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Show FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER The Saict Lake Telegram. 13, 1903. SCHORMANN'S PLAN EIGHT DEATHS CREDITED 3 STRENUOUS GAME Five of These Fatalities Occur Within the Brief Period of One Week. ST. LOUIS, Nov. Mo., 13. lOtbACunave October ma . Nov. U-- At ITHACA, N. J. meeting of Cornell freshmen. O. Scfcurmann has told the youn tudata how h think they thnui-- Mud jr. Thflr 'ay. In said, ought la bf divided ITeven hours M.;dy. two hour for rr.ml n hour two hours for athletic. re r tl :n and th r.n.ah.irg r'.nM hour t'rPrenhUnt fffi. S hurmtnn m! I tKl not much hard Pik 4 ccOT!jlih-- l cn the " ' ft chair and urtmilv advUe! tt. for f of mi ordinary hard nxlru Becker, October 18th Thornton Wheeler, Auburn, 111. October 21st Robert Lcwln, Haiti-mor- e Medical college. October 22nd Joha Withnell. St. Ixuls University. !ter October K. Sew Castle, Pa. October F. Connolly, Elniira Fi Academy, X. Y. October th John R, Haughton, South Bend, Ind. Octobr Slst-LhJ. Weancy, Eight lives have been snuffed out In six weeks of football playing this year. Within a period of one week no lees than Ave fatalities occurred In different parts of the country. The list is a heavy one, and on Its face appears to indicate that the rule makers have not yet eliminated the dangerous features of the game. If the history of the cases is followed the list loses some of Its up, however, terror. ' Of course there 13 no getting away from the fact that but for foot ball the men would have been alive, but the deaths of at least four of the men were not due to the roughness o the sport. The case of Thornton Wheeler was the old story of the untrained player part in a sport he had- - no busitaking ness in.. Wheeler was SO years old and ha-not been in for the fport contest. The warnat the time of thetrairing ing against untrained men getting Into "the game has been so often repeated that accidents should not be held up to the game if they result. Robert Lewing died from no injury received, but from a weak heart. He was a Baltimore medical college student and in the game with Annapolis, while about to take his place in the line, he fell to the ground dead. An autopny was held and cardiac syncope stated as the cause of his death. Any violent strain might have caused Lewin's demise, other than football. John Withnell's sad death In this city was not a consequence of football roughness. Withnell was kicked in the spine by one of his own side an accident that has never occurred before in the game. John It. Haughton was Injured, supposedly not seriously, in a game at South Bend, Ind.; his death resulted from blood poisoning, not from the direct injury. In nearly all the other cases extenuating circumstances could be noted. On the whole, the number of Injuries to players this season ha been notably less. Is'one of the local men, aside from Withnell, have been hurt this year, that J'- to the extent of keeping the men from their studies. The same holds tr le of nearly every college team in the country that is properly trained. Authorities agree that where trainers and roaches have a team in charge, there is a little likelihood of serious injuries. 