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Show f f f ' ' , A f i?' .,y t' , jr M ' I t ti.rf v T sis? m ry e. mr a w jwii jz y .... . 'J- ... .... ': - f , i r ;f ; r ri , j PUBLISHED J A . 4 .'. BY TELEGRAPH. ' 0"lcnAXB Post.OHIcc: CLOSING OF MAILS. Special ARKITAL lrtSh W 4i ' Lik City, donl.le rtiiily SL TIironjIU Mail daily 8.10 - , r jii. fi.40 T.1D - d:uiy Mall ! (U0 a.m. 7.00 a.m. For til ...ii vin Vvnnafnn. 6.i N) p.m. AV'vuru - 2 p.m. and SatiirdH.?, at Tl.uisd.iy c.,uuty, wSliio-la- vs and Tue-d-i- Clt.he anl Thursday! Count)", Tuef'laj-- IV W, Mvndavs v!!?th Wa.hW ffuiitsviUe, days I liiin LTD!"). ' . , aul r 0n luor 8 . fwiu-etujii- Trains - P. train arrives,, i " it.---' P p C. a'p.'ir leaves'. 1 7.40 am., 5.40 p.m. r fp,m-a.m. p. ; -- - 7.50 a.m. - - -- L'1 ' 5.45 p.mv 8.40 afftl.' " -- " k , i t J Kcligious Serriocsa.tu Ercry Sunday, in the'fal'ernaoU, at ' and 11 Solwolbousa Kai luy'a Soliooir Wd School-houn- e 7 at 5 p.m. , Episcopal Cliurch at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Me tliodiKt Church at 11 a.in. and p.m. 7.30 p.m. Spiritualist Lecture (Child Hall), at in fte Sscond Ward fcuue and Third Ogdcn City Library John (J. Chambers' News Depot. At pen , jeryday,,Jfuiulay excepted. I whitehead, g: FOURTH STREET, OGDE3T, from Z. C, M. I.t GENERAL DEALER fowr Doors A SHOES,. ITItKlt niMl ' ' SHOE FIXDIXGS, At the Lowest Prices. "Produce BOOTS JA Taken. cash"paid' for ES. I-Iip- : NEATLY EXECUTED. KEPAIIIS y JNO.V-FARWELL&CO., WHOLESALE NOTION'S, il'ooleiis.t Largest Stock AVest Monroe aud Franklin i. of New York. Sts., CHICAGO 61-l- the Rio 4, Grande. r y J.S.LEWIS, AND WATCHMAKER V; JEWELER, JWlcr in Watchns, Clixkn. Jewelry, Silver aud l'liod Ware, MAIN STKEKT. OODKN. Kepairiug ueatly done and all work, warranted. 11-l- y REMOVED. r , 1 YOU WANT TH0MP0SIAX A D0CT0TI OR Thonisoiiion Mtxl;cim, CALL ON DR. MURPHYi POST OFFICE, MAIN CHi wxci.t.vtiox Fee, 0 vVk ST- DEN. - sl45m ttOCi r ''"y- - Agents trail teiL' All . cCU classes of workin people, trt LU i old, make more """gwr tl,eir "Pro moment, ", money at or all the l'artioular else, anything free, Ad-- " Stmwn & Co., Portland, Main. gSo.ly !r J'" V.'r u- - GEO. W. TURNER, ru rii stkekt, ogikx, . , Fruit, Vegetables, Terrible Railroad Acci-fdent in Missouri. f -- TO -- ' arlety- Obstacles to 'f fwr Y- ln - r,T ?"na, at"1 ?trandTLnlNew - romiSta Men f of ManU.wd restored. ved. New metlio,i remarkable remedied Whit lfflII..ASf0ClATl0NNo. 2 South hih WutSiri,ph,r- Va" 80 VtimtM.B having - - wlwhal ikU , U ll.U: Ulail Great Fire at Burlington Iowa. Mc-Man- night, j , U0U("llt, conduct and .' i,t. House authorities u. The Custom yesterday seized seven cases of fine Mexican shawls,: valued at $0,000, which had originally been imported from Huddcrs-fielKngland,",and five other, cases whica had. been Bent to Mexico, where, after remaining a short period, they were reshipped to this port and frauduOn examination lently undervalued. and appraiement the fact was revealed that the cases w erg undervalued to the extent of one thousand per teat.. The name of the firm, whicft is said to be one of the heaviest shawl' importing houses in the city, is withheld by the authorid, ' Canandalgua, N Y., 19. I J.Thisj affemociii; Judge SelJeti made a motion in the case of Miss Anthony for a Bef JrjaU upon 'the fround'of .raisdireo' lion by the judge in ordering a verdist of guilty without submitting the cawe to the jury. The court in a brief review of the argument of the counsel, denied the motion. t Tue dUtridt'fittorney immediately movedlhat ther" judgftieut of lle court be prnouncd upon the defendant. The court inquired of Miss Anthony if 8Ue had anything to eay why sentence should not be pronounced. Miss Anthony answered that she had a great many things to say and declared that in her trial every principle of justice had been violated, flint every right had been denied, that she had had no trial by her peers, that