OCR Text |
Show rwiIY ' ' 7 u 7 : ' i EACE IS COSTLV win ,iKJtip!M a m. r The finest specimen of Brussels laee is so niiMfAfl fl to ronnWo the Ialxr of seven . r u it iv nun 4 : ami on one " "' persons ? 7" . pitcf, rTriTanwTii filfsf T- -n- 4VJ4V 7 1 - 1 : 1 ft - 7l :r-- -;- a a "V- :.:7: ? :: 1: , ; .:- -- - rpmiMAi)BA3iiLMSiitKi ; 1. v -- - x r 7 r - V J::iil n...-7-7- - y i r " IB I 7 7 I i WOMAN'S EXPONKNT. J m "7 r : V V- The thread used is of exquisite fineness, which is spun in dark, undergrdund rooms, where it is sufficiently moist to prevent the thread from separating. It Js so delicate as scarcely to be seen, and tire ..room is so ar- Warranted to be Better . than the Best lm-- r ranged that all the .light shall fall upon the ported, and Give Ample .Siitisfaction. work. It .is such material that renders the genuine Brussels ground o costly. On a piece of Valenciennes not two inches wide, from 200 to 300 bobbins are sometimes used ; and for a larger width, as many as 800 on the same pillow. JJONESEIL PILLS. Purely, vegetable. Nebraska is milking strenuous eiforts to secure Europein immignintsiind Nebraska will be a great; State in ten years if it perseveres in that ioliey, with honest officials' to manage the business. Utah, with less thaii the usual , attractions to draw the ordinary speculator towards it, y an admirable immigration system in twenty years laid a foundation Of nermanent lirosneritv which will be better appreciated a few years hence than it is j i - - to-da- - X." V A y. ; The Washington ' Chronicle" says ; " The Judges of the Supreme Court of the District of 'Columbia in revising the new code prepared by the commission to codify the laws of the District, have ordered the word 'male,' in connection with admission to the bar, to be stricken out, thus opening the wajto women TTo practice in the courts ,,, herc.,, 77 "' ; to-d- ay ' . -- 1 . " : i commenced. The aiux of this journal, will be tb discuss verr For Dins or weakness in ine side, back, breast, or other parts of the system, Subject interesting and valuable to women. It will contain a brief and graphic summary of current new cuts, wounds, sores, etc. Price 25 cents. CON KLIN SALVE. local and general, household hints educational matters,. articles on henlth hiuI d r , vvvYVUVltm,c 7 7' editorials on leading topics of interest fcUitable to ils culumns and miscellaneous reading. ESSENCE OF LIFE cures cholera, diarrhea. summer complaints, coughs, cholics, toothache, and It will aim to defend the right, inculcate sound many otner ills. Price 60 cents. principles, and disseminata useful knowledge. Iho Lightest Kunaing ' . T SHUTTLE 3IACHINE ; In the World. .. . mi inese medicines are for sale, wholesale and retail pUBNISH YOUK HOMES. I would advise the Ladies who want - w vi -- 1 - ng --. DKUG STORE, Miss Eliza K Snow, President of tha entire FchiaIa Belief Societies, cordially apDroves of the ? and will be a contributor to it as she has leisure from to buy fine Parlor and Setsof furniture to call and exarnine the immense stock kept by m 75, - I tlOS'S - I A IRA PfOUTZ, Ag't . Utah, in its Female Belief Societies: has the bst organized benevolent institution of the age j yet, but little is known of the labors Of these Societies. In Woman's Kxvoxkxt a deDartment . . , t Wl" be devoted to reports of their meetings and other matters ui luijerest conneccta Wila tneif WOfkinei . ....... .''ana. t anuJ io mis ena3.me rresiaenu Becretaries of the various Societies throughout the Territory are-rquested to furnish communications which will receive self-sacrifici- Sewa Tine and Coarse. No Spring3 nor Cogs. No taking apart to Oil or Clean it. Send for Circular lo 97 Kimball Block, Salt Lake East Templo Street, and No. M X South Street r : 7 Stitch Alike