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Show 4tffe 4jt&&& 'W5tigiiiai(' fowl to his pocket; the other he laid before in a larce; lama soldier of the (.:zar unforlimnlehous'and s: Heaven imuit i and 1 tin his bidding without pausing t'l that it iiiny bo, so !" said the pastor,-.the ofilceTf continuing: sue littbV ground for hopr " . replied "I come this morniug from Wolgast usk questions orio jiave , iuui repeat uis the merchant Rudow. "Staff delights ir Yesterday my soldiers sacked the city, ooinniands." With this, Staff put on his bat and cruelty.' To add to 'our misfortunes, he drove the inhabitants outside the gates, and during the uight a sea of Same told gloves and strode to the door, where his will surprise us m the nigbf, as he did Is it not hard to believe in the for miles around how the Czar avenges horse and followers already awaited. As Wolgast. himself and his allies on their enemies. he swung himself into the saddle, crying: justice of heaven, when we see so many To day Auklam, Greifiwald "Forward! to Anklain!" Carlsen, who uiuoceut people ; suffer at the hands ,.f will share the fate of Wolgast. These had followed him, seized his horse's reins their unfeeling but more powerful neigh' bors?" are the orders of his Majesty you can and again entreated : "Have mercy ou the unfortunate towns! see for yourself." Tho pastor was about to reproach hi "And what would you have to say to do not to Anklain till the courier returns, neighbor mildly for his waut of true the commandant T' asked the officer, I implore!" Christian humility, when Maria suddenhorse's I of will or "Let head, coldly. my go ly cried out : "All I have just said to you. Here is ride over you!" bellowed Stuff. "lucre s Carl I See, were lie comes ! thank Heaven miserable Ob the order giving me authority in the tlutiie has return "incendiary! incendiary!" matter. He will unnouuee tho decree cried (Jarlseu, wild with despair and ex- ed !" of His Majesty to the citizens In a moment the young ran made hi asperation, loosening his hold of t he reins. and make all necessary arrangements to But Staff did not ride on his way. No; way through the cowd to where the evacuate the town The rest there he stood, his eyes flashing lire. In pastor, Maria, and her father stood. 1 will see doue in a moment he dismounted and drew his "Wlure hae you been so long, my person." "1 shall deliver your orders, Colonel." sword. son?" asked the pastor, reaching the "That calls for blood Draw! Defend young man nis nana, wnue Maria, iu The officer rose aud turned to go. "Hold ! Don't be iu such haste, com- yourself!" he cried, us he strode infuria- her joy, threw herself into his arms. rade. Drink before you go!" cried ted toward the Dane. "In Greifswald," replied Carl, Carlsen' s sword flew from his scabbard. with fatigue. Staff, reaching for the mug. "Pardon me, Colonel; the service is The contest was short and determined. "And you reti'rn alone?" asked his exacting,1' replied the young officer, The Russian's stronger arm and perhaps father. "Then you succeeded iu percoldly, and he saluted Staff and with- greater skill, quickly decided it in his suading the barbarous Staff?" favor, and stretched the geuerous young drew, leaving the wine untouched. "No, I have not seen him." At this moment the landlord appeared Dane a corpse at his feet. "And still he has not yet arrived?"' with the Colonel's breakfast, which At this moment & horseman, with a nu- 6aid the elder Rudow. "Nor will he quickly consoled him for the hasty re- merous retinue, entered the market-plactreat of the young officer. "Then the Imperial clemency has not It was the commandant of the city. He The Danish otneer, who had been a saw the bloody scene and demanded au been extended to us?" sileut spectator of all that hud passed, explanation. This, Staff gave hiiu with "No, our destruction seems to be cernow came forward to present himself to soldier-lik- e we are So share the same fate a. tain; brevity. his Russian colleague "Colonel, you are my prisoner," said unfortunate Wolgast, many of whoso iu. '1 was about to make myself known the uonimandaut, i and by a glance. inti- habitunts I saw on the road, destitute to you sooner, Colonel," said he polite- mated to the officer of the day that he and nearly famished, not knowlug what to do or which way to go. I saw many ly, "but at that moment the officer who should dmand Stuffs sword. had just left entered. a Colonel am commis"I sight that made my heart bleed." Staff, and am "Glad to know you, comrade," said sioned with the execution of his MajesCurl went on to relate how he continStaff, preparing to attack the breakfast ty's decree for the destruction of the four ued to go forward until, not meetiuj ' before him. , Swedish cities." , Staff, he had arrived at Griefswald, "I am Captain Carlsen, of the Danish "For the present vou are and will re where he had learned all that had trans, army, Colonel. 