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Show T t; W 0 31 A N S AJ&iftakirivlionra has had 2,000 of her photograph novels have Gcorcre Sand's seventy-fiv- e brought her $10,000 each, exclusive of $50, uoo received by her lor ner plays. Miss Collamer, of. Vermont j owns twenty thousand dollars' worth of raalroiid stock, and votes at tho meetings. A Minnesota woman has invented a fan to be attached to a sewing machineand put in motion by i)over. Woman lias equal rights in Meehlenburg- cn werin. Last year v 1 men and 33 women - tJK-san- ie ; , ieru nyeu, i,oui lasiies. The "Saturday Review" calls the fiishion- - ; rcTt'iving ablellngnon!ia lie, and reproaches the ladies with Hysteumtic deception in wearing z ialst ha i r. 7 VTho London " Spectator is strongly in favor of a woman's university , in England, L - EX P 0 NE N T. THULY Bit AVE WOMEN. ABOUT AVOMEN. engaged it .1 ted women is needed on many of1 life inost important questions of the day. From Leipsic we hear of a new pianist oi the higher order. Ihc new virtuoso is a the islands and on the continent, and whose immnngp profits flrasiiffieiPJitotiIwth question of tho feasibility of One association in the north of England supplies 399 societies with goods ; has 235 soci-- . eties associated with it, and divided a profit last year of $10,000, its sales amounting to $3,793,820. One society in Scotland has 97 retail stores and an annual trade of $1,000,-00- v The capital invested in these societies of it is upward of $10,000,000, nine-tentbeing in small shares- .- They do $50,000,000 of trade and make their own profit on themman. inere are thousands of noble, faith- selves. v ful wives aiid motherswho are doin" reallv more good than so man? thousand lecturers or writors could do with all their HOME. reflecting gems of wisdom and eloquent ap peals for reform. A very old and commonplace word, is it The mother who voluntarily fakes unon herself the training of her children, tho care not ?, : But like Utah and the,-- "Mormon of their hlttfand the cultivation of their Problem," it is a subject that may be reflecminds, and dilligently and firmly applies ted upon, talked of and written about, every her time and talents to the arduous, unre day an(l byeverybbdyy a mitting tasks- of nursery life, and well and lacking in generarinterestr ;;.":;i33r There-i-s wisely fills the mission she has chosen, rc- perhaps, jio ojyheriam ires to more fortitude and strength of char iiig qu earthly things " mother" excepted acter tnan a womamm any other position in which contains so much "kind feelings" life, who, if she is blessed with children, as that little word home" ; and none which places them under the care of nurse or gov conveys a more lonely sensation to the senerness, paying some one5 else for doing the sitive and sympathetic heart than it does greatest and wortliiest work the Lord has when "less" or " sick" is affixed to it. Too much pains cannot be taken by any committed to her care, while she does only the simple and easier part, no matter what member'of a household to make home bright profession she may follow ; and at the last and comfortable, to engender and inculcate is liable to regret haying shirked that no- tho spirit of harmony and affection that blest work for woman to perform, wheu.sho peace and joy and satisfaction may reign, finds it has been poorly done. and thero bo no mockery in saying " sweet X. patient care and con stant application, is storing her mind with the rich gems of knowledge, which lie scattered all over the universe, for snmn nnn tn pick up, polish and put to uso ; ana who, hav-in- g gathered a feu, generously casts a reflection of them, either from lin or nnn. unon her sisters that they may also realize something of the valuo of having a perception of facts aa they exist, such a woman is not the only brave, d help-mefor true-soulo- co-operati- on. i hs et - to-d- ay - young Swedish lady of rare, beauty and ac complishments. Her name is Enka Lie. and the most eminent'' musical critics com : pare her to Clara Schumann. A woman at Danville, X. II., having been notified by the highway surveyor to appear and work out her tax of four cents, made her appearance at thenpointed tUnorarmed : with a hoe, and toiled vigorously till her home."