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Show Mffmm- - PUBLISHED (WEDXESDAY and SATURDAY.) SBMI--WBBKL- Vo. 4. OiiDILV, UTAH, SAT II IS DAY, JAXUAKY BY TELEGRAPH. OCDEN D'HECTORY. f Special to United Staios 'Officers for L. Woods. Govtrm George M. T. ?,irsktii Attorney George C. Bates. Indian Affairs G. W. Dodge. Supt. SurveyorrUeneralQ. C. Clements Receiver of Public Monies J. B. Over-t- Vanderbilt! .S". . Pacific Coast Matters! u. Paris! If. S. Collector 0. J. Hollister. Chief Justice J. B. McKean. Associate Justices 0. F. Strickland and M. The Carlists still at W ork in Spain! Hawle. George Q. Attorney-Gener- ings! Hooper, Congress Cannon, Delegate elect. Zernbbubel Snow. The Message of Gov. Dis! al Marshal J. D. T. McAllister. Auditor William Claytwn. Treasurer James Jack. Weber Comity Officers:F. and Proiate Richards. Philadelphia, 7. The State Constitutional Convention assembled this moruiug. Most of the morning session was occupied with debate aud selectiou of seals. Omaha, 7. It has bean blowing a perfect gale since noou with considerable atmospheric electrical display. New Orleans, 7. City very quiet. Pinchbeck LegislaAMERICAN. ture in session. New York, 7. Nashville, 7. In the Tweed case, after recess, it was The Senate elected A. T. Lacey of decided that a jury be empannelled to- Shelby, speaker. A panel of a huudrcd jurors morrow St. Louis, 7. is sauimoned. Col. Grosvenor retires from the edi The committee of the board of steam torship of the Dispatch, D. Robert Bar The steamer clay assumes control with Wm. W, navigation reported Missouri was seawcthy and well fitted, Smith us associate. but there was an utter lack of discipline Little Rock, 7. on bsard. Also that the vessel might The Senate completed tb.a canvass of have been saved from, fire had hoso been the vote for the balance of the State attached to the pumps when the fire officers last night, reporting the entire broke out. Republican ticket .vlecred, The new Tbe new iron steamship Calon for the officers were sworn and entered upon Pacific mail line arrived from Philadel- their duties to day. phia, and will soon take its place in the Cincinnati, 7. line. naipine, acter, uiea at noon Suit h3 been commenced by Mr9. Y. at the St James hotel, from the effects R. Benson, against Commodore Vanderof injuries received last Thursday, bilt, to recover the value of a large Iract while playing his part at Pike's as Big of land, in (iowanas, said to have been Holt with JNed Buuthne s company. held by the Commodore in trust for the llarrisburg, 7 Simon Cameron was renominated this plaintiff, and which he is said to have given to his son for $10, WO, who evening for Senator. The vote stood, transferred it to one Litchfield Cameron, 64; Kelley, 4; Wickcrsham, 2. lor a Luge sum. Washington, 7. At the Cabinet meeting Secretary chairman Jas. "SI. Brown is of the committee of seventy.' Belknap read a telegram, received from . General Emory, saying everything was l'ottsville, 7. The Commercial Colliery, of Philadelquiet. General Sherman and promi the and nent phia, operated by Philadelphia army officers, as well as prominent Reading' coal and iron company, burned officials in the civil service, express the last night; loss o0,0U0; insured. nonet tuat there will be no trouble in St. Louis, 7. New Orleans. An ordinance to repeal the '"social The t redit Mobilier comnjittee reevii" act, and all supplemental legisla sumed its investigation this .morning. lion, waii' introduced in the city council Colfax, after a brief preliminary stateaud was aluiust unanimously ment, was sworn and gave his testimony in a written form, lie had expected, rejected. after Speaker Blaine had testified, that Yallejo, 7. A man named Grace, last evening, in he would be next, aud he had requested an altercation, got iisjaw fractured. the committee, ou Dec. 10, to be allowed ",'The Vallejo Saving and Commercial to testify, and that his stimony might bank ha decided to loan no more money bo made public. He stated explicitly until a decision has ben had upon the that, no one ever gave or offered to give provisions of Congress relating to re- any slic es of st;ck in the Credit Mobilier r the Union . Pacific Railroad. cording mortgages. Ho had never received n?r had tenSacramento, 7. Paschall Coggin3 is seriously ill with dered to him any dividends on cash stock, or bonds, accruing upon any erysipelas.' The statues of Eureka, Education, In- Mock in either of said organizations; and dustry, Justice, Law and Mining, de- neither Ames nor any other person consigned by Lczzara, have been placed in nected with either of said organizations, position over the first entrance of the bad ever asked him to vote for or against, Capitol, and were this morning exhibi- auy measures affecting the interests of ted to the public. either, directly or remotely, or to use Los