1 heard you speak of an main the of the commandant of pired between Staff and Carlsen, and concluded by assuiing his listeners thai, order you have to execute, which will Oreifswald.prisoner Your sword, Colonel." make it necessary for me to quit Greifs-wal- d for that night, at least, they could sleep ' Seeing that remonstrance was useless, in peaee. ' sooner than I inteuded." J ; handed to the young officer his Staff sword to in The want don't had man a finished "If you lodge heap who scarcely young an hour before had waited ou him, his ef ruins, I advise you to make your narrative, when the clutter of horde's and received Ids orders at the inn. The stay short," replied Staff, with a coarse commandant then ordered him to be con- hooofs was heard ' on the pavement of the market place. laugh. to the nearest guard-housnnd, "Staff! Staff!" cried a score of voices. "Is, then, this terrible decree to be ducted before he rode further, gave the necessa- "Now our hour ha come!" f executed so soou?" directions for the burial of the Danish "To-dary Tho OreifsAuklam, approaching darkness prevented ' their seeiug the horseman distinctly unwald, then Garz. Quick and mighty as Captain. Tho sun already sank again in the west, til he came quite near them, when the the hurricane is the revenge of the and from tho sea there came a cold, sry, "A Dane! a Dane!" ran through Czar!" "The days for the execution of this piercing wind, but ' the trembling hun the crowd. terrible edict are, doubtless, fixed iu dreds who had crowdod together on the "Listen, good people of Anklarn'." market-plac- e of Anklain, seemed to take said the horseman in a loud, clear tone your orders, Colonel?" "Ah, terrible that is the right word, no note of the change in the temperature that could be heard over the whole comrade. Look at the place where Wol- They had come together curly in the morn market-plac"I come from Prine for mutual while and and consolation, will once see ing Menizikow, they stood, bring you good tidings. you gast nothing but a mass of smoking ruins, awaited their cruel fate. For tho whole His Majesty the Czar yield to the imanimated by no living thing. Rut the day the venerable pastor, Heydcmunn, portunities of the Dunes in your behalf, days are not fixed in my orders. I am had been employed in speaking words of and extends to the four Swedish cities allowed to consult my own inclination consolation and comfort to such of his his imperial clemency." and convenience." "Saved ! saved; we are saved !" was trembling flock as seemed most depress echoed by a thousand voices, and these "Are you not aware, Colonel, that the ed. But who of them all, on this sad day, days of consternation and doomed cities have sent a delegation to despair were Prince Menzikow, iu the hope of obtain- relinquished more cherished hopes than followed by one general shout of redid he?, For himself; hecoald have borne joicing. The people threw theirsches ; ing mercy?" Not a little displeased that the Danish their hard lot without ft murmur j for him into one another's arms, and tears of officer should have the courage to cen- poverty and misery hud no terrors. But lamentation were followed by tears of ' ' sure his barbarity, Staff, hastily drank at his side stood" his Maria, his only and joy- , beloved ho 'whom had duughter, the remainder of his wine, ordered an- dearly The; annivorsnry of this day is still other mug, and commanded his horse to hoped soon to marry to the son of.his old universally observed in Anklarn. All be saddled immediately. But Car'sen friend, Rudow, a handsome und thriving places of business are closed, many of was not discouraged, and renewed his young merchant. And now I Before they the houses are dressed with wreaths, efforts to soften the hard, unfeeling were another day older, they would all be and services are held in the churches, beggars, and the happiness of the joung when the preacher never fails to reheart of the Russian. people desi roved, pcrhapfl forever. This heat se the principal incidents contained "Reflect, comrade," lie continued, it was that made the good man's heart in our narrative, or to pronounce an "that the weal and the woe of thousands heavy, that prevented the words of conso- eulogy on the Danish captain, Carlsu, of our unfortunate and iunoeeut fcllow-me- lation he spoke to others from finding an whose bloud saved their city from . who are in no way to blame for the echo in his own bosom.' A glance at his struction. vandalism committed by the Swedish arm, anxious duughter, whose eye were fixed are in your hands. I conjure you to h on the distant landscape, await further orders before proceeding in intently robbed him fortitude the little he of this horrid work of destruction. Look at had left. these peaceful flourishing towns! Must The youthful