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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. ." i:-r;J:U- ..yy: i r Rtrenuoustv momrwu.i.f advocateu, gant'neVdre of men. now without an occupant, for the first time tinetion to the rights and privileges That is not our mission. We have no special Miss Mary P.LTownsend has given $GOr ....There M no wJiiskyhop in Salem, Anil in advocate woman suffraire in Utah, for 000 to the Home for aired and indigent fe- - CV, and there lias been but one hre there in riatvv'' women of this Territory. males, the income of which is to be expen- - ninety years.. ....Irene Zackler, of Keokuk, it is enjoyed by the to contend VeriravimoTifticlaT a in tne support oi single women...... lowa, nas oeen uw.rnru a twMtwtiwmt-uw- is the!., first woman who lar verdict against George Musgrove for against, inflicted upon us by our nusnanua, ia "MfMary-ya-Ilehas made a. of 160 .breach of promise......Perier, Boon and Bau- - thers, brothers, or the male portion of the compurchase '.1 ! A.1. e Jf" 1.11 ...Uni hnmtilflll rf ll. l ,U lainis to champion, me 41..... me- uin, ; and no special iicrus oi, uie puuuc'1lauu in AfJl hul-- lunvaKu uirtrt; wnu 4inin iioiiuuia..u.. mi munity acts Pope has declined money tendered him by cipation in some of the most outrageous throwing down the gauntlet against all comers. at were executed the Italian Government.. ...It is reported that of the Commune, Sartory Yet there is ample work for us to do. There is a killed who Mrs. Gould sold has his interest in the Grand Josephine McCarthy, Jay truth to be disseminated, errors to be combat-tebeen liberated. has to man in Mrs. house is last now who the Utica, Fall, opera Fisk, to be communicated, the right In Persia, tens of thousands of people are to beintelligence and soleowner of the building.. ....The Fall River vindicated, misrepresentations to ie "News" states that four appointments of reported to have perished from hunger in corrected. We do not propose to speak for a ladies to important postoffices with $4,000 little more than a year.. ....The strikes of the few of the women of Utah who with disapsalaries, have been made during the present factory irls in Britain have proved be dis..Mrs. Augusta A. Miller fill in nearly all eases...... Jane Johnson, a pointed hopes or perverted minds may principles is a compositor at South Bend, Indiana. She colored woman of Cincinnati, came to her posed to rail in bitterness-again- st a learned to set type in her father's office in death a few days ago from the effects of honestly entertained by whole community, when only thirteen years old, and a temperance.... ..James Gordon Bennett, the and against a people to whom all must accord . .1 .1 11 J .1 i .n' j t i i . II 1'iiHH. ilaiten ine orner ciay or y,uuu. ems, (great newspaper man, uieu il.l iiiisc veiling hi miritv of intent and sinceritv of Pum)se.W7We Utah at large, shows but two typographical errors Mrs. 7.25 oclock, in the 71st year of his age..... aim to speak for the women-o- f m. a. Jay, of Boston, resierned tier position Edith O'Gormon. the- " Escaped JNun," is in numbered by the thousand, who in a spirit of as one. of the advisory hoard to the trustees this city and - proposes to lecture here on noble have assisted to build up '"' L 7 of the Industrial school for girls at Lancas- - Life in a Convent?! this prosperous community, many of them ' Claflin wasap-- ; ...... ter, and the wife of levere privation andihanlsjiips in so" l - SPLINTERS. U. v nm , --- w - c -- ; pre-emptio- n jn- d, V- - ... success-administration.- In-Ango- ' 1 - i -- ? . la, A. W r A A self-sacrifi- ce liav-iiibr- he ' 11 ex-Go- y. -- potniwi inner place. .....me rortianu Jjaiiy fTSxjn TrTvM i Advertiser" savs that Mrs. Jnne P. Thnrs- - Hi h H U JlAiN b EXPONENT. toiu has ehte red - i nto correspond ence" with Jarl Granville, probably in reference to the L. GREENE, Editor. Alabama claims. ...;.The strikes of the vari- ous trades in. New York have every appear-- doing; and who, while thus engaged laying the foundation of greatness for a growing commonwealth, have been slandered in the most malevolent manner. We are of the people of Utah, and for them : we are of the women of Utah. and proud to be so recognized ; and our object, is to sustain truth, spread a knowledge of cor rect principles and labor to do good, We have no rivalry with any, no war to wage, no contest to provoke ; yet we will endeavor, at all times, to speak freely on every topic of current interest, and on every subject as it arises in which the women of Utah, and the great sisterhood tho world over, are . interested. x; lrkiitr fiiiinr.f.fiil State COllVPntinn ia fHM,l (llinft f A I 4! . meet at 15ail- After a. shooting af-gor, Me., June 18 t Iray in New ork, a few evenings ago, Paul ii)ve, son .01 ex-uo- v. - TO ..... n.. isn . ci T- - 'he price of nine. AdvertUmff rates: Each square, eight f?r l nes of snaee. one time. 2: Dcr month. 