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Show l'J!Sll!L!Ulll'JutBt BY TELEGRAPH. Pwinl to th Oonlbt Junction by the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company. An Incendiary detected new loan. The arguments made a favorable impression on the members, who say that IJoutwell's applicatioa ior increased commission will not be granted. New York, 8. . removed to his old Stokes was y cell, from the one in which he had been confined since the verdict. The Sisters of Charity ordered it. Inquest on the victims of the Centre St. fire continued It was found to find impossible any boys who were when benzine was used for washfcsent pi ing type. Nothing new regarding the origin of Ue fire was discovered. Th trial of Wm. M. Tweed virtually He was present, also- a began full attendance of council. The examination of jurors occupied all day. Peck-hawill open the ense for tbe people. Miss Charlotte A. Shotwcll, a well know Washington Lobbyist, living in New York, left for Chiqngs, being accompanied by Geo. E. LVerett, who was going to join his family in Chicago, on arriving there she caused his arrest on the charge of stealing fifty thousand dollars worth of railroad bonds from her. ' It was discovered the bonds had been sent back to Frank W. Brooks, N. Y. Miss Shotwell returned here accompanied by a Chicago detective, but Urooks already had handed bonds to the Chief of Police, Nevertheless she caused his arrest yesteidtiy charged with receiviug stolen goods. He was and expressed the utarraigned most astonishment at his arrest. His counsel argued that his client had acted perfectly honorable under the circumstances. Brooks in tho meantime is held in 50,000 bail. New York, 8. is cold and frosty. The weather The streets are comparatively free from snow. Work is being pushed energetithe fire and police cally in was which entirely prostrated telegraph by the storms. AH telegraph Company's have also a large force of men at work the poles which have fallen in great numbers by the storm. It will be five days before the fire department telegraph will be in complete order again. The Timet'' special from, Washington says it is donbtful whether the Senate will organize a committee to investigate the political troubles in Louisiana and Arkansas. Thq health of Senator Sumner continues very precarious. He has not slept for a few nights .without subcutaneous injection of morphine. Yesterday he sent a note to his colleague, Senator Wilson,' stating he ehould be absent to-da- in New York! Another defaulting Paymaster! to-da- Suffer inj Napoleon . Acutely! - to-da- y. Mobbing iu London! m mm-- A Protestant Church in Rome! Congressional' Proceedings! ' AMERICAN. Washington, 8. In the Senate Morton offered a resolution appropriating $20,000 to defray lite expenses of (Ue investigation to be made by the committee on privileges and elections, into the election (roubles in Louisiana and Arkansas, and conferring authority upon the persona to bo .deputed by the committee to niako the investigation. After some discussion as to tie power of the Senate lo delegate the powr of a committee to other parties, motion of Thuraiau the resolution was utnended, so as to authorize a commission to have witnesses, sworn by any Slate or United States officer, authoris ed to administer oaths, and the resolu,, tion so amended was adopted. In the House, Dutler, of Massachusetts, introduced a bill to amend the bankruptcy act, bo that State corporations, such as insurance companies, etc., hall pot b subject to the provisions of the no.t, but to the jurisdiction of the . m Mute cptrts. i relating to the Territories, were reported aud disposed of. Tae House then went into committee of the vvhole, and resumed the consideration of the legislative, executive .and Sargent judicial appropriation bill. ruoYcd an aoipndmeut increasing the appropriation for the President's "alary to $00,000, and fixing the from salary bereaflen at ?G0,000. llolman made a poiut.of order that the amend-nteA number pf bills - ; ut n existing law, , and was changed therefore ouUof order. The chairman llolman overuled the point of .order. the from decision the of chair, appealed and the committee 4did not sustain the chair, the affcraiativo vote being only twenty-twSargeut then modified hit o. amendment, omitting by that part making