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Show BY TELEGMAML cuaciiil to the Oanr.x and Pacific Telfiraph .Tyx'-Tii- y the Atlantic " Cotriiuy. : , Congressional Proceed- ings! Particulars! of Napo- leon's Death!. - son-in-la- of a Awful EtefTering's Shipwrecked Crew! Pall of a Brewery Floor in London! son-ia-la- Trouble in the Senate Financial Committee! Blood and Woodhull Be-arreste- Mobilieri with some particulars which had been recalled to memory by the examination of Thomas C. Durant's books. He aid the conversation between Alley and Brooks about the latter procuring fifty shares of Credit Mobilier stock, was while Durant was in Europe between the 8th of January aud the 5th of March, 13G8 The understanding of the witness was that the said fifty shares were put in ths name ef Brooks' Neil-soBrooks had secured a hundred shares of Credit Mobilier stock from Durant, Dec. 2Gth, 18G7. and paid for it with his own checks for $7,000, and a draft of $3,000, which lie paid Junuary 20th, 18C8. On the day Brook paid the check for $7,000, he received, or had 200 shares of Union given his Pacific railroad tstock and $5,000 first mortgage bonds in addition to 100 shares of Credit Mobilier stock, and that between the 2Cth of Deo. and the 8th of Jan. Brooks received $0,000 more Union Pacific railroad bonds and $G,00() Union Pacific railroad stock, being about 310 per cent, on the 100 shares of Credit Mobilier steck. Witness had refreshed his memory about these facts by examining the books of Durant. Mr. Brooks was appointed Government director of the Pacific railroad, Oct. 3d, 1807, nearly three months before he bought the stock, and was reappointed by President Johnson five months afterwards. McComb wanted Duranl's books produced before the committee and alluded to the difficulty in getting at them. Alley Baid he believed all the books were at Philadelphia, taken thereby order of the court. They were not now in the hands of the secretary. The chairman requested McComb to make a list of Buch books as he wanted. McComb promised to do so, and said the entries in Durant's books in reference to Brooks' stock were in the handwriting of Crane, Durant's private secretary. In this connection he stated that he bad a letter from Crane which he would like to have read. New York 9. & Co., Dodge Phelps, charged with having defrauded the Government, and against, whom, it is said, suit has been brought publish a card saying that they expect to make satisfactory explanation of the suit against them. The charge against them is for undervaluing, and the amount claimed to be due the Government is estimated at a very large stun, accounts placing it much over a million dollars. There are various conflicting statements as to a settlement having been agreed to, upon the payment to the Government of the amount due, with a compromise penalty of $200,000. At New Haven, yesterday, at the first annual meeting of tbe .stockholders of the New York, New Haven and Hartford B. 11. Co. since the consolidation of the two lines, one of the stockholders charged that something like half a million of funds of the road was unaccounted for. His resolution for inqniry, however, failed to pass. Three additional jurors were obtained in the Tweed case. It. Parker, counsel for Stokes, has no doubt of obtaining a new trial- Tbe editor of the Brooklyn Union has sued the Tribune for libel for republishing an edi'ori.il from the Brooklyn Eagle attacking Brown. Woodhull and Col Blood were arrested this evening and locked in Ludlow Street jail, on a new indictment for circulating obscene literature through the mails. San Francisco, 9. It is reported that George Clifford, merchandise broker of this :ity, has failed for a large amount, the precise sura d! The I7ew Associate Justice for Utah! Terrific Wind Storm in Elko! AMERICAN. Washington, 9. y nominated Wm. The President Justice of the Ansociaie Mitchell of rice Court Utah, Strickland, Supreme' . ; jL;; i ebigaed. , , Tlie President w thdrew the nomination of Sftinuel Bond, postmaster of Tennessee, at Bond's request. The wnys and lueunij coinniiUee, t ly, dibcussej the, subject of amending the tariff or revenue laws at tlief present and appointed a to consider the mailer and report to the Several full committee its opinion. members of the committee day there will be no importaut amendment the present tension. Sella Martin, colored, now here, hfi8 resigned his scat in the fusion legisla ture of Louisiana. In tbe Senate, Ramsey, from the postal committee, reported a bill to abolish the hanking privilege, with amend-Hientincluding one changing the date of its going into effect, from iftcraber, 1872, lo July, 1873; uud'moved its ImmeVickers objected, diate consideration. and it went upon the calendar... ' A number of bills were intro 'uced. a the them salaries 6f ill raising .itnong bureau officers iu the executive departments' at Washington, also-bill to inland corporate the Europeiin-Afliericaand emigratiou company. k The bill names a dozeu incorporators from ns many St at fs and empowers the company to buy, sell, and hold real estate, provided it shall not ouui more than one million acres at any ono time, to make and enforce contracts, for emigration of foreigners and their transportation io the United States, also to li'ave power