Carl Rudow had that they be sacrificed by an order issued iu a morning quietly left the city, taking the moment of anger an order, the revocaroad to Oreifswald, that he might meet tion of which depends, perhaps, on a the terrible Staff. He was a cultivated brief delay?" man of pleasing address, and en"What's that to me? In Wolgast they young dowed with a persuasive eloquence. His whined aud whimpered about something errand was to move, if possible, the hard of the sort, but their whimpering was all heart of the Russian. The tradesmen of lost on old StAff." the city were ready to pay a largo sum of "And yet, Colonel, you should listen to to have their town and effects 1, the voice of humanity, and should, before money or even for a spared, respite of a few await the these with horrors, you proceed And now the young man's return SALT LAKE. HTV, ; return of the delegation aud the further days. was awaited with painful anxiety, for the of orders A,8 TUK MOST COMPLETE your august sovereign. They character of the brutal Staff was so well STOCK Of may, they certainly will be saved." enterwas known that scarcely a hope "Ah, bah ! Rob the soldiers of their tained of the success of the generous young A good serwell earned booty ? Not 1 man's mission. Ever offered to the Public of I'tah. vant needs no. second order; one suffices, Hour after hour had passed neither and this one just suits mc, 1 wouldn't f " did young Rudow return, nor did the re- Cilildy Toy cf all Kinds-Plaihave it changed if I could." I have listen- doubtable Colonel arrive as he had an"To the devil, comrade ed to enough! I have His Majesty's or- nounced to the people of Anklum he would Candy, Every hour the ders, and for mc that is enough ! But do. It was Corn inebriated more soldiers Russian became dethe aware that not are perhaps you to aud hellish their work, begin Corn struction of tiec Swedish towns was de- impatient termined upon in retaliation for what less respectful of tho rights of the citizens Cbcwiitg who crowded closer and closer around the your countrymenn suffered at the hands cider and Chewing (Jum, elc eU ninro influential of their numof the Swedes at Altona?" Bend in ymr Ordcn t once, bod ret jour cwln "That I know, Cobnel. And I know, ber, ignorant whether this delay was the fotUjeUoliJji. Jf. ., evil. or of ; Commander-in-chiegood harbinger f the Danish also, that t WALLACE, H, has dispatched a courier to Prine MenziEvening approached, and yet no one Salt tAe City. kow, in order, through him, to intercede, arrived from the direction of Ureifswiild. in behalf of the four unfortunate cities, The Russians becoming .more lawless in for imperial clemency. The courier may their impatience, began, to plunder some return at any moment with, the reply, of the shops, and to drive the owners into ' ' which certuinly cannot be other than such the- street. ' While these scenes were being enacted, as will rejoice the heart that is not utterly dead to every noble instinct. Colonel, the venerable- Ueydemann continued in ST 5 6 K 0 F FUR X I TURK surrounded by his paru Danish officer is your supplicant also tho market-placIS UTAH, for his worst enemy. Await the return ishioners, with, hi old friend Rudow on of ou? courier, I implore you, lueforc you one side and his daughter ou the other. "The Bun is nearly down," said the proceed to Anklarn. Thousands bow. in and to , at awa;t conjure you me, pastor. your feet, "And whore own Carl be? What can further orders." v, i; And,' overcome by bis feelings, the keep him so long?"' asked the doubly-anxiobarbarMaria. to knee one the bent man Jv& young "Does thi delay f the barbarous Staff ous Russian, who cried, cursing in his , bode evil or good? Has the olemaacy of 2p ,X)VTH STREET, rage: to Czar bona to the a I tc?e tleae mb eUeaded, ptrhapa, IAIT LA&a cm. plaj part "pojou think . ,. A Slory Fro ai Jl uasiau every dircctipn toward the market-place- , where the unfortunate gathered around their venerable pastor, Ileydemann, a tlozen years Northern Europe who had, although t same fate awaitlnt'1 bci-mvngeJ by (he war which the ed him and his only daughter, a word ..iiiiiliiiicd power of Denmark, Poland of consolation for all. This was the day Staff was expected, mid ItuseU tlechired apuiust the y out rimrles' XII, in order to abate the and the order was to be carried inioex-icutio- n .i)!nirt:iiit influence of Sweden and to immediately on his arrival. The w rc.si her certain valuable tcrrito- - good people of Anklam had, therefore, i J lost almost the last ray of hope that Ji0rM'3Ml)liS. Sweden had by the thirty years' war their city and their earthly effects would and the pence oi West phulin, been raia-- t be spared. They had sent a deputation s fi the milk ol d power, to Prince Menzikow, the alt powerful iniicii 10 ilie uirplcasnre of t he envious favorite of the Czar, to implore for