the court and jurors were her political enemies and not her peers, and announced her determination to continue her labors until equality was obtained, and was proceeding to discuss questions involvedin the case, when she was interrupted by the court, with the remark that these questions could not Miss Anthony replied be reviewed. t hat she wished it fully understood that she asked no clemency from tW court, that she desired and demanded the full rigor of the law. Judge Hunt then said: The judgment of the court is that you pay a fine of $100 and costs of the prosecution," and immediately added, "there is an order that you stand committed until the fine is paid, and so the trial ended. Washington, 19. The Postmaster General signed additional articles to the preseut postal treaty with Canada, 'providing for the interchange of postal cards of the United States and the dominion, at a prepaid rate of two cents in full to its destination in either country; prepayment to be effected by affixing to the card an ordinary one cent postage stamp. A correspondence-' has bees ia progress with for some time the Canadian authorities on the eubject.- and it is known that these additional articles will be promptly signed on the part of the Canadian authorities, and will go into effect, July ! ' ties. ' a curbstone broker, Wm. i5, - 1873 YOL. IV. be disposed of under' the provision of section 11 to 15 inclusive of the act of July 18th,180O. Collectors of Custom's are hereby instructed, when reporting such cases to 'he District Attorneys, to report, also,' the action that may have been taken by themselves in the settlement of the cases in question under ,the acts nbovc mention! ' ' 'Wm. A. RiniATtDsoxr, ' - (Signed,) ' Secretary, of the Treasury. ... to-d- ay An African Ucucral. v t h The Zulus, who' live north of Nafn', are paramount among the tribes of South Africa, and they gained this through the commanding cnerg-and ability of one man, Chaka, who, had he beeu a European, would surely huv been called. "tho Great," but being only an African barbarian, is simply surnam-e- d I": Bloody." Previous to hisreipn invited to that part of the circular ivhich bis "people were first among their brethrefers to seciions 11 to 13 of the act of ren. They occupied a tract of land' of more than ten or twelve sqare miles July 18th, lSflfi, relating to the seizure not and disposal of proverty under the value in extent. Chaka was a son of the Chief of five hundred dollars; ' and to section of this little community. Front' somo five of the act of March 5d, 1803, pro- peculiar circumstances attending' upon viding for the release of Collectors of his birth, he was 'regarded by the people Customs, with the eauctiou'ot the Treas- &t the possessor ot superhuman gift'-- . Probably his mother, in her ambiiiJn ury Department of all goods not exceed- for Ltr child, suborned the medicine men in value one thousand dollars in ing to fabricate a lying Wonder on' his those cases, when penalties have been But ias he grew in years he did incurred under the pustom law, and voTtho expectations' that luntarily payment has been made, no not disappoint ware on him. He was tall formd thus; legal proceeding should be instituted, unless in pursuance of a request by the in stature, great in strength, nod, in all deed of daring and energy, he . Treasury Department. outstrip: " " , ped those of his own are. ' The repiiH-tif- n "Aery.iiesptictfuliy, which these qualities obtained for ' Gi:o. li. Win.tAMS, . ; him excited the jealousy of his ; ' ! ' General.' father, ' ' ' "Attorney ' and Chaka, to save his life, fled to tho .' Quebec, Ont.,l20.' The twrj hundredth anniversary of the Amatelwe,' a nsighboring tribe, whose Chief gave him protection. 