to loud money ou bond and mortgage on real estate situated in the United States, or upon the hypothecation of real estate mortgages for any period on credit, repayable by way of annuities or otherwise, to issU'J bonds to the extent of the value of its assets and lo receive money or securities on deposit at legal rates of interest. Several bills pas-eiuelud iug th bill to authorize deputy collectors of customs to act as disbursing agents in certain cases, and tbv bill to repeal certain provisions of f tie law relating to the advancement in the navy, and the ' housn bill to amend an act to establish a deputy justice Also the House bill to prevent certain oilicersof the United States from practicing as attorneys or solicitors in the United States Courts in certain cases. The Senate then resumed its consideration of the Indian Appropriation Bill, the consideration of which in committee of the whole whs concluded and the bill reported to the Senate. An amendnfent providing lor the removal of t be Winnebago and Wisconsin Indians in. Tending farther action the Senate, adjourned. ' . The house called to order. Speaker ' in the" chair. Taffe, fratd the committee on Territories, reported a hill for the admission ot Colorado as a State. Hooper, of Utah, moted an amendment by inciting a provision for the admission of Utah as State of Destsret. Sargent nioved an amendment as to Utah, agdnst any form of The:c were other amend-meupolygamy. offered, and the bill went over to-da- : Chat-tinimg- a, wes-io- s, I - u d, to-d.i- n. w y unknewn. The case of Michael Mack, of Stockton, against the Imperial Fire Insurance company of London, to recover $3,000, was on trial in the 15th district court to dav. The defendants claim that plaintiff fired his store to get the in- surance. Sacramento, 9. In the Clh district court, this morning, the murder cases of James Robinson, Juan Jose Baras, and Charles Mortimer, were continued for another term. While in the court room, Mortimer got possession' of two ink bottles, intending to use them as weapons; but the officers saw them and took them away from m:n. from Sarah Waters is divorced Thomas Wafers on tho ground of adul- - teiy. ts till i The saloon keepers and others are much exercised over the proposed closing of their places of business on SunThey held a meeting this afterday noon to devise means to defeat the law. i Chicago, y. Post's The Eveningt Washington special says Secretary Boutwell and Assistant Secretary Richardson have been before the finance committee of t lie Senate to express their views in regard to the right of the Secretary to reissue part le-or millions of retired all of the forty-fiv- e Sherman denies Senator gal tenders. the constitutional right of the Secretary to reissue any portion of tbe retired currency, and regards his exercise of this It is thought no wer as an assumption. if the Senatecommitteebecomeconvincod the law is on the Secretary's side, they will report a bill repealing it. y eircum-"amiaj- lf i -- rag ip;lMiP .,. , LATJJ , CALDKliJi-iiUAKS- rean. 13 ... , 37 MAMii STREET;" S L. CITY, INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR LARGE AND SPLENDID R ESPECTITLLY STOCK OF Pianofortes, Cabinet Organs, Violins, Guitars, Acvordcons. Violin Strings; to-da- y, uouecrunaM, initio, Olurionoi v : ; .;',( A fire occurred this morning on board the steamer "Belle Ida." In a short ' ' time her cabin was destroyed. J. Esther, X'ilVs8, the watchman of the steamer, and Jchn West, were badly burned about their ' faces and hands. The "Belle Ida" was Over TWO THOUSAND PIHCES of fcllEKT MUSIC insured $25,000. bracing the moKt Popular Soit and Piano Pieced. " . rl,amloiiriiiN, lCt. FOREIGN Berlin, 9. In the Prussian diet an interpellation, signed by a large number of members, was introduced, asking the Government by what authority of law public journals were prosecuted for publishing the papal allocution. Yon Roon made a personal explanation. He had some time ago requested permission to retire from the ministry, solely because he desired release from the burdens of office which had become weary, but by the especial desire of the Emperor he had withdrawn the application and would continue to perform the duties of his department. A Splendid Chance to to-d- ay Volume Jl take, up ' AtHO ABOUT ' 150 DIFFERENT KINDS to select from, em for Christmas Present. ; OF MUSIC BOOKS, l vctti and Instrumental, Sacred aud Secular, by Standard Author,' Till'. CKLKl!llATi:i) W I LSON SHUTTLE . FROM Paris, 9. ?.Vrro ?H0 -- ' EACH; oo- The news of the Emperor's death reached here at a late hour this afternoon, SUNDAY SCHOOL CARDS, ...REWARD FRIZES, ETC., and it is not yet possible to estimate its enect on the Imperialists. Of course they noare profoundly affected, and appear to us a blow the final event to their regard hopes. The only evening journal which has any editorial on the subject is the BOOKS, an influential de finance Paris, Message PAPER, PEXS, 7A7iT, PEXC1LS, ETC. organ. It closes a brief article with the following tribute: "The disasters which s tf have made shipwreck of the Empire will not cause to be forgotten the great services Napoleon has rendered to the nation, ia establishing order and developing the prosperity of the country." None other of the evening papers had time to do more