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Show ' Slap nn d Cbeclc anticipate an expose of the real condition of our finances. If we are The little Republics of IVili and to be guided by the lamp of expe'Peru Uive uuitcd to give assistance rience, and by undeniable facts which "have been published in these colto the Cubans who axe struggling for umns, the monthly budgets of the Hatred to the indepenJeuee. Secretary Jof the Treasury will after burns in the bosoms of the na- careful investigation prove to be the tions of South America. Insignifi-run- t invention of a fertile brain. as these two nations are in power and influence, yet they have a reStokes Sentenced. spectable navy which can cope with The scene in Court yesterday, After a content of that of Spain. fiiur years', the insurgents are still when Stokes was brought before the to receive, his sentence, was persistent and jlefiaiit, and the en- Judges most solemn. The prisoner's friends couragement given them by the ; him to his seat with promise of an alliance with the Peru- accompanied vians and Chilians will animats them weeping eyes. The unfortunate man A I xhay. Cus-tili- diffi-Milti- e, borders? CoDteuiptiblo iutrigucs aid petty f'olitical schemes, it would appear, ngage the attcntiou of. our national t uthoritics, in preference to measures v.hich may look to the vindication of the honor of the country. Perhaps tin Administration is waiting for a It may be that the ripening apple. 1 'resident is dallying with the fair, ninny queen "of the Antilles. We do not. know, ..But the dignity of the country' js surely ' not', sternly nations naintaincd', when two ?.rc permitted to, contemptuously, dis regard the power of the Great Republic, and intervene in behalf of lhose who 'claim that they are entitled to freedom. There is more occasion for attending to the settlement cf complications on our boundaries than an unwarranted ""ana" presumptuous interference in the affairs of the different States. The American people are, extremely, Ecnsitive,- and the 'announcement that their, impoverished and feeble neighbors have undertaken to effect anr adjustment tf the Spanish and Cuban differ-tncecannot be else than a profound mortification and a at t ur national character. on our Application was mado by Mr. rune respecting six feet frontage on Main Street, the property of the city, adjoinVlnoptr Kitters arc not a vile 1'arcv ing his lot on the north. The matter DrinW, uial of Poor Rum, Whisky, Prcr Pplrita and Refaeo Liquors, tloctorcd, spiced, was referred to the Committee on Public T.um- - and Bweetcned to plcaso the taste, cailoa Dooi'N, Grounds. "Tonics," "Appetizurs," Itestorcra," &;., BKU of all kiniltt, ro to D. WU1TK S Limtlter that lead the tippler oit to drunkennrsa aial O&ilen. Fourth Street, Vrd, The Watermaster's, Road Supervisor's made from . min, but are a true Medlclue, the native roots and herbs of California, and Tolice reports for the quarter endOn Thursday night, Ax Oi'TUAOK. free from all Alcoholic Sllmulantn. They ar Purifier and a ing December 31, 1872, were read and between nine and ten o'clock, as an aged the Great aBlood Perfect Renovator and Invigor-ato- r Principle, lady, who has seen nearly seventy winters, ol the System, carrying off all poisonou accepted. and restoring the blood t a healthy was passing down East Temple street, she matter, The subject of the Street Railroad was was dojgecl by a scoundrel in thu shape of coudltion, enriching it, rcfreshiuir and are both mind and body. They brought up and deferred for,four weeks. i man, first walking in the rear, then easy of administration, prompt in their acThe Auditor's report for the quarter getting to one side and again to the,ther, tion, certain in their results, taio and reliable in all forms of disease. enJing December Cl, 1872, was read. and finally passing in front, keeping up Xo 1'crnou ran ;iho tlicso Hit, The receipts were $5,915.80 : the ex- this style until aftw the rosideuce of the tcr according to directions, and remain late John R. Kimball was passed. Here Jong nnw.ell, provided their bones arc no: or other means, penditure, $5,J)5G.12. the villain turned upon the old lady and destroyed by