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Show W MISCELLANEOUS. 0 31 AN'S EXP 0 NEXT. The House of - J: - -- has before if an! Commons ',""" i I FACTS AND ... FIGURES. I A admirable measure lor tne. potter protecuou TiLXA8lnistin:0l 3,051,310. cuttle iu 187 of infant life, destined to strike a latai blow ()v the-- sixteen' Hartford women 1m Kks in the St. v n use thirty-tw- o vlslied-- to woiadrneverfa tJth v - hi utraerousvsteinf-ixtbonly They . . unlawis Lrouis High fcjcnooi. :. been naturalized, two signed their " pet" farming. The bill provides that it or mre or to to ior rewaxu, receive retain ful two and real of their ones, La whence, 3fass., employs 14,000 ojera-tive- s one of the under more infants or two age husbands given names of their signecLthe in her manufactories. . a ."11' j' year, to maintain them apart from their pa- : instead or tneir own, Jtuven n me twenty-fou- r England's annual expenditure for alcoadmissible, these six would be rents for a longer time thana license from holic drinks is $540,00000. Estimate, the hours, without first obtaining ineligible. a justice of the peace. This license is only consequential damages" on that. not the to be known that may It many, m lllit (Will 1,illlwlJ ll Ti Il j .wl of a Clergymost expert telegraphers and phonographers to bo granted on the certificate Six. are consumed yearly in the United Statei. other rcsponsiblo parties. v are to be found among women. They reau- - man nr I r months' imprisonment or a heavy fine is the What tea parties and nervmi.-ncs- s type-sett; indeed ily learn to be first-cla.this of for the infringement Iowa is awaitincr a nonulation of OlOOO.- wherever there is indoor work to be well punishment license be tho and may InstantlyTe- 000, which- - she claims to have capacity for done, where sobriety and inteerritv are es- - nilA; is satisfied on her of the the if peace roked justico 55,000 squaro miles of surface. sentiai, there women ought to be employed ; state of an is in child the that unsatisfactory and for the number ensrajred. we 'firmly le- Delaware will vield 1,250,000 peach unlieve they will prove to be more reliable for health. The death of an infant who is of 5,000,000 the product must be basketsA. this year, a 1. ,t n TTi.i tho faithful performance of the duties m der the care of licensed person irecs. l urn win no wiut, tree iui reported. to the coroner, under heavy penal-ti- e pcacn -; eumbent, than men. tree. the with for non-coregu legal plianeo ' haTIeted M3ss lations. .t Of unatics sent to Taunton, rass., durSpkingfielijtI asslr s to bo City Physician. the. past eighteen years, the madness of As a rule, money paid to women for ing Twelve Doctors of-- Medicine in pantaloons 703 caused by intempenjtice and nix by contended for the honor and emolument of jvork, goes for better purposes than that paid! tobacco."- - " " : bleed i n gt he;Springfleid paupers andr wise to menr Av o necu omy io xninK a momeni Ladies, one of your, inalicnablo rights it as they" were, they wero -- ail beaten out of over tho instances, that eomo under our own where the iOOOJOO packs of pins Jhe field by a woman p tho Board of Health obsenation; and we call to mind --women to tell us manufactured go to, especially ns considering, we are told, that " tho majority who go to their daily A'ocations, some to the annually of patients coming under a city physcian's sewing 7 machine, somo to tho counter as each pack contains 3,G00 pins.. The taxable property of Texas U $54,O70r care are women and children, and their sjdQswomen, some to tho manufactories where -- their .exquisite handiwork may be 488 less than in 185S. Xot that the State is cases such as a woman can best attend." seen in quantities of beautifully wrought not prospering ; but the 885,000,000 worth .Society will not tolerate a .woman who articles which delight the eyes and open the of slaves are not counted. objects to live with a drunken, brutal husband. She married for better or for worse, mrses of tho moreTavorcd of their sex: Thee e are 31 3 , 1 0 2 Ind ia nn )ast ured on and though the man becomes worse, she others to the art galleries, to tho cashier's 7 reservations in the United States, at a must pay, tho penaltyv Mrs. Nelsorcf wife desk, and to many moro places which cost of 85,000,000 annually : includiiir offi to fill as cial of Joseph Nelson, near hey 4iro qiuto as competent plundering by agents and others". ,Jving n - Sedalia, MoM unable to live w i t h her lawful men ; and whoso to juoiiar goes It is estimated tliat 2,000 persons anually an invalid mother and find "husband, "tried to live away from him., So- supiort, perhaps peaceful graves a a result of the niur ciety said nay. Joseph said no, and madq younger sisters and brothers at homo. That derous illuminating compounds now.in use. her return. On Sunday, the 17th ult., after lomo devotion never forsakes her tho " Death in the lamp !" would bo a legitishe had returned home, ho killed her. En- strength of her womanly nature endures the mate cry. ' more so tho and sho toils it is tried, lightened society ! .Exalted husband or more, The largest cities in the German Empire chief her