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Show nd EAfCRDAY WEDN'KSDAY Oopem Pobmshlsg CJXf xY. NilHnh4 eT.ry th by C. IS, I., 25. R R R READY "RELIEF! RADWAY'S" MU S 10 BRil IT CH JLEf la O She Ojflm function, LOGAX, CACHE COUNTY. HAS Twenty Minute. In from One t NOT ONE HOUR iimU my one nfter rwuliag thW. MJKfER WITH PAIN. ADWAY'3 READY RKUEK 18 A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. It am tlm flrct ami Is MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS tdvu-tirtrton- t K The Only ruin licmccly That iimtaiitly stops the most excniduting paius, Ha.v In flu munitions ami cures Congiwtions, "whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Dowels, or other or orgnns, by one apil i:urion, in tiom on i" twenty minutes, no mutter how violorit or the pain, the Rheumatic, I ntirm, Crippled, Nervoim, Neunilgic, or prentratwd with iliKeae inny suffer' RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Will atloril iiHtuntcatsH. Inflammation of the KUlncy. Inflammation ol the llludiler, Infltminiiitiouof the Rowels. of tho l.imtfH. Sore Throat, Difficult llroathiiif;. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysteria, Croup, l)iptheria. Cattirrh, Influenza, lleiulaclie, Cold TiKtha;he. Neuralgia, Rlnjumatinm. Chills. Ague Chills. The application of the READY RKLTEF to the part or parti wheiv the puiu er dilliculty exists v ill afford Kiwe aiirt comfort. Twenty drop in half a tumbler of water will In a tew moment cure Cramp. S'pamn, hour Stomach, llgarthnrn, .Sii'k Heaiiicho, Diarrhea, JJywtu-terColic, Wind iu the Howelf, and all Internal m Pains. Trawler xliouM alwava carrva hnttle of RAD-A V'S REA I) Y REM V.H with them. A few drop n water will prevent girkncM or pains frow i lianpe of water. It U bettor than French Itraiuly v Rittrrx a u Mimulant. F E EK AX 1 AMl'E cured for fifty cent'. There in not a remedial acent In thi world tliut will cure Pever and Apue, and all other Malarious, Hilioiu, Scarlet, T'vphoid, Yellow and other Pevera (aided by lUdwuy Pill) ko quick a RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF. Pifty cents per bottle. Sold " by DrugglKt. Health! Beauty!Pleh Hrong and Pure Rich Rloml Increase ot and Weight Clear Skiu and .Beautiful plexion secured to all. Com- JU5T RECEIVED AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEA LERS IN DEY;GOODS' AND MERCHANDISE. 3Lw! Selling Very Call aiatl Kx&miRe. GROCEEIES, CLOTHING, IIARnWAltK, Crockery, HSools aud Shoes, .;a Iiat.s and p,Motions, Stoves and Tinware, Drags and Jlcdieines, Ktc, Ktc. The Best Brands of Imported WINES and ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE Sl'LF.NDID Washers and Price Only Mangles & Patent LIQUORS. Please Musicians, Price $G W2?Iagea?sr 9. and Ironing Machines t All for sslo at SO. STAYWER'S MUSIG STORE, Carpets and Trimmings. Window Curtains and Blinds. Next Poor to Sa?age'3 Gallery, 3Iain Street, Salt s&d-a- TERHUNE'S PATENT NEW A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF Late City. lt TOYS. PENTAGONAL SHOW CASE! Scliuttler Wagons. OMcago EAWAY'S Insolvent Sarsaparillian Dr. ratentcd August 8,1871. Metal Corners, nnt FIa made the ntonihhirig cure, no quick, en r.ipid ai the changes tho body un'targi, multir "i.e mtliiHiire of this truly woudorl'ul Mediiiiio.thiit EViRV DAY AN INCREASE IN 1TKSU AN WEIGHT Id SEEN AND FELT. THE UKEAT Itl.OOO lLUIFSEIt. Pvery drop of the SAIISAPARILMAN KEfcOE-TEXeommuuicuten throth tho liluod, Sweat, 1'rino and. other fluids and juice of the cysteui ;hu vigor of life, for it repairs the waatei of live lody with nc- and