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Show cid milled art enthusiastic ' in " hfs L ! He 'is but seventeen years XapolconV JDeatli. support. old and it is .alleged that he is too The death of Louis Napoleotf, Louis young to lead ' his partizans. At Inch was announced in' Ihese the fourteeu'tti, "was only four years yesterday,, will materially .affect bf age when ho- was declared king, the present condition of draftee, aVid and Queen ' Victoria was eighteen ' of politiperhaps change the, aspect when sh'"i became a sovereign. ck affairs throughout Europe. The Mr. Thiers cannot, in tha course f n of Jeaiiharnais and Hortense, the of events, live long. At the age of nephew of the great conqueror who he is acting as President seventy-fivthe Continent with sword of a pieado Republic, which, it must and fire, the rodcemcE of Italy, which be in is one Political Consequences froiu. iJ col-um- - -- e acknowledged, only A Republican form of .govname. ernment was adopted merely as a temporary expedient, for the purpose of reconciling clashing differences. Revolution is threatening France, and it was once proverbial that when that nation moved, the whole Continent was shaken as if by an earthquake, and now it may be said that tho whole of Europe eieeps over a volcano, which may at any moment vomit forth a lava, overrunning an entire hemisphere. In the very has becu consolidated into a flourish-in- j K m pi re through th triumph of his armies on the fold, and the brilliant diplomacy which I for twenty years made him he leading character f Europe, has yielded his spirit to the God of Battles. ,; Man is but an ntom in the univene. He disappears from the scenes of Active life, and is But his nchieTeiBents are forgotten. recorded, in. the pages of history in undying and imperishable letters. Kor two decades Louis Napoleon has shaped the political destinies of ; Europe, and moulded public sentiment among those" who feared his power, while they admired his towering genius. The career of Napoleon the Third, is too "familiar to the present generation to require any recapitulation of the history of one whose name is blazoned in the annals of this century. The civilized .world will rather in Fpeculations regardthe ing political issues tint must inevitably be raised by the ' decease of than in a rehearsal of the eventful scenes throngh which he has passed, whether 'as' a prisoner in Ham, a captive inWilhelmshoe, r an exile at Chiselhurst. iu-dul- heart of the world, commotions are menaced from discussions, which will have a potent influence iu changing the political phase of the world, haps its geography. J llathcr Xatc in the Day. r, The war between Prussia and, u'htline after giving jwaa released, France, which resulted iu the' down-- ballon c'acA of twblndicfments-founfall of the Empire, was occasioned against him years ago. by the desire of the Imperial party This, flsterally carrying out the law 1') perpetuate the Napoleonic dynasty. and. maintaining the integrity of the The name of Bonaparte is omnipo- courts with vengeance. """ tent in the French provinces; biiKin the city of Paris it is contemned; I A Smart lVay of Doing The Orleaaii f have ever regarded I l& O.i V Til ill CM. oxer-tw-o- nty i . Louis Napoleon as a parvenacj an upstart, who arose from the constabut lary of Loudou to the hnpcyal ermine. The marriage of the Emperor to Countess do 3fo'ntigoVthe' beautiful Eugenia,, added to'the