'With thee d discovery 'of the Mississipki was last night by a musical soiree ut people he remained until be'was thirty years of age, when his father died, an 1 tlie Lavar Universlt v. by which time be was distinguished Hartford. Conn.; '2fV :;" " above all men as tho possessor of ' The Senate to day passe l1' the, gifts 'usury law, fixing the rates oT interest at1 7 tier that are in high esteem with the Zulus. ' By the aid ot some of the Ametetwe he cent." '!3 ' made ' himself Chief'of his ''own ,7,.!i,-;Tiul 'Dc'iroiCiO." people; ' The 'villagef Marsaille was totally arid the first" act that signalized 1h reign was the putting to Heath of Vir destroyed by fire last night. whom he pospected of bein' hostile' ' .T " ' 20.' Omaha. (o ' A delegation of fifteen farmers ' from Limsalf. This was sangujnary, but from his point of view no w'orso, and fully ai England passed through here' Monday. came to Nebraska to select lands necessary) as1 the eunjr d'ttat by vvSiicb They wore civilized potentates' have obtuincl "" for one hundred families.' J, Edgar Thompson, President of the the supreme power. His next exploit was to make war upon and subdue the Pennsyivana R. R.,' 'accompanied ' by n tribe that had protected him when he party of prominent 'geutlemen, arrived was an exile; Thin ' was ungrateful, but hre on Tuesday from the East in ft men of ambition nearer home hate gveat car and left this morning for special ' Contemplated ingratitude ns great. Then California. ho abolished the old laws and enacied ,. Washington, 20." The monthly report of the special the by which, as Chief, ho was invested with absolute of the at personal auagent Treasury Deportment Kl Paso, Texas, reports a large number thority, and, as in'moro enlightened of cattle stealing depredations. One lands, the entire nation was made subraid on the 15th of May, when 300 head servient to the production ond'mainten-anc- e of an army. Then he introduced a of cattle were stolen, was made not by Mexican citizens altogether, but by Mex. new system of warfare. 11c marshaled icans on the American side of the Rio his troops into regiments, which were Grande, who stampeded the cattle and formed into three divisions, a portion of were probably originators of the scheme. each being incorporated with every forco There was a meeting of members of the that took tho field. Instead of the ordicabinet at the White house, bat nary bush fighting he made his men fijht no regular session regular business was at close quarters; and for the slondfv that was thrown at a distance ' omy transacted Utah affairs were con- javelin he substituted a stabbing eriear of etoufc'i' was but action sidered, postponed 'until materials, the loss of which was punish- -' the next meeting. ' ed with death. ' For defensive purposr-' Pitlsburgh, 20.' he gave to each man a large shield made An express train arrived in this city at twelve o'clock last night, filled with of buffalo hide." His discipline wa seChinese strikers from Beaver Falls. vere. His soldiers bad no alterualiva but to or die,: for retreat, even They were tinder ihe charge of Chow when conquer thereto by superior cornpelle-who headed lot the came first that Hung, to Beaver Falls, they were also accom- numbers, wns visfted by him with death. eucn a punishment was rarely nec panied by Wha Ly who headed the third Iut for Chaka tfas a constimaf e Genimportation, they are on the way to Cin- essary;had the art of inspiring LU and eral, cinnati, and tlicnoe to New Orleans. ' Chow Hung and Yah Ly say that the followers with an irresistible spirit. He made war all around him.. upon trouble was caused by Ah Soy who was their Treasurer withholding fiomsix to and tribe after tribe Was conquered, until he had Jbeen' proclaimed victorious eight dollars per month from each Chi- from the5 ' Map'ota to' the Umzimvubu. namen. i satisfied his warlike ainbi- thus Having; Springfield, Mass., 20. , Tlie Carew, paper mill at South Had.