louniL material. Scrofula, Consumption, (ilundul.ir disease, I leers in 'h Throat, .Mouth, Tnmora, Nodes in the (; lands and other part ot the nyKtcni, tfore Eye, Strum-- i in Discharges from the Ears.und the wortt fornix f f Skin Dlseawis, Eruptions, Fever Sored, KcaU .lead. King Worm, Salt Rheum, Eryipelad, Acb, s JUaek Spot, worms in the Flodi," Tumors, in the Womb, anil all weakeuing and painful (Uncharge, Nfjfht Sweat, Losh of Sperm, and all waKteof the lile principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a Jew days' will prove to any person using it lor ither of th fornix of disease its poteut power t T SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. Wheat, Barley, Oats, Pearl Barlev, Flour, Bran, .Shorts, Eggs and Butter, SHIPPED TO ANY POINT ON SHORT NOTICE. - Can-rer- i Mirethim. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by tlx that ia continually eurrtieds in arresting these wastes, and the xeme with new material made from h. ulthy bloo- d- and ihis the 8ARSAPAUILUAN will and dot secure. Not only dm) the Sarsaparilllnn Resolvent excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, CoHKtitntionai and Skin diea.-m- . ut it Is the only positive cure for KIDNEY anil RLADDER COMPLAINTS, Crinary aud Xonk ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY ( Orders addressed to M. THATCHER, will receive prompx attention eTOtf H. B. CLAWSON, Diatietes. of Dropsy, Ptojipage Vator, Incontinence of Urine, hright s Dumm, Albuminuria, and in all caeft where thereare deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, cilxod with subsuuera like the white of au egg, r threads like white Filk, or thore ia a morbid, de-- l ('ark, bilious appearance, and white bne-duH- t oits, and when there Is ;i pricking, burning when passing water, and pain in the small t f the back and along the loins. Price, $1.00 WORMS. The only known ami Mire Remedy Worms SHOW CASE SAiperintendent. EXTANT. M. TUlinUXIJ, Sole Manufacturer, IMPROVED C A BIN E T r -i ,lulv had Ovarian tumor in the ovaries and bowels. All the doctors said "there "a bo help for it." I tried everything1 that was row jonr recommended; but nothing helped'me. Insolvent and thought I would try it; Vut had no futb in it, bttiiune 1 had suffered lor twelvo years. 1 took six bottles of the I!eolveut, and oip box e!' I'.sdway's Pills, and two bottles of your Ready Ro--1 is not there and a sign of tumor fo be wen or of; b it, and 1 leel better, smarter, and happier than I have fir twelve year. The worst tumor was in left side of the bowels, onr the groin. 1 wrj.te tnis to you for the benutit of others. You can puo-lliit if you choose. HANNAH P. KNAP P. O R G AH ,spy AND Ttitnor f 12 Year' Growth Cnrcd i ltotolveiit. by Ilutlwa.v'H IN. ISiJi. ItKVtiii.V, Maw., coin '.a leihxUy PURGATIVE PILLS, "with tasteless, ,rlpiuUy roatej bwe.t fum, puree, regulate, pnrilv.cletuifeand titrcnglh-ciiRailway's, Pills, for the cure f all disorders te pt ' . a i-- : v- tin :: rr- - ti. nJ . ' 1 vJ iu. Si yje.- 'J-Z-i i s- Norgljuin Mills, - sys-te- ra &4 Grand that i:qijai to of thecapacity.' best; pipe ;" okgaxs theofsame .' IN LtifcAN, lVCIIECO.. HAVIMJ WjtATE'D Jo stfend to t !:e prat t ice of Medi-- t Uarttrfy aud Otstotr.o. rt-C- nt .......,,... - IT. B. CLAWS OX, TO ARRITB IK 1 FIT Different Styles, OX tIAX; ANI lys, a Clnirch, The llest Material and Workmanship, ' Complete Stock of tone Volume and of Quality Unequalled. ' ; , torthc rarlor andtha ' i t ' . ' ICKSf 3 FACTORY AND WA11EUO0MS, MICHIGANAGENTS 10 ESTATBtWWEB'lK; 4lU1.