83. UUU f Ui Salt J "Pf8"City Addre j ail b U5ino.s conimuDications to 1 Liowe, of .Maryland, was arrested, charged with shooting three men The Coreans, fearing another visit from the U. S. navy have intimated their consent to treat with our Government : . uwJivhers s LxpoxKNt, Salt Lake City, Utah. omajj SALT LAKE CITY, JUNE 1, 1672. SALUTATORY. through the lutermediaey of the Chinese 1 rime. Minister, Prince Kung, at Pekin...... The Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine, have withdrawn their application uwiv vungiess lor an extension oi tne wil- son patent..... .Kev. Dr. Huston is on trial at ppe-cial- ly In .commencing the publication of a woman's ' y journal we realize, in some degree, the STATEHOOD. sibility of the undertaking.' The task is a heavy one, and we can only bring to its performance A peaceable, orderiy, industrious community earnestness, bonesty and such limited ability for nearly a quarter of a centurT ; prosteroug been vouchsafed to u,; rThouglithe firJt cities, towns and settlements built up over an ' number is the issued, extent which of Tl) some five hundred rufuon Z thought country reaching In i bo Pul'lioati"u ,ras miles north and south education ; u,t fostered and i?Adams coun II 7lMc w WoxA-V- g tore f Ex. manufactures a 'much basis 'did of permaand min ,ton encouraged ; damage to or for nent time that sonic a suclia bcheviiig well in prosperity chards, fences, houses, etc......Ai. mimarried wset, developed agricultural a no v,'as and Jounlal vast others and "ceiled, mineral woman wealth being daily seeing step- system, Chicago recently deliberately mur- i xueet measures uerea ner liieiritinmtfi ohi il n a free from debt, aud a i'tuB iook iv Unearthed; Territory ineaui, old...... A short time since a laboring man of toSive shape and form tottieir ideas aud hoj)es, population of over a hundred thousand "souls able to take care of th5msve3TThese are Michigan tried to kill his wife, and sue- - an(J the Exponent is the result, ceeded in killing himself with a butcher- - Tlie large list of names already upon our some of the claims Utah presents when asking and hatchet.... ..Miss M. MilU-- r m fin scrintion book U an vidHiipo hmIi H IUU1- - State sovereignty. The women of Utah, who 'thatv uuvil the reportorial staff of the ".Salem Mer-- nal was demanded by the circumstances and have helped to develop this region, and to make ...... cury.". Dolly Varden', sausages are ad- - the times ; and is encouragement foruS to labor of it what it has been made from an arid waste, vertised for sale at one of the Sjdera, Oregon, dilligently to present for the consideration of believe that Utah should cease to exist and that8 butcher shons......Thfi Vi a paper that will meet approval, and Deseret should be received into the family of the mil water company are taking measures to be apublic States. And though it is not probable that means of accomplishing good. supply Virginia with water from the Sierra In of the failure of an eastern anything in this direction will be done during isevaoa Mountains,..;-.Th- e " Present Age" firm, consequence from whom the type and other material the brief remainder of the present session of and the "Golden Age" have been consoli ror the Exponent was ordered, to ship at the Congress, it is to be hoped that next session dated.... ..The " Elko Independent" has been tardy justice will be done to the hardy pioneer enlarged......It is reported that Grant will time desired, after waiting some weeks the or of the Great Basin. oin ior the admission of Utah, der had to be sent ti California, and the conseshould it pass Congress next session... ...The quence has been a postponement of the date of Oregon State prison nf ?r,nf,. publication for a full month after that oricin- - President "Brio ham Young's seventy-- finds him enjoying excellent hng; hoarders Brooklyn has been swin- - ally decided upon. The next number will bear ond111birthday ' meu oui oi something like $200,000 on late date June 15, and thereafter we hope to issue neaitn ana spirits, just as nearly all other days contracts. ... Voorhees is find him. He dines with his youngest to have regularly on the 1st and 15th of each month. reported abandoned his Utah bill, D. L. Young ; a limited portion of hU admitting that he bo much by way of introduction and explan brother, un.Mt-ana aeceived ; and Butler, ation : and we hope before the expiration of the own family, and Judge Lorenzo Sawyer and ; ot,cr n1 Pdridge are opposed to any first six months, our readers and ourself will b lady, from California, being participants. A friend pronounced him seventy-on- e vwcuu nun utan amurs......A better acquainted. years old ' railroad is projected from Salt narrogauge but still, " Young, as ever." - ' Lake to central Nevada, Reports from OUR POSITION. , Spain say Dr. Houard is to be released and A Yankee doctor has contrived to extract have his property restored to San Francisco " Pioneer' has him.....,The A woman's journal has come to be viewed fl from sausages a powerful tonic, which, he changed its exclusively a medium whieh mmnn form to quarto shape and says, contains the whole strength of the ori- appears in an ele- - rights and woman's through pri vileges must be discus-- Inal bark. He calls it sulphate of canine. S rcspon-compan- i!"? S to-da- T 8te': y, -- lv sub-kni- fe - 1 hf . I 1 a . to-d- ay s.vu u I - . Li; .. |