Angelos, 7. any personal or official influence in The Sunday law breakers were assess- their favor, Colfax then,, explained at ed light fines ia consideration of the length that he, upon the JepreaenUitions first, otl'ence, which' were paid without of Ames that it was a paying investment, demur. agreed !o purchase twenty shares Credit ' carried the first Mobilier at par, to be paid for as soon The steamer y regular 'shipment of the season if or- as he had the money; that he subsequently paid Ames about $500 cash en anges.' Lord Dunraven, of Entrland, left the this contract of purchase; that he never city to day with Gens. Beal and Jeffries received nor was offered any dividends on stock, and that a few weeks or months for a bear hunt at Ft. Tejon. Santa Barbara, 7. after this payment, hearing that the The bark Amedralina remains high organization was certain to be involved and dry on the beach. She will proba- in litigation, he went to Ames and told bly be bought by San Francisco mer- him that no profits, present or pronpeo-tivcould induce him to buy inVo a chants. The captain estimates her valdurthat he had never ue at $20,000. " The steamer Kalorama on her next in defendant or life his all plaintiff ing therehe and must furniof the court a of the balance will justice, bring trip ture for RaiFour's new hotel. The hotel fore recede entirely from the bargain. will be then immediately thrown open Ames assumed the $500 he had paid; and when some years after Ames failed, to guesfc. San Francisco, 7. . he (Colfax) told him he might dismiss The Gould & Curry mining compiny from his mind the small amount he owed has increased its cupital stock to nine him; he was therefore, instead of being million six hundred thouind dollars. a gainer by the Credit, Mobilier, a loser The certificate states that, ,thj full to the amount of $500. , John B, Alley resumed his ttiraony, apiount cf capit&l stuck ii paid .in... Ida Genner has been sent te the In n,rvd rea l a long paper givi g jbo his Strike of Colliers in D. Judye County Wales! ' Sdectmcn Lester J. Herrick, Henry Holmes, Richard Ballantyne. Cfak and Recorder F. S. Richards. Prosecuting Attorney Aurelins Miner. William Critculow, Notaries Public F. IS. Richards. Sheriff William Brown. Assessor and Collector Sanford Bing-har- a. to-da- y. Treasurer Walter Thomson. Fife. Coroner Win. SekooU Wm.W. Bur- of Superintendent City Government: Act of Jan. 18, - ; 1861. Iicorporated by Municipal election biennially n the second Monday of February. Meetig3 of the City Council alternate Monday evenings, at City Hall. Mayor Lester J. Herrick. Alilertnen . A. Brown, let Vard; W. Themson, 2d ,, Wm.W. Barton, Sd ,. Counselors Israel Caufield, David Moore, Charles W. Penrose, Wiuslovr Fai r, Horatio B. Scoville. Recorder Thou. G. Odell. Marshal W. X. Fife. Treasurer Aaron Farr. Surveyor David Jenkins. Assessor and Collector S. Bingham. Road Supervisor tharle? Welch.. Water Master Thomas Doxey. v.j. Kubse-quent- i Captain of Police Justice of the Peace V. G. Taylor. C. F. Middleton. Ogden Post Office: , ARIITVALS. Ijik City, dmitile daily W(t, Thruugh Mail daily .. Kakt, Xhrongh Mil daily !t City, Jonbl flt Ijke Through Mil Wt, Kitst, TliroiiH MaU 7.30 .m. . . . . 5.30 p.m. . 4.00 p.m. 7.S(iaj. 6.30 p.m. CU)SIN. 4aily daily . daily 6 . . .' SEMI AND a,m. . 4.(H'p.m. . 6.00a.m. MAILS. t CLOSING. Cache Connty. Tn"idayi, I'hursdayi and . . 4 p.m. Buadayi Daily to I.opn . Rich Comity, Tuesdays and Thursday . 4 p.m. North Ofrdaw Monday and Tliursduyi 2.S0 p.m 1 'vuuviliti Wed nesdays ucd Saturday 7.30 a.m Lyune, l'UIn City and Slatcnvilic, S.30 p.m. . . Monday and Thurtdttys K ! venial? 3.00 p.m. Weducjoiay a h1 Saturday H 'jape i Till aad Alma Uf dacHdnys and . . . 11.30 a.m . . Saturday OFFICK HOURS. Geucral Dolirerjr, Irotn 8 a.m. to 6.S0 p.m. ' Sunday, 6 p.m. tu 6.30 p.m. REG1STKY DEPARTMENT , tIen from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. MONET ORDF.R DEf AHTM'NT. Oiivn from a.m. t 3 p.m. Outid Door oion from 6 a.in. to 8 p.m. . - W , JOSEPH HALL,lotuiastor. Trains Leave Ogden iaily, until further notice, for Salt Lake City at 5 a.m. and 8 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. and 5.50 p.ia. For the East, at 8 &.m. For the West, at 4.53 p.m. ; Arrive from Salt Lake City, 7 a.m. and 10.45 a.m., aad 4.45 p.m. and 8.15 p.m. From the East, 5.80 p.m. From . - ; the West, G.55 a.m. Services- - n Religions in the Tabernaele. at 11 Try Sunday, ., and in the 2nd Ward School-housand Child'a Hall, at G p.m. Episcopal Chnrch at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Methodist Church at 11 a.m. and "'' ' 7 p.m. ,.' Spiritualist Lectures tCartloa's Hall), ,t &t7.30p.a. e : . Ogden to-da- , e, Salt Uk City Time. ; ly , AND CLOSIXQ MAILS. AUE1TAL , Citr Libra rr. At Geo. W. Turner'B., Opoa every, day, f undayi excepted. ; law-sui- t; b$f