23rd-Wa- WIAT Cornell's President Telli Them They Should Give Up Eleven Hoar to Study. Y-- Lake Forest, III. , FOR STUDENTS' HOURS THE BE CORD. TH0S5 It t(iuM be fr Th FOR That Assistant Editor of Outing and His Tarty Have Perished. at ffvn that trd- - it ST. JOHNS, N. F.. Nov. 13. The mail tit1! by iuch a teamer which has Just returned here from Labrador brings r.o n"ws of the expedition to explore the interior of Labradur, headed by Leonida Hub bard. Jr., of New York, o.ietnnt editor of Outing. All the settlers believe th. party perished. A tribe of Montngni Indians, who had been trapping in the Interior, recently visited the ro.W and ty they taw nothing of the Hubbard expdilion, although the Indians went U.0 nl'.ej inland. - N- v rwn n4k I- - - fr 1 1 fir u t- ! t"1 rint 10 r I ( H--- a t, -. but earn'r aeir.sr hlit by tr.ereainnir tonnage rapacity with liitprowl cldr.ery. pour. - t r - k Indonr Game Called Off. gm, Indoor ' aseball whi' h w.o scheduled to be played tu th.- - Armory hall tonight between the National r nuard team and an Th.- Explosion of Dynamite Results in e Capture of Six Alleged lmuif4. Kev. mtird. all-sta- Post-cf5c- l,is, headed by "Shit!-- " c;:"ded off. Tit.- Paard- - s. we-.- vrnbb- hi J- - !: li. r. rii oj ( ..it - r j t; ? t . . 1 i-- f liy ! I IS- fl, o . ..r.l. ti m. H" t !, - ial Inf-rtoat- joii 74 ! I"'- - - I I II- Tmii;k a Tin: 1 a K. ; N,).-- . MTe w. V-t.- tan ar!.itt;iti i triii in.ii ad ai l;. - .ii. . th" ii'Hi.in. ru hii t I. '..!.. Tt 1. el on and vili r at: t'ios. in th. date of It- - !. r y. l t ! .1 c. t- a-.- he - r xi. I.i-u- t, i- 'i .. lt.iii nii'i : i r a if of I. . tn-ti- (.lit of f l - -- ' . n.iti... it ii-- ! f .. ih a.it. P.e I.- - i.t I ll'e ef t'.l.lk. r ' rl ..." i n- irH r 1!." t,.e ,' v S 1 j Im-- jr Lt". ! c x f If f M j II 1 "1 . f The inin t I t.IH - i j m err al rf th lht tiitne fi.tfl to hv wlii.-ih" i rrtrK". ;u that of I !.- - I lie I h of ) nan ar4 p " nt Tir.ioviu Nov. if the in .f Tirn'- a. 1 N -- -tfr Five New lightships. Liphthonsc Washington. Hoard haa awarded contracts for the of live now lightships antliorized by the last Conpres. They will be identical in all respects and will cost psZ.tfM each. The sliii.s will be d. signated by rum-b"i- s not by nanus. tne wdl be for use mf ISluut's reel". Cape Mendocino California. cm-stractio- i'. ! 13 Washington. Nov. 'ri'innaekei- of lndiar.:i h;csRepresentative irn, ..duc-w KiwiuiiiK tor a rerun lion ln the Cotiressional r.pr. sentation of tr,oe Mat s wntcii have .iiscrimlnnted noisti- . i'i.v the nepr.-- It Is understo.vl will harnly be tak' on the t!,:il action tor-tthe bi.I pi campaign. i r- - . 11 "" ; fr-a- i Title to' vVird River Reserve. to-rl- ay t' vi . . tie . t tt S " . r ! - I p. M l! r. I t)fr 1 t"in '.v'' f .re. w. :' w . . rv t t t ifj 1 t "T if - : t ;1 i'i ' i''oe V ' - .(-- I - 1 ; ! K 1. -t T f . ' t - '1 1 1 11 I 1 2 ; 1 i, i ) . .1 h jl.' - tu.-t.-- h (. - 3 ;:.; t rt.tr t sf V. e b-- . . o:. X ni l' n f. . w - - - ! .!