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Show She Pmfelhh! fldwluttrtiotv nd SATURDAY WEDNESDAY Tf-- Cofi. bythtOaKJt rciuen.K JRELIEF READY RADWAY'S I., R R R G. m.. LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY. I HAS JUST RECEIVED AN ENTIIIE NEW STOCK OF In from One to Twenty Minntew. NOT ONE HOUR nml uy one UTTOTH after reading i T TAT0TDTT1TT7VTO CLt'FKR WITH PAIN. RADWAY'S KKADY RELIEF 13 A CURB FOR KVERY PAIN. It wu t)iA first and is Tli Kcmedy Only l'ain n.at instantly the mo excruciating pains, WHOLESALE & BE TAIL DEAL EES IS I. tuji ltel-riJd- with diKfiaM XOTIIIG, IIARDWAIIK, Boots nml may nfT.r' Toofliache. Cold Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Chili, Ague Chill. The application of the READY RELIKP to the where the pain or difficulty exist I art or part will afford eae aud comfort. Twpnty drops in half a tumMerof water will in a few inomenu cure Cramps, ptumi8, Sour Stomach, Hrartbnrn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dyten-- 1 ery, Colic, Wind in the itowelt, aud all Internal l'uin. war carry a bottle of RADTraveler WAY'S READY RKL1KF with them. A few dn.pa en water will prevent , aicknenH or iin fraia ihance of water. It U letter than French Brandy or Kittnroa stimulant. FEVK3 AX l At;l'K cured for fifty cents Tln-rt- ! in not a remedial atrent in this world that will curp Fever and Ague, and all other Malariou, Bilious fc'carlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other Fevem tatdeil hy IUdwav' PilU) o quick a RADWAY'S KEADY RELIEF. Fifty cents per bottle. Sold Selling Very Low! Please Jlusieiaus, SIiock, Crockery, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF U ill attord instant eaite. Inflammation of the Kidney. Inflammation of ! ho Uladilcr, Inflammation of th RoweU. Contention of tho Lung. Soro Throat, Difficult Mreatuinj;. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysteria, 'r nip, Diptherw. Catarrh, Iuflucuy.a. Headache, ill DRY GOODS, GROCKRIES? .Vl.iv IritlunniiHtiouii and cares Congwitions, whether of th Lims, Stomach, nowet, urothftr SlamU ur organs, by one application, in from oue to twenty minutes, "no matter how riolent the pain, the Rheumatic, I n ti rtn. Cripnleil, NVrvoti, Neuralgic, or prtitrat4 Stoves and Tinware, Drugs and Heditines, Kle., Htv. 3f lions, ANOTHER LOT OF TII0?E SI'LEXDID Wa,sli3?s and Wpmgeps! ami Price Only The Best Brands of Imported Patent Mangles WINES and LIQUORS. Carpets and Trimmings, Window Curtains and Blinds. . Next Toor to Savage's Gallery, Main Street, Salt Lake (IU, Chicago Schnttler Wagons. tur, the ;p.i:at blood pikifier. dropt f the .ARSA1'ARILUAN Ev.-r- RESOl-VKN- T cummuii'i ittea through the Elood, Sweat, I'rme and. other iluids and juicet of the tyitem the vipr of life, for it repairs the wan lea of tlve Wo.lv with new aud Round material. Scrofula, Conmiiiption, tihwdulttr diiteatie, L'lcer in iheTlmmt, Month, Tumon, Node in the Glanda and cither part ot the yteni. Sore Eye. Strum- from the Ears, and the wort fornii of Skin IMm.vcs, Eruptioni), Fever Sored, Scald He.vl, Ring Worm, Ailt Rheum, Erysipelaa, Acn, lilack SHiiti, worm in the Flesh, Tumor, Can-coin the Womb, and all weakening and painful dincliargf. Nij:!it Swat, Loss of hpenn, and all lite the are within the watcof cur&tiv. principle, range of thw wonder of Modurn Chemistry, aud a will to ti prove day' any person using it for either of thM forms of disease iu potent power to cure Ifthd put lent, daily becoming reduced by th i and