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Show ... f ..1 v . .int fr'eDhar Ie,,m Btegt pwbaWy ,n wbieli.tbe oar Is by ,he ltn,Pt 10 wlat . r, ift 1" . fine J 1 fill 1 in I VO L 80i! from tlie srfee y ielll alest-tfie.- , f the passage?, - having be-- a PSuen.pt te toie a le wW seem, f justice, range lack dtwbt, a which, bo ' best the people, Like ai th bottom J..0,e who love cleanliness, autfer uiott nurses do a murine nd good, careful avoid. ones which negligent with oap and out ear (he Washing wax moist the it is bad; keeps vater become w dry and Bcaly,'. hen it ought and makes unduly, iis quantity increases which the air (be dyst absorb it most hurtful the But abounds. the coi ner of the thing is int reducing iwisti .g it round.( and screwed up, (oel, to harm tie ears than more This does mistakes other together. It the all Writes down the wax upon the mom. ; out. brnne, much more than ii gets one who doubts . this make a tub; with the like the passage, especially him let put a thin! curves it possesses; membrane at one end, smear the surface the ear wax, and with a substance lit. so out it to then try by a towel. Cut get his plan does much more mischief than It irritmerely pressing down the wux. off cast makes it and the ates pussages, small flakes of skin, which dry up and become extremely bard, and these are ako pressed down upon the membrane.' Often it is not on y deafness which but pain and inflammation; then matter is formed which the hard mass prevcuts from escaping, and the membrane becomes diseased and worse may in'falliblj make H so. nit wr, . 1 w - a 25. C. & CROCKERY; k V-",- extend only to the cuter surface, as far as the finger can reach. It is a bud practice also, to put cotton or wool soaked in laudanum or jack-knif- ehloroform into the ear for the relief of toothache. When a child's ear becomes painful, as it so often does, everything fbould be done to soothe it; and alt strong, irritating applications should le avoided. Pieces of . hot fig or onion should not be put in; but waroi flannels ehoulk be applied, with poppy fomentation, if the pain does not soon subside. It should be remembered that covering up the ear is adapted to injure it. On the whole, men, in whom the ear is habitually exposed, suffer if anything less from ear disease than woman, in whom it is so often covered. 'Popular Science Monthly, Dextcr-s- . con-atant- ' Divorce. y ... I J - j sent to Fort McPherson: I was there nnrl was nnt nn a annut: hymn-boo- T rode eight miles and walked two hundred; woke up one niirlit in four feet of water; lost all 1 had in the ;ro 1 am with nothing! on but my shirt; all the grub gone I 1 District Court, yesfcr M. Dexter was grunted a Elizabeth J. Dexter,'' or, more correctly speaking, Mrs. Klixabeth J. Given. The testimony shows that the parties went through the marriage ceremony in the East, in. December, '1859; and in the following month started." foe this State, where they bavt resided since their arrival. After having lived with tlie woman for more than twelve years, the plaintiff discovered that bis suppos-eiwif- e was in reality the wife of Wm.' J. Given, who is still living.and to whom be was 'legally married revcrnl years before Dexir ied ber to the altar. Upoq making thw discovery tie brought suit to hAve kis supposed marriage declared null. Mrs. r did not deny tin soft impeachn:nU Ilcr default was entered, the plaintiff proved up his case before the Coort Commissioners, and yesterday got Uisiecreef divorce. 5. Granville iy, tlWorce from Given-Dexte- i, : "5 Doctor Helnbold iirn famous Buciu O'la has been through a scries of diffi tulties, but we are glad to know has turned right side up at last. An im- - '.f T:n t inm IIVUI r tut lie nobly resisted the bf P"80n?r lued ir. sayg nig name is VTT A, Aionzo ti. iiannuran, ana11ne nans from San Bafael. He will have an . . J T peculiar "FPuuuy w u u. icehisJudere. c,0 Chronicle. S.F 1 . , If weeks-- rl I was wish man has a great many debts, are ATTENTION! Prompted by the Spirit. C CLAW80N, ... it vil- - in pocket knife. Such roasted alive. A'. K Mar. uet.) i: ciTir Tjjkjzcm . m earnest (in her ' Wliolesalo Purchasers and Visitors BRIGHAM CITY Gv WOOL WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR , Wool Um CLOTH. . , roll in a enprior 'manntr br and xporlncd Cardar, , ISuck- - crdwt into well-kno- Bring on your wool a I MONUMENTS CRAVE STONES, IL.ett-itt- H AYE Which they arc offering at lower prices than any other house in the OGDEX. ' ! ' . A" Large Etc, t--jJ Stock of English Varnislies OK Fountain,' Vases, feeble "and flabby condition, all three airreelnff that a flogging would havelbcen preferable to' the . wearing CUTROCK FOR BUILDINGS, &C