the proposed increase a permanent one. Some objection was made by llolmau, and overuled by the chairman, and upon appeal being taken, the the chair was not sustained; CO; nays, C7: so the amendment iiycs, was decided out of order and notu'e-ceivedeqi-ion- . of d. to-da- y, To-da- The Constitution, now overdue some days, has not yet arrived, and is supposed to have stopped at Manzanillo to tow up a disabled steamer coastwise. Chicago, 8. Specials say that tho measure for retaining over $500,000, interest from the Credit Mobilier, introduced in the house by Itandall, yesterday, and adopted, was submitted to the President today, and by him at once referred to the Attorney-General- , who will take great care to select two able attorneys to begin the suit; but he will postpone the matter until the close of the congresThe Attorney-Genera- l sional investigation. seems determined to take advantage of this revolution to probe the Credit .Mobilier to the bottom. Portland, 8. The Commercial Pieporter places the shipment of wheat to England, since Oct., 1st, at 2'.0, 000 centals. Heavy showers have fallen during the past week, doing considerable damage to railroads. Oswego, 8. Fuller & Judson's block burned this morning; loss !?135,000. Louisville, 8. Three passenger cars of tho train from Nashville ran off the track at Bolmont station last night. Fifteen or sixteen passengers were slightly bruised. Concord, N. II., 8. At the Democratic convention, Jas. A. Weston was nominated for Govto-da- v, ernor. ' to-d- ay Louisville, 8. and the The Legislature organized, Governor's message was read. St. Louis, 8. Governor Woodson was inaugurated at Jefferson City and delivered a lengthy inaugural. to-da- y, Springfield, 111., 8. The Illinois Legislature convened and both houses have orhere ganized temporarily. to-da- y, Albany, 8. The Republican legislative caucus, tonight, unanimously nominated Iloscoe Conkling for U. S. Senator. Cincinnati, 8. 1 The steamboat "Inanita," loaded with 100 tons of hay, was burned atSteuben-vill- FOREIGN. Taris, 8. It is expected that Rieviere wifl pre- . I to-da- ; ury city American clergymen taking part. to-da- y. Belgrade, 8. The armament of the Servian militia is progressing rapidly, and there is much excitement over the railroad question. I tt n, . y, possible, so that he may be able to buy another splendid stock of Wine, Li,mV;i and Groceries. Daniel can't be beat fr the excellence of his Wines and Liqou0M or the fairness of his prices. in the premises partly occcuided hf Mr. Chambers as a news and book storp and by Miss Murphy as a cigar stand. Dr. Murphy is a.Thomsonian pjrjrsioiuu, confining his remedies almost entirely to herbs and plants and utterly ignoring Madrid, 8. Zorilla, president of the council, yesterday attached his signature to the decree accepting the resignation of Captain General Ltitore, of Porto Rica, and appointed General Flores his sue-- He has a long list poisonous minerals. of testimonials as to ability, compi-iaimany of the best names in the. Territory. . 1 cessor. Ml , .; .. to-da- y, maior-gener- al MenrpillJJ Ca-,ie.v- u oun. uf i)uocurS)ieja.A i. Coof New York, hi! 'a5 leojtliyliefring before the comuiittM regarding A".VAJ4, Me Jfi symdicati tysiesn of aeotiatio; a , . I Havana, 8 General Chinchilli and the troops who n:s abse..c" accompanied him to Ilolquin have re ConnwAiXKK. turned lo Havana, and the regulars will oeorgo Whitehead is duties resume their guarding a pushing tradesman. He has permaprobably the forts. The mail steamer from Cadiz nently located after many changes and has landed 475 soldiers. shiftings nt his residence on Fouriii Street, a little distance West of Z. C. Pacific Coast Type. M. I , where be keeps in addition t boots and shoes, a stock if imported goods for sale at low figured. George says with the new year ho' has turned over a new leaf and will endeavor to the utmost of his ability to keep promises made to customers. He h several hands at work in his shop good workmen and will "fill orders witli promptness and dispatch. Call and see George when your soles' welfare ar j home-mad- The San Francisco Chronicle is now printed with type made in 'Frisco, from material produced on the Pacific Coast; the lead coming from White Pine, Nevada, the antimony from Humboldt County, Nevada, and the tin from San