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Show f$ot Out of Ilac ' Dregs. r od greater light was , presented to 'i ' f them in "Mormoni'srn." f';'. , , p '.'' T.pt ns icons'der If the Nferraons navt to As the personal appearance of i,iitc Hiiy ili ing worthy of our comruendi-iitn- . We are all f t iti;ir with what the ladies the editor of the Gazette done to outrage our feeli gs takes have ,y a different view from other 'I licy !mve brought lns of thousand writers. The Mormon ciders have f Europe and wtlod them in the I A Night Disturber. ment, resumed. hU seat, he was grcct-a- d Friday niiht a with enthusiastic npplause, which storekeeper who vends provisions,' fruits, etc. near the corner of Main aud FovirUi was with difSeulty suppressed. streets, was awakened by a thumping at "Wealth and social prestige are pow-rf- his front door. Jumping out of bed, he influences iu the United States, iteucd a weapon,' and was about to rush albeit we plume ourielves upon our to the door, .when his letter-halin democratic simplicity and abhorrence whom the bump of caution was more of class distinctions- - We say, there- fully developed than in her Jord in arms, fore, that the future of the convicted persuaded hi to go out by the rear aud obtain help, as he had been maltreated bv . murderer is problematical., The oaly ... rowdy fellows more than once. After which Stokes can escape his way by promenading the streets in search of a the chance of being res- policeman, the storekeeper returning, met doom, only cued from thti scaffold, is through an two men, who aecompaaiod him to the expedient which we believe will be front of his premises to assist him in capadopted. The Legislature of New turing the burglars or other desperadoes, York will abolish capital punishment who had disturbed big night's repose. found but one thief an old cow, and the Governor in deference to the They who had inserted her head into a barrel expressed will of the Legislature will of tweet potatoes, which had been left retreat from his past record to which out of doors, and which she had nearly he clings with proud tenacity. emptied, banging the barrel and knocking Whatever may be done to pave her horns against the door ns she enjoyed Edward S. Stokes from the fate to her nocturnal repast. The storekeeper doenn't like it now if you ask the price of which a just tribunal has consigned sweet potatoe?. him ; whatever efforts may be made to evade the spirit and intent of the Bcttikg Against a Trais. On last law, the verdict of a responsible and intelligent jury, that could be neither Saturday evening the coach to which were hitched four horses belonging to the Utah cajoled nor purchased, is a grand Hotel, came in contact with a traiu just commentary upon the people who backing out to couple on a box car. The have overthrown a reign of terror. train was on the edge of the road at the The laws of the eountrv have been crossing. The driver was hurrying to vindicated, the integrity of society has catch the Salt Lake passenger train, and been maintained, and although there not perceiving the cars in motion, tried are differences of opinion regarding to cross the track. The cars struck the coach, which was upset; the tougue brokcapital punishmcut, yet the nation en and the horses knocked down. Misses welcomes the morning when justice Wheat and Vincent, who were ou the carwill sway an undisputed sceptre. riage, were slightly injured. The other passengers escaped without damuge. After all they wore not too late. j? . : -- . -- Ga-rttt- :. law-honori- "Mor-monism- nr.i-le- pre-emine- nt tiu-nielvc- s i law-abidin- j 4 ... ' ' ' - . &nn 1 u i .l the bounty of President Youug miniM.rai.uu. vo- and their in Utah, the oldechool of politicians, who have have been selected from among the lways been stern and inexorable in iaithful members of the Church who their determination to carry out ths bad proved their aatachment to its laws under the strictest construction. K onndpmnpd nriSonP.r principles, but were unable to save Tl,n UP...w- nf sufficient money, after .sustaining is within hi? crasp. but if we are to themselves by their own labor, to pay form a judgment from his antecedents the amount necessary far their pas-s- as a public official, he will decline They were not paupers ; they any interference with the courts or were not beggars; they were not with the regular course of justice. .That a strong feeling in favor of thieves; they were not disreputable characters of any kiad- - Most of the assassin and a bitter prejudice 'hem were formerly members of oth- - against his victim exists, it mauifet; T religious denominations, whick po much so that when his attorney, they Jefi because what they at fhc conclusion 4if a powerful argu- by Omaha, dated this morning, informs us that, notwithstanding the fall of snow along the U. P. R. R. has been unusually heavy, the trains have arrived and departed ou time. Notice ! JOSEPH Ml'SdKAVE. WILLIAM I.EK0Y. 110 JOHN CASS1DY KDWAKO MATKKR and UiCIIAKD ALLKN. You will plenw Uk uotk lliftt lalxir lias bvti donn for you, according id Mi