-le- lion, he directed his, energies to the conwas almost totally destroyed by fire solidation of hts empire. And fn the do" ing of this he seemed to haye earned hi? this morning. teriibie surname as1 much by the merci-- ' St. Louis, 20. less exercise of his despotic power upon " While a train with two engines and those who had become "his people as 'of the Missouri, Kan-a- s Texas railroad, and a train with one en by his warfare upon his enemies. Ai he grew old his natural force abated, his gine of the St. Louis, Kansas City and servants conspired against him, and he .Northwestern railroad were running as one train en the Hannibal and St. Jo was murdered on the 23d of September, 1828 Many rejoiced at his death, but seph road, a few miles from Kansas City the Zulus cherish the memory of his ' on Saturday last, they came in contact ' with a train running west, and four lo- greatness, swear by the terror of his their comotives were destroyed, several stock name,' and have made his cars were smashed and nil the engineer national authem. And, judging by the were more or less injured, and it is standard of his possibilities, he was ' worthy of thU honor. Out of a number thought ono of them will die. The loss of petty and conflicting kingdoms he' of and destruction the the engines by made an empire which did not disappear cars is estimated abont $75,000. his at death. Out of an' undisciplined 20. Burlington, Iowa, A fire "brdke out iu Palmer's Opera rabble he organized nn araiy of 100.000 House at 3 a. m. and rapidly extended men, w hich have been found to be irrein all directions The won prominent sistible by every native' force against are the Opera House, which it has been hurled." And the indestroyed buildings Court House, three livery stables, a car- fluence of his life has expended far the boundaries of his own dominriage factory, the MsCutcheon House, ions. Comhill J Magatine. Scandinavian House, and a number of dwellings, besides a lumber yerd, a wood yard, and a number of other buildings. A handsomse silver is pre't-r.d-nenc- A - f pi t ' I he-hal- f.f r - i r cele-b-ate- ! i ; is-- t i: M i I h : . - . , Code-Chak- " a, to-dn- y - 5 . y to-da- y. i , - , y, . ; it t i' - , l . " i . . war-son- be-yo- nd tea-servi- offered as a prize for the ugliest woman at an Indiana couuty fair, but, strange to, say, there js no competi- tion for it. itj -- "j---; . .'-- i !'. ' '- I . '' ' ' ! 1 iff " - Lambert, while attempting to was arrested negotiate some bonds which were stolen on the fifth of April last from the bank-in- g house of V. H. Ketchum, in Toledo, Ohio. One of the bonds found in his possession M as identified as one of those The prisoner stolen .from Ketchum. waived examination. A special from Bismarck, .Dacotah, says the party of engineers to survey the Northern Pacific B. R., and for whose protection a strong force of troops were provided, left Fort Abraham Lincoln at six o'clock Tuesday a.m. last, to commence their labors. They were accompanied by two companies of infant, ry and a company of cavalry and twenty-ered scouts, all under the com. ight mand of Gen. Rosser. When about half a mile from the post, Sioux 'Indians, 'to the number of 150. appeared and attack-e- d the party. A fight ensued which lasted two hours," and resulted in the repulse pf the savages. There was no loss on the part of either the engineers er the military. Four Indians were killqd and two taken by the red scorns. After the fight the party proceeded, guarded by the troops. The trial of Wm. J. Sharkey, for the murder of llobt. S. Dunn, in the GenerAsal Sessions was continued sistant District Attorney Russell opened the case for the prosecution and detail, ed the circumstances of the murder of Jacob Phillips. The first witness called for the prosecution testified that he knew both Sharkey and lainn. Saw tbcru pn the day of tho murder. They drank, together and appeared to be friendly. He narrated the story of the shooting substantially the samo as has l2tk. , . been published. The case is already , Fort Wayne, Ind., 20. gtill in progress. two o'clock, yesterday before - ,,. Washington, 20, , Shortly The following