- f 1 i - n -- P i'i ..J 1 l; , . crnci: f ! v.-- . tr t t,r. A?D 4. AWtT CtXAKIKO. v t.:"; v.; rt.v. rp t :enr: pw..v, !M rt t!'V; as u irtt p- at rt t'rt V t d tc .Jo ; .n ii Ft - . i wre, r-i- f. AfATmr-a-. .r.; r ).' i . Lai-.- J-- .4 it. i ri. - - 'i j - 4J 1 1 oj. Ami l,t.4 jj, a ' m i "J ..t1 p.. . t ; ( H r ' ji t t v .. f i i?eicti.-fth-Jc- l I ': 1 r: i ; j Re - ; s ,,i t a " t;j: 1 I'f.wt t -4 TOR SALT.-KICCrLLAN- r.Nf 5 ; i . t : o rt l . sp i '. r , t "5 s 5 v .t - it f f r" t: ... t v. ' .1 ! 4. h r t t V ih ti:r,. ; t ? r-- J ;;.- - I c,un if,!- - ,rP ; r . I f p4i.t-- wlif-- t!-- i t?.f r c-- f i'.rc' V t i' ' ,V I -- r 1I .M( nr: 7 p v 4 1 1. 3 t ' t "!. rrnsnt-nr1 ' t.i fa'c w p' urm t to.-.- , RUO STORES. rTt4 Pi t; r . wrisvoi-- 'i ; t 12 a.i - J . j tv tr t f; c , ) " ' .,:- .' tr t ' ' j ( Ii ; - t Kr.tt .Si i : -- .i r,-- I.. ".. ftn.ri; ? rLurr t-r,-. ', U'H UA t r Ptjcf X P if lm tnji. J ojfrr to i.or. fl tilt k enr a n th pri. i'.t uhtil r.cxl :f. ftfvS T i : tt"sr s ' , t, - Ill, 3 T'. KK r . t'3 ; in t rr2 th.it ?,'itrt . v j nr t r TOUJ 3V f.ro' t !"C f ArCTIO?; 1 h Mr. . e, ii.ljv-ari.e- rr z Ii' r t?.. d. . w 1 I t w t 1 . "th Ir truP" ! lit , ! ' iI t .'. f i - '.! Ate 1 :. p i t 5 t 4t r. l:.k tf.r M rr hrrrhv t d;! Rffnirs 'if tl. iss 'tct to th h r .: i ',:! of t.t th- - t ' . tAWi: ' .. ' 1 lulu ifrnrr d ttr ; t;r,v tot. n.-i 'tU !nvot '. '. pre-t,- t- ? LArs and Rcrx.r.cror. i - th re ' t . f y r a f - 1. 1 O pj-vm- f!',) is ... t?. th-- I - 1 : ' . ir ji J ' ,.. - e-- t. 1; i;ivi . f f t P.-.'- .' Mr. H P ir. o-- ; t.-- I'.-.'-- i i t.r p r v . ,,,, t ; 1 r,.i i ! t . dpjf ti t t p tis d. 1 il3i Ai tm 1 1 i : ; w.t,.- ll CHicfijo Store, 118 West Ffft South Sttt. 5 I) Mm ' TO r l.e.s 1 T ft .P"T M t t It-k- !"N - I- ' ? I sf v If - ; rf i ! r. w. ; t; t m r e Ii M t r . t ! : - Jt' IV r . i W. - i ' 1 f"f t...- - 1", . p. 3 t !a j i f , - .'I 4 n f f i SCAVX't-tJCR- 'I'.MillI 4;., ir H-'- ? . f . - p. J't"LNJi!i;: t v.r I j . ; It r 1 t h . rj. w. :t3 pin" U'tiltl i f ; ( r- - - 1 t - pi Inn ?.. i:aocEii t; .("' i- '.vnuor? fr. . if,:t .i; .'':'-;: Mott-- ' ; 1 (;tu 11 f cp 3 ts" i 1 NT OT t1 1 J ir 1 p--'- ' t i 4 ', JOSHED. irtt ft" 1 I': " 1 a ' 1 ; r t; & ti..y AS- - ! . r.Aii. r r Nf 3 ..l.A.v 'i 1 ! - t. W .XI f - - ,t.' tim iriTi, It 1 i V. lr.l t'tS'r... t ftrth. !(.. a I s P At J, :p it rv m t 1 f ;(f.rM ?;., t . 1 - I Rr..VT-r- UR ; v - j V' RE.K T. 1 I.'"tt 1 t 1 T t.-- t j- : 1 c n' e t : n' . 1 TO fnrl ' I rr TOR t t - J j..'-- r m 17 cash RraisTtra. k - -j I i a ' ,. . t I T fa- OSTIOPATHT. 1- an !. ir ; 1 l M:v. r r - . R 1 1 r- i"i..f7.,; rrasoiAi c- if It J , t- - f Washinpron. Nov. 1". In the Serntf a bill was introduce J bv E natot to the Court "of Clapp, for aJjadicsHion the claim of th firTU Shoshone Indians to ttrle to ti:e Wind River reservation, Fremont county, Wyoming rd ' .-s v - - . 4n ' It tl.- - t - Swak-om'tn- I V. - t- ? ?i ,t . Intrusion. , r Negro Bill Up. I I I. -i .' V t r.s t"t ! f .. c i. .S , 1 S t- -- The lt 1 l. t - t"- -d 3;..' i. ; r rnn: t.i !!3ii ! i '. - J sr. PI s. t 4irii K'f I 'irer r .!. ! r- - r P- i j;. 