mer- kiui; of Denmark, us well n of Czar cy, hut the result ot the mission could I'et v 1 id KiiHMa, who, be.ng ambitious not be known under at least a week, U( increase his naval Mrengili, eoveud j when there would be nothing remaining a portion oi me uaiuu ooasi mat oeiong- - oi .vniiinui nut a neap of smoking ashes. d to his Swedish neighbor. Ami could mitt eiuner in uieir uespair IHe a better opportunity have occurred to people crowd d around the venerable id.ii a in t'le oliject of his desires than appastor, while parties of intoxicated Uus-- j presented itself in the year ian soldiers swaggered through the parently Mi'.iT ' Charles XL was dead, aud his streets, hallooing and singing, in their barbarous joy, reminding the people that .!!!. hardly fifteen years old had ascendTo wrest the coveted ed the throne. jthey only awaited the orders of their provinces ironi a boy, seenieu an easy Colonel to begin their helish work of re- neverthelefd in I0ii8, to insure ducing their homes to ashes, and of ; j uecess, Itussiafor ed a powerful league driving thein out into the wide world to with Denmark and Poland against the beg or starve. The mists of the morning still hung youthful sovereign, and from every side j he allied armies invaded the provinces over Oreifswald when a party of caval-tlie- y rymen entered the town and halted be- hoped to make their booty. iJut the royal hoy with whom they fore an inu on the mirket place. I he corpulent, I ho. glit to have light wi'i li was a genuofficer ine Northern lion, who lost no time in who rode in advance, dismounted with but. employed it astonishing ease for one of his nppear-- n running his enemies, his territory ance. threw the reins of his horse to a to defend makiiig ready :md maintain his dignity. With won-- j soldier who hurried forward to take 4ei lul celerity he deiemed, one after the them, and said in a rough tone: nih-- r, "Here I will breaktast. Send the the Danes and Russians, and the Sa.ous ot the King of Poland, he forced garrison officer of the day, that he may lieninark to conclude peace, marcoed take my orders. We go on in an hour; y Auklam must be in flames. .n Waieaw, dethroned King August off by we shall be back hereto I'olaiid, and followed him iuto his na- i iic country. Saxony, where he compell- send this quiet nest to the devil with the humiliato the others." ncsede him mot to id and thus this conditions, boy Having delivered himself of this bru-I- v quickling became the terror of Northern En- - tal speech he entered the public room of rope. Now he marched atruiit against the inn, the door ot which the landlord tins Russians, but, having become over obsequiously held open for him. The officer tossed his hat and long continent and during, he lost the decisive J,n!e of l ultowa. liV'J, and was lorccd riding glovs on one of the tables, threw to tly to I ui key, while Jus enemies re- himself into a chair, and bringing his doubled their exertions against him iu fist down heavily on a table near him, the north. All negotiations and propo- cried out: 'Wine here, old fellow; your best sitions for peace were fruitless. Charles do them hear? if you know what's good he that all, you rejected swearing v.ould punish aud destroy his enemies. for you ; and breakfast lor Colonel Staff. Jlis generals were compelled to continue Quick, too, if the canaille don't leant to thecoiitebt with all the resources at see their nest in flames before sunset." t heir command, aud there The landlord disappeared, bowing was no end to the sutleriug in the provinces for the humbly in order to escape rough of which the rival powers mcnt from the barbarous Russian, who were contending. This was especially was well known to him. Over Oreifswald also hung the dread-itrue wheii ihe Swedish King succeeded the ful to his Suluu sentence, and here, too, was Stiff to persuading espouse vaiise and declare war against the Czar, act as executioner. The work of when he himself, with nis unyield- - strnction had begun with Wolgest and ing obstiuacy aud wild courage, re ap- - j was to cud with Garz. The landlord hastened t,o call all his poured iu the threatened provinces, which Lieutenant General Keenbesk. de- - ' people in order to supply, as quickly as fended with the skill and bravery of a possible, the wants of the officer nd hero, against a much more numerous his soldiers, who filled his house and propriated whatever they saw that they Thus, then, for a dozen long years, wanted. Uut the landlord seemed to this murderous war devastated the Ger- - take no notice of their vandalism. "The said Kiiu provinces of Sweden," and still more they eat and destroy there whs no prospect of an early peace, he in dospair, "the less they will have Another yeur had passed, yet the new to plunder The fate of Wolgast convinced him year, 1713 brought with it nothing to inspire hope, but only the old