-:::;:--1 tax was cancelled about fifteen minutes. A habitation and its surroundings may bo CULTIVATE THE BEAUTIFUL. While their Brazilian majesties, when at elegant and luxurious, containing all that Naples, were paying a visit to the Azure Be not over anxious to rich : for. al could be desired to please and gratify even srrotto, a man fell overloard and would have though the wealth" of this world can add the most fastidious, and yet, u taste and orperished had not the empress dived after much enjoyment to a naturally happy and der be not carefully cultivated and observed, him, ami at theperil prherowu august life, sweet disposition, it cannot purchase happi there will bo no appearanco of ease or comheld him by tho hair of the head until as ness or contentment for ono who does not fort, and no enjoyment to be realized. Mothsista nee arrived. X earnestly endeavor to have implanted and ers and sifters who think more of being Mrs. Thomas Gurr, of North ville, Wayno careiuuy cultivated, in the mind and heart, fashionably attired, and making and receivCo., 3Iieh., forty years old, with a daughter tho beautiiul plants of true wisdom, faith ing calls, than they do of keeping their houses in order and creating sunshine and of fourteen years, and tho occasional help of anddiastitv. The Beautiful iu nature trees." plants. gladness tb ereinrwiU sometime bo likely to two other members of the family, husked over MOO bushels of corn during the past fruits and flowers, and all tha-ticalculated see they havo had a Wrong idea of things, rail, jurs. u.r by actual count, husked for to please tho eye and gladden the heart is and say with tho " Traveler at the source of o bushels in eight hours, and her daugh ever emblematical of tho beautiful in the the Nile,V ter twenty-fiv- e bushels m the same time. human mind ; friendship and sympathy, O, Happiness J how far we nee x Worth noting ! Had this occurred in Utah trust and love, and all thoso endearinsr. heav Thine own sweet paths in search of thee." what a fearful thing it would have been. principles which servo to make life Heads of families who know how to ap- desirable and its" cares and perplexities enFortunately it was in Michigan ! pfeciato ovenings at homa, can often furdurable. About eighteen months since, the wife of How delightful it is to listen to nature's nish useful entertainment for their little a rather prominent citizen of Wayne count v. ones by pronouncing words to bo spelled, named Voss, died and was buried without a own gifted minstrels warbling out their giving mathematical problems to be solved, of joy and praise Teach the children funeral sermon having been preached over songs to cultivate, as nearly as possible, the same grammatical errors or rhetorical blemishes oss married again, and last her remains. to bo corrected or improved, etc. And by to and let tftom sin learn strains, happy 2 week his second wifo died, and on Sunday this means children may obtain more genu-in- e no was buried if om tho Methodist church with heartfelt gratitude, tWc songs of overpractical knowledge in a couple of hours . of Centervillo. The pastor, wnother bv in flowing, innocent pleasure. even whilo their hands may bo buried oather around you tho beatiufulandlovelv with ttruction or otherwise, seized the opportusomo light task, preparing an article of nature and of artr for their pres objects funeral the for use, convenience, or to assist in beautifyservices of both ence will aid the nity culture beautiful of wives, ana, with tho dead body of the see ing home than is likely to bo acquired in and aro which sentiments, thoughts ond one lying before hinr; ho spoke of the three or four days at school. Besides, they iudes and of and words beautiful prompters nrst wife before referring to the other. aro under the benign influence and partici works, and much more enbanciner to truo pating in the geniaL atmosphero of home, A New York paper tells about a California happiness, than mero worldly wealth. where, also, should be taught and over kept lady who may yet prove a successful rival in view those religious and moral lessons ' to Harriet Hosincr and Vinuie Ream a IX BRITAIN. which contribute so much to the force and Mrs. Cosby, residing in Butte count v. Her weight of character in after life. urst venture in sculpturing was in playing Here is what is beinir douc in and uuu ucr ennurcu, who were making mud in England, as appears from the reports of Mako borne attractive and pleasant to find con grc as held in -- Bol children. will not desiro to wander off pics. Taking a lump of adobe she began to the latu- G. mouem hcau, and was surprised at her suc- ton,. Lancashire, and presided over by enjoyment elsewhere. cess. Then she took a niece of chalk and Thomas Huches, M. F. Tho figures arc x;u- carved auothor figure with no chisel but a couragiug to advocates of tho principle' eve has tmtcrcd U1X)U "A Chineso lunvnnrn'r x x pair of K'issurs. She then bought a block of ry where., rom the minutes of the assem t. trn f Iimiiiulth vnlnmo. It has lost marble from which slnvMiisiiil .in Mrvii bly it apnuurs that ,100,000 workmen in the nonrlv all nf it Mihscribcrs." A figure and a portrait of a bust' which: are United Kiugdoni own 1,500 storeswhose copy "of this ixiper, the "Pckin Gazette," ' are own pronounced wonderful figures. supplies agents in can' be seen in the Museum In this city. taught by their : - ,-- ' o-e- i:--- :-- t s i ty-on- - , en-bo- rn r. . . to-prea- ch tho-pre- co-operat- ion co-opcrat- ivo -- nrio-inn- l - |