Bernardino County, Cal. There are three type foundries in San Francisco, that of Painter and Co., taking the lead. We hare done business with the firm of Painter and Co., and take pleasure in corroborating the statements of the Chronicle as to the clear and fine make of the type from that foundry. The paperg on the Coast should patronize the foundries in their own vicinity, for it must be to their interest to encourage and sustain local industries and home ' enterprises, particularly when the articles produced are equal to those obtained from a distant market. In Peril from a Drunken Engineer. From the Altoona (Penn.) Tribune. e at stake. j j A Nelson street man was charged by his wife to bring home her bonnet Saturday . night, but he' became so imbued with liquor that he fell on the street and burstcd the cover from hand-boand the hat rolled out on the walk. He grabbed for it ut once as also did 't. playful dog, and for a while" it was'difHeult'to determine which would get the hat. They finally divided it, the.jnun gving one way with the strings and a fqw straw and the dog another, with the balance. , When he !goY'h.o,me, h.; ex tended his share ot the victory to the wretched .woman, and burst forth in unfeigned admiration uJt wm tho goldarndest dog to (hie) hold on L ever saw, (hie) an' if I hadn't been perfectly sober. hie)' he'd a had the hull (hie) on it." Danbury. x, . A few nights since the locomotive of a train on the Pennsylvania railroad M33AI was run between Pi tsburg and Altoona by an engineer who had, unknowingly OF LAND, VBOUT Uf) ACUES to the conductor, become considerably complete, 23 acros leticeO, ant muli-A kx.1 Orchard in euniliiti.ri; intoxicated in the former city. At cultivation. Vietweou and four hitp rmlneiitlv uJiiptnl at most the times, i dangerous places, the for a vineyard. Also a UOCst, man put the engine to its utmost test Uranury, iitalije and ptlier iiiiprturajHoiitn. forty-fivand fifty miles an hour. But To be sold entire or in part to suit purcWcrn. whenever he saw a red light he reversed For apply to the locomotive and brought into opera' dGltf TIIOS. READ ffwpM- City. tion the patent The stoppages from Pittsburg to Altoona on this account were very many, and the train was several hours late ou arriving at the latter place. The peculiar movements of the train 3Iain Street," OgdenJ- - ' FOR SALE, r twu-jL- tht-e- air-brak- - e. : coo-sideie- Ji? te 1 be-scig- to-da- y, U 1 jj "in vii mm'! iji i:uiitni it iinn ill his new office in regular business hour J d M. D. HAMtOND, AGRICULTURAL &i?Lfc!EP3T AND WAGON WAREHOUSE. TIIK ' FAR-FAME- ,; ' SCHUTTLER WAGON Sulky Horse Ralies, Buckeye Reapers and Molasses, Mills, ' C orn S hollers, Feed Cutters, Fanning Millsj'rnbrj' Grinders, A large qivaiitily of WAG OK 47-- tf TIII'BER and Fittings of every kind. WADskORTH, T. S. Main St.; iroCpltCliy riat. & ajfar Dr. Murphy whose card appears in the Junction established his office on Main Street, i to-la- y. nt Office. Physicians e - O, ht d(inhlc-tnini- to-da- y, . from Lake to St. George for his woudrou, fi. nancial abilities, has got a splendid assortment of Wines, Liquors and groceries which he wishes to sell out as soon as Berlin, 8. Bismarck has sent to the federal council a draft of the convention with the Danish Government, to facilitate the rendering assistance to necessitious citizens of Germany and Denmark in either country. Berne, 8. The Swiss federal council has threatened tojuse vigorous measures against the canton Villas, because Jesuit mas- greatly excited the passengers, and ters are tolerated in the schools. filled them with painful amazement. London, 8. The conductor had become iuformed of While Sir Charles Dilke was wpeaking the engineer's condition, but he could on the subject of "Land and People," in find no one to whom he could entrust Derby last night, a mob attempted to the responsibility of running the train. disperse the meeting. The adherents of He studiously kept his secret from the Dilke resisted and a severe struggle enshould passengers, lest its sued. Several persous were injured, till them with terror. divulgemeut and many windows were broken; the Notwithstanding the dangerous hands fighting lasting over an hour. Great ex- in which probably a hundred lives had citement prevailed, but order was at been placed, the train