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Show Xapolcon, Ex-Emper- or or ia the nation. ,f chamber Cameron will, viithput doubt, be returned from France, Dead. liouis Xajleon Bonaparte died Pennsylvania.: By a provision ia the Constitution t Chiselhurst. What it his inorninr the term of d of the Senators a history is connected with the name two years. With the x expires every .f this remarkable man ! What in life, awl triumphs over ad- exceptions named, no important or prominent characters have been menversity, furm a part of the eventful tioned in connection with the next c.ueer of :i inau, who was but two Senate, as action has not yet' been years sui- thu ruler of an Empire, lias dracn his last breath, Ukcn by the Legislatures of many Mid States in the election of successors to ;ni exile. the present incumbents. When Bout-we- ll At this hour it is impossible for us is elected from Massachusetts, in to recapitulate the history and career the place of the elect, of Jjouis Napoleon, the President of we will give due notice, a3 we have lh: second Republic, Kmperor of unqualified friendship for the gentle-raa- u Kriiuec, victor of Solf'tfriao and who has for the last four vears and captive of Se2a. mauaged m a mysterious way to reduce the national indebtedness. one-thir- vicis-itadc- - to-d- ay . 31a-"eut- Vice-Preside- nt a, Rnscoe Colliding has been nominat the Senate by a ted for vis'ieus of the Hepublican members1 His: of course a foregone conclu-VmMr. Cowkliug's career during tlie last six years, as the leader of the doction is n. Slore Officers than 1'rivates. Every member of the House ef Representatives has the privilege of appointing one cadet to the military and naval academies. Eventually these cadets become officers. There is now a surplus of the shoulder-atrap-j)egentlemen who are honored with commissions, aud the West Point d Administration party, has certainly not entitled him to the encomiums passed upon him ly hi admirers, mill is grinding them out annually lis is not a statesman in any sense of by scores. The Into appointment of the word. His record is that of au Congressional representation adds fifordinary politician, who has never ty members to the next House, which His services convenes at the termination of the .exceeded mediocrity. in behalf of the party which has re- present session. This numerical adwarded him beyond kts deserts, are dition necessitates the appointment to the position of incommensurate cadets more schools beto the fifty honand ae which if recoguized lofty longing to the army and navy service. has never Senator orable. Couklin'g The Secretary of war finds much and exactions to riseu superior party difficulty in providing the sons of necessitios. The same may be said of Mr. Mor-ic- n, United who has been States Senator for Indiana for another term. He is weak iu intellect, and his ambition does not soar aboev re-elec-ted the accomplishment of petty intrigues fur the purpose of maintaining his friends in power. Fransis P. Blair, the present Senator from Missouri, is not sure of a tween Differences existing behimself and his colleague, Schurz, endanger his prospects of a return to the SeJiate. As the Legislature is Pens.ocr.atie, it is very probable that he will be again honored by to a seat which he has He was instrumental in honored. securing the nomination of Mr. Greeley for the Presidency. The straight outs feel bitterly toward him, on account of the influence he exercised in disorganizing the party of which lie was a trusty leader- - It is admitted now by the unflinching advocates of the coalition that grave errors were made. Yet, the motives which animated Travel. Cosmopolitan Patriotism. Thirty passengers came this morning from the West, in good order. Of late the C. 1 uoter misses time. The weather along the route is stormy, but the track is clear. The U. P. arrived in season last night and started out this morning with a goodly number of passengers for the Kast. A great business is anticipated during the coming Bpring, and merchants are making ample preparations for the great rush which is expected in -- the Western towns and citie. The Utah Central never fails to be on time. Just as our watch hand points to the hour of seven, we are sure to hear the wbistle of the punctual train. No news of any importance is reported, but passengers say there is no mud in Salt Lako City, Oh no! none at all. At Terrace. Senatorial Elections. of the New York Legislature. THURSDAY, 9. the hearts of those who combined, with their former euemies, were pure, and with a due regard to the public weal. It is hardly within the range of the probabilities