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Show vv. "SJ2S3E3 li WO HA N'S E X P ON k N T. HOME AFFAIRS. WOMAK'S .RIGHTS AND WRONGS.' -- ance that just rights should be enjoyed by v all. "1 ' "v::v7V-- : , The agitation of the woman's rierhts Ques In the application of manhood suffrage a If you like the Exponent, get up a club for, it tion aims at a obtaining brrmder recognition wrong is inflicted upoirthe women of these r : ' r: For terms, see last page I for the rightsdf women, as a moiety of the United States, as States one which the wo- now deprived of many priv-- men of Utah do not have to bear. While Contributions are respectfully invited on topics social structure, iieges 11 is contended tney should enjoy, and the elective franchise is enjoyed by 'many of interest suited to our columns; but as our space is refused rights which It is claimed they foreign born citizens .who maybe but poorly limited, to insure early publication they should be snouid possess equally with men. It is a informed on the exercise of that privilege, natural outgrowth of the restless spirit of and by the lately emancipated colored popubrief. ' the age, which seeks to accomplish " re- lation, millions of intelligent native-bor- n that our Grand next 13 is be to It reported Jury forms," real and fancied, in numerous direc- women are deprived of it, simply because summoned and cmpanncled in accordance vnth the tions. There are many rights which woman nature qualified them to become mothers Territorial statutes for the regulation of such mat should possess yet of which she is denied by and not fathers of men. They may 'own custom and by statute law. but more esne-- property, rav taxes, assist in fiiinnortinp- thA ters. At last ! in iriv-dally by the former. She should have the government, rend their heart-strinSecretaries of Female Relief Societies are right to live, and to live purely, and not be ing for its aid the children of their affec- compelled by the force of custom and fortui- - tions, but they are denied all right to say courteously invited to forward3 to the Exponent, tous circumstances to seek a living death who shall disburse those taxes, how 4hat for publication, reports of the meetings and doings that the physical body may be sustained, government shall be conducted, or who shall of the various Societies. And to secure her this right, she should decide on a question of peace or .war which have access ta every avenue of e aud north for cars Railroad Salt for which she has physical and mental capa- - fathers and hus ands. south, street Lake and Ogden, gas works in the metropolis of the city. As it is, large townsro overcrowded But when women seek to essay the role of I - when ; ; Territory in a close' future, buildings "going up with women workers, thousands of whom rcyolutlonistsinsteacl struggle along on a miserable pittance, until they set up one sex as of necessity antago-sheeverywhere,-the starvation drives them to the worst nistic to the other, when thevxlaim. for .wo- and prosperity. fate that can be imagined that life may be men not liberty but license to set at deflanco - Custom has said that woman wholesome social reenilations and nature's Will tij k ladies in the different parts of the sustained.nust only earn a living by a few clrcum- - laws, then they are endeavoring to compass Territory use their influence in getting up clubs for scribed modes of employment ; and although a;wrongibesidawhJeh the ordinary wrongs the ExroNFT2zveraLhave.laid us underoblU there is a reaction against this worso than of the sex sink into comparativo insienifib gations in this direction already, and their efforts absurd idea, the custom still obtains too cance. The subject is too important for any other largely, and the needlo and midnight are much appreciated. " " """ candle arc yet considered, by too many, the than a brief introductory article at present,, ". ... TT Li T I T . juast u ki).n &siay ur. ii. d luenarus was proper appliances of woman's sphere. Cus- - but with the Exponents permission I will K. called to attend to a boy named Walker, of the torn also says that if a woman does as much I tako it up again. work as a man, and does it as well, she must Twentieth Ward, whose face had been bitten by a not PEN AND SCIZZORS. receive equal pay for It, and herein a dog belonging to iMr. C. Napper. Teach dog: wrong is inflicted upon her by the deprivabetter manners or chain them up. Wood carpets tion of a right to which she is justly entifinding favor in New ; tled. York. j;.. 