exasperation of the decayed nobllityj'i whq ;$0me'itime since we commented uponihc'tppropriation of seven hundred thousand dollars, voted by Congress for ' the - benefit of the Teton -- , prominent Senator's name was also then mentionod in h the proceedings, under SiouXw A connec-tion'Jwit- . rpurucd the usurperof the; '.throne, which of right they claimed to belong to the lineal descendants of Louis the Sixteenth, who was" immolated at the loot of the guillotine. Too great was t ho power and influence of Franco jtt that time to admit of any interference, although'the haughty German Princes and barons, proud and reactionary Austria, and tho stern Csar iewed with jealous eyes , thetcleva-tio- n of the impecunious descendant of thel'orsican, who'eked out a precarious living in London, to the throne f Charlemagne. whioh' : princely; houses, and regal prestige. The crowned heads arc y as much averse to the Napoleons as they were twenty years ago. ; The bo question that will -- who will rolcnnily agitated is, to-da- !l - ,ii M r.ssumc the reins of troremmenl ever a people who arc turbulent and restless. Will the Orleans family be restored again? Most probablyr The prejudices against the name of die i. to ruler of France, 'tffrtae 'to'r'tunes . . New England, in New-Yor- k, in commemoration of the landing of the pilgrim fathers' of Plymouth Rock was not by any meaus pleasing to his audience. He thinks that jdircn- ologieally thc'A'mcTican people had were dtoidedjn thf ftti! battttf trot' very, d for .Sedan too "of are to ground nof mnch fortheiV Crea- "atroug, i ill the belief that he crowned tor. Have not Mr. Beceher's teachjustify heads oT M? kilAWKtih tofards? briirging 'i hi h;ts a pAw'erfu! lns-Utht-- M fcPtW AW j 1 Advertisement. - n f to-da- y 1 ; . , , , x. x, Tor-tcrvill- e, COM, MARTIN butter" eggs, AND OTHER TltODUCK. Skvbkc AccinEXT. We regret to chronicle that Mr. DViri'iel Grenig xuet with a severe accident last night,' shortA 1IU1. OGDE3T, Four Doors from Z. 173, after nn illness of three days, of lung fever, Mii.li.ssa, daughter of Robert G.t 4ud Sarsih Ann Woodhead Berrett, aged. I year, 10 months and 2tS days. rru"l Death, why didst thou snatch Our darling hwhv; . lo thy jiuwer we iuut submit While thou n'cr earth hour sway. ' Hut tlire" n ejunfort whifh w have Whom thy drcuU iow'r ic o'er. ' Tlutf wo iu reutm.i nf nctles ligkt Sliiill iiux't to no tnoie. ' i Dcserct .... I uiii .1 vim-- i i 1 '" intl. U (J3eill, i uung wtiJ.. If! Il'.i !';il li!3 tors r.c::!..ij:)7 . a.vl n'i.i.'.i'i . ilirccil-.-iis- - lontr tunv.nli, pruviiVd titf.lr itsirovcd liv l.iii'.cn-.- and tj:a -point dl r pair. .vt joisoa tn:1.?, oifftis wa:cd Ujor.s i i , aclie, l'ai:i in t!te C!ix!u, TlttliV of ttia ohcKt, luzilhw. h:nr Kmctu-Uous lie of tUw Dloiua: i:t I Tativ tr. .irj Mouth, lUlkcui Alt&cki, I'silpltatli.n ot i'ulti in Heiirt, InCju.r.naMort of tLu the regiou of ttie Kidneys, i.ul . uUdisi other p:iiu;i.l h.v.nj'toKin, an t!if oIRrrii. . t'Ji'.-nlU- r.-- tu of )!i Vmss .i;tl Dytipt-ps';!- no equal, f,:,d (rtianntue n co'cp-.aint- v 1 dU'j r.l Ha I tws a IvMv i t::u.u u n;:rita , u.c 5'r CcisspjlH intn, or old, ii;uin d ir naie, ;u tins lnyox' ilan-ioi wotimr.litMi.'l, or tin- - tarn of !i!V, tn;-'i'Oiin; J Iiiiit'lt" diKpUiv ivT.fi- t!:;:; i(h d inl fc ti m.rla d itr.pryvehi-.tuion ;h rfrt;.-tifj!- For lr.Uins-5H?-- f RhrniKKtiNMi u ilut, 1 l.i'Kiin. . ltidiiif-sti.iu- . CI:-rciii- .r Ij.,)-pii:- ' Hi nrtit-u- : uu-.