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Show TELEGRAPH BY: tlia OGiKf Jcsctiis by tb ttycitto and Pacific TeUrnph pornpwiy. Atlantic - : Congressional Proceed-- ! ings! . The Credit Mobiler Business to be Investigated Openly! The Irish People Praised by the Pope! AMERICAN. Washington, C. In tbo senate Sherman otfercj a resolution, directing the committee on Jriv-- j leges and elections, to enquire uid report whether the recnt election for was conPresident and ducted in Louisiana and Arkansas in accordance with the laws of the United Suites, nd what contests have arisen, who were elected in either of the Slates, Miid what measures are neeessary to provide for the determination of such contests, and to guard agvinst and determine like contests in future. The committee have poer to send for persons and papers to take te timony, uitd if necessary to authorize suitable and unprejudiced persons, not residents f said States, to take such testimony as tuny be material in the determination of smy contest there growing out of the lection. West objected. Present consideration and resolution laid over. Morton offered a resolution directing ilie committee on privieges and elections to examine aud report at the next essKui of Congress on the best and most practicable mode cf electing the of the President and (Willed States, and of providing a tribunal to adjust and decide all contested elections connected therewith. Ordered Vice-Preside- nt 11 four-oare- d f vice-Preside- pruned. KJinunJs offered a resolution asking the Secretary of V'ur to coinnninicutrt informal iiB in his possession ns lo in suppressing Indian hostilities in Wnshiugiou Territory and Ore- gon. Agreed to. Scott offere a resolution, which was agreed to, directing the committee on linance to enquire whether the Secretary of the Treasury has power uuder existing law to issiiH U. S. notes In lieu of forty five million of bank notes caucelled under the act of '(50. A resolution was adopted directing the judiciary committee to enquire as to the propriety of repealing the national bankrupt law from and after Juu. 1st., 1874, and providing for the immediate repeal of so much of said act as relites to involuntary bankruptcy. On motion of Stewart, the question pciiiiing since last session referring to the Goat Island bill was taken up. Stew art said he would accept Cole's amendment referring the bill to the committee on military affairs, and it was so refer- ed, but declined after inquiry. Bingham look twenty shares; Garfield agreed to take ten but- never received them, linutwell was offered some, but did not take it. Kelly, of Pennsylvania, had no money to buy. Schoheld took one share, but returned it, James P. Wilson and W. B. Allison, of Iowa, bought ten shares each. Amesnev.r gave one to Senator Conklin. Pittsburg, Ta., G. An attempt was made this morning to burn the town of Lawrenceburg, a short distance above the o l regiou. It was started by saturating an old quilt with crude oil and then being thrown between two houses and a match applied, one of these houses was a grocery, in which was stored oil and other matter that was inflammable. The incendiary is supposed to be a Jew clothing man, and his object to recover heavy insurance, which a general conflagration would make fall due. He said lie knew nothing about it, but during the day became incensed at a remark heard reflecting on himself and threatened to burn the town. Ho was arrested and put under bonds great indignation is felt and threats of mob law are made. San Francisco, G. Steps are being taken to have a grand regatta at Vallejo, in which nil the boat clubs in the State will be requested to enter their shelis for the championship of the State. On Saturday morning the board of ciiy trustees sold at public auction the lands deeded by the San Diego and Gila railroad company to James A. Evans engineer-in-chieof the California division of the road, the only bidder. The entire tract of nine thousand acres wa knocked down to him for one hundred and sixty dollurs. This gives tae Texas and Pacific railroad company a complete title to the lands. The San Diego and San Bernardino railroad company recently presented a petition to the board of city trustees, asking them to aid the enterprise. No favorable action being taken by the board, the petition was withdrawn. The new Sunday code respecting the closing of saloons and bar rooms was not noticed or cuforced here New Orleans, 6. An immense crowd of citizens, estimated to number 20,000, gathered in Lafayette square and other streets in the neighborhood of Odd Fellow's Hall, the Warmoutu whereat noon crowd The met. was re- Legislature was No quorum luarkably quiet. prea ent in cither House, and both adjourned till noon The Kellogg Legislature met as usual, to-da- j y but adjourned early. la, is not "in regard to' the