1 I ei.p.iittt'lt .. -- .;r I I have pear. " h.iv th. I . i.e. n rumorl iht Lot t.een found atnor Mima was'.- pap. r the M 1. n';tt r P.t .rf I here by n si i Venper. t h r -' iv -.fr "v nurj, h oisir.iTh" r .1. are f r.- 1; f. The letter wa? a !ri". ! to (Itj. Jof r him. seph It. Hawley, president of the National Tniou Republican commute,. AfPublic Building for Monwr ter Gen. I'. .why went to Washington Vitt ?':sroix Nov. 53 fir 'f lhn t'ii", Ji'i'h tnt r. u ti as Senator th" disappeared a?;. I l.st t Mrnct'-.of kw;M!;: puMic was heUp-,,- ,! ot . jn have 1 "n lot. ; i :. . Workmen takinp wasto from the ell,U Of tile SOIII ll.t. bllildfnp to Fend to the raptnan ia. d out a bulkv Hale Resents envelope v. ! h uas picked by t!.o man fn ehaii..- and taken to up the of!!, .. It proved to b the lo?JK-!,.- ft I rt Is ei.le, the last priapraph tf whi-lead.: "Peae and universal prnyj.rit v. H v as. ti '!! lli i for nt1, Si j.rtlors to consequence, with ennnmv of admin- t o!e ' . 'f..r t I,. the l.urden of tav- istration, wifl li!Vien I "iiNiin rail in Mr, ointf that 5r t ution. while ii on.Mur.tly re.lu. e.s the sf. .u? dii-ourjKlrsc the 'Hr'tl in. t o. ft national debt. Let U'll.lV. Kii'..," . In ntv.fii- i to pl if th- - '..!. The letter is dated May 2?, is;s. h of their oj ji !on ir, ih titiir. on the MlbJ'M t, I - W otii l Ik- - to h )p IT'S HIS PAPER. theni r. otittiite! In that i!Sro tieo, . Teiec-ramowe If you for Th I pay :ut: t ytr. I ark.tji:i.s '.. thalio deliver it to your houv. Mr,lei-l- Hoar loy I ai that in hi r o Vu owe hitn. not The Telegram comall-?h... h had pany. If you ttur.t the jiapf-- utopped, J.o-- l i" i own of of f;l lee,,n II t him to itop it. if vou want your tits to the fa 1 that th y r t.ii address char Red. tell Kim. If yon can't out nate their d. t'rtninatl.n nf catch him. drop him a postal. Ills n.. a to th- S.Uc.t!'-it: fric irl to hi. h Judicial dres appears every day or two In the the rator.s lire th p; !.: relumi.s. Fave It for reference, lie again crnj ared the S r af . to P oar t. nr...! tr nciSn S.ipr '. t w h' th r If that J t was . r Fighting in Africa. ! ti rii.!r,!r,s on p.. rhr. No-l A dispatch from nw r o,ldIt Iniprtatit in ;rman S'jit t: m Afrit a wtvii be 1 -r j rM . r t i.l ! with five m.ri sun uner iht with p t'.ta-th:t Irdiratirs the ,i . of c,,i laet'.- -t n t!i- - march ooimimd rl..-.to l at tit arriva K.-t- m f th from nhoop. Choti. Rehoh ah n. case. if-dr'- -. He adde.J that h t I WindiiocK to Warnihad, have b. Joined s the 115 of the Wlilml patrom and I. t.ot Frat upon It'Ifa iuh; ty hfca-,i?li In the approach.; r? division of vedunte. ron.iPJ;r! ,at'r t.f to W itmibad frtai, I'kim.is. Tla; po!Uon small rnonifrt. hut a ;! of t! Is of tho enemy unknown. iti-- ortancc, mnd Le:caue cf this 1m- tin - tele-erar- , f'f.t - tit no a x'ir'inc NirrJ.T rrr.Niftn i. .. No, : tki 1 Fightin 't 3 BUTTER, EGGS. HAM, LRD. FLOUR. It. 1- - whom Abeel in proposing; h Anderson, marriase to Miys at the (irand hotel in this Sine-"- ' the city. publicity piven to the i of the prcteniled Goe:et of Mr. (P.elet that he knew and the MKs Anderson. Abe.