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Show " fFFTR ; , 5 !fffL . . $4.00 ' 1. PUBLISHED SBKI-WEEKL- . T T, 0I)KX, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, JAXUAHY 8, BY TELEGRAPH. OCDZft DIRECTORY. The dense fog which prevailed a 00 VOI- - 1873. IV. day He was informed, through an interpreter, Tliej have precocious politicians in that his wish could uot be complied with, MobileA five year old girl wisln s tha Ogdex Junction by the Atlauticaud policemen not being afflicted with cmo te to I informed whether Santa (1lau States Officer fibr fSpeciuI to Pacific timial insanity. Ho seemed much disapT(jU'graih Coiupuuy. Utali. is a democrat a radical. or pointed. Governor George L. Woods. Policemen were required, to Serretaru George A. Black. ed ashore. Albion, Mich., has thebct Litiiiir keep the crowd in order which Marshal M. T. Patrick. The Herald's Washington special cor- up to the tax collector's office. thronged There is park in the conntry, and the eoHi. S. Attorney George . Rates. respondent says Fish's determination to no opposition to the tax now, except that boys are having, more fun than ahoun W. Dodge. leave the Cubinet is mialterab'e. The made by the savings banks. Supt. Indian AffwifsQ. C. C. Clements can dravr learning the girls to fck:it. Surveyor-Generposition has t een offered to William M. Henry Whitelnirst, a boy fourteen years flcceivcr of Public Monks J. B. Over Evarts. old, will be sent to tho insane asylum toSt. Louis paper says, "Halt a New-Orleanstax. morrow. Three of his inatcrnul uncles Yrcka, Cala., 3. R. dozen Land murderers are in this city George 0$i"t Elisha DcWitt arrived from Fairchild's died in insane asylums. He is Registrar of very violent Maxwell. camp yesterday, and reports all quiet at and made several attempts to kill his awaiting the tedious formality of ao- John P. Taggart. U. S. Assessor the front. He says two howitzers will father with a knife. liiittal." 0. J. Hollhstcr. U. S. Collector arrive at Van Bremen's in ubout ten days St. Louis, 3. Chief Justice J. 1). McKean. when it is expected an advance will be Governor P.rown's message was read toAJenesville, Wisconsin, clergy Associatt Justices 0. F. Strickland and made on Capt. Jack's camp. his sermon ittn.g day. It is very long and treats entirely man delivered . 41. Havvlej. of State matters, and abounds in recom- dovt u, the ot'uer Portland, Oregon, 3. Sunday, Lccauiw a The steamer "Maria Wilkcns" passed mendations. carbuncle forbade him staudiug Oflieers: Frederick Rupp, editor of the Belle- pet through the locks at V.'illiamette falls, H. S. His text Hooper, wis from Job. up. with an excursion party, on New Year's ville, Illinois, Zeituny, suicided last Delegate to Congress night of a by hanging himself in the doorway of his day. The work is 6corge Q. Cannon. Delegate elect. liaron Von Schwarzcnboren is the. mile long and consists of five locks. office. He has been considered insane for Attorney General Zcrubbabel Snow. name of the unfortunate gentleman AMERICAN. Marshal J. D. T. McAllister. Four inches of snow fell last night. some time past. Auditor William Clayton. who h to have charge of the City Newark, S. Passenger trains are running on the Cleveland, 3. Ann Treasurer James Jack. a widow More, aged 45, Northern Pacific Railroad, from Kalama Mary this evening Hie express north, on thousand babies who are invited to Early Common Schools was killed by John Murphy, her to Lenin. Superintendent the Pittsburg & Erie road, ran off tho contest for prizes ut the Vienna Kk L. CUbert Caniphcll. San Diego., Cala , 3. Hack at Morania, the two hind cars going during a drunken row last night, positicn. a Jackon Tucson the at grocery kept by latter The Citizen of December 28. down the embankment thirty feet. Twen Weber Comity Officers:F. D. son street. Murphy escaped. says the weather is clear, with little ty passengars were injured; nono seriouslThe boy that recommended a frw Probate and County Judge Duffalo, 3. frost, but no ice. ydrops of panegyric on sugar for the Tha large building 135 and 137 Main Richards. John Bart shot J. Marinda, on ChristChicago, 3. Selectmen Lester J. Ilerrick, Henry Sireet, owned and occupied by Kanaoin, mas eve, who died next day. The breaking up of the ice in the Ohio child of disquietude, has his match in .Son & Co , nianuiaciuieis of patent Several men are in jail for murder. Slolmes, Richard Bailantync. and Mississippi rivers, under the influ- another who after xucccssiully spoiClerk and Recorder F. S. Richards. Arizona is out of debt, and has $20,-00- 0 ence of the present warm weather, is ling medicines, burned this