i 1873. II, YOI.. IV. tory of the building of the U. P. R. R., continues. No material tioiuts net and the conduct of the company. found in the direct testimony. In reThe chairman said he bad sent a eub- - ply to the question whether he ever guvs pcna to the secretary of the company any stock to a member of Congress to bung the books showing the holders without payment therefor, ho answered of stock, or who have reoeived divi in the negative. MeComb, in his testidends. The committee then adiournml. mony, stated that Brooks, member of The Supreme Court yesterday decided Congress from New York, received fifty in the case of Hutchings vs. The State fhares of the stock, but he thought it of California, that the settlement upon was given by direction of John B. Alley, me puonu uomain uoes not comer aucu and not by that of Ames. He testified rights upon the settler as will prevent to bearing Brooks press Alley to let him Congress in its discretion from dispos havo 50 shares of the stock, and heard ing of the land for other purposes. Con- him say to Alley that if he would do m gress is not restricted in its power to be would take care of the Democratic dispose of lands by tale or donation or side of the house. At this time .Brook right. Hutchins had set- was either a Govt, director or 6oid he tled on the Yosemite tract before it was would himself be madeaGovt. director cf granted to California for a publio park. the N. P. R. R. Jno. B. Alley, in his In th" ease of the United States vs. Ben- examination testified that he never had nett, et al, the judgment of the Circuit any conversation with Brooks, relative Court for the southern disirict of Ohio to the shares. He never gave or nold a is reversed, the court deciding that the share of the Credit Mobilier to Brooks repeal of the statute under which the or to any member. The statement, penalty was imposed on the defendants of McComb Is a fabrication. Alas sureties in certain transportation ley than went inlo a legthy of history bonds, does not operate to defeat a suit the nrst starting or subscriptions for the brought fjr breach of conditions there- Credit Mobilier, and stated Out it win on before the repeal was enacted. only upon the most earnest solicitation In the Senate the Vice President took of Ames that he, Alley, was prevailed to his seat. take stock at the start. He invested A number of bills were introduced $60,000 in it. Alley continued, saying and referred. Freliughuysen offered a that Ames also persuaded Senator joint resolution proposing an amendment Grimes and Congressman Hooper to to the constitution providing that the take stock at the same time and there Supreme Court of the United States was not the least suspicion of any corshall decide ihe cases of contested elecruption. Ames and himself put in out tion of presidemial electors. Sherman million dollars. After tbe election of called up his resolution offered yester- the directors of the Credit Mobilier C. day directing the committee on elections they found six hundred and fiify shares to inquire into the recent elections in standing in the name of Thomas C. Louisiana and Arkansas. Some discusnot paid for and upon enquiry sion ensued as to the constitutional Durant gave evasive answers and he right of Congress to inquire into the le was told they must be paid for or sold gality of an election in a State, but the for the benefit of the company. Trouble resolution finally passed. ensued with Durant and he was turned The Indian appropriation bi'l came up out of effice and Alley and his friend as unfinished business and the usiul obtained control. ' " discussion of the Indian policy followed, Albany, 7. an amendment was adopted directing The assembly organized with the becretary or the Interior to com the choice of A.B.Cornell as speaker who municate to Congress what oppropria delivered a long address. Gov. Dix's tions may, in his judgment, be dispens message was read. He congratulates ed with. An amendment was adopted the State for the calm which succeeded appropriating $50,000 to remove the the nati .nnl election, and regards the Winnebrogo Indians of Wisconsin, to'the fact that of the States cast Indian Territory, if they consent. The their votes for the same candidate as an Senate adjonrned. indication that tbe animosities of the The House met at the regular hour. late rebellion are gradually wearing Speaker in the chair. away. He believes a liberal and enSeveral bills were referred. F. C. lightened policy by Congress and the Runnel, of Pennsylvania, took the oath eminent citizen in whom public confiand seat in place of Mercer, resigned. dence was thns signally bestowed, will Hale reported the naval appropriation eventually lead to tbe oblivion of past bill appropriating $18,884,VJd, r differences. The receipts of the past lai oraer lor next baturday. A bill was fiscal