .Savannah and Memphis, Savannah first. Detroit, 21. The eity of Eat Saginaw is in great danger of fire which caught in the saw dust, a large quantity of. which bad been uced to fill up the bayous. Bay City and Winona have been telegraphed to for assistance, and fire engines are going forward by special trains. A high wiud prevails, rendering tho danger imminent. The Canada and Chicago R. R. bridge over the American channel at Trenton is completed. New York, 23. A terrible explosion occurred at 12 30 at the store of Harsh Bros., p.m. dealers in arms unA ammunition. It appears that Nathan Harsh, of the firm, with a lnnu named Cbas. Leonard, were engaged in breaking up old metallic cartridges, when the explosion occurred. The explosion was of such a force that Forrect and Griffith Harsh were blown out of the front window into the street. The skylights were blown off, the walls tracked aud the building was otherwise considerably injured. It is authoritive-l- y stated over 2,000 cartridges exploded. The injured men were taken to the Station House. Griffith Harsh aud Chas. Leonard are believed to be fatally in jured, while others received serious burns. II Y TELEGRAPH. Filial to the Oopi Jcsenox by the Atlantic and 1'aclflc Telegraph Company. and Cholera in the East! Rumored Appointment for Chief Justice! Sun-Strok- e in Several Big Fires .Places! AMERICAN'. Cincinnati. 21. by ebolera are reported, large increase report Thrcp death physicians of iliarrheii dise aiei. NssbTille, Tenn.. 21. number of interment to day The were eighty-onnearly all cholera Ati i ttl case. - e, . New York, 21. of There were fire ca none fatal. The highest point retched by the thermometer, was 91 The weather at night is rery eo&l mt'l breezy. TodsTille. ra., 21. A large fire occurred here this p. ., commencing in the turning hop of Chita. Mitrtyn, on Lawrel street. A number iif adjacent frame houses were destroyed, i tie flames coramuoicisteti to a raluable buaine.is block, but in time were Loss $500,000, Insurance iun-stro- ke to-da- y n. extin-flush- to-da- ed. n. y . Pa&tiie, 21. The Asiatic chelera appeared in thi t i'y, causing great alarm. The uttot prevails. The health authorities are trying to prercnt its preading. I'attcr.-o- n N. J., 23. Cincinnati, 0., 21. A fire broke out at 11 o'clock in the One case of cholera is reported in this ca lined by imprudence la Passaaic Livery Stable. It was tho city work ou the of of The Aqua an the attack' part incendiary. pertj&D eating, Creek House was burned to the ground: ei itli the disease. it was a very large and well furnished Baltimore, Mi., 21. The MooDt Vernon cotton mill near bouse. Two men it is supposed perished Woodbury, two miles from here, was de- in the flames. PottsviUe, rk., 23. stroyed by fire early this morning.' Lose The great , fir at Gilberton, which (XX); insured $185,000. 0, Georgetown, D. C, 21. originated in the forests along the line f the Philadelphia & Reading K. II., Wilson, the colored man, conticted at ihe April term of the Court for commit-i.u- ii has been in progress some days, derape, was hanged here stroying a vast amount of limber on the to-ila- , . j-0- to-da- y. arpenter, who is in the Dover jail, Laving been convicted on a similar nime, will be hanged Friday next. Cleveland, 0., 21. The National Association of Pig Iron manufacturers, met in this city pmctiU j. The most important business hefore the meeting was debates and resolutions. The former were of a conn-- . Unlial nature. The resolutions which were carried, are as follows : Resolved that it is the sense of this meeting that she currency now in ciiculation, is to the requirements of general tMineis, and we surest us & permanent i fine ly the euadmeut of n free banking Ihw, aud meanwhile until such law can l? enacted it would in our judgment le expedient for tb Secretary of the Tie.