contract, on tlm Union t'cttouwol Kan von, Kxceltior District, Morgan enmity, I Uih are lierrby uotiflctl to px Territory; and your Khars within ninety (lava from data of thi Lotion. TIMOTHY O'.VEIL. 0?lin Uintah, Wbcr co., Nov. 2J, fur yu 3o. Mnnjrravn, $12; Wtu. Lroy, $31, John lliihard Allen, iJU. ,d. Cas-iiJ- Uatr, $12; 2i. C. KI. Ecdf.t k Williams l I OGDEN"' J. J. Maiiox, - - HOUSE. - - Proprietor Jan. i and 6. Maguire, Sterling, 111; John Seagers, Salt Lake; John II Sahler, wife, daughter, mother, niece and servant, J C Bennett, Nebraska; T II Co hen, Chicago, 111; M L Green, St. Loui?; John Meyers, Sandwich Island;' A E Mitchell, California: Thos Neale, New York; Geo Connell, New York. i Noah B , MONDAY. I, GROCERIES, HARDWARE & CROCKERY; IMPLEMENTS TOOLS, . & STOVES; DEY GOODS, STAPLE and FANCY NOTIONS,. CARPETS. Oil, CLOTHS, IIPIIOLSTJCHY C.OOIIS, CXOTlIIXdi, HATS, HOOTtt ami ftHOUSj Wall Paper, ISordcrin, Decorations; Drug, ill em ica Is v Pa tent Hedlelue: "WISES. M(irORS. AEE ami PORTER; Singers' Sewing Machines, in Variety; Rcspokc ISoot and Shoe Depart iient; 6. Probate Covrt. This morning the Probate Court of Weber County, opened in the City Hall at 10 a.m. Hon. F. D. Richards, presiding. F. S. Richards, Esq., Clerk, A. Miner, Esq., Pros. Attorney, and Wm. Brown, Esq., Sheriff. Venires for grand and petit juries were returned, served. After cmpanncling the grand jurv the at 10 fc.ru. Court adjourned till Leather, Finding's, Beltings, &c; PROIirC'E, URAIX, KUTTER, TAiUS, Ac; SCBUTTLER : MACHINERY IN ALL BOP WAGOXS, BRANCHES, &C, ITS SLEDS; &C, Wholesale Fnrcbascrs and Visitors TO SALT LAKE CITY tf THE X E W HOUSE G. F. CULIER & C O, ' . ' I I . X o. UTAH HOTEL. - - - Proprietors. Jan. 4th. BenSheeks, John W Lowell, W li Welton, Salt Lake; Thos Collius, Omaha; M R Snyder, Keno, Nev. Jan. 5th. E P Brown, Ogden; W ' Robinson, II McC&rty, W E Clark, Ohio; A C Newman, Salt Lake; C W Sweet, Cheyeuue; C L Hollingswortb, St Marys, Ohio. I Whether; the sentence; of will be carried iuto execntion opine, a matter of grave nncertainty. Stokes will find no hoce for clemency ' Mucu Joy. This morning we had the pleasure ot expressing our congrat-ulation- s to Mr. B. T. Young and his bride, net Miss Lottie Peacock, who commenced the new year In ship. They came to town on a visit tw friends, and went to Salt Lake by this evening's train, to morrow they start for their home on the Sevier, where Mr. Young has a steam saw rc'll, which 'toots" pleasantly as it turns out couut-tss- s thousands of feet of buildini material. Mr. Young has a good cage for his bird 'down south," aud we think h should be proud as a Peacock of his interesting companion. The Track Clear. A dispa'ch from ' Travel. The trains thi3 morning Will find the Largest Assortment of Merchandise in the several Departmeuti Z. C. Mf I., as above, that can be eecn in the West, and afl at fair prices. were all on time, and qnite a number of or forty H. D, CLAWSON, Siiperintwdcat, passengers arrived. Thirty-fiv- e guests eat at the breakfast table of Mr. Erbe's hotel. Business is reviving, and the precautions taken by the railroad officers against the dangers of a block' ade, will revive the travel, which of or death late has been light. We ere assured is, we that there is no apprehension of delay on the roads during the winter. ,, , .V mate manner and advertize his bushiest in the Ogden Ji'scriOK? Hotel Arrival. g steady, working class, thrifty enough lo save from their earnings sufficient, under a wise organization to meet the expenses of their pilgrimage to .ion. Those who have been assisted - f, Tboy have been the Kooky Vountams. MicuiMof uunsporting innumerable families f'rmn the very lowest depths of society i 'In old world families who did N t knw one day where their next, morning V 'tenkfast whs to come from who euiisiderrd thttiiisel ves blessed when iliCi' pel work at sufficient wages to Mimciett-of food and cloth a provide seut (ho money has Young ing Uvighaiu from Ctnii, ind has paid the pnysngc kiid expenses of all who desired to come. hard-workin- g, haranguing a crow,d on. Main, street oh Saturday. He Lid 9oft of worm to shovt folks who lika to iwesuch things. Whether he had any More inside or not, he didn't say. But he- wants to get all In-can, to get 'cio wvth physic, aud for folk not only to let him get the worms, but some of their money also. If the hirsute orator is a genuine physician, w hy doesni he walk up in a gentlemanly and legiti ul 1 been accused by persons who have seen our emigrants departing from Liverpool or landiug in New York, of picking up the finest damsels they could lay their hands on for "MorcM mon" ' harems. Both parties are but the ladies of Utah will wrong, bear comparison with the same numiniser-M- e ber in They were, as a general thing, a auy other part of the world, l 'mi Mualid company of eiuigrauls and if they do not avail themselves they arrived, and the woitien have us a rmte, in'per' oftlae arts of the toilet, in natural j ally no itdvnug or.ci appearance, over tk Iudiuti which is true beauty, they mw. All of these poor