decomposition, that in continually vncceeda in arresting tbee wavte, and r'l'air the name with new material mado frm the SAKiAPARILLIAN healthy bloid-nd- thi . will and douA oecure. t Not inly doe the Saroaparillian Resnlveat excel all known remedial atrent in the cure of Chroaud Skin dipeaeoa, me, Scrofulous, it i the onlv (xwitive cure tor KIDNEY and RLADDEK CUil PLAINTS, Urinary and Worn !iMaei, Giaf.l. I)jU't.w. Dropsy, Stoppage of Watur, Iuconlineiice of Urine, liright Disease, Alliiuainiiria, and in all cae where there are Irickdiut deport?, or the wator, li thick, cloudy, misiot with miUuiicoh I, Wo the white of au egg, nr thremle like white fiik, or there if a morbid, !, d.irh, bilii-u- t apiearance, und white lwne-du- t mid when there in a pricking, burning when paiug water, and pain In the small f the Lack and a!ong the loin. Price, Sl.OU WORMS. The only known and uie Remedy I.ir Worms P.u, Tape, etc. PATENT VARIED ASSORTMENT OF NEW TOYS. Ha maile the most aitoniahing to quick, no ipid are the changes the body nndergne, uihltr th initiicnce of tliw tnilv wondrful MeUicine.thut EVEUlf DAY AN INCREASE IN FLESH AND WEIGHT IS frKEN AND FELT. " i :t s-i- c TESHUNE'S A LARGE AND Dr. R AlJw.A.Y'S Sarsa pari Man liasolTent: ! STAYWER'S MUSIC STORE, by DriijrghiU. Strong nd Pure Rich IHood Increase ot Fleeh and Weight Clear Skin and Beautiful Complexion lecured to all. Ironing Machines All fir . $ $9. G & Prlcp nhonM a Health! Beauty! and Examine. Call PENTAGONAL SHOW CASE! Metal Corners. Tatented Atigu.t S.1S71. , SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. Wheat, Barley, Oats, Tearl Barley, Flour, Bran, Shorts, Egsp aud Butter, SHIPPED TO ANY TOINT ON SHORT NOTICE. . . -i, Iia.-Iiiii'e- m ia-m- ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY PURCHASED TO ORDER. Orderi addressed to will reeeixe prompt attention. M. THATCHER, sTOtf H. B. CLAWSON, MOST ELEGANT AUD DURABLE SHOW CABE Superintendent. EXTANT. M. TEIinUXE, Sole Manufacturer, . wa-.le- pro-ittiu- 16, Stale Street, Ovarian 'Tumor in the bowels. All tbe dnctora said "thoru no help for It.', I fried everything that was TTonmiendcd: but nt!nng helped me. 1 saw yonr l.eovent and thought I would try it; Vut bad no t ilth iu it, becan-- e 1 had "ufiered lor twelve years. 1 took six Uitiles of the Resolvent, and one to of !: lwuy's Pills, aud two bolUea o your Heady and there i not a sign of finior 'o be heen ami I teel better, smarter, and happier tlmn 1 li.tca for twelve year. The worst t mil or was in till" of the b.ii'!s, over the groin.. 1 wr(fe fie ?hi : yn l"r the heuent of othw. Yosj can it ify.m I'hooxe. HANNAH P. KNAPP. inw.iv:--rl CHICAGO, ILL. SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S IMPROVED Z....,G. !M. X CABINET ORGANS AND conies do-pi- o!rie and DBPMTBBHT, IN CHARGE ill purcliasc c r.ny kind Eisgiiscs," atv 3321!s, lag Circular $airs, Boltijjj; Cloth. tr JLclfcl -ft PERFECT PURGATIVE l'erkrlly gum, elvgauily f- -s Thrcsliist ' I PILLS, J coated with t,vivk Liver, 'Ron K Kidney', ?rmnlM:m H. 9 M n, a brana - - . S5-l- y NOTIONS, And GOODS Woolens, Largest lst tIrsfans, o . . justly-celebrate- 46 Inin- - are expecting an immediate shipment of the AVe acd ll-known d SGHUTTLES WAGON," , Tho Factory having just got fairly runuius since tho ' Oar celebrated "Vox Celeste,'" "Louis Patent,' "Vox Httmana," "Wilcox Patent," "Octave Coupler," the charming "Cello" er. ''Clarionet." .Stops, and ;: : Thirty-fir- e , " tw-i- SS-R- y IN LOGAN, HAVlXa WAtilb to atteml to l 0buwic. i (fACHE fcoi i f Medi-inth.iactxe M '' e, ' gJi-M- u , Different Styles, STOCK OF For the rnrlr and the Church, ,; ' :IN Tlie Best Blaterial and Workmanship, t, ;; , Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. PRICES, WARER00M3, FACTORY s AND 1J H. B. CLAWSOX, Superintendent THE Organs. - ' LOGAX DRUG ' STORE. DRJ'ORMSSV.