4TnE reign of the Judges" in Utah has been, She should not be held morb responsible .A Wisconsin editor speaks of a wind which least notorious. than if not glorious, at It affords ano manif as much for sexual crime. "just sat on its hind legs and howled." ther illustration of the proverb ; "Man proposes, As the world goes if she sins and falls the The raspberry and blackberry crop in Con- ban of society is she is os- " ' . , , - 1 gs -- ' . reformers. er -- . , ! ' " :'i--'- , - T 11 . 1 1 . lr placed upon her, nocfiVilf AXC.7 line lvnnnsmitn but God dispose." Beaver, the latest sceno of I "WUVMH a uvvu rlniii-vfinLIU uvottu t tu JJ VLlsJ VWli tt 01 ucd cold weather of 3farch. r.V , w.f judicial exploits, has our sympathy. .7 wicKeuness, wnuo ner panncr in guilt, her An old lady says she hears every day of A letter has been received by us from Mona, tempter and destroyer, walks erect and una civil engineers, and wonders if there is no bashed, received, encouraged and it may be one containing niouey, with a request to forward the tosay a civil word for conductors. petted by those of her own sex who would We send the spurn her as an unclean and loathsome thing. Why is a horse the most curious feeder in Kxpontnt, no name is appended. ? Because he cats best when he paper addressed to the President of the Female Ho should be held equally degraded more the world has not a; bit in his mouth. Relief Society at that place, hoping it will roach so, as more culpable, and deserving the se verer penalty. A farmer, to get rid of scwing-machin- o the gender of the subscription. '1 "rrr 11. 1 . The norLE living m the extreme eastern and and in the part of town north-easter- n south-easter- n will doubtless be much gratified with the new meat market in the Twelfth Ward, opposite the residence of Bishop John Sharp,, as it will enable them to procure meat for their tables without being obliged to go so great a distance as heretofore. r School Festtvals in different parts of the Territory, got up on a large scale, have character-iie- d the month of May just closed. Such seasons of enjoyment and innocent recreationhave an excellent effect upon the young and impressionable mind. The earth is not an abode of gloom and misery, as some ascetics would fain make it appear ; nor is it altogether a mass of corruption lightly covered with floral beauties. The bright sunshines and the lovely flowers bloom forall ; and children carry through the journey of life fond memories of - It is hold that by women possessing the right to vote, they could exert a powerful influence in the halls of legislation to rem-- 1 edy many of the wrongs to which they are subjected, and it is rightly so held ; yet much depends upon women themselves, in-dependent of the elective franchise In changing the tone of society and In mould- custom, that all pYu sex may receive ustice from each other &s well as from mon. are Wrongs are not confined to one deprived women the who arc of Class . over class, and rights. iJLc. i " drummers," whispers " small-pox- " when like a cliarm. tn6y appear. Tho basc-baplayer was last heard of at Keokuk, Iowa, where he knocked out a home run, a girl's cyo and a newspaper item' at It-wor- ks ll one fell swoop. W".V4" or four Lffftnffv'" rrrT fw 3'limiiftfl lnta thousand cargoes, an t 47 Jaf?T . Ui WU3 , nn v ,i -v, w r av-m- g -i- - which fa wter.' garments, handkerchiefs, I . A culu V4 Dumutm U"1V lur denrivatinn r trht whlli of w v mv uuvrwxu JJJ i. it sess. And while men hava mothpr. !fnr Via lady to her niece " Good gracioUs, and wives, while the sexes are hnimd tn-aether by ties of affinity and relationship, MatUda, but it's cold. My teeth are actually ho good that is accomplished for the one chattering." Loving niece "Well, don't cuaitcl lw inucu, ur 11117 may icu sex win bo felt and participated in by the wnero : you oougnt them." other. The rich man's daughter or sister is not exposed to the same peril from want as A negro preacher at a Georgia " poor man's often is. To her it may bo a ing told his hearers.-tha- t the v never could matter of indifference whether, her sex can enter heaven with whiskv bottles in their such seasons of pleasure. become clerks, saleswomen, telegraphers, pockets., and unred them to "brine- em phonographers, compositors, doctors and a right up to the pulpit, and he would offer A Missouri farmer attempted to smoke score of other things for which they have ,'em a sacrifice to de Lord." The "con.se- capacity ; or whether they receive half pay quenco was that the " shepherd" had "an put a rabbit, and burned up half a mile of or no nay at all : but to the masses of With LvoHinw nf ihn fiTwm toM twi-h-fl stiff. fence and over a hundred apple trees. Rut -- Twv, who know what each has to endure, ihs out of his ioints. tied up his tonsruo and he was successful : he caught the rabbit. it should be a matter of paramount imjort-- 1 rendered him incapable of holding forth. . ; . -- ww 1 1 camp-meet-t- he - |