reached the end length restored, and tho meeting was of the engineer's run with safety. It is brought to a close, wheu a large crowd needless to add that the drunken emarrived with sticks and bludgeons and ploye of the company was promptly disescorted the speaker and wife to their He had previously been charged. hotel. one of the best and most reliaThe steamship 'Philadelphift," was ble as he was one of the engineers sunk off the coast of Northumberland, oldest on the road. On the day of the while bound from this city for Dundee; accident, he fell in with unfortunately, no lives were lost. The U. S steam fri- a party of friends, and drank an inorgate "Hartford" has lift Malta where dinate quantity of liquor. she wag repaired, for the Chiuese waters via the Suez Canal. A can take $100- - if he has joraman Extracts frora the circulars of it take return passage in one of the cotton trade Cunard steamers; prominent bre :ers say to was not so good in '72 as in the previous there a month at hisgoown Europe; stay expense, and year, and the rates obtained were not come back again, with a suit of clothes even renumerativc, Spinners and man- on his back which would cost him $o0 ufacturers commence the new year well here; and, if he is can economical, very under contract, and business for the have a few dollars in his out of pocket present will be mainly influenced by the the $100 'when he arrives hack again. quantity of imports, and the present The thing has been tried and proved scarcity is likely to be tided over with- within the past ten weeks. out any enhancment of prices. The wool trade is in an unsatisfactory A young man engaged in making himstate, The imports for the first time self attractive te a young lady the in its history, have fallen off; and the othe- - evening was taken with a violent deficit has evidently gone to the United coughing, and brought up two marbles he had swallowed when a boy. The Slates. yesterday. The carriages of the aristocracy The first run of metal at the new young lady dismissed him. She said was very successful. the residence of Napoleon, at she didn't want to marry a stone, foundry Kvery kind of vegetation nhows won Cliiaelhurit, this afternoon, to reoeive to-da- w Hood, Wine and I.iiu,rftt Daniel Wood, who is known Bt.ar' the 3 o'clock bulletin. The announcement that the Ex Emperor is worse, creates much alarm among the adherents of the family. A dispatch from Chiselhurst says Napoleon is suffering acutely, though his strength and endurance are great. A general strike is now in progress in the coal mining districts of Wales. It is estimated that 70,000 men are on a strike. In many of the mines work has been entirely suspended, and a geueral stoppage of operations is feared in many districts. Coal is at famine prices, and the effect is being felt as disastrous throughout the country. The strikers demand an increase of wages which has been refused by the proprietors who have combined lor their protection and their interests. ... St. Petersburg, 8. His Royal Aighness, Czarowiich, continues to improve, and there is every reason to hope for his cariy recovery. y, . son-in-la- e, Ohio. sent his final report of the preliminary investigation in the case of Marshall some days, requesting Wilson to explain Bazaine, to the assembly within a fortbis absence in the event of his being night. It is said the conclusions arrived at by tbe investigating committee taken home. It is stated that Stokes lawyers have are decidedly unfavorable to the marcommenced to take steps for obtaining a shal. The German custom officials refuse to new trial, and that they are to present such a bill of exceptions as will insure a allow free admission to French printed fabrics into Alsace, and the French new trial. minister at Berlin is now negotiating noon four jurors were , I'ri to with the German Government in relaobtained for Tweed's trial. tion to the matter. In the legislature at Albany, The party of the Left Contre in the bills were introduced for the abolition National Assembly are hopelessly divilaws. The report of the ded. of the State Comptroller tdiows that the exRome, 8. penses ot the canals last year were The pioneer profestnnt church of this $014,373 in excels of the receipts. He was consecrated beven An animated disoussion look a proposition ..to increaw.tbe on place