-UR.- 3 ; ; tock West of New York. Sn.gery and A:c. Mechanical population. Scud iu vour orders and we will do tho to fill them at Manufur-cr- s with or a on slight percentage. prices freight added, ' y TO THAT OF THE HEST PIPE OIIGAXS OF THE SAMII CAPACITY. Jloaroc and Franklin Sts., CHICAGO T cj r f . A-e-., Or any article from any State, that may Ic needed ia aa Agricultural JMO. V.FARVVELC& CO. , All the Late Improvements Can be Obtained Only in these WHOLESALE 33DEL"S" &c., EllLIX stamp to Rudway A Co- - No. S7 Maiden Lane, New York. Information worth thousands will l ''Ju- Evaporators, rt sy-t-- above-name- IScltitif;, i .aoiir Krurtations, Slnkinj or Fluttering at t..e Pit of the Stinach, Swimming of the Head, ; , FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED Hurried and Difhrlitt Urswthing. Fluttering at t)m Heart, Choking or SnCtnalirig Seusatien when in SCKIBNER'S PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, a Lying Posture. DimneM of Vision, Dew or ' A'.'eas ' tho Sight, Fever aud Iuli Pain in the " i ... , Mead, Defiviency of Perspiration, Yellownefi of An inrention a most Important tearinj on the future reputation of reol baring tkn Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side. Cheat, Limn, end sihldra Fin.he of Heat, Unrning in the Flrtdi. struments, by means of winch the quantity or Volume of toue is very largely AfewiutiMi of Radway' Pillawill fr the creased, and quality of tone rendered d from all the disorders. Frite 'li rent per box. Sold bv Druygisu. R'UD "Fals nnd "True." Send one let-te- r i: , " rw tomDination Ifaehines, Force or other Piu.sps, 1. j llladder, !ifd,:ht. Constipation, CfwtiTe-ihlmEgefstioii, RiiiouMies, Biiiou of tlie Rowel, Pile?, and all lMruneiiifHts of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to eilrt.t a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no norcu'-y- , minerals er deleterioiii drugf. Olwi-vthe following pymptoin rerultiiig from Disorder of the Digetive Organ!" Constipti-tioInwunl Piles, Fullbeta bf tJn) Blood in tin Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, it!gust of Food, Fiiilnew or Weight in the Srnn-a-Die..-e- Water Wheels, Cheese Factory r Dairy oai, llarhhce Extras pure, n gnlate, piirifv,c4paiieandtrength-cti- . Riulway'a Pill. Uvr th euro of all disorders te Stomach,, Nervou t ; n DR. RADWAY'S . of Herchandisc not usually iept ia iiielud stock,' t lUt-Ici- "; puO-li.-- or H. W. NAISBITT. H '-- a , 10, 41 Pm aou-mti'- in m tJrowth Cured Ttiuior of 12 KcmvIvciiI. by JtmlivR.v'Jt RI.T, Ma., Jul v 18, 186. l;v DK. B haTe Kitd formerly ;MICm0S.-A0B3I- TS Established in 1850. ,i! SiH3ioN8 & :n lu.u ''Afimliss, ! Dbilnrs. r00 COto ! ' ' . o. , - . ' t 'u CLouan Organ Co., V "" ' . .' j ; . FURXITtEE . . , rsOd-ly- r - ; S.EW ' 9Ctf . i LAKE CITY. TIIKST : .mill w ,BUIL 1)1X 0, SALT ASD CUT PUINLKS, OP tit tho iowi'Ni priow. nt FIIEEMAN'S sj-- UTAH, At JOELspsr;Si Oroeslicck's j Detroit, Micihgax'. SAWED ' ' COIl 6tk & CONGRESS' STS.; DETROIT, WANTED LV .BYE R V COUNTY, SHINGL$. EST ' Ordw ogoevalley. ' MM at tlj Mill or nt 6,HrVrtMtead; . Muiu Street, Oden.' U . Teaais ami ifrnitcrH WfinKMl on liberal :w:tscW' |