qualifica-lionof lite candidates, but solely in regard to their purses. It ts not a question of brains, but of dollars. It is nut whether the next Senator is able to Agent for Utah for tile1 read or to write, or to add to the honor of his State, but whether he is able o pay money for votes, to got offices for his adherents, dnd to fulfill bromises to the local politicians." TOllEIGN. Which has just taken the First Premium at the State Fair of Kansas, held iu London, 6. Topeka, aud the First Premium at St. Louis, Mo., for The steamer Ilolsatia, which arrived it Plymouth yesterday from New York, was ashore for a while last night on Drake's lslantJ, but was little damagedAthens, 0. The Greek government, on the recommendation of the great powers, has consented to submit the question of the Laurium mines to arbitration. AXI The commencial treaty between France and Great Britain wrs finally FITTEST signed by the representatives of the two governments on Saturday, and now awaits parliamentary ratification. Keep on hand a full line of Musical Instruments and Merchandise, sells all kind The Gazette de France reports that of Pianos. Organs, Melodeotis, etc., at Factory prices. Don Alphonzo entered Catalonia on Saturday night; and that seven thousand Carlists are concentrated in the pro. vince of 0!at. Tho insurgents are about to enter on avig rous campaign. Berlin, 6. CHARLES The ministry have settled the provisions of the bill which authe regulates No. 5, thority of superior over inferior clergy. City. 3.')-It controls the training of the latter, and sets up rules governing ecclesiastical appointments. s CHARLES W.. STAYNER, SUPERB ESTEY ORGAN, - BEST CHURCH BEST ORGAN, PARLOR ORGAN, FOR THE ORtiAX PRODUCING THE ORCHESTRAL EFFECT, . Xt raroxx't -- jpny to "kxa.y oljooArlicx-oW. STAYNER, Main Street, Salt Lake tf Borne, C. A large deputation of Catholics from Ireland waited on the Pope to day, nud presented an address, reciting the benefits conferred on Ireland by the Holy oee, aim tcnuering ins Holiness a contribution of Peter's pence. The Pope, in responding, deplored the ingratitude of the people who permitted the spoliation of the church. He mnde an exception in faor of the Irish people, whom he praised for their enduring attachment to the church, and congratulated ihem on the preservation of their faith. Christmas Presents LATE OALDKIl 37 MAIN STREET, He concluded by giving the apostolical blessing to Ireland. Paris, 6. INVITE ATTENTION The new census of France shows a RESPECTFULLY. population of 86,102,J21, a decrease of 360,035 since 1800. TO 9 SEAKS, S. L. CITY, THEIR LARGE AND PPLRNP1 STOCK or It Pianofortes, Cabinet Organs, Violins, Guitars, Accordeons, Violin Strings; nnw, Coiierti llutew, ClurionetK, Good Wishes. Mr. William Thomas of this city, was married to Miss Rachel Nolan, on New Years' day, at the Utah Hotel. Success to the young couple. 3U. & y , IP. BKOW-N"- , New York, C. his message; in Mayor Ilavemeyer, General Produce recommends for the cons deration of the rescity and county governments the toration of the executive aud legislative A'itVw powers to the Mayor and Common CounCOMMISSIOX MERCHANT ! cil, and that the various commissions be revised and made accountable to a central Over TWO THOUSAND P1HCES of SHEET MUSIC to select from, win government, and that special legislation be discouraged. rifth Street, Sonth Side V, C. K. K. bracing the most Popular Songs and Piano Pieces. Communists of . A large number are red. Depot, Their The Indian appropriation bill was ta- shortly to arrive from Paris. A Splendid Chance to Make up Volume Christmas ken up. Amount appropriated by bill, friends are preparing to give them a reALSO ABOUT $'J17,9'J7 less than last year ception. w hen the item Tweed's case adjourned over appropriating. $200,000 lor the Sioux Indians was reached, Har- owing to the indisposition of some of bis lan h.nl read a communication from lawyers. Hall slipped and broke his Jowan, (he acting Secretary of the InYvcal uttd Iiixtrtimtntdl, Sacrtd and Secular, It Standard ..Iwf.crx. inbone forth last the of sources ankle terior, setting night. He will be conand Wanted for Sale, formation about the Teton Sioux, and fined to the house for a month. ' Esss. Nashville, 6. stating that in view of the recent charTHE CKIiKBKATKI Inthe met at the in such no The that XI unci g capital legislature ges newspapers dians existed, an oider had been issued Each branch spent a day in inCbickens, on the 7th tilt, prohibiting the auditing effectual balloting for presiding officers. Flour, Little Bock, Ark. G. of all alleged disbursements for the benGrain, efit of suid tribe until further notice. The general assembly met here at The Republican caucus Beefs, The communication was accompanied b noon . FKOM ?.V) .TO $110 EACH, ' h statement of the disbursements for the nominees were