u v J AMES ' FOWLER; Orders bf.tiiple 'pantafaon in warin vfcathcrv a' JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OK AND Main Street, , & C Groceries Window GIass; Corner, H CULMER SALT LAKE CITY, AD SXivcliine Cttrdlnjy re ia aucwoMfut opfruliou. F. GROESllECli'S BLOCK, SECOND SOUTH STREET, WOOLEN FACTORY ; Uc' PRODI CE, ORAIX, BETTER, ECC3, Ae.; , sub-equen- ttu Shoe Depart nent; Bespoke Boot and " We have just received a consignmen SCnimER WAGOXS, BOB SLEDS; and of the Cdibrattd Iron Clad Mower The defense in the case of Mrs, Reaper, which is pronounced the best MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, AC, AC. Charlotte Lamb, . tried at Trimbelle, Machine now ia the TOarket by all who Minn.-- for the poisoning of a Mrs have used it. We would advise all ' who Ottoman, took the extraordinary intend a Machine to see the course of offering to prove that Mrs Iron purchasing Clad before buying any other. It Lamb also poisoned her youngest s fully warranted, and sbouli the Ma son, her only daughter, and a Mr. cbine not give satisfaction after fair trial ' " s-AXGarland.; It was held that she was . jT be will returned.! Having money your subject to periodically recurring at tacks ot insanity. Her delusion is used almost every kind of Machine in the Will find the Lareest Assortment of Merchandise in the several Departments M. I., as above, Uiat can oe seen in me resi, ana au ai iair prices. Z. said to be. that she has very often Utah market, we can fairly pronounce seen and conversed with a ghostly the Iron Clad as the cheapest aud best Superintendent. si If H. B. points visitant.' which, by? pleading, areu- - U offered. It has all the best ' I in common with class Ma first other and bv some mnnt and command, Tier body and chines, and many exclusively its own over influence potent micd. forces her to the crime. . ot poi-- l i To be seea at Williams, Scoville & She was ' first visited by fCo.'s, Main street and Fifth street, Og ' " ' 474- ', this phantom many years ago. den. be sometinae resigned urged her to tj VI, ( Leather, Findipgs, Beltings, &c; FARMERS, go- - ; hould b Wall Paper, Bordering, Decorations; Drugs, Cliemlcals, Patent Medlelne; WISFS, IIQUOKS, ALE and PORTEK; " Singers Sewing Machines, in Variety; back in Chica and sometimes to very singular and London, a lunatic gnawing the bars ' eccentric spirit. Its method of ar Parisian mad house and a drupgfst if people were unhappy in Italy, but the truth is, he is in Br-li- n gument wa, D(;aged in the business of shipping Or sick, that they had better die. Potatoes from that port to London. Wt r glad to know that he is making Those Interested in the cause of uey rapidly and it is not. unlikely education will be pleased to read of . ut wm oe oacit nere again some au incident which recently occurred "V millionaire. at Oxford, N. Y. Three lads of a YTtt.. "vitiuw. "aa uorrioie outrage was Tjiscatorv turn . absented themselvts waiautted near the SutroTunncl.at Vir from school ia quest of bites and Dib f'maCity, Nevada, several days axo blcs: but the next morning, each be Anterprw that a man, supcertain of a flogging, by the posed to be insane, entered the bouse of injr school-ma'awoman put on three pairs of in that vicinity, threw residing er on the bed, tied her bands and feet, pantaloons before seeking the temple PPged her and then eet fire to the bed; of learning. . The day was warm, irom which crilicnl and so were the boys, They perspi- position bhe was released by the timely intered. liquified, ooied at every pore, of some mine" near He rlace by. but no flogging came. For six,houru wterwards caught her away from . hr with a J"0"", tore nearly all the clothes off her they Bweltered, aud then, F"on. attempted to ravish her, and short lecture on the impropriety of tbe half of th8 hair off L runnins away, tbey were dismissed IS cui a dull tei a and a tnings in inc American army in iwo number of rumors in regard to Doctor linve "gone the rounds" in to the ills of life, uis country. He was dead and buried poison people a uicose o the . tnttr crfn ina AVTI OkiUIIld n k: mPn Ihe 1 tii.' .. m nc 1 r rtn IV1 bill UVU 1 t t.wn n;.v , u v ly 1 . to-da- I . UniOESTEItY of In the Fourth III GROCERIES, HARDWARE , en-fue- s, - w hi Let-im- should aI KXCEISIOIt Kakcrs. Iropper or Clf j M-it- Washing and WAGONS, Jlere-- by follow. I B 1 we atter dirty; but I. !RL WAGONS , clean, sootU sur-lof ear iu'eaperLtly lbe L i Z. C. , "K IV 'in ' , 6 i Attnidab Sleek . - ul"tlllttt e4B Pergonal About noon yesterday officer ; George At Smith, next to Brigham .oung the most important 0 Mormon Rodgers, while passing that disrepiu Utah, one of the (Twclve, a mem-be- r utable avenue of the