on Both Sides. H. DINWOODEY, - They have been grossly misiebresented through Act powerfully upon the liver, kidneys and urinary the press, by aciive enemies who permit no opportu-- " organs. Break up fevers, etrengthen digestion and -brisg the rosy hue of health to face; emaciated. Are nity to pass of maligning and slandering them ; and tonic, cathartic, stimulant, and soothe, by removing with but limitod opportunity of appealing to the intne cause or disease. Are safe and harmless in all telligence and candor of their fellow country men and -- t cases where cathartics are required, for either sex. for countrywomen i a reply. young or old. Try them fairly, and you will never Who are so well able to speak for the women of use any more imported pills. Price 25 cents. Utah as the women of Utah themselves ? It w betto ter represent ourselves than to be misrepresented ;''": ' by others!'' BT BALSAM. For dimness cf Tision. wp.Ak or For these reasons, and that women may help each aroopmg eyelids, inflamed eyes, old ulcers, sores, other ringworm, tetters, cracked or sore lips, hands, etc. by the diffusion "of knowledge and information ' Price 25 cents. ' possessed by many and suitable to all, the publica ton of Woman's ExtoaiST, a journal owned by, controlled by and edited by Utah ladies, has been he found yEED SEWING MACHINES. Bed-roo- - " occupy a position which attracts the attention of intelligent thinking men and women everywhere. They are engaged in the practical solution of some of the greatest social and moral protlems of the age, and a powerful interest is United States, and, it may be said, the entire civilized world, to leamfrom reliable sources the views honestly entertained by them oi these questions. They it, though. City. . cleanse and purify theTIdod, stomach and towels.' The bees of Mr. Greer, of Iowa, secreted ,$1,400 worth'. of honey last year o 1 he women of Utah 7 : . - " her numerous duties. 6al Lake City, and at most of the inrougaout the Territory. co-oDer- ati vo storA Woman's 'will Export each number be. published semi monthly, containing eight pages, quarto. First me louowing low rates will; place it withia the reach of all, and the hope is that it mav , ,A valuable that it will be found in not If kept in your stores, ask your merchants to every family in send tor them.-- . -- .TJIVWVII. GHOVES, : DENTIST, i0ffiAerSecond.,yul11 strw,t- - Three doors west of Western Hotel, half a block east of Elephant ' ctoro, bait Lake City. : i , Office Hours from l a.ia. tu 5 .ui. ' TERMS. Strictly in Co-opera- tiY . e stores throu z hout the T crriiorv fur i 10 j viir. wi'j vuv ono rear foi'i"" , RlV) . ii K' i.r. mvuia5: i i vinu i,i i- - nished on commission, or sold at rates advantageous 10 p urcnasers. No subscription received for less than sir tnrtn,. OF FASHION. JJAZAIl It is earnestly desired that the Bishops, Presidents of Female Relief Societies and others interested in a MKs. WlLKISOT, ; AGENTS are authorized to refund the money work ot this kind, will interest themselves in getting FASUI0TA1JE MlLLIKEll AND DitEJLVKEK. where the medicines do not give satisfaction, and up clubs; ten copies fur the price of nine. dUtribute to the Wholesale and Keutt Dealer in MillinerVfraw poor needing the pills at expense o7 Uoods, and all kinds of fancy and Uplo Dry Goods. the proprietor of amount disposed of Address all communications and subscriptions' Sole 8ca.t for the Territory for il'me Dcmorest's lubhshers Womas's ExrosriST, Salt Lake From the Laboratory of rehable paper patterns. Orders from the City. country Utah. paJtcraasunt by maiL Hemovud to the new J . E. JOHNSON, Establishment, 1st South St., next door west of Z. C. il. I. Wholesale Dry Goods Department St, George, TJtalf. . - one-twelf- th so-vT- t : ' ! |