that Blair will be deposed. We believe, and sincerely hope that his election will be announce J, and that one of the firmest champions of civil rights in the Union will continue to use his influence and raise his powerful voice in behalf of tolerance aud justice. J. T. Walles, a manumitted slave, has received the nomination of his party, which is in the ascendency in the State Legislature of Florida. Some exceptions may be taken by Seuators who arc adverse to the abrogation of caste distinctions, to his being admitted among the august wearers of senatorial robes. Not- Mars with positions consistent with their rank, and epaulettes are at a discount. As officers draw pay from the public Treasury, and can afford to live in ease and idleness, we suppose they are not particularly anxious to enter the active and busy scenes of a commonplace life. ' But the Government should not encourage the lazy drones, who are useless in contributing to the general wei. fare, at the expense of the industrious classes, who are taxed to support them in luxurious indolence. Why should the Government not find some occupation for them in aiding the , Alexander Moise, an of the Machine Shop, at Teremployee race while working yesterday afternoon, in trying to adjust a cylinder, which was displaced, had the small finger of his right band crushed by being caught in the turning lathe. Dr. C. S. Nellis, of this city, was sent for, and found that amputation to the second joint was The cperation was necessary. with his usual skill and the patient is now doing well. per-ferm- ed Town Jottings. Dull, dull, dull. The merchants and hotel keepers, and business men generally wear sorrowful countenances. The roads are so bad that farmers can't come to town, and mud and slush so abundant, that petple conceal themselves in their cozy homes. Two wagons were stalled at the foot of Fourth street, A young lady was upset, all the harm done was a handsome calico dress soiled and a hat lost. r A Would slog noble patriot song To world steeped in crime! Come tun the lyre with prophetic fire To roach the (train midline. Kor maxims from the ancient lore, Kor the fodlein moWu plan Can heal the gnawing eankeriug sor, That preys on the heart of man. WANTS A IIAPPY FAMILY, EVkT.T who always wants a k'ull Hjuss, Kvcry Stove Dealer who means business, every Man, Woman or Child who desires health by good living, should of WHO by oe THE CELEBRATED Would build a noble costly pile With the shifting suixls Iwlow? Behold the rain of henvon descend And fierce tornados blow. Bo every strtx ture based on guilt Must I of guilt the prey, Xternul Justice guides the rulo , And leaves muu iu dismay. With hounrholds pure no nation yet Was ever known to fall. Tis lust aud passiuu pave tho way i'ur ignorance and thrall; For how can a gnilty heart rejoice Iu freedom's nared fane, Or liberty lift up her voice In the outlaw'd teuts of Caiu? The hireliug's sword may gmvrd the hall, Vmy the tyrant's doom, And vaunting might may fill the laud With revelry and gloom. If patriot thoughts cannot he found Kmmd household altar fires, The glorious tree of liberty Iu withering drouth expires. Then sing a glorious patriot song As wide as all the worn, Till inhumanity mid wrong Back to the shades are liurl'd. Be this the burthen of the song, The soul that would be free, Must own God's gracious provideiite, Aud cleur from guilt must be. J.McF. ASK YOUR TINNER FOR THEM If he does not have au assortment, stud yoar order to Excelsior 3fanuf&cturing Co., 12 and 614 MAIN STREET, St. LOUIS o 3X. TO J. M.AUKN k C0.,TAYU)R4 ZION'S Z.C, M. I. X. HARKISON, k CUTLER, any et ores, C. H. BASS KIT SlIAKlUrS KSTATK, Salt Lako City, Utah. t Notice ! The most striking difference bernO JOSEPH ML'SC.RAYK, WILLIAM LK ROT, tween a fool and a looking-glas- s is 1 JOHN CASSIDY KUvVaRB MATKER and ALLKN. You will plooxe tuke notice that the fool Fpeaks without reflect- RICHARD that labor has becu done for yon, according tu reflects contract, ou the L'nion Star Mine, Cottonwin 4 ing, and the looking-glas- s Kanyon, Kxcclslor Dintrict, Morgan county, I'UiU without speakiug. Territory; and yeu are hereby notified to av your Share within ninety davs from da to of this President Thiers received the a notice. TIMOTHY O'NEIL. Uintah, Weber co., Nov. JW, 17& sUTlm Embassy at the Palace Elysces on the 27th instant, the Embassy Jos. Mueprave, $12; Wm, Lercy, $.Tl; Jolm $14 Kd. Maleer, Kkhard Alien, S'JO, wearing the usual diplomatic uniform. Jap-anes- 5; cm. i. Serious Fall. David Moore fell from the roof of a house where he was working, in this city, a distance of fifteen feet, dislocating his