-ur- y to 41,000,01)0 legal tender reserve. Resolved ih;U k is the M'iite of this mcetiug that in the yreaenl coun-rlondition of the Irou Inula it is desirable that the production of f lie metal should be curtailed so far as until a more- favourable nutrket cMublished; that a cojy of ibi resolution be eut to each, member vf the as After the traMaotiou of a routine , &f btwinesd, the in. Pittsburg, udjourned ii'eeiing .a November next. 1 inad-iuat- e e in-thi- s fible, y, - ecn-i.lrrft- rittabur, e . . , db-cus-i- on believed to hare left the oity. lunts, Hi liabilities will amount to $00,000 be)u 1 his assets. His father died a few ago kaving him a banking capital ui $70,000. Washington, 21. Secretary Ifelano. is 'now confident i;', hi there wiTl be no aerioiw outbreak uunng the suioracr month utor..g the Julian, that that country w'lU eecpo a Indian war. There arr fvwor t vubles than usual with the IuJinus at t iiist time of the year. i'hc President will return to Long Vmc!i aud a Cabinet meeting be held early in July. General ivitock remains here fora lew days to Ink after Executive business. V statement is made in quarter exceedingly well informed, that the I'rrsideut had determined to confer the iVO:titrucut of Chief Justice on Ei-Aiitrney Ceaerai Hoar. U a Cabinet meeting tlw new Civil Smica llu'.cs, together with the rof.)rt of the Adviisory Poard, were did. u ftned aiid .'adopted. The Utiles for boLlmg laminations iu tlte neverHl t'utts and Territories, and .'or tliis purpoM? tkey ara grouped into : divi.tionH, designated. CitU Service !"ati iets, us follows S .; Distriet Maine,. Sew Uampjhirc, Connecticut, ilboJe Island and New Yrak, cxamina-roto be held brternatuly M t the r of New York and Loston; th first in New York. d Uiatrict--NeJersey," I'lawart, Muryland, North L'arubV sit Virginia, West Virginia and litriet i C&luubia; examinations to be held in ' " ' ' V aiiingtoa. -Isi District Ohio, Michigan. Indians', isctUfio, and Kcatuckv; examinations -. yr . , y L to-d- pro-vi,;- lt Vet-Jio- nt. v to-da- " a, Dealers in , " to-d- ay . . Congp-tiooud CHr Inrtanimiitionii Lungs, Stomach, Uowel. or otlwr in fioin one glanils or organs, by one application, exto twenty minuton, n matter how violent or cruciating tho pain; the Rheumatic, or luflnn, Crippled, Nervoiu, Neuralgic, prestrated with di.eae may miffer n, allav wbethrof the CHAIRS, TABtES, Will allord instant ease. Inflammation of the Kidney. Inflammation of the Bladder, Inflammation of the Bowel. of the Liing. Sore Throat, Difficult Bri'uthing. Palpitation of the Heart. HyMern, Croup, Diptheria. Catarrh, I uflueM. Headache, OJd Toothache. Neuralgia, Bhcwnatiaiu. Chillri, Ague Chilli. the to The appllrntioD of the READY RELIEF part or parts whpre the pain or difficulty exuita will afford eut and comViM t. Twenty drops in half a tumMerof voter willln a few moments cure Crnip, Bpaims, Sour Stomach, Heartburn. Kick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowelu, aud all Intorunl Faius. Tratelere honld alwayi carry a bottle of RADWAY'S KKADY BELIE' with them. A few drop or pains from on water will prevent ichne ihanjre of water. It in better than i'rench Brandy cr Bittern an a stimulant. FEVi:it AM) AGUE rorea for fifty oonta. There is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Miilariou, Biliou. Typhoid, Yellow and other Feveri (aided by lladway s Pills) so quick as RADWAY'S KBADY KtLIlX fifty cents per bom. Sou by DruggiiiU. n 100 JUST RECEIVED, and other Good in JDOZ. I'lcade give ns a call before purchasing elsewhere. ITISIC STORE, Dr. EADWAY'S ISareaparilliun Kcsolycnt Main Street, Has mads the moat aitonUhing cures, so quick, so rapid are the change the body undergo, under the I n H item-- of this truly wonderful Medicine.that fcVERY DAY AN 1NCKEASK IN PLESU AND YKK'.HT IS SKKN AND PELT. . . Ogden. e THE CHEAPEST COAL AND LIME PIKIFIER. Kvery drop of the SAitSAPARILLIAN RKSOL-YKN- T ccimmuuirates through the Blood, Sweat, Urino aud other fluids aud Juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the aaste of the body with new and round material. Scrofula, Syphilid Consumption, Glandular disease, Ulcers ia the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Node in the U lands and other part.' ot the nyMeni, Sore Eye, Strum-on- s Discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, ScaKl Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne; liltK'k Spots, worms in the Flush, Toinors, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges, Night Sweats, Lees uf frperm, and all of the liie