elected in each house. Turnips, Teton Sioux during the past year, from Both houses met this evening in joint ooOnions, which appears only three hundred and session and canvassed the vote for govTomatoes, SCHOOL CARDS, REWAIID SUNDAY BOOKS, PRIZES, ETC. eight thousand out of five" hundred ernor. They declared Elisha Baxter Potatoes, thousand appropriated has been paid elected Baxter was sworn in by the ' ' ! out. The bill was finally agreed to, and chief justice and delivered a short inau- - Apples, oom the Sm-itPlums, adjourned. gural address, very conservative well received was all which The House ALL KINDS OF at the regular tone, by Peaches,' : hour. Speaker in the chair. parties. Cabbage, BOOKS, A large number-obills was introAnnapolis. Md., C. WharMrs. 0. Elizabeth of The trial duced and appropriately referred After IX K, PENCILS. ETC. PAPER, l'ESS, ALL IN THEIR SEASON. discussion the Hoiiee by a vote of ISO to ton, indictid for attempting to poison &c seven, ordered open session of the Cre- Eugene Van Ness, in June 1871, was s9fltf dit Mobilier investigating committee commenced in the circuit of. Anne, The President; nominated Alex. Cree Arundel county, It. J. Fowl EE. W. PtARCB. Napoleon had a second operation perpostmaster of Georgetown, Cal. with favorable result. Orders Solicited and Promptly Filled Ilaudall moved to suspend the rules formed The British government declines to for the adoption of his resolution relaOn tU Liu of tii C. V. aod U. P. TL R. tive to the Union Pucific railroad. Piatt support the proposal of the Royal Geosuggested that the resolution be made graphical Society, for sending out an Kan-da- ll Arctic expedition partly at public exto apply to the Central Pacific". & ! j: said after his resolution had passed, pense, ' The ship Wallace, of Boston, was then he would go for the Central Pacific. SEWING-MACHINE- . SHOP MACHINE The rules were suspended and the reso burned to the water's edge in the harbor of Tarbay. lution was adopted by Us lo 23. Louisville, 7. offered resoluof a Wilson, Indiana, tion fir another secret committee of five The beautiful town of Carlisle, Ky., lllsiek to enquire whether any stockholders of was totally destroyed by fire on SaturIATEFT WPRQVKD, PFT in v'A i' branches. ttmUhiug THIS IS THK, ' ' ul lifrhiMt runttitrR iMiuttl M lutu Bv the Ten cr Cur Load, for Sale. the Credit Mobilier hold bonds of the day night. Office and Porjre 1J Blocks South of the In uk. livery vnrittty of IlMnruiug, KelWnt:, New York, 7. Union Pacific, and whether they obCorUiiiu, UntMinR. Tutklsrg, yoiltivg, RuHlm;:, Ltau Hotel. state Orleans New from tained them for a valuable consideraDespatches etc., iljr )uifriu4. that the greatest excitement prevails. tion, etc. Adopted. Work done elioxtply OX liOT.11 STITCH Sargent offered a resolution as to the At Lafayette Park a vast assemblage who of a negroes, suitability of the White House for the was attacked by party SI1K&. Orders and letters of inquiry will "President's official and family residence. were repulsed. . The United States Sick Animal KkilftsMy command of General the under Houso prompt attention. Adopted. troops, adjourned. ' two the between Oakes Ames' testimony shows that Emery, marched par!l-f- t Mcin were battle Samwho G 28-t- f engaged ties Senator iraes, John 1). Alley aud P. O, Pox 24. uel Hooper subscribed largely. Colfax Enery, the Conservative Governor, made '"wanted some alloted 6tock, but it was a speech, in which lie promised that all Jiot transferred to him. Mrs. Henry his exertions would be in favor of WANT A T!!OM!ONIAK lKCT0n OR IFIOL' !' Ybcmwaioa Mmlkiai-- , The American ftair, was hissed "Wilson objected to the investment made peace. AND JEWELER, WATCHMAKER lor her, and the money was returned'. oy one party, and cheered ky the other CALL ON DR. MURPHY, Foe CiwsUr ai fvimpU of Sewing, tldrM i CJcvck. M'atfitiw. IWer .lewrlry. Kirrer ui in nis Philadelphia Nmul Ware. MA IX HTllEET. Iitersun4 of Now Hampshire; received Colouel Forney, post oma:, main st.. WU'KX. OODKN. IRA PFOCTZ, the to as next snvs T'reu. the Question de "melius on thirty shares. Blaine R?pair:X Marly kiM Mid al) mvtii narrnf.d. Ccm-kuV3ia ; 67tf. Ateut, gl4 Lak Ci'.X, evuluifij receive "any. Lawes aogotk United. States, Seaalor frou Peniwjlvau- - J fir, ll.W, .$"),43-l,luo- DruniH, rXumtoiiriucM, TCt, , , to-d- ay OCDEX ... far Present, UTAH. 150 DIFFERENT KINDS OF MUSIC BOOKS, Ex-May- WILSON SHUTTLE to-da- y. SKWIBIG to-da- y. rVZilCHEIBJE, -- . I IN ENDLESS VARIETY. -- L e STATIONERY, f : BLANK ENVELOPES, . OALDEB CARELESS. to-da- y. to-da- y, WEED 1 PEARCE & FOWLER, , Shipping a Specialty Horse Cattle Doctors, "FAMILY FAY0R1TEV HIIOEINC; FOHGK, - UINTAH COAL Holler Halting and f and thoroughly. AI.IKI; re-cei- re treated. , STRAIGHT NEEDLE REMOVED. J.S.LEWIS. NO COG WHEELS. 1 ' offico-orroo- iTF. ! I r , |