mineral poison wasted beyond Ui vital and the organs The Rood Supervisor stated that ap- tried to seize her, with all the direct evipoint of repair. Heador Iitti!;eti Dyspepsia plication had been made to open Seventh dences of an attempt ait violation. Feeble ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coujflw. and ugod as she was she made a heroic of the Iizziness, lour Kructa- Street; on suggestion of the Mayor it and screamed so loudly that the tious of theChest, Stomach, Had Taste in tu wus referred to the Committee ou Im- struggle, scoundrel, becoming scared, decamped; llouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of tU provements, and the lady with difficulty made her way Heart, Inflammation of tho LungM. i'uiu in A i Hundred variety of other business was trans- to a house not far off, which she reached the region of the Kidneys,arcand the otlspringj other painful symptoms, acted, and the Council adjourned to Jan. in an In these, complaints It utterly exhausted condition. Our of Dyspepsia. one 20,1873., lmttlo will proves u bcMir informant, who was present when she no equal, aud of its merits than a H ugthy guarantee a reached the more said little house, 'tOT Sec . would evidently have been too much for Fur i'omalo roniplaiii(. in yonn y her strength and would' have killed her. or old, married or single, at the dawu of or the turn of life, these Tonit Piwuate Couut. Court met this We are in favor of the law at all lime?; womanhood, Hitters display so decided an iiitlueuee lha; but there arc cases where a slight step a marked Improvement i.s rood pereeptllilc. morning at 10 o'clock. The Grand Jury For Inflammatory uml 1 It route beyond statutory provisions meets general Ulieiii;aatiMii and Cuut, Dyspopfsia or presented an indictment against A. approbation; and to administer swift and Indigestion, Bilious, Pemittcnt. arid InterChadwick, Jr., and F. Cuzier, on a salutory punishment in a ease of this mit tent Fevers. Diseased of he Blood, Liver. and Bladder, these Bitters have chargo of grand larceny. They entered kind we believe is one of them. S. L. Kidneys been most successful. Snch Diseases tip? a plea of guilty, aud thereupon the Herald, 4th in?t. caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally Court imposed upon Chadwick a tine of produced by derangement of the Digestif Organs. $150, and upon Cuzier $100 with costs. We Accident to Bishop Suaki. For Skin Itivoasrs, Eruptions. TetMr. A. Miner appeared for Adjourned. ter. alt Klieum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, learn with regret from the Salt Lake pathe prosecution Pustules, Boil. Carbuncles, Sore Kycn, Krysipelas, Itch. pers that Bishop John Sharp, Supt. of Scurfs, Diseolorations of the Skin, Htimois An Apology. the U. C. and U. S. railroads, met with and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever qanie or nature, are morally dug up and carried Having in unguarded momenta made a severe accident last Saturday. A enow out of the system is a short time by Hie us these Bitters. One bottle in such ca.s statements concerning Dr. 1. L: Ander- bank had blockaded the Utah Southern, of will convince the raoat iucrcdulou3 of son, of this city, not warranted by the and the Bishop was returning from the curative etTeets. C'lcause the Vitiatcil lilootl when- facts, I da hereby offer an apology to ibe locality of the blockade when the car in ever you hud its Impurities bursting tnrouylt the sklii In Pimples, Eruptious, or Sore: Doctor, and make a true explanation of which he was sitting cillided with ancleanse it when you And it obstructed a:it! cleanse it when it U n the case. Mr. Frodsuatn, a other, the concussion throwing him sluggish lu the veins ; will tell you vfhea. foul; your feelings and respected citizen,' Laving died rath- from bis scat ou to a large milk can, Keep the blood pure, and the health of U.t will follow. er suddenly, and baring received some breaking two of bis ribs. He is not con- eystni uml other Worm Fin, iuTapo t he system of so many thousand, lurking sidered to be in any danger, but is proattention from Dr. P. L. Anderson, are effectually destroyed aud removed. stated tbat I believed tbe Doctor's