- Kt'vetH, i;io-id- !i:' t , . Kidney ttud UJii i;!t?i-- t:it--- : I'm r. most iatssfiii. .cn' !i catisfd i Vitrtted ;:ivd. wltn-.' y.uit prodncod l.y dcra:i;ro!i:r!:t r ihi MrsUw) OraiiH. I'or S!i Hi rntnti.nn. Ti'-t'-l iniii-- , Salt luoicin'., I'USttlil'S, 1..!S, hors lives. I Keii. . li;...-bee- u: i.- D!nw, ilU'-it:;5- Kills;-Vi!-ni- ca!d-iivi'- Scurfs. o:"t IIjiiihji1:-an- .f of tho umw or iKitiiit-- ar.- 1uiit.:I li;-.- ' r. t .'.t'd rtirnt-out of ttsi svstciii iM fliuri tii'ii'j Ktc iin" -. of tliest? Ii.tic . ).lKtt!'. i't s'.i-'- i r.:c.-will coir, i ii.civi'.ului.s if x'm.'s tiic lixt:a.-A.--s . i ciirativi- - Lt.Vcrs. CKuit '.iO!iI:onilUrcinr tlio VitS;iietl ii.sr,!i)i:nUcs-t,i.r.ii;i.- ; ilu-- l everyoti -' i '.ti.' Kkiujf.i i'i:npi,-sr ,Sui-i.i.rnpuon.N. cU'iinse i: wi.oti joti f;n-- It. o'osUur-tr.us' Hluicelsh Ih t.ic vein ; i !tii:i.o H wlu ti ii . vru rhci. foul; yot:r fcellnrrs v,i!l Keep iiiu lMKhl pr.n-- , un.l l.:j l:ea;:li c. t.,i pystein will lo:iow. , i I'iu, Tsh the- lurkr.ijjr i:i lire a - k1 f oOir V.'o:: i.u.iv ysui sitlori (li.sii.-:i:i:ii)("-l l.. ,si' IVuu. .Siij-is : T!i-tpi,; uiMivi'ly u:i imlividiii on ti.4j faoe i.' t w lioso liody is iroiii tlio . woiu-.jiHi unit i;pon t.io lm.i:,;.v tloiiii-iitlair of !l:c tliat worms i :, upon tlie ditL'K.sed luunoi'S a:il . li'.ny ilep wi:. llial liri-olUvxc liViii-- ; lnoastitr.- til ('.Uci'.st . N: Rjstfi:i .!' niciVj.-iiie- . ti; cnt:ititcK, m ,iil iii-i- ; i.i; Tstltll tro:.i s !.- -t - j.nUii-iauiiiUv- voniis like liic" l.ittore. JTIecCiuiiicul lAw.tw.-- - IVtsotui c -- lit l'uiutrt ;wid sucti r. ;. t.i: i riumtiern, 'i Jlliicr-Jiist:i-.,uUvntru in lif; ;;r,s .Mih'vet to p.irali.i nf Uc I'.oweH. lo y.umd inUH.-- t this, tkc a rose of VAi.i;r.'a ieu.v l'.i:r VKks twice :i jrajred Goid-t-Mor- .i ItilioiiH. rjetlttsnt utid Btitcr u:ittout fevers, whlcti cr- m prvvaiei: i:i the VRlloys of onr tiintiu-.- ; - rut ihcrs prci.t Stales, cspecl.UM- Lh .:o!' i rnssonrl, JlIlsoU. Tcni-w- e, Ciiiuijirluud. Arkfiueui, tie.'., fmoiiu!.'. Itroos, If.lo;iuiide, ivurl, Al,;l;:.. i:v, dt,uilv Siviuiiiah, Hoanoko,. J.ui,vi. ui i i.Vronli-ou- t witli Uicir v.v.t dii.-i.-- i our cuiirc Nr.niiin r coaiiy , end Antu-.nuand icj.iark'riji sa-- .' r cf uri'j.sual k(.t ui:d .i .m. ... ur V. vcrlatily ()' t.Xt'-ie'inwKi-iiicnff i.to :o:rc. other u!do:ni:i::I vii.crn. !l li m liv:i iz.- ; a wont, a purg.iUvr, r.iu iure t:po tiiuiu v.;r! iT3.t!. V i Hit- - luiit-- Ills.xis.-ilppl- . (Milt), vfhu-otlur.- s i:-- cja-ri.r- , . s ituiiy ncfesaiy. tlio purpose u:i (i.ui lmu;s, i t j uro ! .y vis:d 1 ; i.. - j. v.i :;;ioo the i i::iM r . tho nwU 'Mis lo.,A,!. ..'..it-- v..i:j r H Ki' i liio iiuii Hiiiiulslins' .m l u: ; '! poiR'iaily U':iu rin.-- nio l.u: i ti' the illcs; u,;;n.,. i. jlark-coioic-- .! t .'i.l Fp.'.-c-i,- I.--- c i.t-U;:- Scrofula, or UiiJf.'u Eii. T7hi!c . Aiivct. ,,.. ot lnilara:uati;u.. Mvivuvl-iilniptiims if Ui. Skin, i: ts etc., etc, !u tticw. us iu ah oukv o. tlOUUl Vai.r tjt's Vinkcah llUVO filOrt'll U.L'ir :f,jaij,( ere i:, the u:os; oUCu.aa mid 1 r- - .; -- DistJ-ASUl- . iW-TEI- (.'lv-n- t cases. Dr. Yiilior'n C2.3Ifiniin. Vi.i Rtir liitlei;; f.r n nil Hies-- : ci'-- i in .i winlliir tunniur. jy lu.j i.'t r.ifMfd they ivniovo the catis , i.ud hr u'-iua-- ' ctri-ctaway the cf t.it Ir.ilsiiitHi.lon tS; tubcrcuiar ti!3. r.Jcru-ir.vi li l.t-ttceivo i.uJ i. iH.TBiatu.it' ct:ra i :i, cirectid. The A peri rut ::tid r.iiil Iiv::ativ properties or i;n. "ai.kmiM Vim:; .: i aiothe l Kfo-t:i!.u- i.i d iws n. eiav . -- . pr.u.a iu I., Ix-- tic-ua- l( ii wiue-iruwsfu- out-doo- y-- rrasi-w.':- . i . . , 8T-3- ro Q A. S Mwiher A ID ibr XIipES. REPAinSfcAiLtf EXECUTED.'