afternoon; loss "chicanery." defined it to be j Prwattini Attorney Aurelim Miner. $70,000. Insured. cash on hand. much anxiety among boatmen, oausing 'large coop to raise chickens." William Critcblow, Xoiaries Public Anderson, Ind., 3. Judge Titus recently ordered a writ and some losses of steamers, barges, etc., Pilchards. F. S. The Heading factory is burned; loss to issue out of Ihe Territorial court, are reported at the various river towns, Bogardus, the crack pigeon Sheriff William Brown. $10,000. It has been burned three Commanding the sheriff to arret Sieto, though as yet nothing serious. of tho West, made the best Assessor and Collector Saaford Bing- tunes, and blown up once. a Mexican, who formerly lived with the Boston, 4. shot record last week, shooting off on ham. In the Hotiae of Representatives to Boston, 3. Apaches, and bring him lo our county Walter Thomson. Treasurer tho seat a. At 7:30 of his panis and filling hi,s m., during a thick jail and await, action on the charge of day an order was adopted providing for Coroner Vim. N. Fife. t bark from Africa to the fog. Aurora," murdering Altamirano, Augubt 5th, lie appointment of a committee on fe thigh with lead. He uow know how Bur-tvSuptrintendent of Schools Wni.W. Boston, with a cargo of palm oil and 1872. The SheritI proceeded to the male suffrage, to consist of eight mem feel, himself. at Roger's llol-- i Grant agency, and agent Stevens sur- bers on the part of the House, with suck pigeons gum copal, went ashore . ii t i i low, uuu was wrecaeu. ah nanus were rendered Sisio on Ihe writ, lie was as the Senate woy join, to consider and The reason an urchin gave for Government: saved. City lodged in jail last Sunday night. Sisto to report upon the expediency of so late at school, Monday, was that 18, 1SC1. Incorporated by Act of lived with ihe Apachas, and went on changing the constitution and laws lo Nashville, 3. Chief Justice Nicholson, fell raids with them, and in one of these admit women lo vote and hold office in the boy iu the next house was going Municipal election biennially on the econd Monday of February. .Meetings down tu w steps of the court house, frac- raids was recognized by settlers at San this Commonwealth. to have a dressing down with a bed f the City Council alternate Monday turing hie) I high bone. Pedro as the murderer of Altamirano. cord,1 and he waited to hear him London, 4. venings, at City Hall. Violent gales along the English and howl. Delphi, Ind., 3. Chicago, 3. Mayor Lester J. Ilerrick. A fire dest oyed tix stores The Daily Republican this morning Irish coasts have been experienced, and P. A. Brown, 1st Ward; and b Aldermen A lady kicked her husband out cf calls for au investigation into the al- great damage done to shipping. Nu .ops; los $"25,000W. Thomson, 2d ,, S. ' coil company ring, merous disasters have occurred, accom doors at Jacksou, Tcnn, the other Washington, leged Wyoming TV'm.W. Burton, 31 ,, The Postmaster General has decided among the officers of Ihe Union Pacific by loss of life. day. This was unwise. She might Counselors Israel Canfield, David that families, firms or companies cannot railway. A strong effort will probably panied have prepared hia head for a wig or Moore, Charles W. Penrose, Winslow combine to reut post olhcc boxes; but be made to raise a Credit Mobilier invesFOREIGN. his hone with a broom mellowed t'arr. Horatio B. Scoville. that one box rent must be collected for tigating committee in the Senate, 6ince the Berlin, ?. ,' reorder 7k vs. G. Odell. lehandle or had House even the it or if each firm, family committre, poker, but to kick him wa.s company eujoyuig The Emperor has cenferred the order " Marshal W. N. Fife. which has has it refused such facilities. Dot, like. gal power, of the Black Eagle upon Bismarck. unkdy Trensurer Aaron Farr. t to inquire into the acts of Senators. An , A geueral order just issued by Gen. 3. .Melbourne, t Punch, illustrates the odiousnop Surveyor David Jenkins. Sherman, announces that .ajor Wni. D. attempt will be made also to 'btain an Additional cases of kidnapping PolyAssessor and Collector S. Bingham. into the and of General, Maj. investigation alleged irregu- nesian natives by wholesale havo come Whipple, Ast. Adjf. comparisons: Mr.. (j. 4,I really J.'oad Supervisor Charle Welch. larities on the part of 0. M. Toe, U. S. Engineers, have supermust to will be give cook wariiui" Char leu. light, and (he guilty ThoMins Boxcy. Water Master Aides de Camp on the person- - intendent Yiall of Iowa, and others, in severely dealt with. parties, appointed The authorities Sho does use such very bad words!'