medi- gressing favorably. Tbe Utah Southern Says a distinguished physiologist : Thcr: is an individual on the face of t'ie cine killed bint. This statement was is now entirely clear from obstruction, scarcely earth whose body Is exempt from the worms. It Is not upon the healthy and traffic is unimpeded. made in haste aud without due reflecelements of tho body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposit tion, and ns I have since become con that breed thesa living monsters of disease. Ho system of medicine, 110 vermifuges, u vinced that I was mistaken and bad no anthelmintics, will free the tysteru frata & Co. for I it, making hereby worms like these Bitters. just ground. Persons cr.; Mechanical apologize to Dr. P. L. AnderBou for tbe 315aud:il7 lay St., San Francisco. gaged in Painta and Minerals, sncli a and Wlmloul. IcuIith and Plumbers, Typesetters, misrepresentation, and publicly declare Miners, as they advunca in life, are subject tbat tbe Dr. was not at all to blame in to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard agaiuM COMMISSION MERCHANTS s r this, take a dose of Walker's Vineuak tbe matter, but on tbe contrary did all twice a week. tbat was possible under Hie circumstanItilious. Kctnittcnt and Inter-mitlcFevcrw, which are so prevaloi.: ces: Mr. Frodsham refusing to take the Jn the valleys of our great rivers throughAM) OTHKlt PROMT K. out the Lulled Statea. especially those ot liie. medicines he prescribed; the deceased Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, TennesPotatoes, 'Eggs; Dried see, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, only took a few doses of any of the medBrazos, UioCrandc, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Hides and Wool icines, and they were, harmless. Tbe Savamikh, Koauoko, James, and many ' SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO. others, with their vast tributaries, throughparticular medicine, which I thought out our entire country during the Summer was poisouous he did not take any of A rent for 5Ioyr California Lm. and Autumn, and remarkably so during Marti noons' of unusual beat and dryness, aru inburg fheene andI'Immkc. All of the medicines were cempounded Cirnyere variably accompanied by extensive deVie refer by Mnuiwmn to D. II. Teem, Ogdcn. rangements of the stomach and liver, and by a competent druggist of this city, other abdominal viscera. lu their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful inPay imrticulur attention to Choice QuiiWties o! and did not contain tuch ingredients as $;th and For 83-t- to anCourt t' Llfe-clvin- repli- Tijrtiv-nes- i Whitehead'! Advertisement. --l- ' Ante Unfolds. I 3Ir. Oakcs Ames took the earliest opportunity after the holidays of making an explanation in Congress regarding his connection with the disreputable transactions of the Credit Mobilicr. What has Train to say ? Where there is smoke there must be fire. " Ring-worm- Scald-Hea- . - f ! Stoves! Stove! two car loads of new 1 Jnt received, Z.C.M.I., , Thkatff ! tur ' ! co! stoTn at Oedon U ranch. . 72-t- f TUESDAY, 7. Wq ! " d 'The Truth Leaking Out. seen Mv. Raymond - was exceptional during the prepont Adnuuistmtiou, thai the ordinary diminution of the public tlebt rvery month during four 'years was not announced. Very well, Mr. Secretary jjftho Treasury! we are r.ot m a humor touarrel uboutrvour t ins of omission and commission-- , at this time of day. '" :"v "' ' ' A dispatch reacived this afternoon p fates that Mr. Doutwell openly declares that the public debt iiucrcas-ing- , and has not rx facto been reduced duriug the last year. Ho s- COM, MARTIN on the stage, and can -- ii;. . Tp f licusc. Gold-beate- Bn-tek- butter" eggs, nt Fruit, 5 up-port- ed sec-so- . -' Butter uwl Chente. y. Liberal Cash A UvanCBsi turnip I thought and represented. I am sin- ou OmMKiiinKnt. Prompt Return given. Ordo Kolicitpd. utibfuction suarantecd. ,,.HoaROHKt . s$341m Charles Welch, our pop- cerely sorry for any injury I may have ular ftrcet Supervirtor started this mornoccasioned Dr. 1 L. Anderson, and am ing at o'clock, from his house in this now certain it was undeserved. city.'to his farm across the Weber, with . . .V. E. Bof.sskl. a wagon