year were $14,807, 252, expendireported authorizing tho Attorney Gen tures $14,455,552. These are exclusive eral to examine the claims of China, the of the canal and free school funds. insurance company of Boston, and other ' Governor Dix, in his Message, recomowners of the bark "Colder," to be paid mends uprooting the preaeat system of out of the Chinese indemnity fund., Af- city government in New Verk, and givter discussion the bill was recommitted, ing power t) the mayor ta remove nn l Packard, from the committee on foreign appoint officials, an 4 ' recommend afiairs, reported a bill to enforce the that m the city of Xcw Yrk the princistipulations of the contention with Yen ple of minority representation in the ezuela of April 25th, 18GG, and the pay legislature bo adopted. He refers to mcnt of the adjudicated claims. The the great increase of crime, and recombill was passed without discussion. Nib- - mends legislation that will more surely lack, from the committee on appropria secure the prompt punishment of contions, reported the annual fortification victed criminals, and concludes by bill, which was made the special order promising earnest support to all meafor Thursday next. The bill appropri sures of reform. v pre-empti- Important Land Decision in the Supreme Court! Schools of Common Superintendent L. IWlert Campbell. , north-wester- Congressional Proceed- Officers: Territorial W. H. to Delegate to-da- y. Tlie Internationals in tleorga R. Registrar of Land Office Maxwell. U. S. Axuftmr John Y. Taggart. . ths Oodkn Jvncttox by tho Atlautic i'acinc lelfgrapu (jyinpany.J sane Asylum She is insane from loss i of money. Martin Bridger, general wharfinger, aud tendered his resignation to day, but the board of harbor commissioners would not accept it. The weather is cloudy, and another dense log hangs over the city and bay. Tallahasse, 7. Governor Hart and Lieutenant Governor Stearns wore inaugurated at noon. Both branches of the Legislature met. In the House A. B. Conover, State Treasurer, was elected speaker by the Democratic vote, and the aid of some Republicans. Chicago, 7. Last night, in the n part of the city, Lars Larsen, an inoffensive young Swede, was stabbed to the heart while trying to assist a campanion U escape Irom a mob of young Hoodlums who wantonly attacked him. Tho murderer escaped. Important Suit Against Commodore Black. Patrick. GeoViiv: A. Secretary Y, Du-ra- nt " to-da- y, five-sixt- A v ates Sgl.fly'J.OOO. , FOREIGN. The House then went into a commit Taris, 7. tee of the whole, Dawes in the chair, on Several persons belonging to the Inthe legislative executive and judicial ap ternational Society have teen arrested propriation bill. Ihe bill appropriates in Paris and the Provinces. .The police On motion of McCreary $17,011 found Orsinl boruds it the possession of an amendment was adopted, forbiddiag some. the payment of contestants in contested Parties of Carlists have tern up t'ae election cases. In the course of his re- h rails on the roads between Mironde and marks he stated that the amount paid unand between Aliana and Pampe-lunBilboa, successful contestants during last Conalso set fire t the railway They gress was $105,001. After disposing of station with petroleuu, completely deof the bill the committee about it. made and of the rose, and the speaker announced the stroying officials and prisoners The employees. railway following select committee, or d trod on north Spain railway is obstructed, and the Credit Mobilier and Union Pacific have temporarily teased runtrains Railroad question. Wilson, Indiana; ning. ' Shellabarger, Hoar, Swann, and Madrid, 7. The speaker presented the resigGeneral Morrison will saon take comnation of Beveridge as Congressman at mand of the Government forces of the large from. Illinois. Adjourned. Navarre Basquo provinces. inAmes said he had no intention of land en, 7 in and those Congress fluencing parties A brig went ask fere on the Isle of did not want any legislation at the time. and went t pieces. He oould not specify any one who poke Wight yesterday, Nine person were drowatd. for the ttock, there were 6 many of them. He thinks Patterson, Dawes, The Chicago Timet aks "IIW can Schofield, Bingham, Wilson, and Colfax we esccpe fire!" The New York ComThey applied when they mercial applied. answers, ''The Gasp! afford heard it would be a good investment. every you encouragement." This terminated the cross exainina,iou. C50 shares were csrried These along, Ames making every effort to sell them. F. S. RICHMDS, Alley, 8 further statement appeared to show that Ames induced Wilson to invest two thousand dollars of his wife's ; CCMVSYAfiCGR. u. f mn .;: money. ' ' Owes o " " Oaken of Ames The cross examination 44Ji Franklin SU, SttrSia. MoAlier iveatv.tiii before ,3-r2- . a. one-fift- h Slo-cu- NOTARY PUBLIC . the-Credi- t blwi . |