woes, and that Oreifswald would not be spared; when the spring enuie the horrors of tliv his only hope was to escape ju:eyt even increased by the personal ' meut. and if he must go out into the enmity and the thirst for revenge of the j world, with his family, as a beggar, to respective princes. In those days the go at least with whole limbs The landlord soon returned with a uiituriunaie people too frequently served us a complacent lootball for the passions large mug of wine, which the officer, mid caprices of rulers, who often re- - who had announced himself as Colonel 'li esBed, as they thought, their individ Staff, found so much to his taste, that he ual grievances by plundering and mur- - said, by way of commendation, in a more friendly tone deriug the subjects of their rivals. The Swedes took the Danish city of I see, landlord, that you are a man Altoua, urul being exasperated by the of sense. Look to it, thai the breakfast uiuiuiness ot the Danes in keeping is as good as your wine. their treaties, they sacked and burned "I hope you wil.be satisfied, Colo- ii nel," replied the landlord humbiy, and hue this useless cruelty and barbar-- ' again disappeared lrom the room us moac ot There v as but one other guest, in currying on war was universally condemned throughout all Eu- these troublesome times, at the inn a rope, it aroused in Peter the Great, the young Danish officer, who sat quietly in ruler of the Russians, a one corner of the room, unnoticed by determination to avenge his Danish ally the barbarous Russian, lie was about by perpetrating still greater horrors on to rise and v peak to the Colonel, as it the subjects ot Charles XII. seemed, when the door again opened, Peter followed his determination by and the garrison officer of the day enan immediate order to destroy by fire tered. and sword the four Swedish cities in Is the commandant of the town to be 1'omerania, Garz, Wolgast, Griefswald seen ?" asked Staff, abruptly. aud Anklain, iu retaliation for Altoua. "Not at the moment, Colonel. He has The four cities were to be first sacked ridden out, and may not return for au by the Russian soldiery, the inhabitants hour or two." to be diivttn destitute beyond the walls, "Can't wait. In an hour we must be aud there to witness the destruction of on the road to Anklaui. Will leave the their homes, and then to be allowed to orders for him, that must be executed wander where they would. by the time I return. Sit down, comThe citizens of the old commercial rade. Landlord, another mug of wine." town f Anklain had known for several The officer obeyed, and the mug of Uys the fate that had been decreed wine was soon placed before him by the thrin, and awaited it in sorrow and de- attentive landlord. Staff took several official documents spair. Judical Sunday had never been and aid : "I spent in such wailing and praying. The out of his breast-pockefollowing morning ushered. in the terri- am Colonel Staff, and have been commisble day on which the Russian soldiers sioned by Prince Meciikow with the expected one ColoHel Staff, who had cxecution'of the commands by his mabeen commissioned with the execution jesty, our great Czar, concerning the cf the imperial order. four cities of the enemy, Wolgast, Greifs-walAnklfim and Garz. You see here The soldiery, in their 'wild joy at the prospect of gathering rich booty from the Prince's order containing the senthe doomed city, epent the night in ca- tence of GreifswalJ, and further his orrousing, rendering1 with their barbarous der commanding me to see the sentence the ;he".irta of tho unfor- carried iuto execution. These docutunate inhabitants, who on this night ments remain here ; you will hand' them looked with envy cri their sleeping babes to the commandant as soon as be returns. ail unconscious of the npproachiug ca- He will find that he is therein enjoined to aid and assist :ne in executing the ' lamity, j On the morrowfho enn rose red and just, though severe decree of our great Moody from out ft thick, fog Joal hung Czar, whom may Heaven protect." The officer, a young man, ran bis eyes icavy over the distant landscape. At tarly dawn, sad, trembliug figures, that hastily ever Ihe twe documents and ftar and decpatt nurried forward, might bowed, maintaining; silence. Stiff foldfcT.e ceo leen weadiaf their way froi ed np ou,e f (he paper b4 returped, it History; r.r ul i I first-clap- I ! i j ai-- k i j j fierce-lockin- g j : j j mid-da- w j I treat-possessi- , , n ; de-ui- id I ap-lorc- e. J j to-da- ill-trea- t- i ; j i 4 j Sdini-civiliz- t, d, merry-makin- g nr ! . ; - to-da- ! nearly-overcom- ." e. . " e, ! y e, to-d- ay . , , . u, d-- well-nig- New Yts Notice To the Country Trade, - : H. WALLACE, CONPJ2CTIONK1 II 1 n and Fancy C'awli'S ! mid-da- FrUe y. . Pi Halls Frire Sacks Pipe, - , TUK ItCST e - . At JOELSQN5S, .... ua Groealieck's NEW BUI LV I |