! Captain of Police P. G. Taylor. til staff of the General of ihe Army, vice the distribution of the Teton 'Sioux apare determined to break up tha infamous Ur. dear! What sort of Justice of the Peace C. F. Middlcton. Cols. F. J. Deut and Horace I'orter re propriation. There are also some inpractice. words are inthey?" Mrs. G "Oh signed. Col. O. M. Poe will remain as dications that a resolution may bo London Office: wellhold an to troduced hts the now at Detroit, until relieved of Ogdcn fame as vou use inquisition upon Randolph Stewart, Oth Earl of GalloAR1UVAL AND CLOSING KAILS. Pacific of Hie Northern addi Col. the in duties. management Whipple, present way, died yesterday, aged 72. ARRIVALS. Dr. Hall tells the story of a ixan fait Lal;s City, rimiM daily T.SO a.m. 5 .no p.m. tion to his duties as aide uc camp, will railway. Announcement is made that Dispatches from Queeustown, report House the of members . . to General of Mail will, the duties who T.;i'jiun. 1'lironh upen viodaily of many that a Adjt. perform Wt, tempest sung most piously the hyum unprecedented . ,. Kant, Through Mail daily . 5.:i;i'.m. the General of the army. In ''addition the reassseuiblinz of Congress, unite to lence raged all last night The storm "Were the whole realm of nature mine, Cl.'JMNS. rn to the ask that the Creit Mobilier investiga- was accompanied by terrific thunder ami Sk.m. Oip'.m. to the usual fait Lake City, dont.le daily That were a present far loo small;" iu 4.00 p.m. Adjt. Geueral's oHice at Washington, the tion be conducted . , Wwt, 'l'!iroii!;li Mail daily , open session. lightning, and caused great alarm to the 6.00 a.m. division and . . . Karit, Through Mail dnily commanders Many Jeadmg politicians are greatly inhabitants. This moring the wiud was and all through the singing was fumdepartment MA.II& EKMI AND will send copies of their monthly reports displeased at the indications which they blowing a gale, ' accompanied by bleet bling in his pocket to make sure of CLOSING. and returns to Ool. Whipple, lor the in- judge seeru to point to ihe appointment and enow. the smallest piece of silver for tho Caotis Comty, Tuelayg, Thursday and . of a successor lo Secretary Boutwell. S'lmlav ilinilv to I.ir:in . p.m. formation of Ihe General; and till corThe Times' article upon the death of contribution box; .,4 . 4 p.m. T.iiii County, Tiiesdayfi mid Tiuiindsiys and reports, designed for Mr. Richardson has had few nfliliations King Kamcbameha, says it must be con130 p.ni respondence Ninth 0?dii. Monday and Tlmrad.-iythe use the of General, will be audressed with prominent member's of the party fessed that the Americana will eventu7.30 lltiiitsvilic Wedxreday and Saturdays a.ui Some time since a young minister, ' outside of a very limited colcrie, and ally peoplo the Sandwich IhUndti, which to Col. Whipple. Lyniie. I'lain City mid Slatciwilio, . . "SOp.in. Monday and Thursday The aggregate of Internal Revenue such a selection would be an applica will become a valuable colony between' wishing to impress his Sabbath 3.ttO p.m. RiverilaJ Wednesdays and Suturdityip School with tho dignity of life, by receip s for the lust quarter of the cal- tion of 'he civil service which the poli- San Francisco and China and Australia. Uoopei villo and Alum Wednesdays and' endorse. 11.30 ticians are not prepared to . . turn endar year of 1872, is 5Lti,330,'025, a de, It reviews the question of annexation by reference to tho fact that men have OFFICK HOURS. the crease from New Orleans, 3. repoite for the quarter filibustering as heretofore practiced by souls while ordinary animals havj Geueral Del wry, from 8 H.m. to fl.IO p.m. Doc. 31st, 1871, of $3.325,5o2. known on Five ftorcs ending street, Magazine great powers, but doubts the right or none, struck an attitude and asked, 5 C.0 p.m. p.m. ti liuwhiy, T ho Cabinet session lasted two as Aurich'd row, burned; loss, $75,000. propriety of any nation thus taking RE(iI?TKT DKPAHTMKNT "Now, children, what is the great A considerable Insured for $50,000 iu home hours and a half. i.m. companies. Open from 9 a.m. tu possession of the Sandwich Islands. difference between a monkey and a amount of accumulate'! depart meut and L Mauler, tobacco merchant, aged fifty, MONEY ORDER UBPAUTMENT. V" t:i!l luc tail, the tail, from 9 a.m. t IS p.m. A serious riot occurred Op routine busiuess considered, but no bus-- i shot himself dead this morning, in a city at Lu- - j Outfido IKxir open front C ajii. la 8 p.m. i im railroad car. The reported cause is pe- rgan, a market town of Ulster "Co., be- - cauic from all parts of the house, and of unusual or incss extraordinary JOSEPH HALL,I'otmater. , tween