. -- KlK. O'N'eH.i.. a ou. h:.-u'..-s, f.blo ? lilRTJf. On tho lfttK wife of Mieliel, Ftrft & Xtuy and MM. Star please copy. i u-- - SHOE FIX DIXGS, Dntjrgist Con. A ;:s., fa!., our. HHttiaRioa und Ciiurltou Ms.. N. At the Lowest IVim?. l'reduce isold r.Y v; a j.i a:.l Taken. - - ' - flrant:-:!.i..- pi-c- LK.iTIIEH and . to ttnl'-ro- t)-- -humors of the lances. Vi.tir ertiea allny pniit in t?iv lurvoin kvki.-,.'- . Hionuun mid liowcls.er.iur froi., ia!Jji- thm. M ind, oilie, ete. . fi;ret-tiooTui.j of Uie ::ttor; r'.v poir.K to atnishtfrorii a hulf t' oiie l. l at u i.uurtsi in food, siicli asbeef-Hfe-.iintitfon ch'-n- , u , son, roast Ut-f- uiul veneiabios, i.o'd I..: r Tiirr ant eo!H'!-(.f pnreiy vegetable lajTreHUcr.'.s, n ; ......i no Fjirlt. KOOTS A SHOES, ' leuij tlotK ttnU Malignant, ft vn-.i- . Itealli!?, and withl;i;r pioiiunt,!.-- GENERAL DEALER Oh: llt C. M. that ruin, but ari a mi KvcHciu: i;f-trthe nttliatrl IvrrtM of t.::'I.'-ii;U- , EtimahU!:. Tin free from the Oroat r.Soo'i Curi.'lr end a I K'T.ovater w: riint':!:!'.!, a ator l tt.fi.s.rKtern, :'iT.Ttn.itorra" woi matter. uul redwing th- - !li;;.i to a condition, tnrlehicjf it.,- it''Vi;ii. rhu!:ii;:-:1"..c r.nd vijror;:ti::-jof ;!!;:iinir;,.tlw.. p.ro.ir.ii la tn-- ir mis uui j. ticu, certt.la in U fit l FOURTH STREET,'- Jan. o, .. , i Sores, When goiug home, SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO. and opposite Walker Bros., his horse Meyers' California Mm-bur- g took fright and dashed off in a runaway AgTnt for Cheese nnl Martinoyn' fisliion. ihrowing him violently from his Oruyere Cheese. We refer by jermission to D. II. Tkert, Ogden. bugg' breaking his left aim, severely cutting his head, and, it is thought, attention ti Choice Qnalitiei of ray breaking some, of his ribs. It is not a Dutter particular and t'hee.e. Liberal Cnsh Advnncog mtulc great wnile since Mr. Grenig met with a on (Vn.itiment. Prompt Returns given. Orviers somewhat similar accident, when hevas soIititel. Satisfaction guaranteed. also seriously injured. He has our best wishes for his speedy recovery S. L. At North Ogden, Weber county, v,;.- j V.'i Dr'nk, :a;.i! of i.-t.Spirits anil H?!uso liiquo:.- y.t:ci 1 to i;lef!f,il uv;t "Tontes." AprrfsSlzu:," ' T'.:U.lTJ,, SwclilHjr. Moors, !:,, hipixfl, CtOitrc. .S:rofuiult i?l.;iiii.u:iouM. !.j.W:oi.t Potatoes, Eggs, Dried Fruit, Hides and Wool r ly before S o'clock. "majris-tracy.Vii- about this condition of things w hen RffitfM i&YrHfcftr liitf hivdor deii tuin his pretenMous aud tho provm-- ! are disregapTeci? of the though moderate, now commenced above the knee, and extended up to the body, when tho inflammation seizo upon the He died a few hours after this. bowels. Sooa after death the leg was discovered to turn black, giving evidence of morHe was attended by Dr. tification, and we hop the heuse will be crammed assisted by his father. Dr. Jr., Ormsby, full to welcome the old favorites. Be Brad-shaOrrusby, Sen., tells us t hat a Mr. sure and go. of Lehi, was attacked with the same kind of a disease, and died under fiST Sec G. Whitehead's9 similar circumstances; also a girl of -- ly American Fork City was taken tbesarre A Worthy Entkiu'hise. Mr. L