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Show Vol. I.' HALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, JUNK 1, 1872. NEWS AND L w yiEwa News comes from Frnnpo dresses for street wear are going out of fashWomen are now admitted to fifty Ameri- ion. So many absurd and ridiculous fashions can college. come from Paris that the wonder is thinking Kev. l)e Witt Talmageis pronounced a American women do not, with honest republican spirit, reject them .success as a sensation preacher. entirely. This lat- .... u eusioie mat its imTheodore Tilton says the best brains in i.unociis mediate adoption will be ah evidence of frood i te hats. JiottiieOT w euse ieiy directed. They might wear chapeaux of a more - object 1 he tionable color. bill of Judge Bingham seems to have tared no bettor in tmi I);iniel W.jypwhees inonealay destroyed j w, anti-Morm- on No. 4. Rev. Mr. Peirce,, a Methodist clergyman who has made Salt Lake his headquarters for some time,- - in lecturing east proposed the extinction of polygamy by the introduction here of vast quantities of expensive millinery goods, and by inducing " Gentile" women to dress in gorgeous style that " Mormon" women might imitate them and run up such heavy dry goods bills that it would m impossible for a man to support more - i- hiUtjcai r Represent :tibt5:preaclre5 moaestyjancl auves was wfien he became henchman to a judge tiian ; tne:one.to "iytybycotrvurie stood sponsor. It is gratilyinir to think that ineuoji tlie encouraerement of pride, vanitv wi i a majority of that committee yet Vn AlaUuna editgrwri the and extravagance to nceoniplistiiis,Bhris- respect ed he7advises has instrument tiantleMpl'Iieyrsej and refuses tu write " United States'? a been followed in many plaiest has largely straw to sho wTiowTSoutheni" sent iment runs. still occasionally referred to as the Constitu aided-tO:- mi tion. tenanted brothels; WJiat a state lie must be in ? ken up fimilies, hurled women of Veputa-tio- n Rev. James Freeman Clark claims "that if The season of scattering intellectual filth and position down to degradation and an it to is set has in over the country. It occurs quad vote, women ought to infamy, and has met heavydenUnCiatfonjiL advantage ill have if a it; in the JUnited States, commencing disadvantage men ought not to be from inspired men whom Mr. Peirce profesrcnnially a few months before the Presidential elec oongea to Dear it alone." bpeakmsr from ex ses to revere. I le would steal the liverv of perierice we feel safe in affirming that the Rev. evihtoserveTeligltm in. There is not much Dr. Newman failed to become a Bishop at gentleman is right, and we hope for a time of this reverend gentleman, and what the Methodist General Conference, and Dr. nen mis immunity niay be universally enjoy- there is must lie either very silly or jlittle. very d g and : sisters. wicked. Newman mourns this second great defeat, ed by our ... lie has remembrances of Salt Iake incon We don't presume that those belonging to the The editor of "The Present Age? has 1 nection with the previous one. . uypusue ciusa care anyia ing auout it. been to a church and heard an orthodot serM Mrs. Carrie F. Young, editor of the "Pa monin which the preacher took occasion to Great outcry is raised against the much Latter-day Saints. The cine Journal of Health," has been lectui ing say that all religious " isms," including Momarryiug of the Idaho on Temperance Suf-- hammedanism, Mormonism and Spiritualand 'Woman tendency of the age is to disregard marriage in ' . C mt no indication of inige. iner editor or tne .."Idaho. World" ism, rested their claims for being true" upon altogether, but there seems was not present, but did not regret his ab miracles." The " Age" is a Spiritualist and a desire to have the race die out. The " Alabama" muddle like " confusion sence. lie says, " We feel a most decided denies that his "ism" kisis its clains to be Saints deny worse confounded,, becomes Worse' mixed repugnance to the exhibition of a woman true upon miracles. latter-da- y that Jmsisthe formonism such rostrum, any claim for cre the more it is stirred. It stretches itself upon advocating degrad as in on woman dence theories it miracles and other ; the revorse is the over the path of time, and " like a wounded ing suffrage' J lie omits to state trutn. lie " Age" defines a miracle to be snake drags its 'slow length along." The cognate subjects." whether " Temperance" i3 one of the " de " the setting aside for the time' being of a country has become heartily sick of it. natural law to meet an unexpected emer- - -Some Eastern journals head their Utah grading theories" to which he refers. Force is ever the argument of a bad gency.trllad he ud-- a miracle was"flio " news vith " Deseret." With keen apprecibringing into operation of celtain natunil ation of the coming and inevitable, they ac- cause. 