wretches loveliness, have been provided with little pieces of are equal to the best. jrniimd, or oher meaus f making a The Mormon people have not i'ivitir, and their present condition is a condi-io- u sprung from the dregs. Their forparadise when compared to tfceir in the old ouutry. mer homes were not iu the slums of cities nor the purlieus of towns. The ulovc is clipped front an on "Moruiom.sm," which lately Neither are they, thank Ged, offshoots of an effete aristocracy. They appeared in the Lexington, Kv., and is of a similar character to are from the very bone and sinew of commentaries m the society, the solid, iii:uiy recent an i nation-buildin- g indusWhile lite ob'Monnou" question. classes. trial " ject oiuch articles is to put in a favorable light before and to influence Con- Au Assassin Doomed. ut s.s toward a peaceful solution of'! Edward S. Stokes, after a fair and the Mormon problem, the statements IJyiTi'il'ttll Tv'inl OTl A rf nr, A A Uw A J . . trc incorrect, and are a libel vueuteu of ability, has ' . mori a people who have proved ,! by a jury of his peers and country-r worthy of au exalted , , , ft J of i .lace in the staudarU morality- and i the first decree. The sentence of the industry. court has been deferred until to day, It is a grand mistake to suppose when he shall receive the official au-- 1 that the peaceable uxkI nouueemeut f the fate to which he thou.-and- s who have redeemed the is destined, in expiation of the terriJcsert wastes of Utah, were brought ble crime which has reddened his i'roin the lowest depths of European hands. The verdict of the jury was jdi iety, or that all who chose to come uot uucxpected. The character of were emigrated with the money of the uieu who were called upon to deother er Iirigham Young any perwii cide iu a case involving the life of v company. A very large proporouc whose family associations and tion of the settlers in ticso ralleys wealth, and standing iu society has their owu ajad paid passage money, invested his name with the greatest eanic here prompted solely by religprominence, gave asjurances of an ious motives. They believed this to honest decision in accordance with l.e the spot pointed out by the Jewthe law aud evidence. ish Prophets, Isaiah and Mlcah, The new code of New York went where in the lat days the mountain into effect" at the time Stokes' second of the House of the Lord shall be trial ' commenced. ' Under its operaestablished in the tops of the mountions a beneficial change has taken tains, and hhall be exalted aboTC the place in the selection of competent hills, and all nations shall flow unto men to act as arbiters between jusk.r And they burst the bonds of tice aud the accused arraigned before vets and creeds, parted with fund re- the tribunals of the great State lations ad dear fneud.s, counted as which has been the first to iuaugu-rat- e lross all considerations of a temporal a reformatory jury system. Untiature, and faced danger, toil and der the operations of the new jury hardships to which they were totally law, au inor of opinion expressiou unaccustomed, and the forbidding formation received through public features of a rough, unknown and channels in all cases demanding the newly settled country thousands of consideration of the courts in New miles across sea. and land.for the sin- Vork no longer disqualifies a citizen gle purpose of doing the will of their from serving as a juror. A premium Uod. on ignorance is no further encouragNone of them came from the dregs ed. The jury in the escond trial of of society the criminal ciass. Many Stoket, was composed of meritorious f them forsook homes of comfort, men awl worthy citizeus, and their aud some cf luxury, find the great verdict will meet with general aps a , bulk of them were of the sober, proval. Worms! ThaJ yu what was the mutter with the mini titli, long hair who was j J j i GROESUECKS J1L0CK, SECOND SOUTH STREET, IIoxor: Mr. James Younsr, accom Mr. hmith, a friend from tali Fan,ci oy farr.ia, called to see us on Saturday last, havinj5 &rriveJ 1)lil vdfly from the coaflU jfr Young was long and favorably known in Ogden a? an attache of the C. P. R.R., who, whctLc'r in a public or private ca- ac,e'1 M a courteous gentleman, Pcit-V' and gained tho respect of the entire community. He ha for some time past resided in San Francisco, i still connected with the C. P., and has returned to pay a visit to former scenes and old friends in Utah. We wish him aud his. companion a pleasant visit. Next Friday a ball will 's be given iu honor of Mr. Youug, at HU. It will be conducted by the Ogden Social Club, which U a guarantee that the affair will be wwrthy of tie guest and of the joccasion, Wood-manscc- SALT LAKE CITY m:lkl3ij -- a specialty OTP . CHINA and... JAPAN ... T E A S OF THK VRY CHOICEST QUALITIES, -- . Imported pirect. to- THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT WI 'Iff D OW IX THE TERRITORY; Stained GIuhm, Green, Orders from the Countrj Eape, r;hoi e?tr bre, Illue, Iltil, O ran Re. file J, pronftl . .. &n4 OF Ja "A S S Yellow, PnrplM Glass Cat to itj uuf tui V-- ? |