on, compensation coming from the ! ought to bo Happy wife? in a better knowledge that; she is using the faculties according to the census of December 1, 1871, world ! . to for a noble purpose. Can the are Berlin, S2S,012 inhabitants; Hamburg, A gentleman being in conversation with given "her 235,305 r Brolau, 208,025 ; Dresden, 177,-02- 5 .a a lady of this city, upon the insoluble ques- brothers of dependent household, as a rule, ; Munich, 160,012 ; Cologne, 120,251 ; as much ? tion," remarked that tho men of Utah pre- say and 107, 575. Leipzig, Mali Pall the tend to consider that women should hold " Gazette-,It will be, says 3ricniGAN has declared that any school in since June with so camen far as they are Peter the district equal rights twojlimidrcd years having over 300 children can borrow pable ; but that ho saw no fairness in the Great was born, and it is proposed to celematrimonial proceedings here; for .while brate with due solemnity the memorable 515,000 to erect a Union school.hou.se, and the woman has but one choice, tho man may day the eleventh of the monthwhich gave tho cry is "Union FOrevor!" with, slight have a to suit '.himself, even should to Russia its greatest Emperor. As usual, Mormon tendencies. Erection will be the ho be disappointed - in his first, second, or in this highly cultivated ago the commem- order of the day.- - " Pomcroy's Democrat." TiiEUE is one mile of rail other choice. The lady maintained that the oration will assume a prominently educato every woman held an ad van tago to equal that, and tional character, tho foundation of two six- - 370 inhabitants in Iowa; to every 111 in Ilupon being interrogated as to what it was. class elementary schools bei nor contemnlated linois; to 467 in Indiana: to 600 in Penn said, in vindication of her argument, that a for the building of which government has sylvania; to 686 in Missouri ; to 075 in man, married or single, has no business to set apart a sum of 2,000 roubles, and for the Massachusetts; and to 1,022 in XowYork. fall in love with another man's wife, but an maintenance of which an cndowTmcntof 7,900 And the life insui-ancrates are in proportion. a woman unmarried may fall in love with and roubles year Is appropriated. A statisti whom she marry A man incarcerated- in the Tombs has pleases, whether ho has a cal, topographical, and historical, account of wife or not That was styled even weights. the city of St. Petersburg is likewlse'to be been figuring in chalk on the WaUs of his The nonoscorE for March is thus cast by published in honor of tho day. Czar Peter's cell. It reads : "In Xew York City the Josh Billings : Tho man born this month maritime merits, too, are not forgotten. An spires of 342 churches, worth $11,130,000, will be inclined tew blow a little, no will imposing stono monument, to be erected at point heavenward. I'm here for stealing a be a domestik man, and will know how tew Lachtcn, is to commemorato his gallant sav- loaf of bread for my starving child." Chrisrok the kradlo and pare potatozo. Ho will ing of shipwreckedi mariners at that place, tian civilization ? collections and bo will set on foot enfor tho marry the only daughter of a widow; and it is said, has nearly teirmillions of will be a good judgo of mother-in-lathe mercantile fleet in tho of Europe, largement He men tminofl fn Baltic A full length portrait, to be painted ductivc will die about tho usual time of life,and industry, to feed ambition, gratify leave a houso and lot with a small mortgago by ono of the first artists of Russia, and a onto it. Ho will never run for offiss but solemn procession with it through the streets revenge, and meet 'the demands of all the baser passions of human nature. What a once and then will get beat. , Tho woman of St. Petersburg, will conclude the festive who appears this month will bo an old maid programmo by which the grateful capital commentary on existing goyeniments and until she Is twenty years old, and then will proposes to record its thanks to its founder.- - the degradation of man's noble powers ! -London is the largest (itv in tbo wnrlr! suddenly put a stop tew this kind of s , Arbor day in Iowa and Nebraska, means far. surpassing all those of nntirmifv. a a! by investing in a yung man. She will ono day set for apart planting young forest cording to Giblxn, the population of ancient Ik? a good housekeeper, and ".know how 'to trees. There is beauty for tho eye, mois- Rome, in tho juuMra pium puaaing with tho bight of its magnificence, wa left ture for plums tho earth and . wealth for comClin win tho : 1,200,000 the wuu ouu r. monwealth in such population of IVkin i mm. nan? nn tn iirr hutw m exand the planting j about forty-fivposed to bo about 2,000,000 ; that of London after that eho will havo to ample of those two States should bo emulais about 3,500,000, over tako her cliance?.n of tho ted by. other communities of the west. population of tho United States. Y rri w tersrt ' iiamejr-iTiKtKii- Ti "V 1 L ions-we- re - 4 A ss A. - er ..nri-i.A-i;"-f- tiW - 1 : - -Sar- ' y- m ah-JTinniams .: r - -- . . . -- -- ajjknltii naru-earne- " ' ' ( o - ; w. bizz-nes- . 1 . , e; one-twelf- th : |