1 he principles which cannot be over laws not understood or comprecept the mellifluous name chosen for the come except by the exercise of physical hended, hegenerally would have been nearer correct. region wrested by that industry which power, present a front that arrests the atten v nen can tell how a natural law "the honey bee" represents, from the barren tion of thinking minds. Where argument may besomebody or can be set asiMp. .Uvpont. ir iim fails and force is employed to overcome an wilds of nature. operation of some oilier natural law, his deft- of the to the opponent, us power a Train of sends bundle Francis principles George mixyjxi, nuau la me jcuerauy receiveu one, Train Ligues. The compliment is appre- which opposition is made is admitted. Will may be entitled to more consideration. Wo ciated, but the. act is like sweetness wasted. those who urge repressive legislation against imagine the working of the overland teleWe can vote, but not for " the next Presi- the people of Utah think of it ? Witness graph is as erreat a miracle to tho Pliowtmo dent of America." Utah has not become the Voorhees bill as an illustration. Indians as' any recorded miracle that tho Deseret yet, nor can it participate in PresiA notable event, as a result of the late "Age" or the orthodox minister can quote. dent making. terrible Franco-Germa- n war.js the opening Mrs. Laura Force Gordon attended the n QOheerman-IJniversityiTho last week of May, 1872, Strasbourg, Cincinnati Convention and, claimed a seat as inAffierican annals as the first time Which takes place June 1st That a delegate from California. Her claim was on famous was the a secession since the first ordinance of Rhine, after siege me- treated with hisses and laughter. She took city !1 passed in the South, that both houses of morable in the annals of warfare, passed a position in front of the stand and endeavin Congress bad their full Hat of members. into the hands of the Germans, and now ored to speak, but her voice was drowned Statesmanship can retain a complete Federal they take the surest means to permanently py a tumultuous discord. Her persistence legislature, but the article has grown some- consolidate their power, by establishing in seeking to address an assemblage that rZ there one of those seats of learning for which treated her claim in such a manner was un what scarce. has become enviably famous. . To pardon the worst class of criminals on Germany dignified ; while the action of the Convento the United condition that they emigrate Susan B. Anthony, it is said, de tion in receiving her with hisses and uproar States, is- - growing in favor with European clared before the Cincinnati Convention met, ious laughtcr,was disgraceful. The Liberal monarchies. Germany and Greece so far that if it gave her cause " the cold shoul Republicans assembled in Cincinnati for a, have done the largest business in this line, der," she would go to Philadelphia and general work of purification and reform, evi- the latest batch of villains thus disposed of pledge the ballots of tho women of America uentiy stooa greatly in need of general rebeing the Marathon murderers from Greece. to U. S. Grant. As the women of America form themselves, in the matter of manners Orders have been, forwarded by President are yet without ballots, and as it is very as well as in politics. Mrs. Gordon was as Grant to New Orleans, to which port it is questionable, if they had them, whether they much entitled to a scat in that Convention understood they have been sent, to prevent would authorize any single individual" to as Carl Schurz himself, for wc have yet to their lauding. They should be captured, pledge them for any candidate, the supposi learn that the call for it specified that ironed, returned to Athens with Uncle Sam- tion is fair that Miss Anthony possesses too "male" Republicans only were admissible. uel's compliments, and a bill for direct and much good sense to have made any such A new periodical in London is called declaration. "The Ladies." 'consequential" damages presented. i3lHilioliticalrecord 6f-a- -l i fe4imeiimfctha.t mry:Mmmutee-oi . i tht-Ho-use . - ..- whicli-Mroorlie- es auiiquaiu-aiKt-one-rever- ; Ll-.-4'--:-- light-lovin- pure-minde- 1 1 m 1 -- -t- o-dayt . yi. -- |