-- has dlsaj.peared. . 5 o?i m . 1 P.-'p- rM R. r. J1 g . .- Nov. irTh.. Conn., hiMoiie h t t r of Gen. Glai.l a. tej,;jjnj the nomination to th" Presidency and New York. Nov. L Formal complaint charging forgery was made today attalnst James Aheel by Itnbett (ioelet. the Duch- t, f ; re 'p w KEKY0N HOTEL -. 'J ' ' 1 ; PiK j 1 to t! - . ;.;i i..f. Ac O'tiUfc, . l Io t r.'e tin th. re M .1 ! . I . 'A I W .. kt) i 1. r ill t t.e J . - . ! .. ' I M th . : t Ii ti If! r W, .! p. l.lt il. n llT!Y;:i online with "JVi i f - tv "ff faf-- t SALT LAKE TURF EXCHANGE 1 t i, ?. Ju3li01; v I I 1. i - . Ct-;:e- . j j r" l b ?i;.-ak- r Under False Name. tie' iUr.e .tit K lb i th" r I If-- l'ftuniTti tr t. t;rij; - ? !.; .lFlie t!ii I utikp-.tt- tnro .xh period I J V TURKISH EAT2IX ,'... l.ik Otf, 1 i 1 . rt""-3- ATXSL CLT-AriN- J I the d m.in t, ui'..,ey, nr. f .. rs b'111'i.'lill.... Letter Written by Grant Accepting Nomination for Presidency in 1SGS Found in Cellar. hc-rois- lay t No K 1 t i'l'lt-- FAMOUS EPISTLE IS RESCUED FROM TRASH NORFOLK, Va., Nov. 13. The t. of J. 1. Curtain and several men on board the torpedo-boadestroyer Lawrence today saved that craft from destruction. A lighted candle left by a workman on a wooden box in the vessel's forward compartment caught lire, which burned much of the Lawrence's woodwork before it was extinguished Ly Lieut. Curtain and some seamen just before th'J flames reached the magazine in which a were Ktored. In quantity of explosives their battle afiain:-- t the (lames Lieut. Curtain and hi.s men were so overcome by smoke that th y. lost consciousness after the titrht was won a?-- were hurried on board the ci ,ii.or Olympia for treatment. Their condition is not serious. t -- fr-- m tn-ti:- V n- ;: ! ! ' ( c y-'--t a i, The Ilacrue Tribunal Adjourns 1 tip . ; r H u i i'. tr.r.;n,i' " i fTH rf r( i it rT. vr.N -- Ai.i. thats g ttl SOUTH ST. V. SECOND n r. l.'.fTt ; ertnxTUAZJST. "OLD BOOK" STORE o-- V" v a-.- .t 25c C'ALLAH AfN'S ! Tm k in ra I; r I 1 i - a- H(i ? IMTH'N. retn ire ni"h t it ,n(i" SK . STORAGE, a t i r r K - s . 't m EcielT 1 . v f i r WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY - - WANTrit-Mr- N ' JUST ARRIVED! Tin: ni;v Moir.t:N 1 - l 5 -i l- ' I P :m tf.. - t c III rr: r'tt xrvi notT.ut efa r'4 lt'r.p.TT tuff"ir f o ni.p Tw 1 N k tv on ?Ni.itANr cA5tt TUMr, or tMtin H"t' r Hi itt . t,. y i'Ji:rr: i.mvvi ttTA?rrr- z- nrLr. r m hr 1 '. 1 r-- I F i ;,,tCT if t " Twti ! Ki--roii- -- . It.!f f V. Hirtlr. r!tr tlgtt, A. Its. 3 t ! C ; i - T n:i'i-,f- . - . POWDER MAGAZINE. -- f r. . 1 inc fmtrrm TYPEWRITERS. on-otl- i- a-- PUT OUT FIRE NEAR np fir--- - i- i a ; ' r!.t.ttrr.a nr.t. mATr. 1i xtn ttr-- v.k . - ref-rri- i o- - revoiu-t:ona?- in ti cur.! J "tl imut. In T- .ist f" 1 A Jiwi.ll" - it-l- Ii-- . i- H r. fff h4 I l' b f J. l r Y ..th to. 4 l r!hr .4. h cotton. The police also found in Palton's possession four pocket maps of this and adjacent States, together with a list of post offices in this vicinity, some of which have r ci ntly been robbed. The postoffice at Sprinar City and Port Kennedy. Pa.. which were visited by burglars last Saturday r.ight, were marked. Other postoffiees in the interior of Pennsylvania have been robbed recently, and the authorities- suspect the men under arrest of being the perpetrators. " (.