priuciple, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern CbsmUtry, and a few days use will prose to any person using it for either of thee forms f duwaue ks potent power to cure tUem. If the pariewt, dally becoming redmed by tlx waste mn4 decomposition thai is Continually succoeds In arresting the wastes, and repairs Uie same with now material mal from, btsithy blood ond this the 8ARSAFAXILLIAN will and secure. Nvt swly den thw Sarswparilllan RtwoLreBt ea-re-l ill kaown remcsial agesrfs in the cure of Clira-niScrofulotri. Coustitutlunal and Skin diseai-es- . hat it is IU only positive sure for ODN KY and BLADDER COMPLAIN I S, Urinary aud Womb diseases, Uravcl, DiobcUis, Dropny, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence- ef Crine, Bright's Disease, Albuminurias and in all cases 'where there are brickdust or the water is thick, cloudy, mixod with substauce like th whits of an egK, or threads like white silk; or there i a morbid, dedark, bilious appearanc, and white bcue-dnu posits, aud when there is a prickjng, buraing when pasHing water, and fun la tlss small ' the back of and alou; the loins. friur, $1 IHJ WORMS. The only Iimvi oad ssjre Remedy for Worms Pin, Tae, etc. In the Market, always ! Land. on' . Ro-lie- f; ALL KINDS WlllIITS! ... MUSICAL OF Prow .... a i a Churob Organ, ai Cheap, or Jewsharp-t- and otlifir Fittings. Violin Strings SHEET MUSIC, ETC. ETC. One door South of Osrden House. B27.it n ! ; The "Victor" Sewing Machine! ' i 'VO- Xeetfle need no Mettius, .Makes no notae, A . ,. ' ; . A - J.i, .i ; child can work it. Xo',S no .springs. ;" ; ; , all attachiaenU. Takes the First Prize at cverjr Fair. ;. tjset . THE LADIES .NEVER BUV ANY OTIIEK AFTEll SKEINO The Victor yub-U- PILLS, witii swoc' Per.Octly Usteles, elegantly coaUtd gum, purge, Tegutsfe, purify, cK'unse aud strengthen. Kudwujf's Pills, lor the cure of all disorders of Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladdr, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Costive-nesDytpepsia, Biliousnpss, Bilious FeTer, lnaamaintiou ft the Bowels, Piles, and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera, Warranted to effect a positive cnre Purely vcgotable, no mercury, minertisar deleterious di ngs. n Olori-- tho foUowvag evuiptnins resulting frsm DUorders of tho Di6ettive'0ij,Tius Constipa-tlou- , Inward Pilos, Fallnsss of the Blood in Uie Aoiauy oi me irmen. Nausea, Heartburn, Dwgiwt of Food, Fulluemi or Wcieht iu the tom. acn. Sour Kmctations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swiiniuini of the Hejul UhmI.J ....I 1iiiin nn ...L! . ..." i itH niiu iireninn, siutterlng at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Senation wuen iu ' Shuttle needs no laeiaag;'; HANNAH P. KNAPP. PURGATIVE ,. Cheaper than anywhere else in Utah.' RADWAY'S RpnDR PERFtCT s. dl-3- m AND r to-da- The following naraei Elders' re requested to fill the appointments as hen-iindicated for Sunday, June 29th. ' Coal & Lime Office Blood n Rtferersea ia Ogde, Mri. te M. Bwrirg, DrewmnkeB.. ' o ldigiou, ' ' Tabernacle Lerin Farr. Slalcrville F. D. Vtichards, Walter Thiascn and Phtnehas- Rkaarda. and Thetnci Lynne F.' S. Richards, ' 6 Hallirce. Marn'otlsvilTe F. J. Rlchardsr', Wat. ter Thomson, Phineuaa Ricbaid, F. 8. ..I Richards and Thomas Wallace. Webs before the Sighf, Fever and Dull Pain ia tar North Ogdcn David ' II. foerj and Head, Dtfleioncy of J.ispiratiivi, Yellowrows el ann wis sain eyes, ram in the Snle, Chest, Limil, Mid suddeu Flushes ofHmiL Bnruinir in Charles W. Penrose. tl. A few does of Pills will free the syv West Weber F. A, Hammond, Jos- tern from all lhaRadway's aboveHwmMl dieorders, Price - ceni par tox. sjiu by Dmgelsu. eph Stanford and Moroui Brown."' n Is and .True." Sead one letKf.Ai) to Radway A ,Co, No. BT aMden EdcuLavid ' M. Stuart and Joseph A. ter stamp"I ; Ijine, New York. Information worth tbusnrU wilt h WeEt:" seut you. sSi-l, Htttilsville Rio hard Rallantyne, Ed- Th werld is full of tvi Stratford and Austin C. Brown. ' Cluldren crying for ' Harrisville--FiliaonEllsworth and , Charles C. Brov. . Candied Castor ' East Farr and Oil. delicious. ' '";'''-';,--It) ' ' Ephrnim Crawnhaw. ' an liarmloe.: The , .'i r , plllmve. tut and htu4t It is understood that Elders Ltecjo of the CtiMorOil is e D Young and R. F. Neslen will titrly otarcons.i 'Its preach nrsssimln cathartic rViVAna ftr at Hooper oa Sunday next. !" nts. i.wtuitiMunMl,., rncs 'A ,.. e - CHAS. W. STAYNEll, General Agent, - Salt Lake City. 5 Main Street, " d3G 889-a- '; lt ' ', ' m-ao- s , ... I ; 1 ClUim projtortion. Increase of Plech aud WeiEht Clear Skin and BeauWW Con pkexkiu eeoirtd to all. Itl-OO- ' Cupboards and Bookcases lade to Order Cabiuet Work and Iteuairiiie Tlai Wood Turning in all its Branches. , 7 Health! Beauty! Stronpand Pure Rich V IsOUES. WASH STANDS sSpring a.d Hair 55 at trasses. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF I 3SIionsirj ApiK)lnlmet!. w' Imported Furniture of all Kinds, MAIiST STEEET, OGBEK. Pain Komody Tli Only That imtantlv toi th most excruciating pains, THE UKEXV B s M'lTlf PAIN; KKALY BELIEF 13 A CTRE FOR EVKUV PAIS. It wa th flnst aut i sen-iilio- 1 ,. achines ewsn , - y WE If TlfS: AGENCY yOR, AND ARE .SKUXXG ON FAVORABLY Terras tltejuatiy ctltbratcd ' II AVE ' ' ' - .i ' .n; l i "i . ... . ,t .'. ... Singer SwissK .v - ! iaMaoSiiiae, AT THE CENTRAL DEPOT, Vi' . ji Weber-YYfnsle- t .yon , ' (Tm-- A , NotwitLvstandiDg - r- ' And at our STORES-1- McLaiu's VeriuiTuge lonborw ui r?nn-ylvA-:i.- Mi' I' Kit '"v V-''4- - S'itmjl McLcoo, the banker charged wiib false pretenses in selling New York, t'xehange on banks whero ho had no ac-- t to-da- RADWAfS : ' any after readtni? this adv it if yon choose. 21. r In from One to Twenty Minute. HOUR on NOT ONE rtiwment nwd south sitie of the Rear Ridge. the fire struck with a terrific shoot over the MaUoney mountain, and fell on Gilhouses beberton, destroying twenty-livlonging to the Hickory Coal Company, and turning more than thirty, families V out without shelter ,( ,( Washington, D. C, 22. ,r It is rumored here thia morning ikat our Spanish relations were uuder in the Cabiuet meeting of Saturand that there were strong views day, expressed in favor of the struggle for Cuba. dyoit, Nashville, N, II., 23. t Mies Ella F. Woed. who was hot a week ago died by Henry Jewett, ' , trout her wounds ,, , Brownsville, Texan, 23. Maurie Portugal, a uted Mexican desperado, formerly Ctief ol Police of Tumor r 12 Years' Growth Cured Itewul vent. by RndnayN Hatamoras, was arrested here Br.VLtv, Mass.( July 18, 1869. and remanded to Mexico, under the exDs. Rapwat:I have had Otarian Tumor in the tradition treaty, on the charge of haviug ovarios and bewels. All the doctors said ''the ro as no help for it." I tried everything that was killed theChief of Police of. Matamoras, recommended; but nothing Vcled mo. 1 saw your wta succeeded Portugal, and boverul Kiwolvent and thought I would try it; Mt had no in it, btcauso I had suffered for twelve yearw. policemen during the revolution of last faith I took six bottlos of the and one bos of year. Portugal at tho bead of a small Radway's Pills, and two Rpsolvent, bottles of your Rsudy sacked Mexranches is and at a not there of tumor to I Mem or Bagdad, party, sign frit, and I feci better, smarter, and Isippiir than I ico, and killed ' several citiitnsj and have tor twelve The ut the time was engaged in cattle stealing the loft side of theyears. overworst tumos w,m in the groin. I write bowels, and plundering along the frontier, , this to you for thebeneat of othem. Yocan To-da- y . RREAof" RELIEF I BAbWAY' the fact that lb rocetit tornado iu Iowa blew "the fautlicrs off from poultry, we" have Ucar a single instance of a vro-u) s loistD-- fcer fals& hair. '; ' ' f In 1XG ASP nnd OGDEN. Are elegant and ffectir. They reemul Crvara Bonbons kept ia confectioners' shops. Ckijdren tovs them and try for them. Prioo'tf its. p box. And nil For Sale by Z. other druggist. '' V. 31.1. ' "' 0 5i. Jurchitsers id thexi,rtk ' a UZX I pqyRiNc,;osJen.'s;;;.',;i;; r fi T :;. ,'.!.: 1 to!?' ii ' tke SUrV of '.V ; m ! A Wien is a jKHkruU a eowple its pared but not matted. Wber Take Notice. large stock of Oih ' Turps, Paints. Tar- nans Brcnes, , and a splendid k of White A la.t, just arrived at DrUur . . .. Neltis', City Drug 8tor.tWv . FuU supplied. !?,of Cotton; Silk, STeedlcs ni Attachments can m |