E. way, and died. Theso three cases are Brown, one of the most energetic cifi the only ones of the kind he ever met within forty years' practice. All treatzens of OgiJen, has resigned his position ment appears to be totally unavailing. as Superintendent of the Salt Lake iron The disease possesses a terrible fatality. works. His exertions will now be direct- The knee joiat was the place of attack in all three cases. ed to the advancement of our city's interests. Offers have been made to Mr. An Apology. Brown, by influential parties in St. Having in unguarded momenta made Louis to form a for the statements concerning Dr. P. L. Anderpurpose rf encouraging smelting interof this city, not warranted by the son, in ests and around Dgdcn. That is a in the andwill facts, I do hereby offer an apology to the step right direction, contribute to the development of the reand make a true explanation of sources of a country which will make Doctor, case. Mr. Frodsham, a the this city its market. and respected citizen, having died rathStoves! Stoves! er suddenly, and having received some Jupt received, two car lomU of new coal irtoves Z.C.M.I., Ogrlvn lirnuuk. t attention from Dr. P. L. Anderson, I Town Jottixos., The winter of our stated that I believed the Doctor's medicine killed him. This statement was discontent is made glorious by a made in haste an without duo reflecgorgeous sun. Ch&rley Welch is seriously HI from tion, and as I have since become conthe eilects of the recent accident. It vinced that I was mistaken and had no may be several days before he leaves his just grounds for making it, I hereby bed. All wish him earnestly a return apologize to Dr. P. L. Anderson for the to health. ; ., , misrepresentation, and publicly declare The fence around the Ci'y Hall is fast that the Dr. was. not at all to blameiu being put up; in a few. days it will be the matter, but on the contrary did all finished. Why not extend it around that was possible under the circumstanthe eijuare? it would.;add materially to ces; Mr. Frodsham refusing to take the the appearance of fifth street, which medicines he proscribed; the deceased looks bare and uninviting to strangers, took a few doses of any of the medat a time when the trcc9 are robbed of only icines, and they were harmless. The their fol age. r,i particular medicine which I thought SMAiL-roWe learn from a letter, was poisonous he did not take any ot written yesterday by Mr. Samuel Francis, All of the medicines were compounded eur agent at Morgan' city, 'that the three by a competent druggit of this city, cases of small-poTeporteil'by him a few and did not contain Mich ingredients as days ago, have all terminated fatally. I thought and represented. I am sinThe municipal authorities arc using every cerely sorry for any injury I may have precaution to prevent tho spread of the occasioned Dr. P. L. Anderson, and am disease, and there is no known case ex- now certain it was undeserved. isting in the city at the present time. V. E. Boessel. There is one case of small-po- x at d00s3-5- t Ogden, Jan. 0, 1873. and three at Lost Creek. The disease was carried into the country by Ogden, Jan. C, 1873. an emigrant who had a yerylight attack; Ed. Ogdex Jujcctios ; Dear Sir I wish to state to the citiso slight that no one supposed it was ,, small-poxuntil other parties zens of Ogden and vicinity that I ainper-fectl- y really the taken wre down with the disease about