appropriation for the bureau of educa- recommends prompt legislation for ention; and without disposing of thelites-- t larging the capacity of the Erie canal, ion the committee rose and House ad- in order, to retain the transportation of .western products, and successfully com-- , , journed. In the Credit. Mobilier investigation ete with the Cauadian canals. ' William J. committee thU, morning, nil the memHcaly, U. S. Navy paybers were present (except Ranks.; On master, was arrested on the affidavit of cro.is exanuuatiou, Alley said that up to an alleged accomplice, charged leoeitibcr,t.liiTthe Credit Mobilier with deft" udiog government in $10,000. Stokes was remanded to the custody aliares had UO market value; but late in thai month, after Ames had agreed on a of Sheriff Brennan and he imbasis, thi a.tel( roe, bringing 100,' "and mediately placed deputies in charge of iu January, UK); .later, 225. The chair-ma- n the prisoner, who may be removed to having asked a question relative ta the well furnished cell occupied by him ne hundred, shares standing in the before. to James The officers and of the army nxtne of Xeilsoa.: lirooks, v Uuess said he had no personal and navy gave a reception this evening knowledge' a.s lo who was the original to General Hancock. Among those presIt , appeared on the ent were McClellan, Burnstdc and Frankowuer t' (hem. book that Neilson was the owner,, and lin. was entitled shares more. He It was discovered yesterday that one fifty " presumed-- Kellson paid for them. In Kidd, a twine merchant in Murray tbu coutsgjjof .tetstinuny, the witness street, hts a train of fuse connecting nid .the ytnoyal of the office of tho his premises with the adjoining properl'nion Vacinllailt oad Company to Bos-to- ty whereby they could be set on fire. wosjuater of life and death to Kidd was arrested and his office-bo- y the company, to keep' it out of tho testified to seeing him making the fuses. clutches, uJe, Barnard, and Fik. Three large warehouses were involved I'isk gutcd Wj'itijess to, settle with him in this attempt, and but for the disf ir $jO),0)Y4and said if the company covery a heavy conflagration would have would not him that sum, be would ensued, as trains of fuse were nearly damage it a million; andFisk did dapi-j- a all laid in the upper stories and from it to thpjmount of several million. roof- to roof. 1,1 Witneseuwaa, $ked whether he did not Ilarrisburg, 8. under his $100,-O'lGovernor Jtave ; control, get, Geary's message was subto a use the annulment of the Sec- mitted to the legislature The retary or the" Treasury 's ruling, as to State debt was reduced during the year the iuieresjr ou the Union l'aciticfgov-crivpe- nearly two and a half millions, leaving bqjjds; to whioh he replied, that the debt less assets, on hand, $16,521,-03t The Governor refers to the death asj he was concerned he challenged investigation; lie never ha .any of General Meade, and recommends an nmne' dejptly or indirectly for sueli a appropriation for the erection of a . monument at Gettysburg in commemorurnVe.;,,, at the ration of his services. dispatch ecenrea V.'ar tieparluien Los Angeles, 8. ' from, General Augur, in Texas, reports the death of Oeneral At one o'olock this morning, a fire J tinea JIf Parton,vylTo commanded the broke out in Asktn k Metzker's livery o"f New Mexico the stable on Main street. The flames were ' ' " during' ." V,' h'e war,' quenched before much damage was done, i ne oeosw in executive session, to and the horses in the stable were turned e nominations of Krvfn loose, two slightly burned, one seMeOowell. in the army, verely. vice and lliaw San Diego, 8. U. jSrittprneyJurV'ah.,., . The first whale caught this season, a . PatteHon 'of Thilftdelribi.v and Dtio small one, was towed into the harbor . derful growth since the recent rains. y and yesterday were warmer than usual; at 2 p.m. the thermometer in the shade stood 75. Dry 'Goodsr' Groceries, ,s AND UyEft.IfERplAJilISK.: Liquors, Tolwcp, aud 'Cigars. AButcSer?sShop Il,.t. ff,., wWo nrlm.w j puim, 1 (tup litjAtivt. - . .l J lajliUWUJ PUMPSIfU-DM. lt l'C:Mr, t.rttl in lk AIu STUART KKKl'S iron-pipin- wMonbU cvirj. niM(ri Rump. s4ff PS! CONSTANTLY' ONT K E.1 N A N t't-i'- a lot of tho with fuitalil brtTe-l-f i MfC fli 1rm, W,rtto R rer oll-r- d umt liiiitx tor aud f LWd uy vu t tbt TttMHK |