loaded with manure. In crossd'J0s3-5- t OgJcn, Jan. G, 1873. ., ing a sloutih frozen over, the off wheel FOURTH Jan. 6, 1873. ' broke through the ice and threw him off Ogdcn, as an excuse that Congress hn$ lips OGDEX, the: wagon, catching him by the left breast.1 En. Ogten Junction': tende too large a reduction in taxes, ' wish In atnfn In ttieciti- - Four Doors from Z C. M. I.f Dfxr Sir lie fulled himself from the wheel, nna uVit ,4 any actcit occurs, it must but in &Q cffort jobs of Ogden and vicinity tbat 1 a.per-h- i GENERAL DEALER gct on Lb flc( ' : undue aa Rut S fif(l with tlifl t rrfltmpnt haste Vt Mcjibcdto mv 1IV cMa u'.iv tpctlv ,m four - in " " U MVI VI ' f 'J j'nttiJii; ,down the revenm's. upon his lowcrmoct ribs were crushed. His husband received from the hands of Dr, HOOTS A SHOES, wVicb'he depend LEATHER and ior ;'din inlying abdomen was badly bruised. Mr. Loftus, l' I. Anderson. Tbe reports that have in becn circulation SHOE FIXIHKGS, are false who witnessed the eutirely accident, lifted him up ihi national ailJ "ndwerved. hWbis kud At the Lowest Prices. Produce look him home. Dr. wagon This is no news to careful observers d00s3-5- t Taken. Amelia M. Fhodsham. P. L Andernon was call el to hi ns,ist- f politi:a)ovoaN which" engage the aiid h'm under mcdiciJ atteudanoe is aim', MiDMtitiT Ixtkrruitios. The nijht cUeutionf.the country at large, W'c doing well. The wounds are serious, but to the house of Captain his early, recov- - watchman caine lave rcifCateJly sal J that the," rcdue- - there is much, hope that w wilt t.wtf.n a ....... I... Owen, at one o'clock this morning, and (.on on he public debt was merely a and useful citizen. REPAIRS KEATLY KXIXUTED. awakened him from his slumbers. The !M y lmwd political ?tratgem. 'Time cause of this sudden interruption was, A . r ii A. . wdn"' luU ax-- navowsax'larett that the r',!d j that a woman, named E. Shannon, who jurtrrh5IIiar "" :i.CTnn. of the Administration to 7tTr7iZ ... .1.-,no- . t had just come by the train, was found Tvnuiw ,t lJ( y,u.-u,.mprince the wrMt Th(. Clirtilia cn. C' ..oiistrxe" by "glit&fiiig S Hgu!S' of Oregon, arnven m town this morning aru:ikon the services of a man to take care gaged HAVE IX MY PusSESflON THE FOLLOW-itbai there was a.uy nijiU'rial decrease ami v.n warmly animal, whirh if not claimed greeted Ly h, number of of her, and to furnish her with lodging and tuken away within ten ditya from jiresent date, ia the "libilki of th4 nation was a fricmis., and board. According to her statement ."a to th liishMt rofpftiwibto bidder t Md will! a11 the s,u a .'W money that. th Uiftrict Stray I'onnd, at Mountain Grueu, li.R. Mann of isalt Lako City, passed ho io:'t inception, and an imposition upon ww o she WM noi Morgan co., L'tiUi, Jiu. loth, at 10 s'olock a ta.i acre on las way r.ast linnd-entthe- eredulitr tf a. eiatidin frantio . wvr and that .. t1i:piI Ou people nld Roivn ?TEIUIS rod and wfcite '"i-rn- , "'-wr vxuwn oi m. Loum, came j "P w,cu New. that thorc i no cbicct m., f trtif .f tlie under iide oC right rar. Kruo t i . tbroueh this chv rhi nmrninn. m, vis- ' l,''ulcs,Cl1 gainst what he called an . ' . . G. WHITEHEAD, ( STllEET, T y 1 - - VI I ! j AID C AS for I;EP HIDES. .& j II 1. k mil i irtmMf ..... j ESTRAY NOTICE. i I n itotu-ribw- l . ,.i - .' M.MI..w.4 ts three-yw- rWr rubers, i ' Hn Yrwteh:," -- r , - T?, 11 !" ; fluence upou thcao various organs, is essenThere no cathartic lor tially necessary. tue purpose equal to Da. J. Walker's Visi:-oa- r Bittehs, as they will upeedily remove the dark colored viscid matUT with which the bowels are loaded, at I ho same time stimulating the secretions of the lit:.iiuu generally restoring the healthy function tf tho digestive organs. livtl. White Scrofula, or Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipeiua, Swelled neck. Goitre, Scrofulous inihuumations, lndoleuc Innammations, Mercurial Ailections, Old Sores, EnipUons cf the Skin, Soto Eyes, etc., etc In these, as in all other constituta tional Disease!, Wai.kkk's Vixkqak have shown their great curative powers la the most oUstiuutc and intractable L--t -- Kitis Btt-TEi- C2LRC3 Dr. Walker's California Vinc- Sar liittrm act on nil these cues tit a manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away (he effects or the inflammation (Uie tubercular deposits) the tircctcd parts receive health, and a permanent cute is effected. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Da. Wai.kkh'3 VtsttiAit Ouin cases of erupters arc the best tions and malignant fevers. Their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous symm, etomach and bowels, cither from Inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc. directions. Take cf tho Eltten cn poinjr to bed at night from a half to one ami one-ha- lf Eat good Douriahinf food, Bueh aa muttoa chop, vem-Bor roast beef, and vegetables, and exercise. They are composed of pnrely vegetable Ingredients, and conUiu lo spirit. safe-guar- d wlne-glasaf- becf-etea- n, It. U. HcDONALO A Gen. & CO., Agtt., San Francisco. Cal., A cor. Washington and Charlton SU., K.Tf. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS A DEALERS. Pmggista ir 7 , - - of prc-ence- testify to his superior talent and abili ties, lie is in every respect an actor of the first cla?s.s We recommend everybody who i can, to attend thu' aThcatre on these tw6 ocwuslons, when they will enjoy a genuine treat. "Rip Van Winkle" has never becn jMirformed m this city, aud we are glad, now it is to be placed on the boards, that it will be in such able hands. Mr. Raymond will be ? by Mr. J. C. Graham, Mr. Dunne, nndothr well known actors from jSU Iiiyke, ind v. lope thi publio xvill show their nppreciation of real talent by filling tne house to its utmost capac- - According to an official statement pullishetl iii thi? journal Uasfc- week,' the national debt waV increased?.! A (jualificatioji ytii made to the;, effect . well-know- arc pleased to announce that the justly celebrated comedian, Mr. J, T. Raymond, who ,has been drawing crowded houses at Salt Lake, and indeed, wherever he appears before the public, has consented to perform in this city on Friday and ' Saturday ; next. Wo have r ?, e s ' - that it -- well-know- :... ed. ; blow-aime- Our old friend, Jos. Hall, Ksq., hag received the necossary documents from Washington, constituting him our bona fide postmaster, his nomination having been confirmed by the U. S. Senate. Mr. Hall has this day perfected his new bonds, a number of our substantial citizens being willing to ben come responsible for such a personage as "Joseph." We congratulate tho new P. M. on his permanent appointment, and hope he will live long to "distribute'' the mail, make good "registers," a safe "lock up," and a first class "im prcssion" on I'nclc Sam and the public. Joseph, long may you wave! PeumaxextP. M. '"; Sco-vill- e, crime charged against him,' and that he did not iutcntinily violate any of the laws of God or m iu. Judge Boardman then pronounced sentence upon the unhappy being, who was doomed to be executed on the 28th day of February. The Judge advised Edward Stokes not to indulge in delusive hopes of pardon or Executive clemency. The finale of a terrible tragedy is drawing to a close, and the majesty, of the law, wit h its terrors, has been vindicated. us 1 Municipal. ; met yesterday, purj The City Council suant to adjournment at tbe new City Hall, Union Square,' at 2 p.m.' Tber were present Ilis Honor LeBter J. Hcrrick, Mayor; Walter Thompson, Esq. Alderman ; Israel Canfield, David Moore, C. W. Penrose aud II. B. Esqs., Councillors; Thos. G. Odell, City Recorder, and Marshal W. N. Fife. Several petitions were read and grant- an was called upon to rise and In the to renewed exertions. what' is our Government doing? swer why the scutcncc of the should not be passed. Stokes Why is its tremendous power not died that he was innocent of the rected toward the settlement of knean-4.itn- ; V h'r Wuuvin U at from the premises. TlJ this tiae undw yrofcr Ore - ' : ... , ... '; , 1KB, DVCKK, I'tri.it' MouLftiln fireeu, Jan. i, 1S7S.. Ofi I''' ill l3r- - Appiitu wuiitn U .All i. Pvtuidkccper. ' i-- '"Ifrt r!:isx of workint iifint'Ie. tntl L(J r.ot either sos, old. imik mure nmiinj ir yon(t In their biai work hr m'li:i:iN, rr.llll PartiiMiism frw. tiirw,.thB t uvtliii; C. StintoR 4 CO., Ii tUaJ, Mair-e- . sO.ij il-.- i'. . A'i-dru- fi |