Chinese quarter of the High Council, and proba- known as Bartlctt E HAVK OPENED IN LOO AN & OGDEN, BRANCHES OF OUR WAOON alley, observed a ble successor of Brighain in individual clerical of and and MACHINE DEPARTMENT, so that the people of the Northern Yonng tall, elderly' the Presidency of the Church of the dignified mien Oounli6s can purchase without coming to Salt Lake City. suddeuly dive into Latter-Dain arrived Saints, Omaha one of the numerous dens of iniquity & MACHINERY WE GUARANTEE on fcaturday on Jus return from an so commou.in that locality. At first eight months', absence iu Europe and the officer could hardly be! heve the SjffH4 to thtm points being Om txwt, after much study and mporieuco, tmi kaov tht Pir.'h t 1 JlO' spent ' Sunday in evidence of his senses, but at last, cn toly on thia tKomni.'nltiou. Omaha, ioT rest alter his long jour- - having satisfied himself upon the A X , NTlWF.KAKim neyUigs, and we were glad to meet subject, he went alter another officer, WIIITEWATKK, awl renew our acquaintance with and, one going to the front and th .estimable gentleman. ,, another to the rear, they made a sud- Mr. Smith has visited nearly all deu raid upon the premises. Thev WOKM A5IPIOX, WOODS, parts of continental Europe and made were met with eome resistance, but long jourucyings m the' Holy Laud, at last eucceeded in entering the Self MOWEUS, leading the tent hie of the nomad place, anc began & vigorous search for. the purpose aud iournevio2 the Caucasian caller, but found TIIItESIIIXO MACHINES and SI LKY IMKI2S. u n i for through the sacred places on horse him not. .lhcu Kudgers went up back, lie relates many interesting into the attic and saw two broadcloth I Tltfl (NOobntod TIIOM.1N NHKlTIIIXO HAKROVt', wurrRntrd to r.Mke the l incidents ot travel, there and else coat-tail- s fur grau, gruin, corn or potato, yt invnt4. Our Wt cultivator just slipping up through Bm) and to l e tbt Nwt tirr ' a Harrow on trial. where., lie visited Homo and all the skvlight, lhcu ho gr&bbi'd im- - en Tin lVmrtmutii will aUn fivm lnfonntiin and iwviro onWr fr TCRIllVK WKKULS. .fiV( t of where four and old fel MACU1NK. U1UST aud SAW MILLS, or othr artlrtw Dot twulij kept iu u.k. brounht the leading poiuts Italy, mediately, Italians carried hiua up to see the low down. On1 bein arrestcd .be crater of Vesuvius. IIociiHed on Mr. clothed himself with indignation as MONEH THATCHER, AGRVT, tXXJAK. Thiers without any other ceremony with a garment, and informed the ofBARX.lttD WHITE, aOT, OODKK. man &eimiug ms caru in me Amen- - ncers mat nc was a cnosen emissary SOtf H. B. ClAWSQtf , Superintendent. can lasinon aid received the most ot Cliriatiauitv sent to flash the ii polite attentions from the great lumiuating Gospel ray into the dark irenchman, whose card 'eave him the labyrinths of Paganism, aud batter freedom of visiting the National As- - down the walls of iguorance and sin. eeniDiy ana otner places oi public m- - Dy the distribution ot traets among terest in France. Mr. Smith returns the heathen. But the callou minds 31 1 in improved health, and at tlie age of of the officers were not influenced by years, is younger than the explanatiOH of the pious pilgnui only htty-sl- x many others at forty., He left for lhey searched the Chinese den, but Salt Lake yesterday. Omaha Her- - could find no tracts, and nabbing the , aid missionary, thev took lnra to 'the City Prison, together with his flock. The Rapid and Iticli Expe consisting of four ricblvtpaintcd Chi rience of the American nese prostitutes. On the way to Soldier. martyrdom'in the City Prison, ke ofSTOVES; TOOLS, IMPLEMENTS fered his captors all his worldly ' When Maj. Moore's Company was release him. would but if they washed away by a water spout at goods lie temptingly displayed ?li in eil DRY GOODS, STAPLE and FANCY NOTIONS, night, and only saved from death by x pistol, a white- ver, a pepper-boclimbing trees, one of the recruits handled e (with one blade called to another in a neighboring CARPETS, OIXCEOTIIS, and a half), a bulls' eye silver watch tree' and a bound copy "Sonsrs of GOODS, "Are you all right, Bill?7. The Zion." was virtue policeman's ".Yes, but J've been thinVing--i-- t CEOTIIIXC;, HATS, nrooi against the coin: the tenner i r o r rr y was two weeks as;o I An ' Kti tu,1Dl(-u !.: ..,..1 u u i tV, "' ',!.!; :; '1 wy. uuu iuts nuiiu, tuuutii uia buui i m. I i BOOTS t SHOES; It oujrht'to bc ear does not require ae pwg of theJCature undertake that elTD.n I iu t"b iale;;lulfilsjt " rl Her rneua for cleaning the per'-lias t'rbap8 the reader ke w ear of the wha becomes rtI,I -- mdwed in,palv .'' LL KINDS, AT I . . . : from Hie country Promptly Filled, : .. . ; ; 8?-l- y t irj. |