the Coostabular of the place and the miuister was satisfied. portance was transacted. cuniary loss. It is stated that advices have been reD. Jones, jeweller, Baronne street, was a number of Orangemen. The police that-aceived to the Russian chloroformed and robbed in of intcifered a by legation $22,000 A young boy attending a mixed parade, but were Learc Ogden daily, until further nod at be- jewelry and money. has been who refused to school at aniv resisted uudersianding by Trangemen, j Paduoah, writes to us comtice, lor Salt Lake City at 5 a.m. and tween Enalaud and Russia in retard to A collision ensued between The .Conservative js expected disperse. legislature a.m. find 5.30 p.m. and 5.50 p.ru. .For the partiality which the on Monday. Gen. Emory's the Constabular and Orangemen. Sev- plaining of the war against Khiva. Gonscbakoff has to the East, at 8 a.m. For the West, at assured shows teacher to the gifls. In conthe Riitish Minister ut St. troops still hold the Mechanic a Institute. eral leaders in the disturoaace are ar5.55 p.rau , ' (i de.' clusion ;l ho will exist rested. nohostile of affairs has condition Russia serious A were blows that savs, "But, thank tho Mauy exchanged Arrive from Salt Lake City, 7 a.m. the and determination from and the that Great on; if Monday next, many dangerously injured. Ijord, they do crowd us .out from and 10.45 a.m., and 4.45 p.m. and 8.15 signs upon Afghanistan, commanded by Geu. of the Conservatives to proceed with the excitement in town; streets filled with the ltusslau expedition stove, aud play 'blind man's bufF Jim. From the East, 5.5JO p.m. From Kaufann was scut lo punish the Khan inauguration of McEncry, the Democra- excited crowds, and it was only by with the teacher in recess, they can't the "West, 6.55 a.m. who still .refused fo surrender Russian tic candidate for governor. The Kcllogg- - prompt and energetic action of tho auSalt Luke City Time. bare-bacri le on a horse, nor play prisoners. Kugl.nd is saiisfied with the Pinchbeck government declares that nuh thorities that a general riot u as avoidleap-frorevolunor wear breeches, nor construed a as be au attempt will ed. ... explanation. KelisioiiH Serviees New be and down will 3. and tion York., make rebellion, put at 11 ' dogs fight, nor throw rockt at Tery Sunday, in the Tabernacle, ' In the Stokes case this, afternoon, afpoint of the bayonet by the State A new feature of social entertain- cats, nor go in swimming, nor smoke a.m., and in the 2nd Ward School-iousand Child's Hall," at 0 p.m. ter considerable rebutting testimony was militia, aidod if necessary, by the United ment thus winter will be "pound part- aud chaw, can they?" sides rested, and the court States troops. Some of the Conservatives Episcopal Church at. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. taken, both recess. After the recess Lyman send word here that an appeal will be ies." They derive this name from the took a Methodist Church at a.m. and Tremain commenced summitig up for Ihe nuvdc to Congress to declare Louisiana a circumstance that each person invited F. S. RICHARDS, p.m.1 of government by recon- is requcetod to f ur uiuh a pound of reaform no under that Republican defense, contending Lectures (Cardon'a Hall), Spiritualist C t ;.ao p'.m.:;.. , ' : i i sonable interpretation of the law eould structing the State ugain. A.V pastry, confectionery, fruit, or other San Francisco, ?., : a verdict of wilful and premeditated edibles for the table, and thus an elc CONVEYANCER, A blind Chinaman went to the office of murder be rendered on the evidence in ; ' Offden ' is provided. ....The part- Office ox IMrarj-gant desired supper and that Chief his ' lie continued case. the Crowley, At Geo,. W.'Tehier's. .., Op3n every day, argument 1th A Of Stfe between rranklln St., ics are given at private residenevs, ; till adjournment. ,v .. Sundays excJk-4-. :!. an ctf.cer should lit detailed,, to, shoot him. j 1 still continues, rendering the passage over North River difficult and dangerous. Two ferry boats came in collision on North River, and one was so badly damaged that it was with difficulty tow- iiitcd Big Firo in Buffalo! Terrific Tempest at to-da- y, - Queenstown! al Lively Times in ! Serious Accident on the Pittsburg and Erie R.R.! Arrest of a Mexican Associate of the Murder- Territorial ing Apaches! three-quarte- rs -- f uon-in-la- j to-da- y, n. i i i h'-i- ng Jn. lo-tla- y, ht . - . i " j j bi-e- ex-Indi- j I (. i Post ' ; reporti-w4-retH- 1 - - t , ' Siitm-dav- ' s i , ! , . j lo-d- ay J J to-da- y . , : . Trains , f . r k . , - , g, ; at-th- e H , , V, Ciir , . to-da- y, NOTAlt Y 1U U H |