-II 1850. '.l' AiiCiisV,- Simmons1 - - ! At i ., !,. , 0 no to HOO Dollars. CLdtutt'' O&'.'C'o.; 'DktrAit, MicnrcAk. . and , SAWKD ' ' ion pari f SA'W MILL, OGDEN. VALLEY. -- 71;.;;,. AND CUT SUINGLE8, OF TUHBLi th lnwet prices, at FREEMAN'S , Z " - " i THE NEWEST PTYI.KS AND TRICKS THAT , .. , , v, DBT. COMPETITION. " 'liwilMH in th Jftlpmpnt nr ltititd to: our tock, brtbra pnrhHin(?ftlf wher,' Superintendent. SHINGLES. , COS. th & CON'C.r.ESSi STS., ..DETROIT, AVANTED IN EVEilY. COUNTY, , , , , , ..,'., n The Factory having just got fairly running sinco tho 4 ... Organs. well-know- SCHUTTLEB WAGONS All the. Late Improvements Can be Obtained Only iu these ' o , Our celebrated "Vox Celeste," "Loms Patent," "Vox Humana," "Wilcox Tatent," "Octave Coupler," the charming Cello' of, "Clarionet" Stops, and CHICAGO LOG AX D15IJG STQKE. DRi ORMSBY, 'JR. ' 44 ; . ; , We are expecting an immediate shipment of the i An inventio having a most important tearing on the future reputation of Tveel by means of wLich tha fniantitj or Volume of tone is very largely nd quality tf tone rendertJ , , - ' SCKIHNEirS PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, Largest Stock West, of New York, y Combination Organs, & &C., Stat, that may be needed ia an Agricultal or Mechanical population. '; end in your orders and we will do the best to fill them at JManufaiur-cr- s , or oh a slight percentage. prices with freight added, ' FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED Thirty-fiv- e And H'oolcns. Or any article from any r . True." ONO.V.FARWELL&CO., WHOLESALE NOTIONS. Evaporators, , O above-name- St.. Hairy cr Ciood.(, , t ! . Threshii! Iffaehiiies, iaehiisc Kxtras, Force or other Pnsisps, Belting, oi f i'i i J, '( Boliinp; Cloth. cllol Wafer Wheels, Cheese Factory ctm-taiui- -- H. .W. NAXSBITT. Circular Saws, ter, (" ARTIEMT, Kngiites, s. ilouroe aud FrauMiu M. I. Siaw Mills,, . Liver, Rowels, Kidneys, Madder, linvLu'he, Constipation, CoHjve-lnwIndigestion, Pyspep!, RiliouMiess, BiU"s l iDtlKiiiinalion of the lUiwel. Piles, and all )Mrnngnmets of the Intenutl Viscera. Warranted to efhrt a positive cure. I'urely vgeuiblo, do mercury, mineral r deleterious drng. Observe the following symptom resulting Disorders of the Digestive Orajtns Constipation, Inward P.les, Fnliiirn of the ltlnod In tliv Head, Acidity of the Stomach, NaiiOA, Heartburn, TVtKustt'f Food,VulliieH Weight in the Stom-icSour Eructations, Sinkin? uf Plnttoiing at t:.Pitof the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult KrM thing. Fluttering at the Peart. Choking or fcnftocatina Sensation when in Lying Posture. 1'imtiess of Vision, Dots or V. ets before the Sight, Fever and DuH Pajn in the 1'ead, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Kyss, Pain in ths Side. Chest, Limbo, aud sudden Flashes ofHe.it, Laming in the Flesh. A few doee of Radway'a Pills w.il free the d all the disorders. 'I't'xn ' ceuu per Ixix. Sold bv Druggists. R''AD "t'atjic and Send one let-tf- r k Co.. No. 87 Maiden Lane, stamp to Kadw-uIcw York. Information worth thou-auwill be e ut you. nSA.lv DiseiiMjs, C mm Will purchase any kind of Merchandise not usually kept in stock, including Stoma-h- liervous CHICAGO, ILL. IN CHAKGE OF DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT formerlj 40, SIMMONS' & CLODGH ORGAN CO.'S Pin, Tape, etc. " Dr. ruDwu: I har MOST ELEGANT AND DURABLE 41 6m seu-Mii- f.r TIIK gan, 40, SlalC Sired, 1 i. i'mvumw, Oravel, PURCHASED TO ORDER. r Orden filled t the . '' o Mill "- or t O. IWn 9tret, W Jrtbeed,' Ogdea. , ninl Hauler XTmilct i 'co;J"';l Tram - ; ' liberal TVtte.- r, . - |