important circulars to p. m. flames were seen issuing from the brick block on' the corner of Wayne and Collectors of Customs and U. S. District Cairo S'reets, occupied as a grocery, to- Attorneys, will be issued ' bacco and cigar store. Both buildings Treasury Department, were complely gutted. . In the grocery D. C, Washington, ' Btore were some kegs of- gunpowder ' June 17th, 1873. which of each weighing thirty pounds, .To the Collectors of Customs under exploded with great violence, throwing act of March 3d, 1873, amendatory the direotion. burning boards in every the fire act to prevent smuggling and for of a was at While the fire its, height, 18C0. broke out. in Joy street in a sash and other purposes! approved July 18, are of Customs Collectors The fireman required door factory, and by the time the had reached the factory it and two to report the 'facts and circumstances barns 'were completely enveloped in relating to any fine, penalty or forfeiture adincurred under the Revenue laws, to the flames, which spread rapidly to the District Attorney of the district to which scarthe to joining residences. Owing such fine, penalty or forfeiture was ind city of water great trouble was experien-Cea For curred, to avoid the institution of unin subduing the flames. 6f Southeast whole necessary legal proceedings, and the inportion time the Before the curring of the expenses incidental therethe city was threatened. If you would be puigent, be brief; was .under control, the sash to. All cases of penalties iettled by fire for it is with words as with sunbeams and "(jour 'factory,' several residences voluntary ptiymentby tha offender, erin exmnre they are condensed the deepn "not of the: seizure cases the property tf ' barns and houses were destroyed.! The : ,J . . which . in: burn. 00 are to value, "JCOO, Ihey of consisted stock, ceeding ,t 'consuls of the factory - uiffUNU A SPECIALTY. AtvMi', "M? -- . : New York, 20. There is a rumot" around , the police colored hy dquarters hat; twcnty-Sv- e citizens are to be appointed on the police force. ,The runror causes considerable excitement and "discussion. The idea is somewhat originul, as heretofore only white men have, been employed t do police duly. VT-At an eatly hour this morning Michael Keowan, who was stabbed by John on Monday morning, was reported dying at the Bellevuo hospital, and it was thought he could not live till to " GAltDEN SEEDS - in Every ,.7.;: 'A Train of Belligerent to-da- TF her breast.. V; 0.80 p.m. - and t 1 1 - .- train arrives aii'l i - . - vesUHri " " p p. t ti I,; (ia J0SEV11 HALL, Pupitniaster. Outside U. C. ' DEPARTMENT 3 p.m. Open l'i""it 9 a.w-t- o M0NKV 0FF1CK DBPAKTMKMT. from W aim. I 3 jmi. , Execution of a Murderer! ill More Trouble on i rivs Anthony! Fires in Indiana,!.... Li p.ll. j J.W(J . to-d- ay Custom House Frauds! ' a .10 n in fiitunjH.ATI . , Colored Police for; New i r .30a.ru. Uwrville una ,Uv, ... fj.00 p.nu fcttt'11-- "- ." t.ii.o....U, , s V.'ediKV-da- J SiTeraHe, ,lJ . valuatle machinery, etc., and was completely destroyed. , Sarnia, Canada, 20. to the Ogden JuxctiOH by the Atlauticand Mrs.. Workman, who, it may be re. Pacific Telegraph Company. raembered, was tried and convicted at the last assizes for the death of her husband last winter, suffered the ex' treme penalty ef the law. At 8 o'clock the procession for the scaffold left the jail. Th doomed woman read passages of Scripture on the way and appeared very cairn and resigned, mounting the scaffold with a firm tread. At 8:10 the . signal was given, the bolt withdrawn, and the wretched woman was launched into eternity. Her neck was broken instantly and she died without a struggle ' or; a gr.oan. The corpse wa luid u the ,v w- V.,.r cotliu dressed io black robe with a knot oi liowers in ner haucl and another upon Sentence on Susan B. a.m. 0.40 p.m. 6.30 p.ni. 0.20 p.m. .m, J1 OGDEX, !JTAIIvVl3IXEsiKiY, JUXE m DIRECTORY. OC DEN SEMI--WEBKI- i f ( I 1 |