right atkle completely, the foot being turned up by the side of his leg. Dr. Murpny was called on, but before he arrived the neighbors had replaced the bone, cheating the Doctor of his sergcon's fee. Too bad for the Dr., after such a tramp in MRMIIIPEIl GROCERIES, HARDWARE . & CROCKERY; TOOLS, IMPLEMENTS & STOYES; DRY GOODS, STAPLE and FANCY NOTIONS, ' . CARPETS, OIL, CLOTHS, UPHOLSTERY CiOODS, CLOTUIXG, HATS, the mud. Indians. The Sagwitch band of InROOTS dians have been in town A hasSHOES; showed that they had been on ty glance Medicines: Chemicals, a visit to George Hill. ' They were loaded with blankets, domestics, licking and LIQUORS, ALE other articles provided by their great Sewing Machines, Father at Washington. Smiling facos Shoe various enterprises, and congratulations wero in order Rcspolcc engineering which are so numerous that a useful among the red skins. Leather, Findings, Beltings, &c.j and profitable career may be opened Juvenile Tarty. A party for chil- PRODUCE, EGUS, to a multitude of swordlcss warriors, dren under ten years of age, who are SGHLTTLER WAGOXS, BOB SLEDS; instead of permitting them to while connected with the Second Ward Sunday MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. &C, &C. away their leisure hours at the gam- School, was given this afternoon in ing table?. Asa matter of course, Steven's new hall on Fifth street. We emerging from the walls of the West arc satisfied from personal observation that the youngsters got all the amusePoint, they should be perfectly com' TO ment possible out of the occasion, and petent in the sciences of mensuration, Messrs. Murk Hall and C. F. Middleton surveying and engineering. Alas- had their hands full in looking after Will find the Largest Asuortment of Merchandise in tho several Departments of ka, that splendid region where the them. The older children and teachers Z. C. M. I., as above, that can bo seen in tho West, aud all at fair prices. Esquimaux and Polar bears revel are to have a dance this evening in H.D.CLAWSON, Superintendent-amid perennial snows," present a fine Woodmansee's hall. field for the exhibition of their abilirictl l'eaclies. A quantity of dried (teaches, parsd or tin ties and the exercise of their genius, i:ii((l,largs wauled immediatoly, at it. C. M. 1 ,0gitau f iu these da's of peace. As yet no liranuk. Gunb on a Hunt. The mountain steps have been taken to survey these OF huters, among them, the baritone, whose This desolate aud regions. clarious notes arc familiar to all who is one method humbly and respect- have heard his "gentle voice," started fully suggested by us for making this mcrning, if we ore correctly inGROESBKCK'S BLOCK, SECOND SOUTH STREET, Uncle Sam's pets worthy and useful formed, on another hunt. Farmers and citizens. At a more opportune mo- pioneers! Look to your barn yards. ment we may tender other sugges- Several chickens are missing. tions, prompted by a heart overflowHis Little Hatchet. William Stow-el- l, kinding with tho "milk of human " a boy about sevon years old, son of ness.". . Mr. William It. II. Stowell of this City, with an accident this afternoou. met Amendment to the IJankOF THE VERY CHOICEST QUALITIES, Imported Direct, 11 Act. lie was chopping with a hatchet and acrupt ' '.'7 J , cidentally struck himself on the head Representative Butler, of Massa- cutting a gash i n his scalp about an inch chusetts, has introduced a bill in the and a half long" and slightly fracturing THE LARGEST ASSQRTiUE.NT OF House of Representatives to amend the skull. Dr. Anderson promptly strap-ppe- d the wound. The patient is doing the Bankrupt At, so that State corwell and no serious consequences are IN TUB TERRITORY; porations, iusurance. companies, and apprehended. other institutions shall not be , anil Wall Paper, Rordoring, Decorations; Patent Drugs, anil PORTER; WISES, in Yaricty; Singers' Root and Repartiicnt; to-da- y. r ic; CRAIX, BUTTER, Wholesale Purchasers and Visitors " SALT LAKH CITY ri-3- THE NEW HOUSE .72-t- ice-boun- ' ia d G. F. . GU1IER & C O., SALT LAKE CITY, aZAXSJES .. CHINA A SPEIOIAIiT Y OTP and JAPAN TEAS WIKDOW GSaiiSS withstanding their protestations, the ble gentleman will subject present his creStained Glaeg, Green, Rnbj, Blue, Yellow, Purple anil n jurisdic-tiobut to the left that to and dentials, Orange assume tho dignity to Act, Kirth. w hich he has of the State courts. Has Oakes 3 been elevated from the at On January Cth, 1873, p,ro,, the Orders from the Coantry prompt) filled, nd Olett) Cat U Jtj Site en 4 wife of John Czacbert, of ton. Shipe, witkont rxtr eb&rje. plantation to the hjjghest legislative Ames finger ia that pi t , . |