- - t;.fJ i! th- - Armenian . St. .Louis. In the wrecked house detectives found six dynamite ruses, two skeleton keys, two revolvers and a quantity of gun 13 t and hint llut.t." aI 1 - Nov. if .. U - ; ic woA?c. HT X- HAVrt t t vt.fc hc !. r n friAWS ijtati: ti ; i- . t - i' r on. ftU 5;t VT W'.." in t !- -. .( aJ at"p- -- tf- t : r h n, H : P.k .Ui lew rotlur .- m r r.i:At. TACT STIt.l, RF. VIA INS THAT of of ' wa . r.t -- n Kli-aim- Mint t !o- - t ; J v.- ', .firil thun r- HIl .A I !: liPIIl A ra., Nov. 1 n.A n of late last 0expo".i'-dynamite wreck.nl the house at UiAjt'.ffct '. street and seriously burned Wgi d J:t:v Patton, ased 31 years, of i't. .Mary's, Pa. The police believe the hottsf- - was (he headquarters of a gati.c; of saf.- c rack i s, and arrested six persons who were- in the room in which the explosion occurred. Among those arrested was John" Moore, aged 25, of the t. g i: WIS. r- - i rrn tt i'of cit-- -- ( fit 0'.-- N It I A At t; - p.- Tltn Arra 13. ft! i it; : . " i lf f, ! t : r ''. fi :t U ' t tf.m tr, for? 'Js J J . r." f fc. ft' St" i. o' f.lf t " 0r 'KTK?1V. tu:t. J- - tftl a tlttl- - pet their men to.-thet 1 toniit'.t, and for laach -. of I adxii-!- . that reason th-- " t.i!: ould tiot bo triots, o :. "f '"Slats, howey- r, i. !.! f t Jh.it r n a- i i by Turkish Idl- IP ' f pbte.. the f'.uaids are afraid t t.i his ain. bai Is of At trftitiim In Ai.i Mir.r.r. i .;,r 5 to Ti:- - but' herb " urr I. a. Mr. about k h, at days Tarh ftntjian. Fight Citj'. f p,.( .17.' 1. t ra irrth- rf l:v t ho 1 tiith'.-riibbs. '1'ie wiil rcircp at th- fo.a ,,f Moant A ri. In nv.'ot Kid CaiP r r,. the O! ijill.at- - in a. Ufsir.tr tl... .t. Mr. t'hat-J- l t u t Park et'ty-- i ctnel bout it ' 1: an sai niirht. t'.ibbs lia.x t Mt.ed ttte" t ilrif . - Pifo; Th. Tn' ki?-"!ii. wrh. for t;earl tn u o,t but ll' ' th- - adtar.c,. f bar, ,f ti.-- ' rthat i now in Koil ll. u .Iter i tt, lof.irs. atid l';e th- uckno'A n ,ti at it of op, - ,?)!? (mi l, h'.l by n . of our o, ). ty. In an p.irty McClave Ru'ed Out. hUk-hm'- .' v. h n th ... band arrii at U. kHi- - in ail ,.i l,:c.id. Priiu M, ii, X. J., Nov. V' a oh! t ixiKlate J(,r talMKiek on Mm It u a lromitat 'U Mir JYi' ( o:j . l..iri- .i fron; butch-r- y. ten. was t... one No par. pht iiiK ;iKai' !l Vale Satn-i- l iy t.v the f c. mtllitt.-II l t ;t fil d ' ' KAN SAN STRXXr.N BY JTllil.' oil .o'c.l; it t.t lh" t'J..t -. r f"iir-',i- r I Mis is M s fifth lav REMORSE OF CONSCIEfCE -i c;i r at 'i :i ton. , ess! of RoxburRhe's brother, in said to have impersonated in - o !r. p.. In 1 Nov. :i if .v X, He i r b.nto IPl.a. if th- - ha" - r,gw - jr.r- ! rprn w t.c m .$ r 1 1 r. '' r '. .f t. J I- K. - . i , 4 1 " ? f ac 'ist HAVE A BAD GANG "d t . ! . "H - I'a ts a'v t :t i K r.u:r.t ri St ii;!t n t t'jrr , ' . nrrf.rf IwcjI ti'irn - PITTS i tr IP i, P.. Chutjian. T-- 1' 1 mr "f' j.t i; ' fn-.