satisfied with the treatment my six weeks after the arrival of the emihusband received from the hands of Dr, grant. If the contagion 'continues to P. L. Anderson. The reports that have spread, nil the south cud of Morgan in been be will circulation are eutirely false county placed under quarantine? and undeserved. ThbBall Last Ete.nixg. The Sund00s3-5- t Amelia M. Frodsham. day school party.last eveuin. at Wood- ' mansee's Hall was attended by the! & Co., youth and beauty of the Second Ward, of this city, Over lOO couples between 313 uikI 317 Clay St., San Francisco. the ages of ten and eighteen, participaWholcsal Dealer and ting iu the festivities of the occasion. COMMISSION MERCHANTS Tiie party was success in every respect, and rejects great credit upou the manager.-- , and all toucerued. EuVolle; Napoleon s sou to suceeed Or-nto- ht Tho speech of Henry Ward Beech-e- r Herald at the late dinner of , the sous jof largcp-encratio- John M s$S-3- Displeasure. r-- L lavlshly'he-towe- d rived in Washington from Montana, with' .affidavits signed by old and reliable citizens, that there is no such tribe In existence, as that mentioned. These gentlemen promise to furnish the Senate Appropriation Committee .with aj statement shelving that the disbursement of monies to the so called tribe, under ' Government agents, were made upon fraudulent vouchers. So much for a nice little 'transaction, by which some gentle man's ; purso "was well filled. Will J&hn "A. L6gan,'the distinguished Seuator from Illinois, explain ? -- 1 farge sum was ujon the Iudians who, it was allegedj j Ijved in Montana, and demanded relief. Parties have now ar- The Napoleon family have no alliances by blood ( utside of France. Their plebeian origin ha repelled any union with i tfiis" Singular Disease of Logan, Cache County, writing recent death of his son Ilyruui, in his eighth year, makea the following statement to the Dct:rtt Evening Xcws: 'lhe character of the disease in the above case was this the patient was attacked with a pain in the left knee; he suffered two days with it, when the leg below the knee, down to the toes, became very much swollen, hardened and red. At this time the pain abated, and only returned by ppells. The swelling, ITueeah ! The Salt Lake Company is coming, aftr all. Mr. Kaymond has pone to California ; but we are to have two genuine comedy nights without hiin. Phil Margetls everybody knows Phil 'will' be' here ; J. C. Graham, the'siJe-splitte- r; Messts. Dunne, Bird, Biwring, Thompson, with other gentlemen and several popular actresses, will also appear, and make our Theatre ting with evenand laughter ' Look" out and for the read ing. bills, the advertisement, and if you want fun be sure and go both evenings. The programme is huge, the company excellent, 72-t- Ned Buntline, a .sensational novelist, and contributor to yellow-covere- d literature, was a few days since arrested, in St. Louis on a warrant issued by tho Prosecuting Attorney of that city. The charge alleged, is complicity in the riots which occurred in 1852, during the days when Know Nothing terrorism held sway in St. Louis. After examination, Ned ge A well-know- . - the'ex-Euipero- per- FRIDAT, 10. . Oft c!af V' frties, vomng ef either tr old, O-- of wntU AH paople, maK wrkig itior moni't s work fur ot in their niomoots, or all th s tiww, tbut M BBTth'a spr. Iho.- Krticulurt ft9. G. Stiuwt I 0.-.- , 80.fy ortlnd, Maiue. At-dr- i I pM'day. Agunt |