than print tho announceA for Ulah ment without comment. Prince Napoleon's action against Ex- Minister le France, and the prefect of police, for illegal expulsion from France and was came up for hearing postponed for a week. The Prince was interdicted from pleading in person. Which has just ta'ken the First Premium at the Stale Fair of Kansas, LelJ ia Philadelphia, 10 Topeka, and the First Premium at Si. Louis, Me., for Mrs. Carr and three children, living on the Westchester near Morton station, R. R., were burned to death last night, by the explosion of a can of combination oil. Brest, 10. Wasbburne, U. S. Minister, arrived from New York, lie left this p. m. tor Paris. George Tayler Bradbury, dry goods daaler, and Henry P. Sturgess, were ar- rested charged with taking three bales of Japanese silk fron the steamer on hand a full line of Musical Instruments and Merchandise, sells all kinds "Wyoming, on Oct. loth while the ves Kee of Pianos, Organ, Melodeuns, etc, at F&etory priced el was Iving at the dock here. It was B E. of to this k Co., Strauge consigned city. ?e trace of the stolen goods could be found till a few days ago, when Stur tress ottered gaudy silk for sale. The whole is valued at $1,500. Memphis, 10. Two men, named McCool and Alexan der, met at a plantation six miles south No. 5, of this city, and had angry words, dur f ing which Alexonder seized a shot gnn and blew the top of McCool's head off, splattering his brains over the room. Alexander escaped. Washington, D. C, 10. The Associated Press dispatch, sent from here on Tuesday night last, to the effect that the President declared that his , purpose in recognizing the Pinchback government, was only to enable the parties to make up u case in court, and he did not regard it as material which party he recognized, etc., was shown to the President this morning, who pronounces it utterly false, and refers to the following telegram as the only authorized expression of his views on the subject: .' "Washington, Jan. C. The report of the committee if two hundred that the President regards his STA2VHS, 'XOUXC2ES, recognition of the existing government as provisional and temporary, is not true the recognition is final, and will be adhered to unless Congress otherwise provides. Signed, Gko. 11. Williams, Attorney-Gen.- " IMS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY. -- STATIONERY, BLANK ENVELOPES, CALDEB :& .CABELESS. CHARLES W. STAYNER, . cent for the SUPERB ESTEY ORGAN, to-da- y, BEST CHURCH BEST ORGAN, PARLOR ORGAN, to-d- AND FOR THE ORGAX rilODUCIXO THE Bill reported from committee on commerce to amend the act for the appointment of shipping commissioners by making it apply to musters of vessels engaged in coast trade with ports of British North Ameiica, West India Islands, aud the Republic of Mexico. Bill passed. The, House took up the e bill reported last sessiou from the on commerce . to promote emigra tion to the United States. The biil creates a bureau of emigration, and contains provisions for the, regulation of Vessels carrying steerage passengers to I lie United States. It was finally, n motion of Wood, referred to the committee New Orleans, 9. f the whole on the stale of the Union, contains the narrawhich practically kills it. Adjourned. Th Timet A Bun Francisco man who refused 'McComh appearedbefore the Credit tive of Mr. Savillo. first officer of the to hands with Mrs. Fair, has wrecked ship "Golden Head," who has MbiH(r, to day, nn'l?rppeated 'notice that hi insurance received his former statements relative just arrived from Kio. The vessel was its not worth a cent. ' V t Jame Brookb' V.oek in the Credit wrecked on the test coast of Patagonia, policy comj-rnitte- CMstmasj Presents FIXIIST ORCHESTRAL EFFECT, y, - non-concurr- in Jnne last, and fourteen of the crew spent tweuty-eigh- t days in two open boats in the Straits of Magellan. They were compelled to devour the dead bodies of five of their conmaiiions whn died from privation and exposure. Elko, 9. A man just arrived from Ruby Valley reports an altercation last Fridav ni?ht between Geo. Yubanks, alias "Pille," aud James Armstrong, while gambling, in which Armstrong was fatally stabbed in the arm, from the effects of which he died on Saturday. Yubanks was arrested and bound over to appear before the next term of court. A terrific wind storm occurred in the same vicinity on Friday afternoon, in which the house of W. Kingsbury was picked up and carried a distance of six hundred yards, being entirely demolished in alighting. Mr. Kingsbury lay in the house during the flight, and received severe injuries about the head and face. New Orleans, 10. The McEnery and Pinckbeck Legislatures held sessions the foraier not having a quorum went into executive session, the latter met and in the Senate a notice of important bills was . It won't ipcvy to loxxy olsowlioi'o. CHARLES W. STAYNER, Main Street, Salt Lake City,. 3o-t- Healers in Imported Furniture of all Kinds, MAIN"-- STREET, OGDHHST. :.. CHAIRS, TABLES, WASH BUREAUS, KEHSTEAHS, Spring and Hair Mrasse. JIale to Order. Cupboards and Bookcases Cabinet Work and Repairing; Hone, Wood Turning in nil its Branches. ; feiT- The HijrWt Price Given' for FLOUK. SACKS Wanted ImnuHfiattlv. - j Li---- Tlcase give us before jurcliaMDg eliewttre. FIVE HUNDRED tU-C- ic |