-- Court F'fRl l ? f 5 . tot ,i tn .! eih-- j Yoms xpH ix t take itt ax; Y h tut-- ! COLD-BLOODEfmra th1- - it and nior. he iromlw that th-- rabbit- - will .. cnfullv KUIt, .1 m.t'.l th.- tniln h. ariiitr the k:ui. which j hito liajr n a. hc. this iai:. it win ti- remembered. th-city,hunters Relief Bind of Fifteen Conveying Aid aft.; prondpir "th.- poor" of &Ut. I,nkel to AiraenUns Butchered, and pl t.ty "f rata.'ts refit. r.amie.t. .I,tl:i imi. Unit Home one threw all Goods Conf.pcnted. of th' rahhits ofr th.' rar on the wav it I fW - w. fcy hit c T MASSACRE BY TURKS D WAS , hi Kt'T tH t nt: :r.n4 $ r, w frlr"lf. r r "'.. h fn f.i.U 1 ji j POLICE THINK THEY if 'f rJ Sf 4. j4 - t- I ufhiir J In t P - . VV, KHkTttAI.I." ih " S Jut ilsw -- ufiial big rahbii h ir.t on Thanki-irlvlrt- r day. J. Wash Your. has made arrant-nt with the San Pedro wffa lal. run a spet ial train to Ft. John, in Too,-lcount v. on that day. where It I the hi.ni;i.s a:.- t rtif.it. Mr. ri"M-- t" n V t,o i iht d can m t f Kifi-!..- en 1 den f m P of KimixaU !" for ktiort b f -' In t ttt Or ! . r.'lf.iKw ,,t not m-.- m a Rat elb irif t.rr of p r t.I of t hof tft" nj i of a dally u manuf tcttirinif oo tn. A 1 a i k h t n- th dti t;.n of 1 r('!, onor tb rU ftoiiit United 't tc Si ft-n lt at" cultinif out of III. - ". !. W aCTe The day laborer Put every tntiair nutn will tw. Th ( flu t en th tonnaf; ' ttuirt, l ow e r. - v-- ty f- - ri-- The c In. tfoii. .h h p ba not bcffi ful!- d. vi r i t nt. I land nt 1) A reduction of Pi ltd 1 tfTcr3-- ) t 01 lor cr r0f.t(t4 t!h mni SI f rrartiT. t trn-- i mn't t'm itir eH 4 It tnv Ivrr.-rftr it" lr.t irtJiti" ff mb.'f timii, j J ii I I a ,,'.f ,', . - b. m I., 1 IsniiriST T p-- t w-- !?. , tit t. I if-- ' r Ihirra i.r.i'rr fr mf 1 t n-llj- l;j,idit g on r-- i Jierr'.--T..- er.- at .!.;! ttlth biUti at the tiw price nf SZZ lor--, end th that the i t'i.intifacturr- of waK rnt- l toj hieh for th pri' I in ju matcriii. W.ue.- - i. in. ti to W fair. tlonaldy a rattr thai h IN TOOELE COUNTY - thn lht ism' m'.. In Je s:j noitrr ft:i ar t i f IK "m4 f?i '.I'm jf rtirk M. r -- 1 1. itneft f 1 coming In N bwKrd m iuuat. nov. ;;t:i. .t d Insytr. Norirn to ntn rcnuc. TH apTrtii:nt I Knrri: "1 ffvoi M.ip4V ft nuM hr "a in HArrnvivi; tt v K;vih KrKlNl. Tin: ttIT4tt i:yj:h I ch,ni;. !)Uflnr-u tlnsti flifur.-- . BIG RABBIT HUNT - w ..rrr- TO RBACH rOR SALE REAL ESTATE, ESTATE. SALE-HE- AL i riTTULT.t;. Nov. 11. lrttT.lnnl iU v matiUfatlurrr i.sy tht the rrdur-tton- s in billet and Kirs wtr tna 1" aftr r. 1 the ..holo jddmtbm w.mi rrn rv-- r Believed th- 7AIsT YOU rerh lh htme ef th belter and urer mtthM l NKWi Reduction of 10 Per Cent Will Ev Poor Corporation $12,000,000 and Ra! Salaries. LOST IN LABRADOR will he wt-- 1 dr.r CONSUMER GAINS LEONIDAS HUBBARD ! to xle:t. Trkriro,column ef H U folr dJ5y ni r:if!4 r.a bo foccf J a tit ttrt cf the fart that ronvlctfcs-- ttT by Th LABOR LOSES WHAT At hoi. Th YOU WANT? - study py.ri"iri. miel " Safe-Robber- lmr,ib: lak vaUry by the PaII ch-U- 21th-Wa- lter 'ID) STRAIGHT IlfTO THB H5KES C? Irdnt tt-lu- Kd-mun- 0 n r: t ' |